warcraft rogue vs gw assassin vs gw2 thief

warcraft rogue vs gw assassin vs gw2 thief

in Thief

Posted by: PwnsFroggles.7561


For those who have played more than just this game, which did you like the most? I loved rogue the most because it felt so much more fluid than the others. Also I miss one-shotting low levels in Goldshire with premeditate + deadly throw. I could never get the hang of assassin in gw and I’m struggling with thief in this game (don’t judge).

warcraft rogue vs gw assassin vs gw2 thief

in Thief

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


i like my GW2 thief more than my GW1 sin.

my sin was basically on a simple rotation, with a good amount of buffs on the side and a shadowstep for PvP (which would take the place of critical agility, since CA is a PvE skill). that would give me high melee AoE burst and decent defense, but in the end it wasn’t as fun to play.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

warcraft rogue vs gw assassin vs gw2 thief

in Thief

Posted by: stinkypants.8419


I played a 21/8/22 rogue, atopped playing right before BC came out. While I find the mechanics different, the strategy is similar. Hit and run. I did mostly battlegrounds in WoW, and Wv3 in GW2 currently with a 0/20/30/20/0 S/D + SB build and find it more skirmishy…but still kind of hit and run.

(Alvyn | Crystal Desert )

warcraft rogue vs gw assassin vs gw2 thief

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


If we had stealth working similar to necro’s death shroud, I would say GW2 thief is better than WoW’s rogue (up to WotLK, Cata and Pandas are terrible expansions). Stealth in GW2 is disappointing.

Signed, level 1 alt

warcraft rogue vs gw assassin vs gw2 thief

in Thief

Posted by: Athel.2076


I kinda like present stealth, though I really like the idea of making it work similar to necro death shroud.

For me, WoW rogue was great back in the day. I ran a hemmorage/combat build with maces and loved it.

As my favored activity is running small-time dungeons, rogue sort of lost its charm when crowd-control (sap, blind, stun) became irrelevant around the time of WotLK. My GW2-thief has similar issues: I enjoy runnin dungeons, but I find myself mostly providing utility with pulls (scorpion wire) and the short bow rather than actually “thieving”.

Overall I think its pretty even, GW2 has been out for a much shorter time and I’d certainly like to see expansions that broaden the gameplay for all classes. Thieves with whips (Indiana Jones!!!), sniper rifles, off-hand torch…

Ice dragon, fire dragon, risen dead from Orr,
branded creature, icebrood creature, war war war.
mel: Soft kitty.

warcraft rogue vs gw assassin vs gw2 thief

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Yeah, times when sap and blind where actually useful were great. Also, opening treasure chests by lock picking were a small thing, but gave the right feeling of playing the class. Not to mention sneaking inside enemy cities (till Blizzard officialy ruined it).

In fact, we don’t need any torches, sniper rifles or whips. We could use some axes and maces, but that’s all. What we need is more skills on weapons to choose, like utilities. Being forced to use certain skills is boring. Also, it would be great to have stealth versions on all of weapon skills, not only #1, just for the sake of diversity.

Signed, level 1 alt