video: Pistol Dagger Condition sPvP

video: Pistol Dagger Condition sPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Coloxeus.3480


i just started playing P/D yesterday 5 hrs. of sPvP and imo this is the easiest thief build that u can play! just land your cloak and dagger right. for newbie thieves i recommend u this build for sPvP . i havent tried it yet to WvW. Build is posted on the description of my youtube video. enjoy!

part 1


video: Pistol Dagger Condition sPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Lokheit.7943


We already knew of its greatness, welcome to the P/D Carrion club

I run a more support oriented version and still win most fights, but most encarnations of P/D are great despite how most players want to stick to D/P and different incarnations of backstab builds as meta.

One recommendation about your equipment: Change the 2 runes of Centaur for 1 of each other (Krait and Afflicted), and the Sigil of Corruption for a second Sigil of Agony. This will give you 50% bleed duration instead of 55% (which basically is the same as you will need full seconds for it to matter), and +110 Condition Damage. While Sigil of Corruption can stack more than 110, you will need at least 3 kills in PvP (and 12 in PvE) to get more than 110 extra CD. With this setup you start with a higher condition damage and if you still want it you can always put Corruption in your shortbow and switch to it when you down players.

My build is more support oriented (and I use it in all 3 enviroments with success), but it still works wonders in fights and allows for more variety as the Shortbow with Lotus trait becomes a very powerful tool in crowded fights where it can be too dangerous to jump for your CnD (it’s nearly like maintaining Protection in the team and you limit your opponents dodges) and sometimes I shotgun like crazy for a change of pace and usually it gets opponents by surprise specially at choke points and bases (the shortbow becomes specially useful against Mesmers where you need some AoE to negate their clones before they can shatter in your face).

Venoumous Aura needs a bit of practice with distance and movement between lines but Spider Leech can tremendously increase the spike on focus fire (and Spider+Dark Field from SR heals a good chunk) and a shared Devourer Venom stops any kiter. It doesn’t have as much condition removal or healing while in stealth but I’m really doing great with this one.

(edited by Lokheit.7943)

video: Pistol Dagger Condition sPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Do you never use pistol skills #2 and #3?

Also, the build in the OP is not the one in the video, the utilities are all different.

video: Pistol Dagger Condition sPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Lokheit.7943


Do you never use pistol skills #2 and #3?

Also, the build in the OP is not the one in the video, the utilities are all different.

Body Shot is a complete waste of initiative in any P/ set. P/D dual skill is okay and is fast, but when #5 can stealth you so you reposition yourself AND have access to Sneak Attack, you end up ignoring it. During betas it didn’t need to land the strike to get the teleport and was a very useful skill, but it was changed and right now you prefer to save your initiative.

The main rotation for P/D is getting all your initiative for CnD, and keep adding bleed through main attack and sneak attack, with the ocassional use of #4 when someone is trying to kite.

(edited by Lokheit.7943)

video: Pistol Dagger Condition sPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Coloxeus.3480


Do you never use pistol skills #2 and #3?

Also, the build in the OP is not the one in the video, the utilities are all different.

Body Shot is a complete waste of initiative in any P/ set. P/D dual skill is okay and is fast, but when #5 can stealth you so you reposition yourself AND have access to Sneak Attack, you end up ignoring it. During betas it didn’t need to land the strike to get the teleport and was a very useful skill, but it was changed and right now you prefer to save your initiative.

The main rotation for P/D is getting all your initiative for CnD, and keep adding bleed through main attack and sneak attack, with the ocassional use of #4 when someone is trying to kite.

yeah cuz not all the time i can land my CnD perfectly. there are some blocks, evade, blind. instead of using 3. il just gonna CnD re stealth again and re-position again.

video: Pistol Dagger Condition sPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Coloxeus.3480


i tried all builds. D/D glass canon burst, D/P, S/D, S/P but this P/D condi build and S/D flanking evade are the funniest build to play!

video: Pistol Dagger Condition sPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Cempa.5619


video: Pistol Dagger Condition sPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Killacam.2064


It’s almost as if you guys haven’t seen wild bill’s videos. He is (was) the king of all things P/D. His build is king I suggest you all check it out if you haven’t yet.

side note: P/D was way better before the caltrops nerf and was better before everyone knew how to counter it. Although I still play it as my main build in wvw and s pvp, It’s just too much dam fun.

video: Pistol Dagger Condition sPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Coloxeus.3480


It’s almost as if you guys haven’t seen wild bill’s videos. He is (was) the king of all things P/D. His build is king I suggest you all check it out if you haven’t yet.

side note: P/D was way better before the caltrops nerf and was better before everyone knew how to counter it. Although I still play it as my main build in wvw and s pvp, It’s just too much dam fun.

ya i know him. i subscribed to his youtube channel. we actually dueled before best of 5 we ended up 3-0 in favor of me. check my channel for videos

video: Pistol Dagger Condition sPvP

in Thief

Posted by: TheOneNOnlyGeneralBama.9586


It’s almost as if you guys haven’t seen wild bill’s videos. He is (was) the king of all things P/D. His build is king I suggest you all check it out if you haven’t yet.

side note: P/D was way better before the caltrops nerf and was better before everyone knew how to counter it. Although I still play it as my main build in wvw and s pvp, It’s just too much dam fun.

ya i know him. i subscribed to his youtube channel. we actually dueled before best of 5 we ended up 3-0 in favor of me. check my channel for videos

You’re not going to mention the part where you used a cheese build and Bill’s was outdated before you go about boasting? Wouldn’t expect you to lol :|

I never expect to lose. Even when I’m the Engineer , I still prepare a victory speech.

video: Pistol Dagger Condition sPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Mathias.9657


You’re not going to mention the part where you used a cheese build and Bill’s was outdated before you go about boasting? Wouldn’t expect you to lol :|

You can clearly see what build he is using in the video…

WvW heroes are so touchy.

Back to WoW, make GW2 fun please.

video: Pistol Dagger Condition sPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Yamsandjams.3267


Eh, I don’t take duels in WvW that seriously since you can never guarantee that your gear and your opponent’s gear are on the same level. Some people also use consumables in their duels, which can really change how things are played.

They do tend to be funner to watch though.

video: Pistol Dagger Condition sPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


i used to catch alot of heat from the same 3-4 haters about running this build. they said its not good :P i personally love it. although its bad against d/p

video: Pistol Dagger Condition sPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Coloxeus.3480


i used to catch alot of heat from the same 3-4 haters about running this build. they said its not good :P i personally love it. although its bad against d/p

this is fun to use in spvp cuz of placing caltrops on capping point. but in real P/D conditions is not good againts very good players if they know how to counter this build. just don’t ever try the P/D thief cast his CnD to u. when hes trying to gettin close. evade forward counter his movespeed cuz hes just trying to get close and cast his CnD

video: Pistol Dagger Condition sPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Coloxeus.3480


and in hotjoin spvp they’re just rollin to my bed of caltrops lol im just kiting around to my caltrops. when some melees trying to catch me. i tried this in tpvp when there are high ranked pvpers 40+ 50+ my P/D didn’t go that well. i sitll prefer S/D or D/P

video: Pistol Dagger Condition sPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Faeyd.5094


When I run it it’s always as a second set and open with D/D blossoms and trops then switch (geomancy sigil for 3 extra stacks) and then the usual P/D rotation. Makes it more interesting as this set gets boring fast on it’s own.


video: Pistol Dagger Condition sPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


i used to catch alot of heat from the same 3-4 haters about running this build. they said its not good :P i personally love it. although its bad against d/p

this is fun to use in spvp cuz of placing caltrops on capping point. but in real P/D conditions is not good againts very good players if they know how to counter this build. just don’t ever try the P/D thief cast his CnD to u. when hes trying to gettin close. evade forward counter his movespeed cuz hes just trying to get close and cast his CnD

still tho p/d vs d/p is a draw. :P unless 1 gets overly carried away/overly aggressive. but i personally think p/d is the best overall build for thieves.

video: Pistol Dagger Condition sPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Coloxeus.3480


When I run it it’s always as a second set and open with D/D blossoms and trops then switch (geomancy sigil for 3 extra stacks) and then the usual P/D rotation. Makes it more interesting as this set gets boring fast on it’s own.

oh i did’t know geomancy can do 3stacks of bleeding! thnx for the info… im new on that condition build. i usually play D/P, S/D and D/D

video: Pistol Dagger Condition sPvP

in Thief

Posted by: matthen.5024


When I run it it’s always as a second set and open with D/D blossoms and trops then switch (geomancy sigil for 3 extra stacks) and then the usual P/D rotation. Makes it more interesting as this set gets boring fast on it’s own.

oh i did’t know geomancy can do 3stacks of bleeding! thnx for the info… im new on that condition build. i usually play D/P, S/D and D/D

Thanks for the videos. I use P/D in WvW, mostly because I can’t motivate myself to get all new gear. It’s nice to have something new to watch.

One thought on geomancy sigils: the main disadvantage of geomancy is that it drops you out of stealth. This is not that big a deal, and you can work around it. Personally, when slotting an “on swap” sigil, I prefer the energy ones. Against good players, I’d rather have the extra defense out of stealth. When playing bad players, it doesn’t matter what sigil you choose… geomancy helps kill them a little faster, but they’ll die regardless of your choice.

Regarding Pistol 2 and 3… with Quick Recovery, this build is going to have lots of extra initiative (when you’re landing your CnD’s). This means you can have room to use your other attacks. While Pistol 2 is largely worthless, it’s still a 100% projectile finisher. There are times to use that. I find that Pistol 3 has some nice defensive utility when you’re “revealed”. Obviously, when you start missing your CnD’s you’re going to have to save your initiative.

My two cents.