senate’s Double Pistol Boon Thief [Build]

senate’s Double Pistol Boon Thief [Build]

in Thief

Posted by: senate.8126


senate’s Double Pistol Boon Thief

I use this same build for PvE, WvW, and sPvP, and I’ve had excellent results with it, so I figured I’d submit it for some peer review.


  • 1% more damage per initiative, 15% total. 10% more damage at 6 initiative and above. 20% more damage to targets under 50% health. 10% more damage with pistols. You should be stacking all of these as much as realistically possible. Compare these bonuses to your power. 10% more damage on a character with 1800 power means you’re getting a 180 power bonus. These are important, as you’re dumping 30 points into Trickery and missing out on a lot of stats.
  • Withdraw awards Vigor, 4 initiative, and a random 10 second boon every 15 seconds. This makes Withdraw, without a doubt, one of your most valuable tools. You can get 10 seconds of protection on a thief, what’s not to like?
  • Steal awards 3 initative, 10 seconds of Fury, Swiftness, Might, 15 seconds Vigor to you and nearby allies, and steals two boons for you and nearby allies. 32 second cooldown. On demand Fury is a cornerstone of this build. Again, you’re giving up good stats to go 30 into Trickery, an extra 20% crit chance when you need it is huge.
  • Extreme ground speeds. Lots of vigor = lots of swiftness, quick-turn Withdraw excellent mobility tool, extra initative = more Infiltrator’s Arrow. Steal can be burned with no target to proc swiftness. Make up for lack of stealth by outmaneuvering the vast majority of other classes without totally wrecking your effectiveness in battle.
  • I’ve messed around with Ricochet and I’ve come to the conclusion that you should just be swapping to Shortbow and taking a more useful trait.
  • Critical Strikes 20 is really up to personal preference. I’ve been taking the Fury under 50% health.
  • My PvE stats are like mix of Zerker’s and Soldier’s at about 70/30 ratio. I think I have that Karka Celestial thing in too. Not important, just favor power, crit, and and a bit of breathing room on the side.
  • The boons you get from stealing are given to nearby allies, always try to maximize this effect. Consider landing Steal on a target who already has an allied thief on him attacking him, or better yet, into a crowd of allied players. Everybody loves free Fury!

senate’s Double Pistol Boon Thief [Build]

in Thief

Posted by: senate.8126


[Reserved space for future notations]

senate’s Double Pistol Boon Thief [Build]

in Thief

Posted by: Zeoli.3402


@senate, I love dual pistol builds. I built one yesterday to stack power/crit/condi/vit and focus more on debuffs, it works well in pve. I love the idea behind this build. I’ll have to try this and i love withdraw and pistols. However I will sacrifice some crit damage for more power and condition dmg.

Weird thing i found was my crits only dropped about 100 on average between stacking crit dmg and more power.

But awesome stuff, i love the trickery line and acrobat lines