shortbow thief builds?
try something with zerk and high mobility build
high initiatives, high crit, high vigor
I wanted to experiment with venoms, but ended up trying out traps instead. Needle trap, tripwire and panic strike are really nice tools to kite people to death. But it still fealt squishy. I was using carrion, and the warrior npc certainly didn’t cause any problems in the mists. The thief on the other hand…
Elona Bonechill – Necro / Fionna Gymirdottier – Guard /// RoF
I too would love to see some SB builds. However, I feel like SB is more of a tool and is meant for group play.
Shortbow seems like the AOE ranged option for dagger dagger or sword dagger/pistol etc.
I’d like to investigate the potential for using it as the AOE weapon switch to pistol pistol.
The only problem with some of the thief weapon skills is that they inflict bleeding or poison (dagger 1, 3, shortbow 2, 4 etc) So fully bursting builds don’t make full use of this.
Poison works just fine with zero condition damage. It’s mostly useful to reduce healing, and to lay down a field for someone to exploit.
Dagger 3? Yeah, that’s hard to make good use of in a power build. I hear some folks use it for the brief evade in some cases.
Ratbag Dogsticker (Guardian)
…Yak’s Bend
Ahh okay, cool point.
I wonder whether it would be worth investing some condition damage for the bleeds on dagger 3, or pistol 1 + shortbow.
Or whether the pure bursting damage potential far outweighs anything that the condition damage stat could add (in regards to dagger dagger or pistol pistol +shortbow switch).
On the shortbow power / crit is more effective.
Nearly all weapons work well on a power/crit build, only P/D is more effective with a condition oriented build.
(edited by frans.8092)
Ahh okay, cool point.
I wonder whether it would be worth investing some condition damage for the bleeds on dagger 3, or pistol 1 + shortbow.
The generally accepted answer is… nope, it ain’t worth it.
If you are only applying two conditions, they’ll be easily cleansed. Condition builds need a bunch of different conditions applied. Moreover, maximizing damage on a power/ precision build already takes three stats, plus some vitality. Those will eat your whole stat budget. Stick with power, precision, crit damage and however much vitality and/ or toughness you feel you need to keep upright.
Ratbag Dogsticker (Guardian)
…Yak’s Bend
SB 4 does not break stealth, neither do caltrops, go figure.
With SB you are next to unkillable in pve, most champions in the game can actually be solo`d useing a SB, it just takes a while.
For leveling bleed builds are really good d/d and SB. d/d has the big advantage of haveing 3 different finishers.
Below 80 your stats do not really matter, get the karma PVT wvw gear (rare) every 10 levels and you are set. Chose the traitlines below 80 for the uitility you like to have, increased range on steal, endurance refund on dodge etc.
If you want to use SB a lot at 80 continue to build for utility, SB is a utility weapon, play to your strengths not your weaknesses.
Good luck.
If you want ranged, P/P with Ricochet & Sigil of Fire can aoe-tag fairly well, and still offers sustainable burst for single-target. It might be easier to tag with shortbow (with auto-attack), but it’s also slow, and if using cluster-bombs, also unreliable. I would only recommend it if you want an easy option for getting kill-credits.
I off-hand SB myself for utility, and it’s extremely useful in that aspect, but would never expect it to outperform P/P under most circumstances.
Venomous Aura Build
SB and D/D set
With the new healing skill I tried a new build around the Venomous Aura trait. The point is to support your party through venoms while doing a really good amount of condition damage by your own. This build is focused in PvE and WvW. I haven’t been able to try this build in WvW but even with the short range of SB this should work fine offensively, sharing venoms and trying to catch off guard some enemies, but where it truelly shines is defensively.
There are some variants to the build that I haven’t tried but I want to, like Leeching Venoms, spend more points in Deadly Arts for Quick Venoms, and some changes in the gear. The build I’m using right now may be not the best since is still in constant change.
I do not recommend this build for PvP unless your team is well organized but you still will be doing nice damage if you want to try it.
Sorry for any grammar mistakes since english is not my natural lenguage and I hope I could help you.
Kirito Wolvesong – Mesmer
Kiba Wolvesong – Thief
What about using a s/d with short bow? I’ve heard that sword got nerfed no idea how bad really (my first actual try for a thief here). It seems like it could be good for dungeon runs due to it hitting multiple mobs/players. I’m not the type to just be sitting in the back firing away I do like to get close and personal as well. I know there may not be a “viable” sb build but a build that uses it frequently well would be great. Sadly I’ve never been a big fan of WvW but I’m trying to get more into it. Honestly don’t really know why I don’t care for it much, kind of annoying. =oP
Also what about a d/p with sb or s/p they both seem viable with d/p u have that nice blind and with s/p the stun and aoe atk.
At first I know I won’t be that great so besides zerker armor what would make a good secondary set to use till I get used to using zerker, if I should use zerker at all? Knights? Cavalier? Carrion? etc.
P.S. Thanks for all the info and help so far it’s been very helpful on my continuing journey as a thief.
tbh you’ll be using your sb a lot to run through dungeons/open world so there’s actually no need to build specifically for it. I’m camping sb to flee mobs and blast stealth constantly in Arah. Just swap to your fighting set (s/p d/d or what have you) when the boss starts. that way you can show off your rainbows no matter what
The armor set people largely suggested earlier was PVT (a Power Vitality Toughness), which I believe is Soldier. It can be bought for karma every ten levels or so in plenty if areas and gives some nice survivability.
I also love the shortbow, especially in groups. It’s great for combo fields your team mates lay down (I run a lot of dungeons with an Elementalist, and she will often toss down a combo field for me to spam sb 2 on, making the pair of us able to stack up a ridiculous pile of might or burst heals, while she drops a conjured weapon for me to swing with until my initiative comes back), and one of your best emergency dodges/teleports when running through sections of a dungeon. Shortbow 4 is awesome for poisoning, especially if you burst off of the field for AoE weakness on top of it, and sb 3 is a heck of a gap opener.
In other words, it gives a lot of survival and party options to you. When most people say “utility” that’s often what they mean.
D/P would absolutely work with the Shortbow. If you open the fight with D/P and use blinding powder, then you’ll have another combo field ready made for you. Also, D/P’s dual weapon skill helps open up distance so you can swap out from D/P to the shortbow and be at range.
Personally, I usually run S/P and Shortbow, swapping out either the sword, pistol, or both for dagger as the situation warrants. It just seems the most universally effective to me.
Oh, and since you’re new-ish to thieves (welcome btw), let me suggest picking up Shadow Refuge, Signet of Agility, and Smoke Screen. Shadow Refuge is the most team friendly stealth power you have, grants regen, and has all sorts of uses from safely resizing a downed friend to steal thing and running through the most annoying parts of CM explore. Signet of Agility gives a meaty boost to your crit chance and will refill your endurance when triggered, which we can agree are both very nice things, and smoke screen is an awesome power so help defend or escape from ranged enemies, and you can burst finish off of it to give AoE stealth at the end of its duration to give your party more time to close gaps or escape, making it great for the shortbow.
[…]but I also like how short bow works on thieves. […] I guess I would want a build that would synergize really well with sb where I would use it quite frequently in pve/wvw.
Well first off, don’t listen to all the bads that think shortbow is lacking. You can kill people perfectly well JUST with shortbow, but it takes a bit of skill to pull it off. If you can muster it, and become ambidextrous with shortbow and d/p, then you will upgrade your unpredictability factor tenfold – which is absolutely critical as a thief. Every time a thief goes into stealth, everyone prepares for a backstab – hoho, I say to that.
The trick to shortbow, like the trick to d/p, is to land your stealth hit (thank god its a lot easier to hit with shortbow). The stealth shot allows you to do so much with shortbow, but mainly it allows you to clusterbomb their face. It’s absolutely critical to have poison via choking gas on your target. It also helps tremendously to have sleight of hand as you will be using steal + clusterbomb a lot, and it helps to interrupt critical skills and throw off your opponent – that 1 second daze timer gives you some breathing room in melee range as well. Not only will you be using clusterbomb, but you will have your steal items as the center-of-attention. This is why I LOVE shortbow. It offers a bit of a different playstyle because (if things go right) you can easily land those pesky but great steal items. The playstyle is a lot like an improvisor, where they pick out the steals that they want the most at any given time. In any case, it’s great fun.
Clusterbomb is such a great skill. Its damage is substantial, it hits like a truck (about 5k reliable damage each hit in spvp). It’s aoe, so it hits stuff like stealthed characters. It’s 3 individual attacks (detonate), so it overloads things like aegis or blinds. It’s a blast finisher, spammable at that.
I recommend bringing at least 2 stealth utilities (i wouldn’t go more than 2) for this to work and basilisk venom for pvp. The typical 2 stealth utilities are hide in shadows and shadow refuge, but some thieves choose to bring withdraw, shadow refuge, and blinding powder. I recommend basilisk venom because it’s like the big brother of surprise shot. The trick is to hide it from your foes. This can be tricky because you have limited access to stealth in a shortbow setup, so you don’t want to blow all of your immobilizations in one go. In the downtime between stealth recharge and revealed debuff, you will be auto-attacking or using debilitating shot when needed. Also shadowstep is great with shortbow to confuse your foes and give you time to setup your bassi.
As far as gear, just run your typical burst setup of power precision and critical. Flavor survivability of vitality or toughness to your taste.
Oh and one more side note: when fighting other thieves using shortbow, their steal is absolutely critical to maintain an edge on them – just keep this in mind. In fact, it’s pretty critical that you land all of your steal attempts when using shortbow.
Oh and one more, one more note: Shortbow wrecks PU mesmers. If you can nab their steal, the protection and aegis help tremendously with mitigating the residual damage after dodging their phantasms – just remember to apply it when you’re in stealth. The only thing that hits hard is scepter 2. Keep in mind shortbow stealth attack tracks people even when they are going into stealth, so if you get revealed after a surprise shot, feel free to clusterbomb away. Also remember to try and interrupt their mass invis via slight of hand. The better PU mesmers will distort before mas invising, but that kills their clones so yeah.
Hope this helps!
(edited by Chicago Jack.5647)
Honestly, there isn’t much of a hope for short bow as primary. I tried a while back on about 7 different builds and 3 different gear types, but I never found it close to par with the meta builds. HOWEVER, if you want a good ranged guild, try full dire gear with dire p/d and short bow off hand. It is an amazing build that has high armor, health, and condition damage. The build I’m using is a variant of one I found on YouTube. Just YouTube Laela Blackbird (not me) and use that. Also watch how they play. It is pretty easy to get used to, and is good in 1vx’s and champ soloing (I’ve soloed about 10 champs with this build, so far, and all of them WERE lv 80)
Oscuro Tanque~lv. 80 Guardian|
[RaW] Kaineng
Thanks for all the help so far. Right now my thief is level 58 (22 to go!) and I’d like to find out about wvw meta builds with short bow. Most likely I would be more of a solo roamer taking out stragglers or picking off soloists when I get the chance. I have heard that a lot of thieves add some soldier armor or the like for extra defense and am curious about these meta builds. For the most part I ask about a meta build due to my lack of knowledge on thieves. I do hope to learn a lot more on thief on the way and will hopefully learn from the meta builds to help construct my own build along the line that I would enjoy. That, though, is a ways off for the time being. So, what is a good meta build that synergies well with short bow? What gear stat mixes are recommended along with trait builds and why certain traits were chosen? Also, any videos of the meta build recommended would be great to view and better understand the class. Thanks a bunch. So far you’ve all been very helpful on my road as a thief.
Just wanted to say thanks again to all the people that helped me out here. I finally finished making my thief a couple days ago and have been enjoying it. Found a build that Incinerator had posted that works rather well in wvw and pve. Finally here’s a pic of my thief and maybe I’ll sneak up on ya in WvW or pvp sometime. =oP