Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^
recently back after ~3 years after builds
Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^
So basically your didn’t even play to begine with haha. Wvw builds and all others are on metabuild forums but try stay clear of condi cancer d/d spam though
Fat Disgrace (banned) Man Flu Survivor – war/The Cabbage -Thief (gunners hold / [TaG])
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
Didn’t even play to begin with? pffft I played for at least a year, hence the ~3 if I just go off the 201X part and not bother with months and such :-P I’ve been trawling through metabuilds, figured It was worth asking here as well though since discussion and the like can be super dooper useful over just looking at a list of builds :-D
Jadeikins: Friendly neighbourhood Thief
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^
Lady Nikh: The Goddess of Victory ^_^
Sindrener – Rank55 Dragons/Orange Logo/Team Aggression
My signature has a build for P/D assuming you buy HoT…which you should probably do. Core can work but will run into problems competitively.