A Painful reminder of gw1

A Painful reminder of gw1

in Warrior

Posted by: DarkPrayer.3148


Now before I start this I just need to clarify a few points.
#1. My main is a warrior
#2. Roamed in wvw with no problems before and after patch.
#3. I don’t really do much pve any more
#4. I am a big guild wars fan
#5. I don’t zerg

Now in guild wars 1 I detested the warrior, couldn’t get use to it, played gw1 for 5 yrs
Rolled a derv and absolutely loved every moment of it.
But friends of mine played warriors ND well , yeah that’s where the anet warrior hate started. Nerf after Nerf hit the warrior ND when I quit playing gw1 about 7 months before gw2 was released there was no point in warrior. Try to get a party.(pve).

Dnt get me wrong, warrior still works fine in gw2. Atleast it does for me. But then I play my warrior ND I know what class’ I’m going to have trouble facing. I can’t spec for every encounter I get. But I, after reading through quite a few of the pages, am starting to get a feeling that anet wants ppl to rather role guardians if they want to play melee….. Well no chance of that for me personality. Was the longest 80lvls of my life leveling that thing.

But here is the question, am I the only feeling that they are trying to make the class more “look, a pve noob, cause he/she roles a warrior”?


A Painful reminder of gw1

in Warrior

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

Now before I start this I just need to clarify a few points.
#1. My main is a warrior
#2. Roamed in wvw with no problems before and after patch.
#3. I don’t really do much pve any more
#4. I am a big guild wars fan
#5. I don’t zerg

Now in guild wars 1 I detested the warrior, couldn’t get use to it, played gw1 for 5 yrs
Rolled a derv and absolutely loved every moment of it.
But friends of mine played warriors ND well , yeah that’s where the anet warrior hate started. Nerf after Nerf hit the warrior ND when I quit playing gw1 about 7 months before gw2 was released there was no point in warrior. Try to get a party.(pve).

Dnt get me wrong, warrior still works fine in gw2. Atleast it does for me. But then I play my warrior ND I know what class’ I’m going to have trouble facing. I can’t spec for every encounter I get. But I, after reading through quite a few of the pages, am starting to get a feeling that anet wants ppl to rather role guardians if they want to play melee….. Well no chance of that for me personality. Was the longest 80lvls of my life leveling that thing.

But here is the question, am I the only feeling that they are trying to make the class more “look, a pve noob, cause he/she roles a warrior”?


>Cannot dodge
>Gets hit at close range for ridiculous amounts of damage
>“Warrior players are noobs”

On topic:

yes and no. Anet looks like they’re trying to find that medium where other class players will accept warrior as taking skill to play effectively.
The problem is that medium doesnt exist short of turning them into (free) (sand)bags.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)

A Painful reminder of gw1

in Warrior

Posted by: Lurock Turoth.9085

Lurock Turoth.9085

Is an A in AND really so much to ask for? … I mean come on….

Angst Hex, [FLOT] BG Havoc/Roaming