The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]
Add: Cancel move for gs5 + gs3
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]
you can allready cancel both skills with swaping weapons.
You can also change course with gs5, which is less predictable than just channeling the skill. Otherwise, not sure what cancelling the skills bring… cd is still the same.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
Both these comments just generate a “wut?”
1. Swapping weapons is kinda a big deal. And it has a cooldown of 5-10 seconds incombat. There should be another way….thus this thread. What if stowing weapons didn’t cancel attacks? Would you be all like “well swapping weapons cancels attacks so its fine”? Cause that’s what you’re saying if this is intended as an actual counterargument.
2. You can’t see what cancelling the skills brings….?…..Well for one it would make me not drive myself off a cliff after my target randomly decides to commit suicide. for 2, it would allow you to end a lunge early to, you know, NOT go straight into a trap or aoe deathstorm. for 3, it would prevent me from accidently hitting the wrong key or targetting the wrong thing and lunging backwards into a giant zerg with no way of correcting the mistake since my weapon swap cd is 10 whole seconds… it is for all untraited warriors. I meannnn even if the weapon swap cd was instant I would sitll advocate for a cancel key, cause having to swap back and forth weapons just to cancel is a bit stupid when you got somehting like stow weapon alrdy there inplace functioning as a cancel for non-movement based attacks.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]