100B Burst build

100B Burst build

in Warrior

Posted by: Envy.8093


I’m not too sure if anyone has already made this build… (It’s in the beginning of the video)

It’s incredibly squishy, but with good dodges and timing of blocks/whirlwindevade you can survive well. I run this build in tournaments as well, it works really well but it is indeed a warrior… so I sometimes have to swap out to engi if the other team is well reputable.

Most builds out there pick up the 20 in “Strength” for the 10% bonus dmg in greatsword…I think thats the wrong way to go because that means you dont get either 30 in Arms in Displicine, which itself gives more adrenaline per crit -which is essential, since your dmg is largely based on adrenaline being up- & 10% more dmg on bleeding targets ; or you won’t have 30 in Discipline which is 3% dmg per boon the target has. If that’s not enough to convicne you, Discipline gives more crit dmg % so you have to consider that as well, and Arms obviously gives more crit rate. These damage bonuses are also universal for all weapons, as opposed to Stength’s strictly 10% greatsword dmg bonus.

I’m not saying my build is the best, but it definitely kicks some butt. If everything miraculously is in line, like the target is squishy as heck and has 4-5 boons excluding protection – I can literally one shot them: 12k eviserate + 4k lightning strike + 3k fire blast. Constructive criticism is welcomed and appreciated!

100B Burst build

in Warrior

Posted by: Feed.4531


Too easily kiteable. You’re running a build with very well known and avoidable abilities, the only way you can land your HB on a good player would be getting lucky with charge. Shield bash and Evisc will work half the time as well, but thats a well known combo too. Even then most classes have break stuns/stability/blocks – too much damage mitigation in general. You need some CC to make yourself more effective in dealing damage. As far as I can see you have no condition removal so a condition damage build would eat you alive. I’d strongly recommend using Lyssa runes instead of Air for the condition removal if nothing else. You could also consider dropping 10 points in arms for 10 points in tactics, unlocking Leg Specialist which is going to help you substaintially in landing damage. Tactics will also increase boon duration by 10% and Vitality by 100, giving you a little more survivability. You lose critical damage and crit chance, but what’s the point of having those if you can’t actually land your attacks? I’d also consider Mobile Strikes so you can GTFO when kitten hits the fan.

This is the spec I was running:


You could switch it out for Burst Mastery to make the most of Killshot, but it depends on which weapon you use most. This build is also squishy, but it has great mobility and you can make the most of terrain advantages, giving you utility great AoE and single target damage. Just don’t get caught by Well of Corruption, that’ll probably be the biggest problem. You could switch out Frenzy for SoS if you know there is a Necro on the opposite side.

I’m not saying my build is without it’s flaws either, but that’s the problems that I can see with your build – because I had the same problems myself with my previous GS builds.

Hope this helps.

(edited by Feed.4531)

100B Burst build

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


If you don’t have good condition control then sooner or later you will get dominated when you come across a class that uses it heavily.

Also as someone mentioned, without mobile strikes or dogged march your get kited easily with half the classes in the game.

Can this build work?Yes, if you have a baby sitter meaning someone distracting the enemy or being the focus while you sneak in from the side. But then again..almost any class can sneak in from the side and do good dps given certain builds.

We are the only class that needs to melee in the game -guardians wait for you- and we are bad at condition removal. Trying to address those problems as a warrior class, we sacrifice too much and end up a useless class.

100B Burst build

in Warrior

Posted by: Tyrion.4259


The two above posters said it perfectly. I can’t imagine not running with dogged march and to some extent last stand. Lately though I’ve been running a build in WvW that foregoes Melandru / Hoelbrak runes, which I normally have to keep conditions down to like 0 on immobilized ones but I’m comfortable with lemongrass and dogged march.

It’s a Greatsword/Hammer build with three sets of two runes for boon duration. Gives me permanent signet of rage this way. Mostly berserker and I offset the lack of precision in the spec by picking up signet of fury.

0/0/30/20/20. Dogged march, last stand, hammer trait. Leg specialist (switch out to stronger bowstrings when wanting to break out bow at keep fights), empowered (or shrug it off), heightened focus and signet mastery. This build only works in WvW though since you can’t get the perma signet of rage in pvp and honestly with the small areas it’s not necessary. 73% condition duration reduction on immobilizes is good enough for me.

I’m also able to then pick up frenzy, bulls charge, and signet of fury and not worry about conditions or balanced stance (although they still could provide use).

Build – http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fIAQJARSjcO1wxO+OMxBE0DNkLyClC7oNSKEjyA-jkDBYLBioAgsAK5pIasltht6KalXBRxATVSpW5CQDDyeDwgDybYZ1yAwsAA-w

100B Burst build

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


Keep on using it if you’re having fun. Don’t go tournaments though, wouldn’t be fair on your team.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

100B Burst build

in Warrior

Posted by: Tyrion.4259


Keep on using it if you’re having fun. Don’t go tournaments though, wouldn’t be fair on your team.

I imagine you’re referring to me. Yes I agree whole-heartidly. I would never spec that way in tpvp or spvp; I’d burst and set up a spec that relies on getting precision and power through traits to up it even more with the berserker amulet and runes (like Lyssa). In pvp the higher the chance of crit and burst the better in my opinion; glass cannon is really the only way. I know there’s specs out there trying to be a bunker but that’s where we fall short.

100B Burst build

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


I was actually referring to OP, but I guess it extends to you as well. Tpvp is something warriors should think twice about entering, no matter what build. As it is now, almost anything we can do, other classes do better.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

100B Burst build

in Warrior

Posted by: Envy.8093


Your guys’ build seem viable for WvW , this is strictly for structured pvp / tournaments which is why I don’t find the immobolize break and snare reduction essential with all of the given obstacles and the concept of point fighting. I run this build in tpvp and it works well if there isn’t a reputable engi on their team to consistently chill me (if there is, I usually just switch characters in the beginning).