s/p thief encountering d/x

s/p thief encountering d/x

in Thief

Posted by: Merril.7620


Roaming with this build: http://intothemists.com/calc/?build=-c;4VwF_0J5R-Fd0;9;49T-T-2;005A;128B;15N0-U;9NCGv-A;0S;1VhVlWqXv2147a5iWQ-5VW8aNX8a;9;9;9;7kkkkkk;9;1Ek3y

Is there anything I can change to defend against dagger/perma stealth thieves and mesmsers.
The trait shadow’s regeneration pretty much nulls all of my damage and I have a heck of a time not being 3 shotted by bs/cnd/bs.

I really want to run s/x in wvw and I’m happy with my stats.

Appreciate any advice

s/p thief encountering d/x

in Thief

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

When you see them black powder IMMEDIATELY use Head Shot. If you’re managing your initiative correctly you should be able to have enough to interrupt their heartseekers before they can combo, and the same goes for mesmers and stealth (note that they gain boons in stealth). As far as actually killing the d/p thieves, try practicing chaining Pistol Whip + PW/Infiltrator’s Signet + PW/Steal. This is usually enough to perma stun any d/p thief and down them within a few seconds. As for condition mesmers, you may as well not even bother fighting them. They’re VERY powerful right now, especially with the buffs they got to conditions December 10th and their new heal. Luckily they still lack chasing capabilities, which is why you need to prioritize thieves over them. You can’t run from a D/P thief (to a certain extent.. my s/p build is made for chasing/escaping and hasn’t been caught be anything yet), so you need to kill them or find a tower to hide in if you start losing control of the fight.

As for general fighting, the rule of thumb is just as it is in chess: the moment you’re reacting to your opponent rather than your opponent reacting to you, you’ve lost the fight. This is especially apparent against difficult opponents like the d/p thieves and Condi mesmers you have a hard time with.

s/p thief encountering d/x

in Thief

Posted by: Battou.7832


I think 10/30/0/0/30 would be stronger against them. I have won several recent thief fights because of the extra steals/dazes. Head shot is crucial against the trolly D/P builds.

Thief Scoundrel “Hraffen”
[RET] of Fort Aspenwood

s/p thief encountering d/x

in Thief

Posted by: Gwalchgwn.1659


Running 30 in DA with devourer’s venom usually kills them too. Make sure they waste shadowstep first and then use devourer’s venom. Laugh at them being stuck ^^

Ring of Fire
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]