stat set and rune question

stat set and rune question

in Thief

Posted by: Lamps.8014


is going full zerk and only having 13k hp a good idea at all and in general whats a good rune set for power based builds in wvw/pve?

(edited by Lamps.8014)

stat set and rune question

in Thief

Posted by: Splatter Paw.7238

Splatter Paw.7238

Im no pro but i play a 100% zerk thief, at the moment i think im using ogre runes before i was using vamp. Its totally doable to run around at 13k hp and still hold your own, but i wouldn’t recommend starting there by anymeans it will be pretty frustrating.

Commonly you see mixes of valk and cav gear so your maintaining a high crit dmg, but sacrificing a little crit chance. But in all honesty it comes down to what set you wanna play with. I play d/p roamer in wvw, the blinds when used right is a awesome defense to my super low health and near no armor. However if i were to pick up d/d, at my skill level, id have to switch out some armor for my defensive stats a little.

For runesets youll get cookie cutter responses like holebrak, travlers and strength runes. I play the game to have fun not farm gold to afford these runesets (they are worth it if you can though make no mistake) If your ballin on a budget some iv used i liked are

-lyssa, allot of people dropped it after its nerf, but its still a good run set gives precision so if your using valk/cav at all it will help negate some of the lost crit chance but i love even more the random boon on heal (used with withdraw) it seems like its more often than not protection, if you run basi venom the 6th bonus still shines pretty well even after the nerf

-vamp runes, idk why i just liked them dirt cheap to, great for learning thief on as it does the whole mist form at 20% hp if i remember right to it triggers with last refuge so your stealthed ( i was runnin 6 SA at the time for the heal in stealth) getting 300+hp a second moving at the crazy mist form speed i used health steal food with it too was pretty fun

-ogre, what i just started using not to long ago its a straight dmg set, i used to hate on it but now that iv tried it the numbers i hit are awesome, the rockdog serves little purpose, but iv used it before to put between me and my enemy in the hopes channeled attacks or leaps will hit the dog before me

-wurm, ferocity and vitality, little more of a buffer against condis and you hit a bit harder on crits, this rune shines more if your using the acro line as a % of your vitality is converted to ferocity.

Keep in mind this is all from a wvw standpoint, pve is all zerk pistolwhip/blind spam to win. Please feel free to add me in game for any tips or pointers i love helping thiefs create salty enemy tears

stat set and rune question

in Thief

Posted by: perry.9645


In PvE your best choice as thief is Rune of the Scholar with 6/6/0/0/2 traits for full damage and 5/6/0/3/0 if you need more dodges/survivability

For WvWvW it depends on the build you run, I mostly run a s/d build with Rune of the Pack