there's a rise in the thief population in wvw

there's a rise in the thief population in wvw

in Thief

Posted by: Achey.3612


as a thief, im so excited about seeing so many more thieves in wvw. but with the rise in thieves, there’s also this strange rise in immobilize and chill spam.

i’m not sure if it’s the same in the higher tiers but here in the lower tier’s i’ve actually been seeing 5 man groups of nothing but thieves and it’s very interesting.

the only tough part is since my main party is somewhat out of commission, i have to rely on pugs or just solo roam, stealing camps. when a group of 5 thieves roll in on you, it’s really ugly. have you ever seen 5 thieves taking turns turning you into stone? yikes…..

also…. sometimes sneak attack doesn’t work and it only shoots one bullet. just saying…

there's a rise in the thief population in wvw

in Thief

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

Haven’t noticed any big change in thief population in our tier, just that more and more new thieves play condi p/d. That makes any roaming with party (party members often invite their thief friends) such pain cos condi p/d thief is mostly likely a noob that knows little about his build, chickens out of a fight at 75% HP (same applies to dropping SR next to a downed party member) and his only contribution in a fight is the distraction he causes by constantly stealthing up (many have d/p as secondary).

If he is semi-decent, he might use immob/chill on enemies so the rest of the party can dps them down.

My only hopes are that the scrubs either quit fast or l2p, I am really tired of dying cos someone’s confidence is compromised when his HP goes under 75% and he drops SR on top of me while I am casting dmg skill.

/rant over

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

there's a rise in the thief population in wvw

in Thief

Posted by: Justine.6351


I haven’t seen too many. Rangers though, good lord.

I’d be happy with more enemy thieves, but not if they running in packs. Well I don’t care to see any roaming packs of any composition tbh.

there's a rise in the thief population in wvw

in Thief

Posted by: babazhook.6805


Any group of a single profession roaming in a pack makes them exponentially more effective. Thieves can share each others stealths and rotate backstabs. Rangers can rotate rapid fire and knockdown and so on.

there's a rise in the thief population in wvw

in Thief

Posted by: Kurow.3076


I have not seen any up-rise of the thief population in WvW…or anywhere else for that matter.

If anything, I’ve only seen the thief population dwindle over time.

there's a rise in the thief population in wvw

in Thief

Posted by: RashanDale.3609


rise? not really. the vast majority of roamers has always been thieves. at least to me it always seemed to be that way.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
Gunnar’s Hold

there's a rise in the thief population in wvw

in Thief

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


I’ve seen a decline if anything. Most roamers I encounter are engineers and mesmers, and most packs of roamers are rangers and necros.

there's a rise in the thief population in wvw

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Try 5 venom-share p/d dire condition thieves! Done it a few times, lots of fun and almost impossible to counter :p

Melder – Thief