staff problems and suggestions

staff problems and suggestions

in Thief

Posted by: messiah.1908


hi guys
after testing the staff here is my comments on it in pvp area

AA skills
1. dmg need to be increased a bit like the sword at least so 30% more base dmg
2. whirl finisher is nice but hardly useable in team fight as thief cannot handle the hit
3. the last attack PS seems to delay any other skill you want to use for short duration
4. HS with no stealth beside utilities is useless, trapper rune and traps doesnt work as you loss to much dmg and defense abilities. the idea is nice but staff need some stealth combos . instead of KD i would use it as KB
5. the vulnerability should be 1 in each attack and not 4 in the last attack

1. 450 range is not correct. seem like 350 atm as from 450 range i never hit the enemy
2. weakness need to be 3 sec
3. 3 attacks hardly ever happens so reduce the number to 2 attacks and increase the dmg by 33%

1. needs more dmg 10%
2. evade range should be 450

1. range of 600 seems to be like 500 as i never hit from 600 range
2. should put also smoke field at target location for 4 sec (gives stealth ability with bound or vault
3. dmg is very low but if smoke field will be available than its ok
4. if not smoke field than KD aoe with 5 initiatives. than thief could be very useful i CC area and not just zerk dmg moving the whole map area

1. ok so far

overall atm its hard weapon in pvp with no inherent stealth ability so atm seems like pve weapon set

staff problems and suggestions

in Thief

Posted by: BFMV.3198


Dude if you are having trouble on staff you are doing it wrong. I can beat most classes using it, it is really solid in pvp.

I am sorry but I disagree with the skill 4 having a smoke field. This is not a stealth weaponset, it is an evade weaponset. Read my changes to see how staff should be done.

1. Remove the evade from skill 3 and add it to Weakening charge. Weakening charge having the evade instead would make a lot more sense, especially since it is quite a slow skill.
2. Speed up the animation of Weakening charge and decrease its aftercast
3. Thieves do not have access to stuns apart from pistol whip. A staff seems like the perfect place to give us this. Remove staff 3 and exchange it with a charge stun of 600 range.
“Charge forward with your staff and deliver a crushing blow to sun your foe”
This gives us a chance to land vaults and weakening charge.
4. I actually really like skill 4, it fires fast, does decent damage and blinds. I have seen some suggestions for a smoke field but for once I disagree with this as this weaponset does not need stealth, and it would just detract from its main use.
I saw a suggestion for a “Smoke cloud” which seems like a great idea.
“Create a cloud of smoke for the caster to hide within, evading and becoming immune to incoming conditions”.
Duration: 1.5s
Radius. Radius: 240
This allows us to deal with conditions and gives us a decent way to mitigate damage with the blind.

staff problems and suggestions

in Thief

Posted by: messiah.1908


Dude if you are having trouble on staff you are doing it wrong. I can beat most classes using it, it is really solid in pvp.

I am sorry but I disagree with the skill 4 having a smoke field. This is not a stealth weaponset, it is an evade weaponset. Read my changes to see how staff should be done.

1. Remove the evade from skill 3 and add it to Weakening charge. Weakening charge having the evade instead would make a lot more sense, especially since it is quite a slow skill.
2. Speed up the animation of Weakening charge and decrease its aftercast
3. Thieves do not have access to stuns apart from pistol whip. A staff seems like the perfect place to give us this. Remove staff 3 and exchange it with a charge stun of 600 range.
“Charge forward with your staff and deliver a crushing blow to sun your foe”
This gives us a chance to land vaults and weakening charge.
4. I actually really like skill 4, it fires fast, does decent damage and blinds. I have seen some suggestions for a smoke field but for once I disagree with this as this weaponset does not need stealth, and it would just detract from its main use.
I saw a suggestion for a “Smoke cloud” which seems like a great idea.
“Create a cloud of smoke for the caster to hide within, evading and becoming immune to incoming conditions”.
Duration: 1.5s
Radius. Radius: 240
This allows us to deal with conditions and gives us a decent way to mitigate damage with the blind.

probably you playing hot join and not full group pvp
the evades on vault also seem bug as i can get stun/daze mid air and not finished my animation in 0.5 sec evade frame time
also every thief evade skill in slot on number #3 skill slot
every weapon set which is useful in pvp has stealth ability d/p and s/d
both s/p and p/p are not useful . i wonder why

staff problems and suggestions

in Thief

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Staff is the highest damaging weapon on the class and the spam attack is potent. The “problem” is that it has a ton of wind up similar to the warrior. Dodge the vaults, watch for Bandits Defense and annihilate the build. S/P tears it apart.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

staff problems and suggestions

in Thief

Posted by: messiah.1908


can ppl who do tpvp group play comment on it. it seems like you talk in duel perspective

staff problems and suggestions

in Thief

Posted by: Straegen.2938


can ppl who do tpvp group play comment on it. it seems like you talk in duel perspective

Paired with shortbow the build traverses distance faster than any class, the Staff has excellent AoE (for a thief) and more usable finishers than other weapon sets.

While it isn’t as potent at holding a point as many other classes it is the best build for that work in the thief class. Thieves do not synergize well with other builds aside from damage output but this is about as close as it gets.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

staff problems and suggestions

in Thief

Posted by: messiah.1908


can ppl who do tpvp group play comment on it. it seems like you talk in duel perspective

Paired with shortbow the build traverses distance faster than any class, the Staff has excellent AoE (for a thief) and more usable finishers than other weapon sets.

While it isn’t as potent at holding a point as many other classes it is the best build for that work in the thief class. Thieves do not synergize well with other builds aside from damage output but this is about as close as it gets.

agree with DD trait which i make me move around to the map like crazy
but regarding dmg and finisher its hard atm cause if i vault on the point i risking to get cleavse traps well dmg
i often see the sb working and p/p more than my melee weapons unless its a finishing blow

i also like the staff but i need more group support than d/p which got stealth

staff problems and suggestions

in Thief

Posted by: Straegen.2938


agree with DD trait which i make me move around to the map like crazy
but regarding dmg and finisher its hard atm cause if i vault on the point i risking to get cleavse traps well dmg
i often see the sb working and p/p more than my melee weapons unless its a finishing blow

i also like the staff but i need more group support than d/p which got stealth

Thief is always going to struggle with AoE based classes. P/P damage is pretty anemic even with chained unloads but does allow a thief to stay ranged most of a fight which is great against trap builds and mesmers. Gunflame, Rapid Fire, etc tears it up though. Ultimately a thief has to make compromises and has no chance against 1/3 of the builds no matter which weapon set they choose.

As for me, I have been running S/P.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”