video: D/P & spike D/D best build imo
Loved the fights.
Mind sharing your build?
just wanted to point out that you are not selecting / using your closers effectively
does not take that long to end a mesmer and you even popped guild…
not to mention, tripple hs spam to close?
ya my mistake on triple HS on mesmer first duel. cuz i thought i landed my f1 steal. if u gonna review it again. i casted f1 steal there. but out of range. sometimes thats my finishing blow when my opponet is at least 40%hp below. HS(w8 1/2 sec) then steal, HS>HS
and on my 1st duel i put wrong trait on critical strikes Executioner . instead of hidden killer 100% crit chance while in stealth. thats why takes too long to kill him.
Hello fellow thieves,
Being interested in this build myself, i watched this video multiple times to figure it out, and here’s what’ve i guessed :
Runes/sigils/amulet included, i’m pretty sure at 90% that he’s using the exact same one.
(edited by Eithera.1548)
i put 10 attak power to get MUG when using basilisk elite. im doin this for roaming capping style or can be spike burst… ( i shadow refuge to gain 10 stack might before spiking someone)
(edited by Coloxeus.3480)
when using Dagger Storm elite. i removing that MUG attack power trait and put it to 10vit (50% speed while stealth) more on team clash scenario
Use infiltrator’s signet. Allows you to black powder -> HS -> backstab -> autoattack chain, repeat. It also provides as stun breaker, shadowstep and has lower CD than shadowstep. In this build infiltrator is definetely better than shadowste (though I love shadowstep).
Also, I run a 0 10 30 30 0 D/P like this: CLICK.
Mine is for wvwvw, but I run the same in sPvP wearing full zerker gear and 6xRune of Scholar.
(edited by Frenk.5917)
Use infiltrator’s signet. Allows you to black powder -> HS -> backstab -> autoattack chain, repeat. It also provides as stun breaker, shadowstep and has lower CD than shadowstep. In this build infiltrator is definetely better than shadowste (though I love shadowstep).
I think Shadowstep is a necessary utility for OP if he’s running D/D and D/P. Infiltrator’s signet needs a target for the shadowstep to activate, and if OP is in a bad spot I don’t think he wants to stun break into the middle of the enemy pack. You can get away with Infiltrator’s Signet because you have shortbow as an alternate weapon set to put some distance between yourself and a fight.
I run D/P and S/D with the same traits you do. Shadowstep is a must for escapes when both weapon sets are melee. Shadowstep -> run around for a few seconds and let your pursuers chase -> black powder -> shadow return -> gtfo
I’ve been playing something similar in sPvP for a long time , it’s a strong – balanced build overall you can last for very long but it lacks SPIKE dmg . Backstab is still better.
Use infiltrator’s signet. Allows you to black powder -> HS -> backstab -> autoattack chain, repeat. It also provides as stun breaker, shadowstep and has lower CD than shadowstep. In this build infiltrator is definetely better than shadowste (though I love shadowstep).
Also, I run a 0 10 30 30 0 D/P like this: CLICK.
Mine is for wvwvw, but I run the same in sPvP wearing full zerker gear and 6xRune of Scholar.
i gonna try it then
You must be trying to keep your exact build a secret, eh?
Entertaining video! This is what I’d hoped the Thief would be when I rolled it… lots of quick stealths (not perma stealth), lots of dodging, lots of tricks. Cool stuff!
This video was done before the Revealed change. I doubt very much the OP would be as successful now that Revealed has been nerfed.
….really? I didn’t see him come close to 1s away from dying or 1s away from missing a kill.
You must be trying to keep your exact build a secret, eh?
Entertaining video! This is what I’d hoped the Thief would be when I rolled it… lots of quick stealths (not perma stealth), lots of dodging, lots of tricks. Cool stuff!
ya i hope u guys understand. if i posted my build. many thieves will copy my exact style and build. and theres a possibility anet will gonna nerf this build again!. cuz when many other classes crying Q.Q saying “wtf D/P build almost unstoppable nerf it come on!”
Use infiltrator’s signet. Allows you to black powder -> HS -> backstab -> autoattack chain, repeat. It also provides as stun breaker, shadowstep and has lower CD than shadowstep. In this build infiltrator is definetely better than shadowste (though I love shadowstep).
I think Shadowstep is a necessary utility for OP if he’s running D/D and D/P. Infiltrator’s signet needs a target for the shadowstep to activate, and if OP is in a bad spot I don’t think he wants to stun break into the middle of the enemy pack. You can get away with Infiltrator’s Signet because you have shortbow as an alternate weapon set to put some distance between yourself and a fight.
I run D/P and S/D with the same traits you do. Shadowstep is a must for escapes when both weapon sets are melee. Shadowstep -> run around for a few seconds and let your pursuers chase -> black powder -> shadow return -> gtfo
exactly thats what im doing. and when my heal skill is on CD and low hp. il shadow refuge w8ing to regain my HP and also stacking 10 mights while in stealth im preparing to spike so switching to D/D with basilisk venom. then f1 spike! i think bursting with 10stack wud be OP
shadow refuge for a closer or breakstun or NPC/30s…
d/p shouldn’t need shadow refuge, you can produce plenty stealth.
Hello fellow thieves,
Being interested in this build myself, i watched this video multiple times to figure it out, and here’s what’ve i guessed :
Runes/sigils/amulet included, i’m pretty sure at 90% that he’s using the exact same one.
Impossible. Take a little closer look
To be specific, if he doesnt want to share his build, its his choice, despite being a cheap and selfish one. especially when bragging about it with a video. But anyways, showing a video of a build in sPvP makes it rather easy to decipher what build is being used – and i do it because he is so not-nice to post a video about a build but not telling detail about it.
sPvP has fixed numbers, no health buff from WvW.
He doesnt get initiative on steal, so no points spent in trickery.
He doesnt get swiftness on dodge, so no points spent in acrobatics (second fight)
He heals in stealth, so 30 points spent in shadow arts and using shadow arts´ XI.
He gains initiative entering stealth so he uses shadow arts´ V.
He cleanses conditions when entering stealth, so he is using shadow arts´ IV.
He poisons his target using steal thus there are points spent in dadly arts.
But his target doesnt get weakness when its poisoned from steal or dagger AA-chain, thus only 10 points spent in deadly arts (second fight)
He doesnt have traps, target doesnt get vulnerability on crit, steal doesnt apply a longer poison, thus i think the only logical thoice is deadly arts´ III
This leaves us with 30 points spent in critical strikes.
His backstabs dont always crit, but all his attacks seem to get stronger when target is below 50%. I am almost sure this indicates a usage of critical strikes´ XI.
After experimenting with the numbers, i figured he uses critical strikes´ VI in both fights i analyzed.
The build is a 10/30/30/0/0 in the fight with the elementalist, 0/30/30/10/0 in the fight with the mesmer, with acrobatics´ II.
Knowing the build he uses enables you to play with the different gear setups and runes to reach the number of health points.
He uses berserker´s amulet with berserker´s jewel in both fights and vitality-neutral runes. However, to figure out which runes he uses and which sigills is a harder one. Sigil of fire / sigil of air are definitely in use, but i am not sure about the runes and the other sigils.
But, anyways, this is the most part. Any questions?
(edited by TheBandicoot.5294)
shadow refuge for a closer or breakstun or NPC/30s…
d/p shouldn’t need shadow refuge, you can produce plenty stealth.
im using shadow refunge when my blinding powder is on CD or when lack of initiative to black powder then HS.. and shadow refuge can heal 1k hp/2secs. when traited “shadow’s rejuvenation” and can removed all my conditions in just few secs. when traited “Shadow’s Embrace” or im using shadow refuge when reseting and re engage again. or for escaping. this is the most OP utility skills of thief
Its not OP – it has a high CD. The thief already got a nerfbat it didnt deserve. Its just the people who simply cannot manage a stealthed enemy. if that is OP, then bunker Ele´s and -guardians, condition necro´s and -engineers are OP as well. And dont get me started about toughness/healpower hunters with sword n dagger. But yes, the thief is overpowered, sure
Hello fellow thieves,
Being interested in this build myself, i watched this video multiple times to figure it out, and here’s what’ve i guessed :
Runes/sigils/amulet included, i’m pretty sure at 90% that he’s using the exact same one.
Impossible. Take a little closer look
To be specific, if he doesnt want to share his build, its his choice, despite being a cheap and selfish one. especially when bragging about it with a video. But anyways, showing a video of a build in sPvP makes it rather easy to decipher what build is being used – and i do it because he is so not-nice to post a video about a build but not telling detail about it.
sPvP has fixed numbers, no health buff from WvW.
He doesnt get initiative on steal, so no points spent in trickery.
He doesnt get swiftness on dodge, so no points spent in acrobatics (second fight)
He heals in stealth, so 30 points spent in shadow arts and using shadow arts´ XI.
He gains initiative entering stealth so he uses shadow arts´ V.
He cleanses conditions when entering stealth, so he is using shadow arts´ IV.
He poisons his target using steal thus there are points spent in dadly arts.
But his target doesnt get weakness when its poisoned from steal or dagger AA-chain, thus only 10 points spent in deadly arts (second fight)
He doesnt have traps, target doesnt get vulnerability on crit, steal doesnt apply a longer poison, thus i think the only logical thoice is deadly arts´ III
This leaves us with 30 points spent in critical strikes.
His backstabs dont always crit, but all his attacks seem to get stronger when target is below 50%. I am almost sure this indicates a usage of critical strikes´ XI.
After experimenting with the numbers, i figured he uses critical strikes´ VI in both fights i analyzed.The build is a 10/30/30/0/0 in the fight with the elementalist, 0/30/30/10/0 in the fight with the mesmer, with acrobatics´ II.
Knowing the build he uses enables you to play with the different gear setups and runes to reach the number of health points.
He uses berserker´s amulet with berserker´s jewel in both fights and vitality-neutral runes. However, to figure out which runes he uses and which sigills is a harder one. Sigil of fire / sigil of air are definitely in use, but i am not sure about the runes and the other sigils.But, anyways, this is the most part. Any questions?
Hello fellow thieves,
Being interested in this build myself, i watched this video multiple times to figure it out, and here’s what’ve i guessed :
Runes/sigils/amulet included, i’m pretty sure at 90% that he’s using the exact same one.
Impossible. Take a little closer look
To be specific, if he doesnt want to share his build, its his choice, despite being a cheap and selfish one. especially when bragging about it with a video. But anyways, showing a video of a build in sPvP makes it rather easy to decipher what build is being used – and i do it because he is so not-nice to post a video about a build but not telling detail about it.
sPvP has fixed numbers, no health buff from WvW.
He doesnt get initiative on steal, so no points spent in trickery.
He doesnt get swiftness on dodge, so no points spent in acrobatics (second fight)
He heals in stealth, so 30 points spent in shadow arts and using shadow arts´ XI.
He gains initiative entering stealth so he uses shadow arts´ V.
He cleanses conditions when entering stealth, so he is using shadow arts´ IV.
He poisons his target using steal thus there are points spent in dadly arts.
But his target doesnt get weakness when its poisoned from steal or dagger AA-chain, thus only 10 points spent in deadly arts (second fight)
He doesnt have traps, target doesnt get vulnerability on crit, steal doesnt apply a longer poison, thus i think the only logical thoice is deadly arts´ III
This leaves us with 30 points spent in critical strikes.
His backstabs dont always crit, but all his attacks seem to get stronger when target is below 50%. I am almost sure this indicates a usage of critical strikes´ XI.
After experimenting with the numbers, i figured he uses critical strikes´ VI in both fights i analyzed.The build is a 10/30/30/0/0 in the fight with the elementalist, 0/30/30/10/0 in the fight with the mesmer, with acrobatics´ II.
Knowing the build he uses enables you to play with the different gear setups and runes to reach the number of health points.
He uses berserker´s amulet with berserker´s jewel in both fights and vitality-neutral runes. However, to figure out which runes he uses and which sigills is a harder one. Sigil of fire / sigil of air are definitely in use, but i am not sure about the runes and the other sigils.But, anyways, this is the most part. Any questions?
great analyzing my build your’e 90% right. ok i dnt like calling me selfish i wanna share my build. it is just that im afraid arena net will nerf some thief traits if they see my play style and build.
im running 4 different build. depending on which map (tPvP) but this one is my favorite.
Hello fellow thieves,
Being interested in this build myself, i watched this video multiple times to figure it out, and here’s what’ve i guessed :
Runes/sigils/amulet included, i’m pretty sure at 90% that he’s using the exact same one.
Impossible. Take a little closer look
To be specific, if he doesnt want to share his build, its his choice, despite being a cheap and selfish one. especially when bragging about it with a video. But anyways, showing a video of a build in sPvP makes it rather easy to decipher what build is being used – and i do it because he is so not-nice to post a video about a build but not telling detail about it.
sPvP has fixed numbers, no health buff from WvW.
He doesnt get initiative on steal, so no points spent in trickery.
He doesnt get swiftness on dodge, so no points spent in acrobatics (second fight)
He heals in stealth, so 30 points spent in shadow arts and using shadow arts´ XI.
He gains initiative entering stealth so he uses shadow arts´ V.
He cleanses conditions when entering stealth, so he is using shadow arts´ IV.
He poisons his target using steal thus there are points spent in dadly arts.
But his target doesnt get weakness when its poisoned from steal or dagger AA-chain, thus only 10 points spent in deadly arts (second fight)
He doesnt have traps, target doesnt get vulnerability on crit, steal doesnt apply a longer poison, thus i think the only logical thoice is deadly arts´ III
This leaves us with 30 points spent in critical strikes.
His backstabs dont always crit, but all his attacks seem to get stronger when target is below 50%. I am almost sure this indicates a usage of critical strikes´ XI.
After experimenting with the numbers, i figured he uses critical strikes´ VI in both fights i analyzed.The build is a 10/30/30/0/0 in the fight with the elementalist, 0/30/30/10/0 in the fight with the mesmer, with acrobatics´ II.
Knowing the build he uses enables you to play with the different gear setups and runes to reach the number of health points.
He uses berserker´s amulet with berserker´s jewel in both fights and vitality-neutral runes. However, to figure out which runes he uses and which sigills is a harder one. Sigil of fire / sigil of air are definitely in use, but i am not sure about the runes and the other sigils.But, anyways, this is the most part. Any questions?
great analyzing my build
your’e 90% right. ok i dnt like calling me selfish i wanna share my build. it is just that im afraid arena net will nerf some thief traits if they see my play style and build.
im running 4 different build. depending on which map (tPvP) but this one is my favorite.
i prefer scholar runes. valkyrie armor set. berserker weapons and ruby trinkets and food with (100toughness 70 precision)
Scholar? Why not divinity? Don´t play much sPvP yet because i still have to figure out how to play the thief properly – whatever i do it ends in me dying to any class played by a half decent player in WvW – but seeing that being above 90% is rare (at least for me) i´d choose divinity. Meh, i have to learn a lot…
BTW, i didnt want to sound that rude to you, Coloxeus. My wording isnt exactly the best because my english vocabulary tends to be a little bit narrow. That said, what you do is possible because you have the skill to do it, not because the thief is overpowered or because you abuse some mechanics. ArenaNet should consider bringing the thief back to former glory especially in PvE and a little bit in WvW/PvP instead of further nerfing it.
Tried the build, interesting playstyle – even though i ended up confusing myself with all the jumping and porting around
Would really like to give you some 1v1s. I play thief, guardian and mesmer. Would you fancy it? I’m rank 42, but I don’t think that has much standing this far in to the game.
How do you pronounce your name?
Would really like to give you some 1v1s. I play thief, guardian and mesmer. Would you fancy it?
I’m rank 42, but I don’t think that has much standing this far in to the game.
whats ur main? pm me in game coloxus. but right now g2 go sleep
Scholar? Why not divinity? Don´t play much sPvP yet because i still have to figure out how to play the thief properly – whatever i do it ends in me dying to any class played by a half decent player in WvW – but seeing that being above 90% is rare (at least for me) i´d choose divinity. Meh, i have to learn a lot…
BTW, i didnt want to sound that rude to you, Coloxeus. My wording isnt exactly the best because my english vocabulary tends to be a little bit narrow. That said, what you do is possible because you have the skill to do it, not because the thief is overpowered or because you abuse some mechanics. ArenaNet should consider bringing the thief back to former glory especially in PvE and a little bit in WvW/PvP instead of further nerfing it.
Tried the build, interesting playstyle – even though i ended up confusing myself with all the jumping and porting around
either way will do. divinity, scholar or ruby orb. but for me i prefer scholar. i want more attack power for backstab . low critical chance won’t bother me at all cuz i have this Hidden Killer trait. and i want scholars 6th buff. 10% dmg while hp above 90%. really good for burst spike D/D.
heres some example why i want scholar rune 10% more dmg buff. i really feel the damage of D/D burst spike!