Advice needed on GS/hammer build
this is a really slow juggernaut! lol
how does this build even do in wvw? no warrior sprint, no fast hands, no access to vigor, stamina or sigil of energy, swiftness will only last 25sec so you gotta at least use furious speed for mobility but no.
we’re fighting anet for freedom! (warriors sprint & fast hands) and you just dont use them lol
its alright man just try this game changer :D
dont like it? change the traits to 02606 or 60404
dont like those? alright try out my shout build, link is in the video link description below.
need more toughness? exchange the rings for knight rings
(edited by darkaheart.4265)
i too have been intersted in this. also for spvp wich i imagine will ruffle some feathers lol
It’s not good, no fast hands, if u still wanna play the build, at least use warrior runes.
Is this for SPvP? If that’s the case, this is probably the best build for GS/Hammer in PvP:
It’s more or less Hambow with a handful of changes to make it more bursty. It has it’s obvious counters but it’s a lot of fun to use.
In general:
Greatsword is all about burst. You want a Berserker’s Trinket and Hoelbrak runes which give you a good mix of damage and incoming condition duration reduction.
ROM play 2/0/6/0/6 GS/LB and it’s pretty good
ROM play 2/0/6/0/6 GS/LB and it’s pretty good
ROM is a PvP warrior streaming on twitch, previously belonging to the team The Civilized Gentlemen [TCG], who was/is one of the most prominent European team (has won many PvP tournaments).
x/x/6/x/6 is a known strong template working for most power builds, whatever weapons equipped. It lets you have around 2.5k armor (which is quite high) and still allows for double digit damage.
It’s not good, no fast hands, if u still wanna play the build, at least use warrior runes.
What do you mean fast hands?
Its for pve/wvw roam/zergie style. Not really for pvp.
Is this for SPvP? If that’s the case, this is probably the best build for GS/Hammer in PvP:
It’s more or less Hambow with a handful of changes to make it more bursty. It has it’s obvious counters but it’s a lot of fun to use.
In general:
Greatsword is all about burst. You want a Berserker’s Trinket and Hoelbrak runes which give you a good mix of damage and incoming condition duration reduction.
Thanks! All my trinkets are berserk and I was having trouble figuring them runes out. Hoelbrak and Strength are a lot a like xD 1 is extra dmg while the other is better for sustain.
It’s not good, no fast hands, if u still wanna play the build, at least use warrior runes.
What do you mean fast hands?
Its for pve/wvw roam/zergie style. Not really for pvp.
Fast hands allows for the expidited weapon swap to gs for the 100blades/whirlwind after landing earthsaker.
I prefer to run the 0/2/6/0/6 for the furious reaction over the mediocre vitality buff that most opt to using, with zerk and hoelbrak runes. Weapon sigil are paralyze and doom on hammer and fire/air or hydro/leeching on gs.
Nice build, depends oc if you’re out to PvE or only PvP.
Since i don’t pvp (for now) , i opted a bit different for my warrior.
I went with more hp (good against burst dmg and condi dmg) , sigils of torment and cleansing on both GS and hammer and hoelbrak runes. Build 6/6/0/0/2.
My reasoning is simple : more hp allows me to take more burst dmg or condi dmg, sigils of cleansing allow me to clean condi on weapon swap, which in turn means i don’t use ‘shake it off’ and use the signet of fury = more precision = more dmg.
Most of the time i’m running with GS anyways, so i don’t want the merciless hammer trait, but i do want warriors sprint, cause honestly, who doesn’t want more speed.
In party you switch to battle standard, and you always have the signet of might on.
Imo, while hammer isn’t bad, it’s not your best weapon (GS is) but it’s good for knockdowns and staggering blow when you’re in a pinch.
And more vit isn’t ‘mediocre’ at all. I can’t count the times that i was left with only a few 100 hp left (or less) in SW for example while others were already downed.
Mind you, my own setup is not intended for fast dungeon runs but it gets the job done.
And it rocks in SW, way better then my full zerk ranger.
This is mostly from WvW perspective:
In my opinion sigil of paralyzation is overrated on hammer. At best it can give you an extra 0.6 seconds more on Earthshaker on an optimal situation when you have full adrenaline and thats it. It does effect Rampages boulder skill as well, but then again you probably throw that boulder and do some other knockback or knockdown afterwards which cancels it out.
I usually go for Sigil of Impact on my hammer as it does boost the usual hammer rotation (ES → Backbreaker → Fierce blow) quite a bit with that extra 10% damage. And you don’t really need full adrenaline for ES with GS/Hammer. Earthshakers damage doesn’t scale with adrenaline so you can spam it even on level 1, it’s good leap with a short stun if you happen to hit. And you should also use your GS burst as well when enemy is below 50%.
A lot of people consentrate too much on setting up GS damage on this weapon set when the Hammer can deal more consistent damage and it sets up itself. Use GS as an utility / mobility weapon first and then as a damage dealing weapon.
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
As for your runes. In WvW your are better of going with Melendez or Holbrook with – condi food and dogged March. That will keep you from getting completely locked down by chills and cripples.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
build I used in wvw. very high risk not that great reward unless you can 100b someone to dead before hammer stun wears off. so worth it lol. I still use this build it is way to fun. it is also me staying away from the defense tree.
You can try this GS/Hammer build by Tarcis, I like it more than the mettabattle one. http://intothemists.com/guides/5301-anas_tarcis_tpvp_warrior_meta_hammergreatsword
Everyone have an opinion but everyone agree. That you either Go Zerker/Melandru or Knights/Hoelbrak on the armor and zerker everything else.
Everyone also seem to agree that you should change signet of might for signet of dolyak.
And people seem to agree that you need fast hands.
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
i too have been intersted in this. also for spvp wich i imagine will ruffle some feathers lol
I’ve been running this build for a very long time in pvp:
The Order of Calamity [OOC] is recruiting!
5/8 Champion titles
Well, Thank all of you for your help! I changed my build so that it has a lot more sustain and speed in it. Hope you boys n girls enjoy it this way;):
Well, Thank all of you for your help! I changed my build so that it has a lot more sustain and speed in it. Hope you boys n girls enjoy it this way;):
Consider moving two points out of Discipline and putting them in Defense, swapping Burst Mastery for Merciless Hammer. With Cleansing Ire you probably won’t need the adren conservation Burst Mastery gives you and you’ll get more damage out of Armored Attack and Merciless Hammer.
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