personal thinking about the theif
P.P. S: Oh yeah, 10 seconds of fury and 1 might for 10 seconds every 40), NO TEAM buffs is really frustrating
Here’s your freedom -> healing thief
Spam 2 on a random field for buffs.
(edited by Cost.6917)
It is called Venom sharing.
If you’re team is willing to go along with the idea. You can basically give them 8s of might that last quite a while with 60% increased might duration runes as well as life steal, and debilitating effects. If you take Thrill of the Crime, you can give them fury, swiftness and 1 stack of might as well. With Bountiful theft you may give them Vigor, and with Shadow’s Protector you can give them regeneration.
As a thief you may give Might, regeneration, Venoms, Swiftness, Vigor, Fury and of course, Stealth.
With just 10 in DA you get Might on Venoms.
With 30 in Shadow arts you may share those venoms. Since this applies to 5 allies, you’re basically sending out 40 stacks of might. Drop 30 In trickery, and you would also be giving Vigor, Fury, Swiftness, Might on Steal, every 36s or you can go into Acrobatics to increase the duration of the Might you give or delve further into DA to increase the frequency of venoms and give them an added tick.
If all else false, Drop Smokescreens/Black Powder/Shadow Refuge and give some combo fields. That either A) stealth or b) give them life steal to heal with.
(edited by ensoriki.5789)
Equip Signet of Malice, caltrop, D/D and shortbow, and dagger storm. Plant aoe around you, dodge/avoid big hits, and spin to win, you will tank large number of mobs. Works on lot of bosses too, i’ve solo tanked alpha doing that, wasn’t graceful but it works.
I find the best role thieves have in dungeons is to combo your group’s fields. Spammable blasts, leaps, and whirls is a big help fromt he dungeons i’ve been in, thieves can do finishers better then any other profession imo. AoE stealth is also helpful. We have no hard heals, but if a ranger place a healing spring, i can bring a whole group from low to full health in a few seconds.
Really wish they’d fix Shadow Protector. Would be a really nice support trait and self sustain if it stacked duration like normal regeneration boons do.
Team play isn’t just about boons. If you can apply conditions like weakness, blind, or cripple, anything to keep the mobs under control, your warrior type can jump in and mash things to bits. Your team will appreciate that more than bringing some boons to the table when they can bring their own boons already.
You have a spammable blast finisher on SB #2, and spammable area weakness…