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Posted by: Kagesame.1065


I’d like to vote for Guild name Assasin

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Posted by: Teerwik.1650


Updated for you. Thanks guys

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Posted by: warpy.1687


I’d love to join but I can’t move servers. So, +1 for Maguuma.

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Posted by: Zansobar.4758


Me and my girlfriend might be interested and we are both thieves on Maguuma.

Also the name should be something like Obsidian Protectorate [OP]….. Hehe!

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Posted by: Teerwik.1650


I updated it again for you guys and gals, I have to go to bed now. I will check again tomorrow.

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Posted by: Kryptonite.1078


I’m down, keep me posted.

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Posted by: Zansobar.4758


I don’t think you got my joke about the guild name….can’t play an OP’d class without having a little fun!

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Posted by: Incurafy.6329


My vote for a server is something in one of the lower brackets with lesser queue times. Unfortunately for SoR, the queue times are getting a lot longer (usually 1-2 hours) ever since they’ve been consistently winning their WvWvW matches by long margins.

Also, if the guild is going to be called “Assassin” then it should be called “The Assassin’s Guild [TAG]” or something like that. Assassin on its own just sounds silly.

Oh, and I’m in, regardless of what server you end up on or the name of it.

all is vain

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Posted by: SmokeyNYY.7841


I would join if its on SoR. Would love to screw around every now and then.

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Posted by: Loading.4503


For some reason this reminds me of counter strike back in the days when me and my friends would all get the dualies keybind it to the mouse scroll and scroll up and down to shoot it superfast while “zerging” the de dust maps. But I vote for the map that’s currently in first place to make it simple and name doesn’t matter for me

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Posted by: Geiir.7603


I think this is an awesome idea! Although I think we could make this a cross-server guild. Which means one officer(at least one) on each server to invite other serious thieves.

Also, if the guild is going to be called “Assassin” then it should be called “The Assassin’s Guild [TAG]” or something like that. Assassin on its own just sounds silly.

Agree on the TAG name
15 thieves, venom share, thieves guild, ambush trap, dancing dagger, cluster bomb and dagger storm = Zerg slayer.

Imagine all the crybabies in the forum if we manage to do this :p

Melder – Thief

(edited by Geiir.7603)

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Posted by: Findros.3069


I started out with a Warrior, but I’m replacing him with a Thief (55 and rising) as it’s just more fun. I’d absolutely be up for this. Play time is spotty at night now that I’m an old man (wife, kids, etc) but I still know how to PvP and will happily add my daggers to an all Thief group when I can. Stealth groups roaming the map are always fun.

Server doesn’t really matter. If this gets officially off the ground I’ll transfer.

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Posted by: Teerwik.1650


Ok my post with the tally thing is updated. I suggested to Knyx the guild name should be The Assassin’s Creed, since he is a huge fan of that series…. you can tell just by looking at his thief pic in this section…However he said he is not sure if A-net would even allow it because the game name is technically trademarked.

(edited by Teerwik.1650)

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Posted by: QuackzMcDuck.9840


I say you add Darkhaven to that list of servers. It’s a relatively low population server and has gained momentum in the past few weeks in WvW and is currently set to win this weeks match by 80k+ points. We’ve gone from 19th to 14-12th I believe in the past few weeks.

We could use the help, and I’d be willing to leave my current guild and come to yours if you called Darkhaven your home.

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Posted by: SilentPhoenix.2916


Maguuma +1 (I`m on a diff server but been wanting to change)

I love the idea of a multi server guild

As far as name…The assassin or thief`s guild would be sweet….

or call it …

-Ocean`s 11
-Vincenzo Peruggia Guild (he stole the mona lissa in 1911) good thief
-Rat Pack
-for fun Robin Hood`s Guild lol

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Posted by: Arcadius.1247


I think you should consider Tarnished Coast, not only does it have the best community it would be perfect for a thief themed guild, you could attract some who RP thieves but keep the guild ‘light’ rp. I cannot say enough at how amazingly organized TC WvWvW is and how consistent the server is. There hardly ever is fights in team chat and hardly ever a troll. It’s got the best community of any server I have ever played on.

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Posted by: Cris Croix.2370

Cris Croix.2370

I’ll second Arcadius on on this one. Come to TC!!

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Posted by: Loading.4503


any update on whats happening? or is this a failed attempt which i hop not ….

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Posted by: Kosmos.3907


I’m leveling my Alt Thief (76 now) and welcome this idea. I’m on Dragonbrand server – so +1. Guild Name ideas —> Fraternity of Assassins :p

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Posted by: Okamakiri.8746


Yeah, we don’t have enough noobs calling for nerfs already. Lets make a thieves guild that’s guaranteed to get the class nerfed even more. Not trying to poop on your parade, just stating the inevitable.

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Posted by: ArtemisEntreri.4138


Shadow Thieves Guild is my vote for a name. If you guys make it to Sea of Sorrows, hit me up!

Guardian / Warrior / Thief / Necromancer
Black Gate – Immortals of the Mist [IoM]

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Posted by: Zealot.3967


Now this is the kind of guild I wanna join, preferably under the [TAG] name. I vote for Crystal Desert as the server but I can transfer if I must.

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Posted by: Teddydidapoo.6352


Im interested, but il keep to the sea of sorrows server just because i got rl friends playing on that server.

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Posted by: Zealot.3967


On second thought, never mind my vote on CD I’m up for Kaineng.

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Posted by: pillslave.7812


OFFICIAL Message from Knyx.5926:

“Maguuma won server vote, The Assassin’s guild[TAG] has won guild name vote. Going to make it tonight around 8 pm EST, and start inviting people, still need a vent/mumble server tho… be sure to add me to followers because I am still suspended on the forums, and message/mail me tonight for invite on Maguuma”

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Posted by: Haven.6531


I would be very willing to join. However, I’m on Henge of Denavri. I haven’t done any wvwvw yet so I don’t know how it stacks up. But I would prefer a short que time server as well.

Hit me up!

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Posted by: Dominae.3146


Aww, I showed up late. I was gunna suggest [U QQ] as the tag.

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Posted by: Teerwik.1650


Okay so Knyx made the guild. Had to use “The Assassin’s Clan [TAC]” because Guild was taken, so was just The Assassins, and so was Assassins Guild.
Maguuma is the server so be sure to check in with him

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Posted by: Ring.6928


With the fix of shadow refuge this sounds more than possible. Sign me up. I will get a computer than can run WvW smoothly in about 2 weeks.

I vote for Dragon Brand.

How about Order of Shadows?

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Posted by: natkenel.7528


So as Teerwik said, Knyx started the guild up tonight. I don’t know if we have actually settled on keeping it on Maguuma. He wants to get as many people into the guild so we can start decided on what we are going to do (what server, WvW schedule….almost called it raiding…too much of another game?). He is hoping to get vent/ts/mumble/whatever up this weekend. If anyone has any experience setting up a server, let him know. We are hoping that we will be able to start doing WvW this weekend. So send a pm in game to him or I, we will most likely be on after 4pm EST and we can send an invite/answer questions.

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Posted by: ddrake.5436


I vote for server: Isle of Janthir

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Posted by: Dekanon.6298


was just on askin in map in LA and WvW for an invite but no one answered. I’ll try again tomorrow.

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Posted by: Teddydidapoo.6352


Why not make the guild name “The sinister blades”? Sounds way more sick and intimidating than “the assassins clan”

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Posted by: Kwajo.3541


This sounds like too much fun. As long as it’s on Sanctum, I’m in.

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Posted by: natkenel.7528


As far as I know, the name isn’t set in stone. Once we have more members in the guild, we’ll start deciding on all of that.

@Dekanon- I’ll be on between 5p and 10p (EST). Whisper or pm me in game then and i’ll add you.

Same goes for everyone else.

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Posted by: Atomsk.3547


Sounds like fun. I’ll hit one of you up tonight for more info and an invite. Currently on Yaks which doesn’t have horrible queue times but I don’t mind switching. I’d also prefer a server with little to no queue for wvw.

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Posted by: Volrath.1473


I would join a guild like this but im playing with a grp of RL friends and wont change server to join you… would love to though

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Posted by: AstralStorms.4059


Totally up for joining a thief only guild.

No server preference as long as there are no long queues.

lvl80 thief full exotics

(edited by AstralStorms.4059)

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Posted by: Vees.7816


I really wanna join this. How do I do it?

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Posted by: Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Grind Wars 2: Heart of Tears

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Posted by: Artanis.4160


This could be fun, I put the vote in for Yak Bend server

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Posted by: Dekanon.6298


IF the name isnt set in stone like you said, I have a couple of suggestions if i may
be so bold
Honor Amongst Thieves : HAM
Brotherhood of the Dagger : BAD
Aquisitions Inc. : AI ( got this one from the live DnD sessions)
Hidden In Shadows : HIS

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Posted by: Scarlac.4265


Im in if you go to Dragonbrand. If your looking for no que times and a challenge than this is the place. Last few weeks every time I go into WvW there is like 5 of us against a server…lol.

As far as the name goes there are a lot of great ones here…..

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Posted by: natkenel.7528


Here is the vote update

(A)Maguuma = 7 votes
(B)Sanctum of Rall = 6 votes
(C )Dragonbrand = 3 vote
(D) Ehmry Bay= 1 vote
(E ) Blackgate = 1 vote
(F) Ferguson’s Crossing= 2 votes
(g) Crystal Desert =1 vote
(H) Isle of Janthir=1 vote
[I] Yak’s Bend=1 vote
Poison [SIN] = 1 vote
Obsidian Flame ?] = 2 votes
Assassin[SIN]= 2 votes
Swindler’s Luck [LUK]= 1 vote
Obsidian Protectorate [OP]= 1 vote
The Assassin’s Guild [TAG] = 2 votes
Order of Shadows [
?]=1 vote
The Sinister Blades [???]=1 vote
Honor Among Thievces [HAM]
Brotherhood of the Dagger [BAD]
Hidden in Shadows [HIS]

I will be on most of today, so feel free to message me, Knyx, or Teerwik. We can send out the invites. We are currently in Maguuma. But once we get members I believe we will do the official voting of the server and name. We will hopefully have vent this weekend and we want to try doing so WvWvW as well.

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Posted by: Scarlac.4265


Im in if you go to Dragonbrand. If your looking for no que times and a challenge than this is the place. Last few weeks every time I go into WvW there is like 5 of us against a server…lol.

As far as the name goes there are a lot of great ones here…..

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Posted by: Teerwik.1650


Yea Knyx said he doesn’t mind doing voting again once everyone gets an invite. He also doesn’t mind us being cross-server (like 2 total), he just refuses to move to a que time one like SoR.
He told me like 20 min ago he will be in game in a few hrs

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Posted by: Atomsk.3547


as for the voting…

Yak’s for the server

I like the name Armament of Assassins for the guild.

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Posted by: Kong.4035


+1 for Maguuma! I love the idea of an assassins guild and think the “Faceless Men” would be an awesome name after the assassins guild in The Game of Thrones series.

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Posted by: Drkxamas.6359


I a Thief from Crystal Dessert would Love to join an all thief’s guild. Id say anything but SoL and Crystal dessert. Is an good server to go to. My vote would be for Darkhaven but i guess Maguuma + 1 would be fine.

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Posted by: natkenel.7528


Hey, everyone. I am currently playing, so pm in game for an invite….I’ll be on for the next 3-5 hours.