50 Blades warrior!

50 Blades warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: google.3709


so, since frenzy has been nerfed, this could be a good time to discuss some new builds, that willl you be playing now that 100HB is only 50HB? will you still play it ? goign to try new build? if so what builds! lets discuss!

50 Blades warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: tyandam.8962


kick/rampage/banner build… plant 3 banners and do a Russian dance spamming kick

Dev 1: Ele’s are OP
Dev 2: Nerf warriors?

50 Blades warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: google.3709


haha that sounds like fun, invite some warrior friends have a little soccer game with some random asuran

50 Blades warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

It’s a big nerf and it’s ridiculous we got no CD reduction nor reduced the 50% damage debuff.
HB was already only viable against people out of cooldowns, now it simply isn’t on the skillbar basically.

Anet is playing that game again like in GW1 where Warriors ended up forced to use Hammer to do anything in PvP.

50 Blades warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: Varonth.5830


New low for the forum:
100 Hundred Blades is now 50 Hundred Blades.

50 Blades warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: Iavra.8510


So…it’s still 5000 blades? Seems like a lot to me.

50 Blades warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: Vicarious.3047


We’re about to see alot more axe warriors in sPvP thats for sure! lol

And I mean I’m actually kinda glad they nerfed quickness, it was broken as crap and was almost auto win in most cases in smaller fights.

Plus I had gotten tired of seeing a warrior in a tourney and just assuming it was a burst 100B spec cause EVERY warrior was specced that way, labeling those few others of use effective with something besides that one spec as spamming noobs cause our class…..

EDIT: and this will help cancel out the mesmer auto-win elite time warp a lot of the time.

50 Blades warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: google.3709


Keep in mind that Kill shot does 12k normally up to 17k on glass cannons on sPvP Warriors will be come snipers!

50 Blades warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: tyandam.8962


lol still more of a ranger than an actual ranger

Dev 1: Ele’s are OP
Dev 2: Nerf warriors?

50 Blades warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: Detcelfer.9736


Quickness was broken, but theres a reason why warriors used it – because we have very little else that was viable. Warriors will continue to plummet in ladders because of this. I didnt use 100b personally, but I still used frenzy. Now I’m not sure what I’m going to do. Probably condition Flurry builds.

50 Blades warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: Xhosant.3196


I should note that frenzy seems non-viable now, since the increase in your damage and the increase in you enemies’ damage is the same (at best :/). I would think the adaption at least warrantied dropping the extra damage taken to half, too…

50 Blades warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: Vicarious.3047


Keep in mind that Kill shot does 12k normally up to 17k on glass cannons on sPvP Warriors will be come snipers!

Rifle warriors that do that much damage are squishy as crap and are incredibly easy to kill, not too mention all their burst can be avoided by simply dodging on time ONCE or just walking right past them while theyre kneeling down.

This build still wont be prominent cause it sucks in sPvP just as much as it always has.

50 Blades warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: naphack.9346


Keep in mind that Kill shot does 12k normally up to 17k on glass cannons on sPvP Warriors will be come snipers!

Rifle warriors that do that much damage are squishy as crap and are incredibly easy to kill, not too mention all their burst can be avoided by simply dodging on time ONCE or just walking right past them while theyre kneeling down.

This build still wont be prominent cause it sucks in sPvP just as much as it always has.

walk past?
Real men reflect it back!

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

50 Blades warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: google.3709


Keep in mind that Kill shot does 12k normally up to 17k on glass cannons on sPvP Warriors will be come snipers!

Rifle warriors that do that much damage are squishy as crap and are incredibly easy to kill, not too mention all their burst can be avoided by simply dodging on time ONCE or just walking right past them while theyre kneeling down.

This build still wont be prominent cause it sucks in sPvP just as much as it always has.

that is true, rifle requires a different play style where you have to be sneaky.. on big fights stand somewhere far, and start sniping, and if the enemy comes at you, go axe/shield and use esviserate, on my current set up i crits for 9-12k and then you just stun rupt their heal attempt and have a free meal

in sPvP you just can’t go Tank & Spank like on PvE

50 Blades warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: davishwulf.9641


- Un-root the Frenzy stance or take away the 50% damage penalty (i prefer the 1st option)

- Give us a permanent Banner option side by side with our Burst Skill (like Guardians have 2 skills up there)

that banner would be changeable by choice

This would fix the GS tree & our banner problems. DPS and proper support without the lousy Banner system we have so far

If ANet wants the Warrior class to be up-front, taking hits and dishing damage, so let Warriors be the aggressive armored Warriors they should be

50 Blades warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: TanMan.1374


Banked my greatsword and respec’d for axe build.

I also use axe offhand to hit many targets in wvw. I don’t care what anyone else says, axe offhand > mace/shield. Mace 5 is easily dodged and shield has no use for me.

(edited by TanMan.1374)

50 Blades warrior!

in Warrior

Posted by: Vicarious.3047


that is true, rifle requires a different play style where you have to be sneaky.. on big fights stand somewhere far, and start sniping, and if the enemy comes at you, go axe/shield and use esviserate, on my current set up i crits for 9-12k and then you just stun rupt their heal attempt and have a free meal

in sPvP you just can’t go Tank & Spank like on PvE

In tourneys you never get a big enough enough fight to be able to hang back, someone will see you in the common 3v3/3v4/4v4 fights (most teams leave once defense, making the fights even smaller) and when a rifle warrior is spotted it’s immediately targeted and burned down instantly.

Rifle is good for WvW where they can hide and full 8v8 hotjoin pug rooms where everyone just zergs back and forth in large groups anyway lol But it will never be a good tourney build, sad to say.

Mace 5 is easily dodged and shield has no use for me.

Mace 5 is easily dodged if you use it too far away ;3

I use it in a combo, bullsrush → axe2 → mace5 → mace4 → etc

As long as they dont use a stun breaker out of the BR or already have stability it actually works very well.

I personally hate axe 5 cause it labels you as the “he can’t dodge or remove any conditions” guy lol everyone will temporarily target you, and in a high damage build as most warriors use (since we can’t do anything else in tPvP….) you might not last through the whole attack :P

(edited by Vicarious.3047)