s/d bandwagon
2nd that. been using 3 sec daze since the first time we had 3 sec revealed lol
But seriously, it’s my favorite set. I loved using the evades to make a warrior feel sad.
I always used to love sword builds, particularly S/P. But then Pistol Whip was murdered, and I had to swap to something else, so I chose D/P. But with the major improvements that S/D got this patch, I’m definitely going back to the sword, and will probably stay there for a long time yet. I just hated how S/D’s Flanking Strike felt so weak, but now it’s definitely been buffed a bit, especially with the dodge roll improvement. Can’t wait.
I always used to love sword builds, particularly S/P. But then Pistol Whip was murdered, and I had to swap to something else, so I chose D/P. But with the major improvements that S/D got this patch, I’m definitely going back to the sword, and will probably stay there for a long time yet. I just hated how S/D’s Flanking Strike felt so weak, but now it’s definitely been buffed a bit, especially with the dodge roll improvement. Can’t wait.
Yeah, I have always stuck with s/d d/p for PvE and S/p SB for PvE. Sword is just too good to pass up.
I missed you while I was on hiatus, btw. D: I bet the forums were lonely.
But seriously, it’s my favorite set. I loved using the evades to make a warrior feel sad.
Now we can’t chain the evades Q_Q.
Sd has been my main for over 1500 pvp games
Now what to do about this trick shot nerf
Made level 80 4 days after official release. I think I started using S/D D/D about the level 40’s.
The Infiltrators strike is one of my favorite things in WvW, because its almost impossible to counter the return.
Love this update because so many are now discovering what Ive loved about the sword for so long.
Great movement, Condition removal, Boon removal, Forward hitting AOE, Daze, and in the days of haste, it was just as good as D/D is a straight fight against multiple enemys, if not better because of the AOE.
Its been my weapon of choice for a long time.
It was my first weapon set I used when I started back in the 3 day early release
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
I still prefer D/D. Now they need to make Death Blossom cooler.
I think you people are related to chuck norris or sumthing. Where`s the dmg coming from with the s/d build? Flanking strike? LOL? The boon removal is meh at best and the daze is mediocre considering ur exiting stealth with it. OMKG thief in hide run fur ur lives! KABOOM – dazed…And ur opponent just went “hahaha that tickles”.
I think you people are related to chuck norris or sumthing. Where`s the dmg coming from with the s/d build? Flanking strike? LOL? The boon removal is meh at best and the daze is mediocre considering ur exiting stealth with it. OMKG thief in hide run fur ur lives! KABOOM – dazed…And ur opponent just went “hahaha that tickles”.
Yes, boons mean absolutely nothing- I mean, who cares about, like, 25 stacks of might, right?
I think you people are related to chuck norris or sumthing. Where`s the dmg coming from with the s/d build? Flanking strike? LOL? The boon removal is meh at best and the daze is mediocre considering ur exiting stealth with it. OMKG thief in hide run fur ur lives! KABOOM – dazed…And ur opponent just went “hahaha that tickles”.
Yes, boons mean absolutely nothing- I mean, who cares about, like, 25 stacks of might, right?
out the way more might stacks for me then!
~Eliana Veilstrike~
Yak’s Bend (TBE)
so basically instead of mashing 2 you mash 3
S/D from the start. I love playing an evasive swashbuckler.
I think you people are related to chuck norris or sumthing. Where`s the dmg coming from with the s/d build? Flanking strike? LOL? The boon removal is meh at best and the daze is mediocre considering ur exiting stealth with it. OMKG thief in hide run fur ur lives! KABOOM – dazed…And ur opponent just went “hahaha that tickles”.
wheres the damage from? Are you kidding me? Did you even look at the stats?
Prior to this patch (I haven’t logged on yet) flanking strike would hit almost as hard as backstab.. your looking at 2.5k initial, 5k 2nd.. The sword auto rotation would hit around 8k, and you could have thrown in a 5k steal (prior to patch), 2.5k cnd and a 2k tactical strike
are you getting the picture? look at the stats before you make stupid claims
my char is named chucknorris so maybe he has special powers
when i first started playing my thief in spvp i was rocking S/P combo and i really liked it. But the more games i did i really started to notice the weakness of pistol whip, and i must say i was deeply saddened. i dig the thief sword skills i love infaltrators strike. While yes i switch to Dagger Main hand for Heart seeker spam when the target is almost dead. When i was playing with the sword and dagger combo today i noticed for the first time i was killing HGH engies and Guardians, and salivating every time i saw a warrior pop signet of rage. Heck when a warrior bunkers behind their shield i still hit skill three because the 2nd attack in unblockable and hits pretty kitten hard. I like my thief again its fun and exciting. <3 my Bountiful Theft + Lacarious Strike combo yummy yummy boons.
Most of them are really bad. I saw at least 12 thieves tonight. All were either running pure zerker d/d or S/D zerker with some HP mixed in. I guess it’s because everyone seems to be new to it, but S/D zerker just doesn’t seem like a good build. S/D PTV + zerker trinks is pretty deadly though.
But nothin beats good ole P/D or D/P :P
I can always rely on it
How would you guys say that S/D is working in pve now? I haven’t really done much with it as of right now, but it sounds like it’s mainly a pvp buff. I wonder if I should stick with S/P.
Pity S/D no longer makes you special.. Still, I’ve used it since BWEs and I’m not going to stop now
I’ve been using Sword/dagger since closed beta, top that.
S/D since CBT here also. Moved away from it in PvE with the Revealed change since my usual rotation became stupidly awkward, came back after the revert and the change to FS/LS. Here to stay. <3
Resident Thief
Been S/D and S/P user since prelaunch. d/d are inferior ~~ (ikittennow how to play sword main)
Been using S/D+SB (proof is in my post history) #yoloswordswaghipster
That said, couldn’t care less about S/D bandwagon. It is significantly harder to play effectively than D/D, so most bad Thieves will either continue to run D/D or they will unsuccessfully try to run S/D.
Semi-off-topic: is anything more funny than a bad D/P Thief? These guys crack me up.
I totally agree with the OP.
I also used it before it was cool.
Been playing S/D off and on since beta 2. Couldn’t be happier atm. But all those larc. spammer might just end up getting the skill nerfed. sadface.
Meh. Play all forms of thief, main class since the I got the game in October really. Been playing with S/D again, but still feel D/P has more to offer. In WvW SB is hard to give up for the interesting places you can port yourself to. Sometimes i’ll run D/P, S/D though.
Speaking from strictly a sPvP perspective…
I was always partial to S/x, but when the Pistol Whip nerf came around, I moved over to S/D, trying many variations of S/D builds. Still, on occasion, I would run around with S/P and Tripwire, Pistol Whipping with glee. Less reason to do that now with Larcenous Strike.
I was never a fan of glass-cannon burst D/D, though I did run the weapon set and variations of the build from time to time. You know, for (the dark side) science. ;)
For S/D, the GC-like burst is not there, but I find better results with irregular warfare tactics coupled with constant pressure. With those weapon sets, I feel have more options to fight more classes.
I feel more validated winning fights running S/D and D/P (it seems that SB is currently a weaker option).
Actually, the argument might be better stated that the losing opponent has less to complain about since they did not get killed by a glass cannon Steal/Mug+CnD+Backstab burst Thief.
More often than not, there will still be complaints. There is just something about Thieves…
we all began as something else
(edited by xmtrcv.5236)
I started using S/D a few weeks ago when I bought the game. Suck it hipsters, no one cares.
Been using before it was cool as well.
And ppl thought I was crazy for getting Infinite Light on my thief (Paralyzation Rune ftw)
For looks, I paired it with a berserker transmuted AC dungeon Dagger, that blue glow plus gold dust from the sword look AWESOME together. I use Sigil of the Night for 10% bonus damage on the dagger as well. Synergy!!!
Garrett Ward – 80 Thief / Roland Ward – 80 Warrior / Tacitus Ward – 80 Necro
As for damage, what do you get when you add the 10% extra damage when over 6 initiative, plus 20% when less than 50% health, plus 1% per initiative (Trickery 25) together?
You get CRAZY sustain damage on a weapon set that you consume ini as utility not for your damage primarily.
Cleaving like a truck my friend, cleaving like a truck.
Garrett Ward – 80 Thief / Roland Ward – 80 Warrior / Tacitus Ward – 80 Necro
And ppl thought I was crazy for getting Infinite Light on my thief (Paralyzation Rune ftw)
My only problem with Infinite Light is it won’t get the auto-upgrade to Ascended stats if/when Ascended weapons are released and it costs almost the same as making Bolt.
Other than that, the skin is far superior to Bolt (imo).
I hear that Xirin.
I was excited that this patch was going to fix some weapon icons, but still no fix for Infinite Light, looks like the default sword still.
Garrett Ward – 80 Thief / Roland Ward – 80 Warrior / Tacitus Ward – 80 Necro
I pulled my Wooden Sword out of the bank recently. Now THATS a skin!
Been using before it was cool as well.
And ppl thought I was crazy for getting Infinite Light on my thief (Paralyzation Rune ftw)
For looks, I paired it with a berserker transmuted AC dungeon Dagger, that blue glow plus gold dust from the sword look AWESOME together. I use Sigil of the Night for 10% bonus damage on the dagger as well. Synergy!!!
I was actually 50G away from my Infinite Light when I decided not to because reveal nerf. I then did something really stupid and lost all 750G to the forge.
Biggest GW2 regret
Been using S/D for a long time now and I can say it just got a lot better! What was already an excellent weapon set for PvP/WvW just got even better.
Nothing like getting an Elementalist and stealing his 40 sec+ Regeneration or stealing from a Warrior just as he uses his signet!
On the topic of skins, I am trying to use a Fiery Sword+Incinerator for all the fiery fun :p
Tarnished Coast
I’ve played my fair share of some of dat s/d but what i find funny (through spectator mode) is that no one even uses cloak and dagger anymore.
This thread blew up >.>. Boss.
Infinite Light! LUCKY!
I’ve played my fair share of some of dat s/d but what i find funny (through spectator mode) is that no one even uses cloak and dagger anymore.
How do you figure? getting dazed by Tactical Strike all of the time now on my Necro.
I loved sword and a balanced thief build before the update for PVE/PVP but flanking was the fly in the ointment for me because of the movement. Now S/D is my perfect set.
Been a sword dagger fan for quite some time now. (Crafted Bolt w/AC dagger)
and refuses to spare the life in return for the surrender at discretion (unconditional surrender)
of a vanquished opponent.
I was actually 50G away from my Infinite Light when I decided not to because reveal nerf. I then did something really stupid and lost all 750G to the forge.
Biggest GW2 regret
Ugh that’s horrible. That’s part of the reason I decided not to go legendary, didn’t want to deal with the precursor.
Garrett Ward – 80 Thief / Roland Ward – 80 Warrior / Tacitus Ward – 80 Necro
I miss FS this new thing is horrible can’t evade with this… 4s Cd. or spam 3 2 times. either way your dead.
Been using S/D for a long time now and I can say it just got a lot better! What was already an excellent weapon set for PvP/WvW just got even better.
Nothing like getting an Elementalist and stealing his 40 sec+ Regeneration or stealing from a Warrior just as he uses his signet!On the topic of skins, I am trying to use a Fiery Sword+Incinerator for all the fiery fun :p
Already there Finally picked up my incinerator just as the reveal nerf hit, I’m literally over the moon that they reverted it
Forum power!
<—- S/D fanatic since ~October ^^
Link some builds people
[RET] of Fort Aspenwood
So many hipsters using it before it was cool… :O
always been fan of Sword\Dagger set..
this is the most fun in so many situations
here’s my “Ninja Style” Thief
but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!
Been using S/D for a long time now and I can say it just got a lot better! What was already an excellent weapon set for PvP/WvW just got even better.
Nothing like getting an Elementalist and stealing his 40 sec+ Regeneration or stealing from a Warrior just as he uses his signet!On the topic of skins, I am trying to use a Fiery Sword+Incinerator for all the fiery fun :p
Already there
Finally picked up my incinerator just as the reveal nerf hit, I’m literally over the moon that they reverted it
Forum power!
<—- S/D fanatic since ~October ^^
Congratulations, it looks awesome! For me it will take sometime to get the precursor for this…
Tarnished Coast
I am not really sure about their overall power, but I started using S/D when I picked up thief a few weeks ago b/c the play-style is fun. I wanted to try something besides my D/D ele, and because the style is very similar (great speed, great evasion/hopping around field, decent sustain) I really enjoyed it. It really requires you to watch your enemy and know when to use your shadow-steps, steals, regular evasion, and evade-hit well. Plus, I like that the weapon set has access to stealth for positioning and mini-resetting the fight in PvE, but isn’t super-cheesy with stealth. Its like a tool to be used occasionally rather than something you do all the time.