most effective leveling weapon

most effective leveling weapon

in Thief

Posted by: mickers.2715


Ive been having a lot of fun in spvp on my thief and want to level him up for dungeons, i want to be able to do hearts and events quickly, which weapon set should i use, i assume bow will always be the secondary weapon because of its aoe. And any utilities that work really well in pve.

Ive played D/P and D/D burst and condition specs mostly so im pretty comfortable with stealth , i enjoy all the weapon sets so im really just aiming to level quickly in my christmas holiday while i have time off.

most effective leveling weapon

in Thief

Posted by: Miele.6537


I enjoyed a lot the D/D condition spec, with caltrops and all that jazz, but in the end, for my playing style, S/P with SB was the best past level 50 or thereabout, where mobs use a load of knockdowns, conditions and so on.

Infiltrator’s strike is just that good if you don’t dodge an attack or are suddenly swarmed by enemies.

Complementing the set, HiS for healing (SoM is also good if you AE stuff with the SB or love pistol whip really much), Signet of Agility mainly for the condition removal, shadow refuge, because I prefer to retreat than to die and I can save random strangers around the world with it, Signet of Shadows, because I’m always in a hurry (and running fast is awesome for levelling), with Thieves Guild as elite, to burst down veterans or help me deal with large pulls or special mobs.

I usually have a Major sigil of Fire for both the SB and the /P, lots of AE damage procs help.

Hope this was helpful, cheers.

most effective leveling weapon

in Thief

Posted by: mickers.2715


cool thanks for info , im going to give that a try when i get a little higher level at the moment im only lvl 13 so ill stick to D/D and switch a little later.

most effective leveling weapon

in Thief

Posted by: Qix.6750


Miele can you post a build calc of your build, iam leveling a thief but idk how i can put my traits

most effective leveling weapon

in Thief

Posted by: reikken.4961


everything that isn’t pistol main hand is the most effective leveling build

most effective leveling weapon

in Thief

Posted by: Asthenea.1546


I second the posting of the build, I’m interested as well! Sounds like fun, I’m getting bored of DD/SB or DD/PP… Need something new

most effective leveling weapon

in Thief

Posted by: Enjoyluck.2618


Shortbow for aeo. Second weapon of choice for me was s/p around lv 60. Past that i started using d/d.

most effective leveling weapon

in Thief

Posted by: Qix.6750


Thanks for the replies.

And about traits ??? I want more Critical Damage !

A build : 0/30/25/15/0 working fine ? With Sword / Dagger – Dagger / Dagger and Pistol / Dagger ????

Always use shortbow at second weapon.

most effective leveling weapon

in Thief

Posted by: Miele.6537


copy/paste link in a new tab or window.

As I said I like to live and don’t like to die often, so I trait a lot towards vitality, dodging (I’m dodging REALLY often!) and surviving, mobs go down easily nonetheless.
Armor is generally power/precision/crit dmg. oriented (berserker at higher levels), but again I favor valkyrie trinkets (power+vitality+crit dmg) for extra hit points.

Thieves are quite fragile, boosting vitality is a step towards a smaller daily repair cost, as it helps against those large hits or accidental wrong moves, but in the end dodging and running/blinding appropriately is what keeps you alive. I like an HP buffer, others may favor more toughness or a mix of the two.

As you see I love having some traits helping with initiative regen, I don’t like being starved for too long (but which thief does after all?).