2 Blades vs GS

2 Blades vs GS

in Warrior

Posted by: tzun.9025


I’m right now a dual wielded blade warrior. I’ve no problem like soloing a champion/boss (1v1) with 2 blades. Yet, sometimes i feel my attack range is kinda small. So if i were to play wvw, 2 blades or greatsword is better? Any thoughts?

Just to clarify, i’m comparing 2 blades & greatsword only. It has nothing to do with other weapons. The reason i don’t equip both and swap is because i need a range weapon to swap with – bow and i’m pretty satisfy with the result. You’re free to comment about the DPS, Mobility or any other factors that will affect the performance.

2 Blades vs GS

in Warrior

Posted by: Evalia.7103


The moment you are out of combat, you are free to swap weapons.
It is wise to use melee weapons(assuming that 2 blades means 2 swords, you better throw off-hand sword in trash bin and equip shield; sword’s is a half-condition orientied weapon that is unfortunately not so strong now for dealing damage. I’m using it for it’s utility of chasing down and stopping enemies, to hack them with GS later.) in open field.
I barely equip ranged weapon in open field; exception would be holding a point( like protecting camp) and sometimes zerg-on-zerg open field battles(then i usually go with dual melee anyway).
However longbow is the awesomeness for protecting walled structures from multiple enemies, and rifle is just as awesome when enemy force is small.

(edited by Evalia.7103)

2 Blades vs GS

in Warrior

Posted by: tzun.9025


The moment you are out of combat, you are free to swap weapons.
It is wise to use melee weapons(assuming that 2 blades means 2 swords, you better throw off-hand sword in trash bin and equip shield; sword’s is a half-condition orientied weapon that is unfortunately not so strong now for dealing damage. I’m using it for it’s utility of chasing down and stopping enemies, to hack them with GS later.) in open field.
I barely equip ranged weapon in open field; exception would be holding a point( like protecting camp) and sometimes zerg-on-zerg open field battles(then i usually go with dual melee anyway).
However longbow is the awesomeness for protecting walled structures from multiple enemies, and rifle is just as awesome when enemy force is small.

Thanks for the suggestion and yet i don’t think there are any skills / weapons are served as trash in the game. It merely just one doesn’t show enough understanding to use it. I’ve a different traits and combat style from the other warriors perhaps that’s why i need bow & sword/gs to be equipped. Still, u’ve inspired me in some ways, thanks.

(edited by tzun.9025)

2 Blades vs GS

in Warrior

Posted by: Evalia.7103


I did not mention it is trash, I said that currently it is inferior.
It is true that all weapons are supposed to be used in some ways, which is exactly why I carry almost a whole 20 slot bag full of weaponry.
However off-hand sword is just too disappointing. You can’t even decide whether it is condition damage or direct damage; it is a hybrid of both which is no good(mixing up condition damage and direct damage is a waste of potential). What else? It is single target; last button is a single-attack block which is hardly going to hit and is not rewarding even if it does.
You see amazing AOE stun on mace, amazing AOE damage ability on axe(okay not so amazing but if you use it in combo field with some omnompies, it’s a star of the show),
amazing swiftness and slow removal on warhorn as well as AOE vigor with AOE weakness; shield also shows off with quick dash interrupt and amazing block ability.
Sword just pales. If anything, it does more damage on single-target. But thereagain, in such situation shield wins. and in other situation it’s also shield; or mace, or axe. I’ve played warrior for a decent time, I believe I know what I talk about.

2 Blades vs GS

in Warrior

Posted by: Honsu.3175


I agree with Evalia sadly dw 1h swords is not that effective but for wvw id reccomend mh sword and offhand mace or warhorn. The warhorn for travel and mobility or the mace for the stun.
I would not reccommend GS for WvW because you will almost never land a full hundred blades.

2 Blades vs GS

in Warrior

Posted by: tzun.9025


I did not mention it is trash, I said that currently it is inferior.
It is true that all weapons are supposed to be used in some ways, which is exactly why I carry almost a whole 20 slot bag full of weaponry.
However off-hand sword is just too disappointing. You can’t even decide whether it is condition damage or direct damage; it is a hybrid of both which is no good(mixing up condition damage and direct damage is a waste of potential). What else? It is single target; last button is a single-attack block which is hardly going to hit and is not rewarding even if it does.
You see amazing AOE stun on mace, amazing AOE damage ability on axe(okay not so amazing but if you use it in combo field with some omnompies, it’s a star of the show),
amazing swiftness and slow removal on warhorn as well as AOE vigor with AOE weakness; shield also shows off with quick dash interrupt and amazing block ability.
Sword just pales. If anything, it does more damage on single-target. But thereagain, in such situation shield wins. and in other situation it’s also shield; or mace, or axe. I’ve played warrior for a decent time, I believe I know what I talk about.

Well said, i’m thankful as u spend some time to explain so much. And yet, back to the question. I’m just comparing dual wielded 1-hand swords with greatsword. And there is one point i don’t really agree with – u say hybrid condition dmg & direct dmg is a waste. However, with the current build i’m using, the condition dmg seems to help me to get more kills in pvp until i’m able to get top kills in pvp / tournament everytime (not most of the time). And if u’re still disagree with me, just think that i’ve no idea how to use an axe / mace in practical fight.

Lastly, let me clarify this. i’m only curious about the performance of greatsword & dual wielded 1 hand swords in wvw due to range factor. And to be specific, i’m now confuse to choose greatsword’s whirlwind or sword’s savage leap while hundred blade is only used for stopping enemy to ress one another.

(edited by tzun.9025)

2 Blades vs GS

in Warrior

Posted by: Evalia.7103


Hundred blades is a combo move(not as in game combo mechanics, but as in actual chain of abilities), which you can use like flurry>weapon switch>hundred blades and enjoy hacking an opponent that has yet no choice but to stand and get hacked down to death. Sometimes I equip bull’s rush to do that, and my runes always help me because of them giving me stability boon – so I won’t get stopped while channeling it.
Frenzy is also heard of. I can’t count the cases when I killed multiple enemies who got in my flurry>HB combo when i was under frenzy&full boons(lyssa runes). I’m not running main-hand sword all the time, but with longbow last ability is 3.6 seconds immobilize(with 20% condi duration increase that i get from 10 in strength and runes). Wait, greatsword itself has 2.4 sec immobilize on 4th ability?! That is if you trait leg specialist. Bingo. Go stop them in their tracks and show something scary.
On top of it, finishing people with it(in downed state) is amazing because it is much more reliable and will prevent them from getting resurrected(or otherwise make some more downed people), and so is hacking down NPCs. Second ability of greatsword is far from useless in wvw.
3rd ability is a quick 1.5x times bigger dodge that can be used for dealing solid damage just as well, 4th ability is just glorious(if you tr!ait leg speci it is twice as glorious) and rush is an amazing movement skill with damage attached to it.
The only fact that is not so good about greatsword is lack of proper burst, but it is somewhat compensated now because you get extra damage(traits!) by having adrenaline bars filled.

2 Blades vs GS

in Warrior

Posted by: Dracula.1709


A mix between direct damage and condition damage is not a waste. It may even represent a way for ANet to combat the 25 stack of Condition Damage complaint without editing the stack total.