only class hurts the team if stacked

only class hurts the team if stacked

in Thief

Posted by: official.7362


Thief is the only class that hurts your team when you have 2 of them theres something wrong here and it should be payed attention to thief has been nerfd to the point where its burst is literally lower than more than half the classes in this game with twice the squishyness

only class hurts the team if stacked

in Thief

Posted by: morbidillusion.2759


That’s because the Thief only has a part-time combat role in sPvP. Thieves only exist in the meta because of shortbow 5 and the amount of influence they have on score/points because of decaps. Thieves annoy people in WvW and annoy exceptionally bad players in sPvP so they aren’t allowed to win.

The recent stability changes might be the most blatant ghost nerf ever. Assassin’s Equilibrium, Consume Plasma, and stolen Stability all nerfed down to a single stack. The Necro trait that was already better than AE got a massive buff today, yet AE remains untouched, even though Acrobatics is one of the only trait lines with zero viable GM traits and AE is arguably the worst trait in the game.

It’s intentional, it’s here to stay.

only class hurts the team if stacked

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Well, theres another thread on another forums that suggests a thief is capable of killing 4 people alone. So, following what is being said in that thread. stacking thieves should be VERY viable. Considering 1 thief can kill 4 players, and it’s 5v5…. You can designate 2 thieves to camp the spawns, they will have the power to kill 8 people but since it’s only 5 they should completely wreck them, even if it’s different game modes. Then the 3 remain thieves should just go and cap points.

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

only class hurts the team if stacked

in Thief

Posted by: Toxsa.2701


Surprise Surprise!
In a dgn situation:
2 mesmers team = very low dps in general, thus not viable.
2 necro team = quite low dps and very bad team support, thus not viable.
2 ranger team = the only value of ranger(2 dps buffs) is being repeated = not needed a 2nd one, better bring some other class instead.

In a pvp situation.
2 mesmer team = very low defense on node + repeated roles = not viable.
2 necro team = very bad composition, plus they can’t compete the celestial meta.
2 ranger team = very low defense on node. If you go condition ranger, your team fight ability is very bad. So 2 of them is not viable.

When considered all those, thieves really don’t hurt as much as you stated.

only class hurts the team if stacked

in Thief

Posted by: Donut.6914


Ele and Engie are the only classes that can be duped on a team without hurting the comp.

I swung a sword. I swung a sword again. I swung a sword again—-hey hey that’s great!

only class hurts the team if stacked

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410


Thieves will destroy noobs no matter what class they play. The problem is really when you have two really good players. One on a thief and the other on any other class. The other class should win 1v1 more often than not. At high level thieves main ability is simply decaping quickly because of shortbow/shadowstep.

Without that they would not be in meta for high level play… Go play a hot join and thieves dominate. Play a real match against a team that has been playing since release and you won’t 1v1 anyone unless maybe it’s a Mesmer with their abilities on cd…

Just another noob thief…

only class hurts the team if stacked

in Thief

Posted by: official.7362


sry i keep forgetting to mention i dont want pvers point of views on my threads

only class hurts the team if stacked

in Thief

Posted by: Lamuness.3570


Surprise Surprise!
In a dgn situation:
2 mesmers team = very low dps in general, thus not viable.
2 necro team = quite low dps and very bad team support, thus not viable.
2 ranger team = the only value of ranger(2 dps buffs) is being repeated = not needed a 2nd one, better bring some other class instead.

In a pvp situation.
2 mesmer team = very low defense on node + repeated roles = not viable.
2 necro team = very bad composition, plus they can’t compete the celestial meta.
2 ranger team = very low defense on node. If you go condition ranger, your team fight ability is very bad. So 2 of them is not viable.

When considered all those, thieves really don’t hurt as much as you stated.

2 Mesmers or 2 Engies roaming around is the worst because there are 6 extra bodies that get in the way, combined with stealths and teleports and extra turrets. 2 Rangers can burst from 1500 range. All the examples you talked about are defensive, but when they’re on offense they’re crazy good.

only class hurts the team if stacked

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

2 or more Thieves are good at taking nodes, but not defending it.

Picture a scenario where 2 D/P Thieves alternates while one Thief is autoattacking, the other is spamming headshot, then switch roles when the 2nd Thief runs out of initiative. If both knows their role and initiates with both backstabs, the target who is protecting a node will go down really fast. This is of course assuming that your other 3 members are doing a good job keeping a node.

2 Thieves doesn’t work if there is no communication between players and there are no assigned roles. If these Thieves plays a lot together and communicates well with eachother, I can assure you that these Thieves will cause the profession to get hit with another nerf. ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

only class hurts the team if stacked

in Thief

Posted by: SultrySofia.3126


I just had to pop in and say something because I had a necro tell me and another thief on our team to switch to another class. He said we had an “83%” chance to lose. No idea where he got the numbers but I digress. I whispered the thief and told him to switch decaps with me and he agreed. We had our team ahead by about 150pts until our bunker guard and warrior decided they wanted to run around the map like chickens with their heads cut off. Needless to say, having more than 1 thief doesn’t mean you’re going to lose.

only class hurts the team if stacked

in Thief

Posted by: Ensign.2189


There’s nothing fundamentally wrong with two thief comps (at least, any more wrong than a lot of other random solo queue comps). It tends to exacerbate two major sources of player error though:

1). Too much emphasis on team fighting. If you have two thieves and try and fight 5v5, you will almost certainly lose. Both thieves need to be rotating very well and keeping the entire map under pressure – the other team should never have four, let alone five, people in the same place without sacrificing two points. If one of the thieves doesn’t do their job and allows the enemy to fight as a team, you will probably lose.

2). Over-rotation. If you load into a match with two thieves and an engineer that says ‘going far’, the game is probably over. In any match you need some players harassing and decapping points (creating 2v1s, etc), and some players holding points (so that someone is there to make a 2v1 with). If your non-thieves are over-rotating, the thieves have very little they can do, as they cannot be the point defenders, and they cannot rotate to +1 fights if there aren’t any fights in the first place.

If you get a match with 2 or even 3 thieves where the other two players understand their job is to defend points and wait for the thief burst to show up, it can be a rather effective comp (assuming, of course, the thieves know how to play their class at all). It’s just a lot easier to screw up by making really bad decisions.

only class hurts the team if stacked

in Thief

Posted by: Nephrite.6954


If both thieves know what they’re doing then you’ll get a really quick win. Lol had a ranked match yesterday with2 thieves on our team 1being me and other being a good d/p thief. All we did was asked about each other’s build and wished each other luck… Few minutes went on and we were leading close to a hundred point. No one from the opposite team was able to touch home because of how the thief and I rotate. We were everywhere in the map. We even crushed a troll ranger that was using settler’s amulet(those guys take ages to kill). Mobility and team work was our best tool, we worked as one lol

only class hurts the team if stacked

in Thief

Posted by: robertul.3679


Only celestial heroes are stackable.

only class hurts the team if stacked

in Thief

Posted by: glock.6590


2 bunker condi rangers can be stacked for side nodes. 2 power necros too for a crazy team fight potential. 2 DPS guards is insane vs a burst comp .

Thief and Mesmer are the only classes that will hurt the team a lot if there’s 2 or more of them .

But I think its not a big deal considering you can multi class and swap depending on your team comp and enemy comp. Only being able to play 1 class in conquest is not enough unless you have a stable PvP team .

You should at least be able to play 1 roamer and 1 bunker/bruiser.

6’4’’ Master Race. I am Above You.