when do you persist/ attack and disengage?
When I land that BV CnD Steal BS (10/30/30) and their health barely goes down. Like, barely, or when I see 100 ppl a comin mah way
Disengaging a fight?
When a zerg comes after me, I like to use Shadow Refuge and either run away, or run through them (Depending on how far away they are to notice and how long it’d take)
When a group comes after me – I play as pretty much GC and so a group that engages me will either be annoying to fight (Lots of reviving and controlling me in stealth) or a steamroll (They’ll just counter my stealth and roll over me)
When someone goes in water – Thief underwater skills are lack luster, if someone wants to escape they can. On land, but near water it becomes frustrating to fight multiple targets (I once went 1v2 against an upleveled Elementalist and a Necromancer. Whenever I downed the Ele, they’d just Mist Form into the water and get uninteruptable revive off. Whenever the Necro got low, they’d DS and run into the water and be downed there and get a uninteruptable revive off)
When I take on a target who can deal way more damage I can – GC Phantasm mesmers are prime suspects for this, taking away 60%-100% of my health with a iZerker > iDuelist (Especially annoying if I can down the mesmer but then the phantasms down me while I try and wait for revealed to wear off and get a stealth stomp)
There’s two kinds of people… The quick and the dead”
I never run away from a fight no matter how bad it looks. It’s just coincidence that I get the urge sometimes to turn the other way, make with the feet and try to set a new land speed record. Yeah, that’s it. But on the rare occassions when I do disengage, it is usually for the same reasons already stated.
I never engage anyone who’s not 50% HP or less. I pew pew with P/P to gauge their HP, Armor, and healing capability and use up their cooldowns, then I finish them off.
Yes, I play with my food.
But once I engage, I will stay until my target falls or I fall, whichever comes first. Besides, I always have 3 thief minions with me for easy cleanup.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
D/P style u can survive well even if Shadow refuge is on CD. and when your initiative is low at the same time stealth utilities is cooldown. don’t be aggressive. and use your initiative wisely doin black powder+heartseeker stealth thing D/P build. be patient don’t just HS spam. use HS spam when your sure u can kill him.
I never run. I kite all day with Shortbow and chuckle quietly as they try to land a hit over the course of 5-10 minutes before giving up and running.
Resident Thief