Adrenaline decay? WHAT ABT HEALING SURGE?

Adrenaline decay? WHAT ABT HEALING SURGE?

in Warrior

Posted by: Xurse.8267


So we lose adrenaline when OOC, then whats the point of healing surge when we lose all the adrenaline instantly when we use it, does you all even think before designing nerfs.

Adrenaline decay? WHAT ABT HEALING SURGE?

in Warrior

Posted by: Black Scoutsman.5830

Black Scoutsman.5830

considering 92% of warriors are using heal sig, and 5% are using the stance one, I think this is a pretty irrelevant concern at this point in the meta.

To be fair though, I agree with ur comment.

Human Warrior, Ranger and dedicated Scout of Yaks bend
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]

Adrenaline decay? WHAT ABT HEALING SURGE?

in Warrior

Posted by: Xurse.8267


Yep I understand, but with the adrenaline nerf, we might have to use surge but its entirely useless if u cant use it pre engage so meh

Adrenaline decay? WHAT ABT HEALING SURGE?

in Warrior

Posted by: Loading.4503


Am I missing something here or….

Don’t u automatically regen hp when ooc anyways so what’s the point if using a heal?

Adrenaline decay? WHAT ABT HEALING SURGE?

in Warrior

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Am I missing something here or….

Don’t u automatically regen hp when ooc anyways so what’s the point if using a heal?

I don’t get it either. You can still pop it for the adrenaline and immedietly burst at max power.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

Adrenaline decay? WHAT ABT HEALING SURGE?

in Warrior

Posted by: Brigg.6189


The real power of healing surge was that you could cast it before fights, not just during.

Adrenaline decay? WHAT ABT HEALING SURGE?

in Warrior

Posted by: Loading.4503


Oh yea that’s right I forgot that it also gives u adren, been using sig for so long, I just remembered that it was stronger the more adren u had

Adrenaline decay? WHAT ABT HEALING SURGE?

in Warrior

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

with the changes , it maybe more useful now to use Healing surge combined with the 50% adrenaline gain on signet of rages passive , + IC adrenaline on hit.

with a burst build you can start a fight with full Adrenaline (healing surge) and then maintain it in combat, with the chance to attack at full power from the get go.

from what i’ve read over the forums , it really feels like this Adrenaline change has made a wider gap between Power+damage/burst <<<>>>>Tankiness(passive healing from adrenaline).

the Trade off is more apparent and visable with a broader spectrum of tactics between bunker style and burst.

Adrenaline decay? WHAT ABT HEALING SURGE?

in Warrior

Posted by: Foefaller.1082


After thinking about it, I actually think this might make Healing Surge more useful.

I mean yeah, Adrenaline decay now starts the moment you’re OOC, but it wasn’t “instant” in the video; It seemed to me that the decay rate was no more than what it is now when you’ve been OOC for 30 seconds or more. That means poping it just before combat will still gets you to full Adrenaline within a couple hits, which is much less time than the Healing signet and stance users will take to get to full now that they are much more likely to start at 0 adrenaline every fight.

Adrenaline decay? WHAT ABT HEALING SURGE?

in Warrior

Posted by: Brigg.6189


well, I’ve rarely felt like it’s a good play to use healing surge at the start or right before combat. That’s a 30s cd, it’s a long time before you’re gonna get that heal again.

I really think the best thing would be to reduce the cd of surge in light of these updates. The healing values can be adjusted accordingly.

Adrenaline decay? WHAT ABT HEALING SURGE?

in Warrior

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

you’ll have to use that big hp pool and manage that too, because this change also effects your passive healing from adrenaline.

you can pop it at the start > gain adrenaline for burst / passive healing tank it out for bit , burst activate rage using that apply dps with multi hits then build Adrenaline while maintaining hp untill surge comes off cooldown.

this kind of combat i see surge being more used for Tanky dps damage since you can’t offord to use all your adrenaline too quickly.

though for a burst build you can hit hard quickly at the start of a fight but you’ll feel the effects of going all in more risky.

Adrenaline decay? WHAT ABT HEALING SURGE?

in Warrior

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


The precision signet also fills adrenaline. Maybe it will be used more. Although i still feel that between Cleansing Ire, Burst mastery, Signet of rage and Berserker stance(even if nerfed) Warriors will not have issues. There is just a drawback, which was needed, for using burst skills and missing.

Adrenaline decay? WHAT ABT HEALING SURGE?

in Warrior

Posted by: Daishi.6027


Eviscerate, enemy doges oh noes… healing surge Eviscerate again? and after those 10 seconds have passed if your adrenaline is full you get a decent heal? Or Eviscerate heal then bring out the new arcing slice <3

I personally don’t think there’s any problem with warrior needing to set up in combat, makes the fights a lot more fair compared classes that also need to set up.

“I control time and space; you can’t break free.~”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

(edited by Daishi.6027)