Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Thanatos.5102


Hello guys, this is my first attempt to collaborate to the forum’s discussions. Let me fisrt take the time and congratulate everybody for a vibrant community, I am a 10-years veteran in MMOs, having played almost anything that has come out all these years. This is the first time that I find such a mature and welcoming community where people discuss their concerns aroung their game and there’s actually a chance that the developers will take all these suggestions under concideration for future updates (at least that’s the word on the street about AN’s dev team, I hope they live up to their reputation).

Coming to my point, after leveling my Warrior I will briefly describe my conserns aroung the known issue with GS lack of mobility. Given the usual GS build the main damage skill when using a GS is the 100B skill. GS 1 is a very nice opener, especially with the vulnerability it applies, GS 3 is also nice for some mobility + dmg but not to a single target since you’ll only land a couple of hits as the skill is mobile, GS 4 is perfect for some crippling when chasing and GS 5 is also very nice as a gap closer (even if the hit doesn’t always land but that’s another thing). On the same time the Adrenaline skill is a medium damage skill that however is not worth executing when you take into concideration the usage of Adrenaline for +12% damage (Berserker’s Power) and extra heal amount (Healing Surge) etc etc. and only gives you +20% crit chance which we usually get from “Great Justice” or “Signet of Rage”.

So we come to the conclusion that GS 2 aka 100B is the main source of damage when using a GS BUT is requires a Warrior to stand still (!!) while his target remains mobile – 100B can be avoided by simply stepping back 2 steps, not even dodging is required. This cannot be acceptable for a mellee fighter. Take into concideration here that the various Traits (Slashing Power & Forceful Greatsword) make the GS the no.1 weapon choice for a Warrior.

Now to address that our Warriors are improvising using:
a) Bolas and then a gap closer and then 100B (takes too much time to execute from the small amount of time that Bolas lasts, Time on Target is minimal)
b) Bull’s Charge and then 100B (too much time again is wasted with the animation of BC and the knock down lasts even less than the Bolas so again the Time on Target is minimal)
c) Flurry from a secondary set with a Sword and a weapon change, which is actually a very interesting choice but requires the secondary set to be a Sword/something (not bad as a choice however since it provides interesting mobility and defence capabilites along with a shield or a mace).

From all these 3 choices I personally prefer the 3rd choice for an obvious reason: more Time on Target from Flurry’s immobilize, more channeled damage from 100B which – I say again – is the main damage skill of the GS.

So problem solved right? No, since you need to take a lot of steps to make 1 simple thing to happen: keep a target at bay for the amount of time is takes to apply 1 skill’s full damage. One proposed change? Make 100B a mobile skill, for some reason AN felt that it should not be as such. A second proposal? Read below.

My proposal, and I hope that someone from AN even takes a look at it is very simple: exchange the Adrenaline skills between GS and Sword. I propose that the Flurry skill is added to the GS weapon skills, call it whatever you want, the animation/logic could be an uppercut hit with the GS’s hand grip that will stun/immobilize the target for 4 secs as Flurry does (bleeds are not required here thus should be ommited). By using it you give up the so much wanted Adrenaline thus lowering the damage you deliver BUT you gain a very much needed condition for a successful 100B: a stationary target !

On the same time giving the Sword’s build the Arcing Slice Adrenaline skill you gain a much appreciated higher critical chance while using a weapon that does less damage than the 2-handed ones thus would need a higher critical landing chance to compensate. Should you feel that it is fair, you could even add a Bleed condition too, AN would have to decide whether this is needed or not as to better balance the damage output.

I am sorry for the long post, I know many of you might not read it but I feel there are some intesting points in there that you would like to discuss. Let me know what you think and again I hope that AN would cherish the time and effort we take into debating this game and take these suggestions at least under consideration. After all we are using our energy to enhance their product, which will mean more success to them (and to be fair, a better game experience to us of course).

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Artaz.3819


Make 100B a mobile skill, for some reason AN felt that it should not be as such. A second proposal? Read below.

My proposal, and I hope that someone from AN even takes a look at it is very simple: exchange the Adrenaline skills between GS and Sword.

TL’DR version – I believe.

Both of these have been discussed on the forums prior; HB has been adjusted and adjusted (downwards) since betas. There is a reason it is in its current state of damage/immbolization to warrior issue (it was perhaps the most talked about ability of any class in BWE1-3+).

I agree that Greatsword does need a new F1. But copying or transferring any existing F1 skill is just disastrous to that other weapon playstyle. “Swapping” the F1 and HB ‘2’ GS skill (but adding immobilize to HB under the new F1) would be quite frankly an I-win button in a melee AoE.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


On the your proposal of swaping the adrenaline skills of sword and greatsword, i have to disagree. Flurry is too usefull for condition damage sword (and sword is meant to be condition damage weapon), because it can stack HUGE amount of bleeds (even tho, they last only 2/3 seconds).

However the proposal of having several seconds long immobilize on F1 GS skill is very appealing and goes with general idea of sword (or greatsword) being a that weapon that slices your legs, and makes you hard to move (eg.: Bladetrail, Hamstring, Flurry..)

Also mind that current F1 skill is also quite usefull. Make me explain: the 20% bonus crit chance synergizes well with Forceful Greatsword, 33% bleed chance traits in arms tree, as well as with several sigils (sigil of strengh for example). So with 10 s CD, 9 s Fury uptime with 3rd stage it allows you to have fury nearly 100% of time. And gaining adrenaline shouldn’t be a problem with the multi-strike nature of GS and traits that generate adrenaline from being hit, landing crits etc… (plus you have short CD berserk stance)

So what current F1 does? It allows you to have build varienty. You don’t have to take FGJ or Signet of Rage to keep fury. You can take group-related stuff, like Shake it Off and Battle Standart instead. Or you can take the FGJ and SoR and don’t use F1 at all. And trait that you profit from saving adrenaline instead (12% damage, 9% crit chance, HP regen..). So while the F1 seems to be unerwherlming its actually very usefull in terms of build variety. EDIT: Plus the bonus crit chance can make you free to pass up on some precision gear and focus on more defesive stats.

So because of this i don’t agree that the F1 skills should be changed, instead i propose that the base damage of HB is lowered, and that you are allowed to move at reduced speed (probably at 50%?). Very much like guardian’s Whirlwind Wrath is. This would still allow your opponent to dodge away and kite/outrun you until you are done with HB. But it would work well with cripple/immobilize/stuns as you’ll be able to keep up with your opponent and keep slashing them. Also it would, allow you to relocate PvE, when the mobs mess up and run past you, so you would be able to turn around and don’t lose majority of the damage, instead of swinging the air like a mandman.

So what do you think?

EDIT: Fixed few typos

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

(edited by Madtavish.9037)

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Recently.1043


1.) 100b will never be a mobile skill. That would be the dumbest change ever. Why not ask for the 100b button to just automatically kill everything around you as well? GS is already the most mobile warrior weapon. Ranged cripple, and 2 dash/gap closers…….. Go play an axe warrior and then come back and complain to me about mobility.

2.) You want access to a 4 second immobilize. Which you can already get access to with a weapon swap. Why not ask for the ability to swap to 3 weapons? how about 4?. Hell i want to be able to use pistols too. If i can shoot a riffle, surely i can shot a pistol as well. And daggers. What the heck, why not daggers, they are way lighter than great swords.


Anyways, if you can’t land 100b, then tough cookies. Its a high risk, high reward skill. What your asking for is an I win button. Go roll a thief and mash “2,2,2,2,2,2,2,” that might be more up your alley?

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Thanatos.5102


Most of your points guys are pretty valid, except of course of the classical “you want an imba skill, an ‘I win’ button” etc. I am playing a game and I am discussing my views on an open forum. To comment by saying “you just want to oblitarate everything” migh be your opinion and I respect it 100%, you’re free to express it of course but I think that it’s just not productive.

To sum up my points, I don’t ask or need for a “1 skill=100% kill chance” button, I just discuss the fact that the main damage skill of a mainly damage dealing oriented character should be usefull. If not, then what’s the point in having it?

It’s not a “high risk-high reward skill” Recently, if you don’t use it (since you know that you’ll only land 1-2 out of the 8 hits it does) how would you do any damage? With auto-attacks? If yes, then take it out and put something else there that would be usefull, not necessarily powerfull, but something worth having.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


1.) 100b will never be a mobile skill. That would be the dumbest change ever. Why not ask for the 100b button to just automatically kill everything around you as well? GS is already the most mobile warrior weapon. Ranged cripple, and 2 dash/gap closers…….. Go play an axe warrior and then come back and complain to me about mobility.

Yes but you would be moving at REDUCED speed, not increasing, and that infact hinders your mobility.
Second I proposed a damage REDUCTION on HB. I wasn’t ever asking for op kill-all button, so please don’t act like I or OP did.

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Thanatos.5102


1.) 100b will never be a mobile skill. That would be the dumbest change ever. Why not ask for the 100b button to just automatically kill everything around you as well? GS is already the most mobile warrior weapon. Ranged cripple, and 2 dash/gap closers…….. Go play an axe warrior and then come back and complain to me about mobility.

Yes but you would be moving at REDUCED speed, not increasing, and that infact hinders your mobility.
Second I proposed a damage REDUCTION on HB. I wasn’t ever asking for op kill-all button, so please don’t act like I or OP did.

I think that adding some kind of mobility to the 100B might be a nice change, I proposed a different kind of solution because I thought that AN would have thought and rejected it for some reason. However, the thing is simple for me: a self-rooting 100B is useless unless the target is either stunned or immobilized. So either give the Warrior a way to root the target for a couple of secs (is it OP? there are stun-breaking skills you know) or make it more mobile. And frankly I dont get it why a root followed by a 100B is insta-kill since there are stunbreakers… That’s the ideal risk-reward option: risk to root the target and for him to break it and render you follow-up 100B useless or succeed in rooting him and your 100B to be a successfull (not insta-kill) skill.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


Greatsword with sword/warhorn is the fastest thing out there. You can pop in and out of combat it isn’t funny. Flurry is 4 seconds of immobilize. I have only seen one person in WvW use it. The person was so fast, it looked like they were speed hacking.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Greiger.7092


Maybe it’s just that my build uses ccs on all it’s utility slots but I see no issues with GS as it is. You can either use an immobilize like bolas, a knockback like bulls rush, or fear somebody into a wall with fear me and go to town on them. Not to mention the possible use of the speed buff before using it which makes the entire thing go off before some people can even react.

Making 100b mobile, whether the OP intends it or not, will turn it into an I win button on many builds.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Thanatos.5102


Many interesting points and thank you all for contributing. A point that I would like to make and you are welcome to correct me ( I am not claiming it to be self-evident) is that applying a stationary skill to a target that is free to move (not dodge, simply backstep a bit) is simply risking to hit someone that has EVERY chance to evade it unless he’s asleep or afk. What’s the point to try to 100B a person in combat that, in case he’s alive and awake, will be 100% able to avoid it? Given that notion, that’s why I personally don’t like the way the skill works and I think it becomes useless 90% of the time.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Argis.7049


Has everyone forgotten about the Warrior trait that turns cripples into immobilizes? I know a 1 second immoblize doesn’t sound like much but look at it this way: 1. Hit enemy with axe 3 immobilzing them 2. They don’t notice it’s only 1 second duration so they pop their stun-breaker and probably dodge roll 3. Switch to greatsword and hit them with GS 4 4. They will either bust out of it again, dodge roll desperately, or pop their defensive cooldowns. Either way they are probably out of escapes unless they are very defensive. 5. Use your knockdown/stun/immobilize of choice with a utility skill followed by Hundred Blades on what is probably a stationary defenseless target. I am just theorycrafting this right now, I would love to hear some feedback from anyone who tries it out.

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Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Sami.1560


Comboing #4 with the immobilize treat is great. Comboing that with the Fury trait is even better (if lobbing the sword into a group of people). Or you know, just use stuns/bolas/Flurry/etc.

The greatsword is the only Warrior weapon that doesn’t need any serious changes/fixes on it (and yes, adding movement to 100 blades IS a serious change). You can personally spec so 100 blades hits more often than not, and if you choose not to follow that route then I suggest you (or anyone else who wants movement on 100 blades) to get a friend or two to apply the roots/stunns/etc so you can land the high damage. It’s a group game, and at the end of the day some classes/abilities work extremely well with allies to set them up.

The only “bad” thing about the GS is F1, and even that has its uses.

I would much rather see the Warrior community focus on getting improvements to the Longbow, Mace mainhand, etc than trying to make the best Warrior weapon needlessly better.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Thanatos.5102


Just to clarify things here, I am not proposing that the 100B becomes a moving skill, that’s what Madtavish proposed (and actually at 50% speed) and I think it might be a good idea, with a reduced damage maybe to compensate.
What I said is that I would like to have the same weapon (whose skill requires me to sit stationary to channel it) give me an option to immobilize the target as well, to compensate for the fact that it self-roots me. This can be done of course with a utility skill but I just feel that since the weapon itself puts me in a disadvantage, the same weapon itself should offer me the option to compensate it by putting my target in the same rough spot, immobilized that is.
This seems fair to me, however I might be wrong. That’s why I am here, to discuss it, nothing wrong with that, it actually gives food for thought for everyone. Thanks again to everyone taking the time to share their views.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Sami.1560


The disadvantage is that you can’t move. The advantage is that it deals an insane amount of damage. If you don’t want to use utility shots for crowd control (I don’t blame you, as pretty much the only defensive abilities we have are in there) you still have other options:

1) Immobilize by combining Bladetrail with Leg Specialist. Note that it applies a cripple/immobilize when going out AND when coming back in.

2) Use an immobilize from a different weapon. Main-hand sword is the best for this as the F1 is an AoE immobilize with a similar area to 100 blades. However, anything which stuns/immobilizes works.

3) Be smart. Force your opponent to blow their dodge bar and a cripple will then work just as well as an immobilize (stops them from moving out of range).

4) Bring friends – the game is not designed around 1v1.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Angriff.1935


Well, let me start of by saying that GS warrior does not have mobility issues. Not really in any respect. In fact, GS warrior with sword/warhorn(as someone stated before) is probably the most mobile striker in all of GW2.

The problem(that I believe you’re referring to) is our one big damage packet skill(100b) is difficult to land in its entirety, which it should be. Though between latency and server desynch occasionally only allows for 2-3 hits from it which is probably less damage than just auto attacking

Making it mobile with a speed reduction(about cripple speed) is actually agreeable, it doesn’t really make frenzy/100b a whole lot better because if someone can get out of it then they will. It however does allow for small corrections in positioning and makes running 100b without frenzy more attractive.

Also, while we’re on the topic of 100b, flurry(100bs little bleedy cousin) could use some love.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Thanatos.5102


Both answers are excellent replies and I suppose that maybe my idea for an F1 4-secs root might be over the top. I suppose then, for the sake of over all mobility of the char, the best solution might be a mobile skill at 50% speed and maybe a small reduction in damage to compensate. Thus a character that dodges will be able to evade the skill (as it should) but on the same time a simple 2-steps back step by the target will not force me to break the channeling and waste the whole skill.
My original idea was to try to propose a solution that will take care of both Warrior’s known issues with the GS build at the same time: poor Adrenaline skill and self-rooting GS 2 skill, but I might went over the top.

And Angriff you’re right, my post’s title selection was rather poor

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: WakkaJabba.3910


i think op should take a look at other profession forums where they all complain how much dmg 100b could do as it is right now. and maybe try to use the weapon swap mechanic.

with a 4 seconds fully channeled meteor shower which brings down 30+ meteors but normally doesnt hit the same person twice, 100b isnt that hard to land.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Redundancy.7325


GS doesn’t have a mobility issue.

Hundred blades is very powerful, and as such, you need to use other abilities/talents/teammates to set up a full 100b combo on another player. That’s balance.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Euthil.5209


Yeah, I’ve always wished that they could reduce the damage output of Hundred Blades by 25%-30% (and perhaps increase the cooldown as well) but make the ability usable while moving. At the current state, it can be used effectively only in very controlled situations, as you probably deal less DPS than auto-attack while voluntarily rooting yourself in the process if you try to use it freely. Now, I dislike using the common Frenzy+Bull’s Charge+Hundred Blades combo, as it’s a one-trick pony and I don’t like wasting two utility slots for a combo that has a high failure rate. However, if I bring only Bull’s Charge and use it with Hundred Blades, I could probably land at most 3 to 4 hits with the combo before the enemy dodges.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Thanatos.5102


My point exactly, to get it right you need to use 2 utility skills (out of the 3 we have) and still there’s a high propability of the target evading it with a simple dodge. Now I dont imply that the target shouldn’t be able to evade it, on the contrary, I insist however that it should probably be far easier to fully land, even at reduced damage.

Guys, the point here is that this skill, as with any other skill, is that it should be attractive for the gamer to use it. A skill that will require 2 pre-skills for setting it up OR will only half-land is no fun to use. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think that you should easily land the highest damage skill of the character and come to a point that everyone is just spamming it. I am thinking that it should be far easier to fully land with any necessary change (mobile at 50% speed/replace the current F1 skill with an Adrenaline short-root skill or w/e else?) and if the community feels that a fully landing 100B is too much then simply nerf the damage output. You gain a FULLY functional and usable skill and you loose some of it’s mighty damage. Personally, I think that’s a good deal.
On a last note, the weapon changing mechanic is supposed to offer versatility to the character, either melee vs. range or defensive vs. attacking weapon sets. It’s not supposed to work as a prerequisite to land 1 kitten skill, even if it’s the mighty 100B. That simply erases versatility and creates a narrow path to a boring and repetitive gameplay.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Sami.1560


No, it provides yet another option for landing that skill. Do you know who else likes AoE immobilizes? Everyone with AoE. Run with a group and use Flurry combined with other AoEs and you will have friends for life.

Not every skill needs to be 100% reliable – just because the skill has such a short cooldown doesn’t mean that it should be always usable, always reliable, all of the time. The short cooldown is there SO you can make mistakes and/or deal with people who manage to avoid it.

It’s also devastating in PvE (again, brain required if mobs are moving).

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Thanatos.5102


No, it provides yet another option for landing that skill. Do you know who else likes AoE immobilizes? Everyone with AoE. Run with a group and use Flurry combined with other AoEs and you will have friends for life.

Not every skill needs to be 100% reliable – just because the skill has such a short cooldown doesn’t mean that it should be always usable, always reliable, all of the time. The short cooldown is there SO you can make mistakes and/or deal with people who manage to avoid it.

It’s also devastating in PvE (again, brain required if mobs are moving).

Good point, I see what you mean there with the quick reuse and it’s actually a valid idea. However, I would prefer a lower damage/more reliable/larger cool down skill. But that’s how I would do it if I was an AN dev, that doesn’t mean that the way you propose is not good enough, I am just discussing possible enhancement. Thanks Sami for contributing.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Sami.1560


To be honest, that’s what Axe #5 was supposed to be (Whirling Axe). Long cooldown, fully mobile, full AoE. Except the damage is terrible.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Thanatos.5102


To be honest, that’s what Axe #5 was supposed to be (Whirling Axe). Long cooldown, fully mobile, full AoE. Except the damage is terrible.

You’re right but it’s your off hand weapon’s skill, I suppose off hands are mainly for secondary hits/utilites so it seems logical to be like that. GS #2 however is your main damage skill from your only weapon, so more damage (not as much as it is now maybe) would be expected.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Recently.1043


Basically if you want 100B to me a mobile skill, then the damage needs to be dropped alot.

And i mean “whirling axe” alot (meaning less damage than auto attacks).

There are currently many ways to apply a root effect as a warrior. Your a GS warrior too, so you have the gap closers to capitalize on a ranged cripple/root easier than say an axe warrior.

And most importantly, this game is not designed around 1v1 encounters. If you want to be a 1v1 specialist, as in my original response, go roll a thief like 80% of the spvp population.

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Vice.5247


100b should either reflect projectiles when cast, or block any incoming damage while cast.
That or lower it’s damage by about 20% and let us move while casting.

But it should not be left in it’s current state and it should be changed the way so it was considered a buff.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Nuke Morg.1952

Nuke Morg.1952

I cannot imagine 100B being a mobile skill. I use GS myself and it believe that it would make this skill completely imba. I love it. I use it. But no way you can make it mobile skill. And GS in general is awesome when it comes to mobility with weapon. I would only change a little bit 5th skill to make the attack much quicker when you connect with the enemy as I hate charging mobs and wait for 1 after I “connect” with them to see the strike.

“Reality is an illusion created by a lack of alcohol.”

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Madtavish.9037


Reading trough the posts here i found a what i think of some sort of solution for the 100b problem:
The current CD of the skill is 8 seconds right? And it lands 9 hits. 8 normal and 9th with bonus damage. Now how about making the base CD of this skill 0 seconds? And add a portion of second (0.9) for every strike succesfully landed/blocked, but not waved in air?
8:9=around 0.9 – so you have a little bit less than second of a CD for each connected strike.
With the Forceful greatsword trait, you have 6,5 sec CD on 100b, and with this change you would get +0.72 second of cd for each successful strike.
So this wouldn’t mean any damage increase for GS, as if you would interupt the skill, you would lose damage, but you wouldn’t lose that drastic amount damage as now, if your target just 2-steps back/dodges. Or the mob just switches aggro and runs past you.
Now i don’t think of it as punishment for landing all 9 strikes, but a fail-safe in case your major damage source gets negated by simple 2-step/dodge roll.

So what is your oppinion?

“No matter how wonderful or wierd the weapon, what matters, it the man behind it.”

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: aKIRA.7123


noooo flurry is how i get most of my kills with sword/shield. dont take that away from me

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Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Reclusiarh.2674


I would like to be able to Hb, dodge and continue to HB. Maybe as a GM trait or elite skill, which are quite plain right now, tbh.

Guild wars should be war between orders, because orders are guilds too.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Plague.5329


My main problem with Hundred Blades is that it exists only to deal damage. Only the primary skill of any weapon should lack utility. The rest of the GS’s skills are various kinds of closers. The #2 stands out a lot amongst them. It doesn’t belong on the weapon. What is the greatsword after all? It’s a distance closing weapon for sustained DPS. It’s not a burst weapon. Vulnerability, cripple, two closers – one of them a whirl.

HB probably needs its damage drastically lowered, and it needs to have some sort of innate utility to it. Whether you remove the freezing mechanic or not (and IMO no melee weapon should ever freeze the player), it does need to be less focused on just dealing damage and actually doing something of use.

For example, if you keep it freezing you in place, it could immobilize targets caught in it, like the Sword burst skill. It could also cripple or freeze. That’s basically it, as when you lock the player in place there’s only so much the skill can do. Tremor operated the same way until they fixed it. You could also have it remove conditions on the player as the hits land. 1s, you remove freeze, cripple and immobilize, 2s you remove any other one condition, with the final blow you remove another condition. Mobility.

If it can be used on the move, as it probably should, the vulnerability applied by skill 1 should probably be moved to HB, and the finishing blow (that overhead strike) should probably be a minor leap of about 100 range with no finisher. You could also dramatically increase its area of effect (and decrease the damage even more) but give it some innate life steal or adrenaline gain to reward using it on choke points or on balls of enemies.

I honestly just don’t care much for the weapon’s overall design. I like the fact that it’s meant to close distance (and all warrior weapons should), but once you do, it doesn’t do anything other than damage. Hundred Blades is a poster child for this. The whole skill sums up the weapon with that one animation, pretty nicely. It works if your opponent is dumb, and it deals a lot of damage. That’s it.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: spitfire.1563


‘make 100B mobile skill’ – guys, are u kidding?!
100B it’s a most powerful build in pvp, that can kill almost every one, it just depends on you’r “fast fingers”
and u wanna to do this skill mobile?
just imagine this:
u r playing thief, ranger, necro or some else class (but not war), and u going to check point…
then u you see GS warrior, that running on u (not to shake u’r hand and say Hello)
of course u’ll activate some skills that grant balance for u’r character (to protect from Bulls Charge knock down)
and it same time, angry warrior, pressing his imba 100B combo – BC, Frenzy, 100B and it’s does not work! – why? cause u’r under balance stance, dodging (or something)
expected result – u’ll survive (for now) and u was not killed just only by one burst combo, fight will continue…. interesting final of this fight will be awaiting for both players!

and what will be, when 100b will be mobile:
after failure BC, Frenzy, warrior will run for u while 100B active (and saying: wait, i’m imba 100b war wanna kill u) – so u’ll received part of 100B combo dmg (not all, but still a lot), with half of u’r HP u’ll be an easy target to take u down
expected results:
– all classes that present in game will crying for ‘make 100B skill not mobile’;
– there will no need in Bulls Charge skill for warrior – why do i need knock down target, when i can catch it?
– 100B combo will be more IMBA than in is now;
– over 9000 players playing 100B blades warriors;
– other classes will be looks like nerfed instead warriors;
– other war builds will be ‘dead’ builds, and will lost their potential in game
do u need all this?
i’m playing a warrior, and i think that 100b skill do not need any changes
sorry for my english =)

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062


TC: I understand why you’re posting, but this is the bottom line:

You want HB to be weaker but easier to use.

I like HB strong. I don’t have a problem with its usability constraints.

You need to improve your gameplay or switch to another weapon set that does not have restrictions on its primary DPS approach (e.g. use Axe mainhand). This is why there are weapon options in this game. Different weapon sets are different. You basically want Axe mechanics on your GS. It’s a non-starter.

Personally, I think GS is just fine with its stop-and-go playstyle. It’s both mobile and immobile. Deal with it. Learn it.

Stop trying to make the game fit your fancies, and adapt/expand your playstyle to fit the weapon.

If you can’t read English, please do not reply to my post.

(edited by EasymodeX.4062)

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Mister Kitty.6718

Mister Kitty.6718

The lack of mobility on 100b is not an issue. It never was meant to be a primary source of damage, cast that idea from your mind. What’s the primary damaging power of an axe? The autoattack. The sword? The autoattack. The mace? The autoattack. The hammer? The autoattack. Warriors are autoattackers with some abilities that are situational on their bar. The greatsword’s primary source of damage is likewise the autoattack. They each have burst skills that define their weapon… the greatsword is defined by that short duration crit buff, not that the buff itself is necessarily what’s important, but the idea that the GS is a temporary wonder of a berserker that wears itself out after using up its cooldowns, after which it needs some time to recharge to be back up to full strength. Hundred Blades is like an adrenaline skill in strength, but it would be useless as an actual adrenaline skill because of the miss rate. So they slot it to 2, give it a low cooldown, and now you have a spammable ultimate attack with a high miss chance. So long as you work with your team or plan for its weaknesses, it can be a great ultimate attack when you manage to land it. The difficulty of landing it is what keeps it from having a 40+ second cooldown.

This doesn’t make the attack bad or useless, it just makes the greatsword bar setup different. The super move is in the bar rather than the burst slot and they have a buff in the burst slot instead of the bar.

Mister Kitty – Full Exotic 80 Warrior, Axe/Warhorn – Charrzooka
Completer of the World, Wielder of the Charrzooka Rifle, Master of Weapon and Armorsmithing
… also makes a mean truffle stew.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Varyag.3751


100 Blades is fine.

I play Warrior, Guardian, Elementalist and Thief.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Taurethion.7302


If 100 Blades would actually all HIT it would be awesome. Given it’s interrupted about 50% of the for me in PVE, I find it less impressive. Between that and my issues with Whirlwind Attack, I’m ditching greatsword next upgrade. (If there’s a cliff I will send myself off it, without fail. In fact, I think the cliffs may be following me around, waiting for me to use it…)

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Angriff.1935


In sPvP 100b is laughable. Whirlwind is the skill that scares me honestly. If you are stupid enough to stand there for any length of time(even with a frenzy 100b) then you deserve to get hit with it. If you’re out of cooldowns and you are unable to roll/get away, then you deserve to get hit with it.

Being able to move/reposition just a little bit wouldn’t make it overpowered. It would just make it more agreeable to actually hit people with. You could still roll away from it, you could still laugh while they finish it.

The only problem I would have with it being mobile, is that it would be harder to cancel, and therefore you would actually be stuck using it, and would require another skill to be used to stop.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Dark Adonis.5096

Dark Adonis.5096

i would love to see some mobility in this skill with a slight dmg reduction but the ability to strike more than 3 targets at once…. makes no sense that a flury of swipes will only hit 3 enemies at once

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: VictorTroska.3725


Why 100B is laughable? Its not about being stupid and stand in 100B its about enemy landing his CC so that 100B is possible. I even seen top team players on stream getting hit by well timed 100B and it hurts.

100B immobile is fine, it actually shows skilled warrior vs none skilled. Your average G.I. Joe warrior will bullrush+frenzy+100B into some defensive ability and waste his whole burst, while good one will strike when its possible to land it.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062


I would love to NOT see the damage on HB get nerfed so bad players can land it more often.

If you can’t read English, please do not reply to my post.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Angriff.1935


Yes, you are right, but how much would being able to just re-position a little create any problems? I’m not talking about making it like whirling axe. I’m taking about moving at like chilled speed and being able to turn. You would still have to time it correctly, your opponent(s) could still get out of it. It would just give 100b more flexibility and utility.

A lot of sPvP is about defense and making an area dangerous to stay in is part of that. Being able to turn and reposition a little gives it the ability to be used a little more defensively.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062


If HB is currently balanced, then improving its flexibility (note: turning has no speed adjustment in this game, so a proposed snare would still make HB hugely more flexible if you could turn it at all) requires that its potency be reduced.

Which brings us again back to “I don’t want to see it lose damage so bad players can use it more often”. Moving at chilled + turning would require a ~20-25% damage reduction, IMO. Unacceptable.

If you can’t read English, please do not reply to my post.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Angriff.1935


I suppose, I don’t really care that much. I don’t use GS in PvP anyways. Also if they ever buff other things on a warrior, then HB is fine the way it is.

I also think you guys are blowing the damage of HB out of proportion. It takes 3 seconds of standing still without frenzy and 1.5 with, to do all of its damage. It doesn’t do anything other than damage. I don’t think a damage reduction is warranted at this point, even if they made it slightly more mobile. It would just be totally pointless so in respect to not reducing the damage, I agree wholeheartedly.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Sephiotr.6790


Yeah, let’s change HB into skill that kills everything instantly. -.-

I think It’s good thing that HB is immobile. This is the highest dmg skill in this game and being immobile it’s still overpowered, comparing to really low mace damage.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Raidium.3916


^ I agree, I just think we need something better than rush, something like leap of faith.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Justine.6351


i dont get where the “100b does more dmg then anything” comes from. in the time it channels axes auto attack does the same dmg. in both cases its auto dmg but for axe you are still mobile…

still thats not the debate. making 100b immobilize forces a certain gameplay with that weapon. Its not that they want to make it horrible to use its just making a learning curve so all the melee weapons in the game dont play 100% alike causing you to be bored out of your skull. now if GS didnt have two movement skills this would be a totally different story.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: phaeris.7604


I like Hb as it is.

I use it pro-actively. ie: I start it before i’m on someone, So if I see someone walking somewhere i’ll start it firing, as they walk into it, or in a staircase as someone is trying to get away. You’d be amazed how many people will walk through it to get to somewhere.

Also..since the change to the thief skill steal on warriors, the sheer amount of thieves who still spam steal and whirlwind into me hoping for an easy kill, to only get a face full of HB as they will spin into it is phenomenal.

It’s like they’ve forgotten they’re not invincible anymore during the move. I will just stand there Hbing and the thief will still spin into my damage zone, sometimes for the whole channel. Amazing.

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Recently is right. You don’t give HB mobility. Landing HB isn’t even that hard seriously considering you can cancel it to a Whirlwind attack and make plays from there on just in-case you mess up.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Deutero.3986


you need to Bull Charge, Frenzy(Stability), 100Blade to make it work.
I dont know who you playing against but,
if you charge
frenzy,100B. you are dead, knockback etc. its a teamplay remember?
its a rare case when you meet people in solo situation. yeah bait the dodge and stability buff then charge+frenzy,100B. followed by stability to ensure kill.

what i mean is, 3 utility to make 1 skill works. (what a waste)
Frenzy, Stance, B.charge for setup 100B. and Mending is mandatory by now.
only idiot will stand on unFrenzy 100HB damage area.

my suggestion
100B remain still but casting duration 2 sec. (immobilize for 2 sec instead of 3.5 sec)
GS skill #5 replace with Bull Charge like. (save 1 utility slot for more option)
Frenzy 20% extra damage to self (Warrior squishy on this build already) or;
Frenzy still same but can be turn on/off anytime. (require good skill to do this or die)

new edit;
I hope all skill can be cancel. (all prof) for fake cast, mess up something etc.

(edited by Deutero.3986)

Addressing the Warrior's "Hundred Blades" immobility issue: a proposal

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Really simple minded. No offense Deutero, do you have a brain? It looks like you don’t. Because that isn’t the only way to land HB. There are a few other ways to land it efficiently without Bulls Charge. Just the fact that simpletons like this guy says “Bulls Charge + Frenzy + HB” is the only way to land HB.

That’s okay though, you will stay unskilled and they will simply not listen to your suggestions. Because why should this game cater to weak players? If you want an easy game go play League or something sigh.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?