About Warrior build for WvW

About Warrior build for WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Alex Yip.9036

Alex Yip.9036

This week I change my computer to be good,So I try to play WvW and Now I Like That!I like Hammer,But I really don`t know What Build I can use (Maybe I play PVP a long long time…)So,this is my build.If Something can change and some idea can tell me,.Thank you and Please,I need your help


1000% to use hammer but Second Weapon….ahhh…I don`t know. Axe 5 is attack all the surface.But GS2 only 180 Degree. ahh….What do you thing?And Can I use a half PTV and a half PPT?(PTV is so Expensive)and Food,I really don`t know what I can use.And Have a question about Server.Which Server have a lot people to play WvW in Asia Time and NA time?

BTW, English is not my first language,Apology for my poor grammar