lf build "Ninja nurse"
I heard you dont get much bagz.
Google: GW2 ninja nurse
2nd hit
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]
In case you didn’t catch the irony, this is a troll build which shouldn’t be used in serious matches.
What’s funny is that the pure “combat medic” build was actually viable in WvW when the game first released and non-Thief players didn’t understand the Shadow Refuge mechanics. It was tons of fun to play, and you’d actually be very useful in smaller groups.
Of course nowadays we have more lethal arrow carts, min-maxed damage builds and everyone will AoE and Earthshaker the living bees out of a SR landing repeated 5-9k hits on you regardless of Toughness, so trying to reliably revive someone as a Thief is essentially suicide. But it was fun while it lasted!
(edited by Kibbles.9813)
I know here was topic about this build, but I can’t find it. This might be my play style after 10dec balance patch.
Ifyou are serious read this carefully then use your brain to make your own build, the secrets ofthe ninja nurses are not easy to optain.
The basic idea is not to put out raw numbers but decisive actions, interrupt stomps hand out the right boons when it matters and grant stealth and healing when it matters.
Build basics are 0/0/20/20,30, gear needs to be hybrid damage with lots of vitality, do it ninja style do it in a way that even your team will not understand why they won and be as “indirect” as possible.
laets tiart
Nurse power !
oddly enough…i do spend more time rezzing ppl than actually fighting on my thief… ~_~
[Teef] guild :>