Anet Please Fix Mobile Strikes

Anet Please Fix Mobile Strikes

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


This is a bug in general that should be fixed for every leap skill, of all classes. I’ve submitted at least 3 bug reports on this and it continues to plague me. When one gets immobilized in mid air, it creates a loop. Your character is stuck in mid air and because of this is not allowed to cast any skills, even ones that would cure immobilize. Part of my build revolves around Mobile Strikes.

A trait that removes immobilize on a leap skill. I clearly use it in this clip. After it fails to work the first time, it cannot even register the second time because I’m not allowed to use it. I cannot explain how frustrating this is and it’s been a bug for a very long time.

Move it to your suggestions box, but I beg you to please take a look at this.

Anet Please Fix Mobile Strikes

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


Nice find!


tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Anet Please Fix Mobile Strikes

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


had that happen a couple weeks ago but it was in the water. when your on top of a body of water and don’t have access to your skills.

Anet Please Fix Mobile Strikes

in Warrior

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


Tell me about it and it’s always with that rangers ability I can’t get loose from even using a condition removal skill. Can’t break through it and I know people say it’s easy to kill which it is, but knowing this game distractions like any other pvp games gets you killed quick.


Anet Please Fix Mobile Strikes

in Warrior

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


Hmm interesting. This problem can easily be fixed my increasing the duration of the immobilization but decreasing the frequency of the application of it.

Mobile strikes appears to be working but the reapplication of it cause you to be stuck.

Anet Please Fix Mobile Strikes

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Hmm interesting. This problem can easily be fixed my increasing the duration of the immobilization but decreasing the frequency of the application of it.

Mobile strikes appears to be working but the reapplication of it cause you to be stuck.

The bug happens when you’re immobilized in mid air. This goes for jumping or any other leap skill. It’s easy to do too. hit it right at the peak of your savage leap for example, and bam. He’s done. can’t cast skills or pop any stances, or even attack. This is because they went with the grand idea that you can’t use actions while in air. Honestly that idea is rubbish. I don’t understand why you can’t jump and pop a stance, say to save from getting knocked down. Jump and use a shout to remove a condition falls into the same logic.

Anet Please Fix Mobile Strikes

in Warrior

Posted by: aathomas.4638


Unfortunately, the problem here is not Mobile Strikes, but the ridiculous way Entangle works.

If you notice, you used your movement skill right when Entangle refreshes. That means Mobile Strikes doesn’t take effect and you become re-immobilized since Mobile Strikes doesn’t prevent one from being immobilized. Ultimately when Entangled you have to watch the timmer closely and use your movement skill right after it refreshes to work (while you are still considered immobilized), yes it’s dumb and hard to do in most situations.

Another thing I am trying to figure out, is if using dogged march or other condition duration reducers actually causes Entangle to refresh faster, thus making it hard to use our movement skills appropriately. Theoretically, Entangle is suppose to last ~1.5sec and reapply every second so if you can cut it down by 33-50% you should be able to just walk out of there. Your video actually does make it appear that it refreshes faster.

That last part about not using skills after you fail a Mobile Strikes or dodge or jump, yeah that is a huge bug.

Grumpy Jugo

Anet Please Fix Mobile Strikes

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Unfortunately, the problem here is not Mobile Strikes, but the ridiculous way Entangle works.

If you notice, you used your movement skill right when Entangle refreshes. That means Mobile Strikes doesn’t take effect and you become re-immobilized since Mobile Strikes doesn’t prevent one from being immobilized. Ultimately when Entangled you have to watch the timmer closely and use your movement skill right after it refreshes to work (while you are still considered immobilized), yes it’s dumb and hard to do in most situations.

Another thing I am trying to figure out, is if using dogged march or other condition duration reducers actually causes Entangle to refresh faster, thus making it hard to use our movement skills appropriately. Theoretically, Entangle is suppose to last ~1.5sec and reapply every second so if you can cut it down by 33-50% you should be able to just walk out of there. Your video actually does make it appear that it refreshes faster.

That last part about not using skills after you fail a Mobile Strikes or dodge or jump, yeah that is a huge bug.

I see what you’re saying. I didn’t think of that. I’m fine with the reapplication, but wow that skill lock is so bad. it’s been so annoying recently because i’ve been getting this a lot…

Anet Please Fix Mobile Strikes

in Warrior

Posted by: Epic.3950


fix your kittening crap anet this has been bugged for so god kitten long thakittens not even funny. This ability shouldnt be just upon skill use because why the hell should you take it while channeling a movement skill. you are still in motion and seriously mobile strikes is the only way a warrior stands a chance at escaping. you cant kitten us on the only trait that helps us escape.

Anet Please Fix Mobile Strikes

in Warrior

Posted by: Furajir.3815


Probably wasn’t the best to show a video of you abusing environment while trying to get the attention of the devs. Just sayin.

Tupro-Ranger- “The Great White Hype”
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos:

Anet Please Fix Mobile Strikes

in Warrior

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


Probably wasn’t the best to show a video of you abusing environment while trying to get the attention of the devs. Just sayin.

map are design to be abused.

Anet dev will prob praise him for using the environment the way it should be used. An advantage against the enemy

Anet Please Fix Mobile Strikes

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Probably wasn’t the best to show a video of you abusing environment while trying to get the attention of the devs. Just sayin.

I call them leap spots. You can do them on almost any class that has a leap. The spot I leaped on is doable with guard, ranger, engie, maybe even ele too. All of those have been tested and verfied. It’s nothing new and I would encourage them for any warrior because they should be used as escape routs. It always leaves them breathless as you runaway in your getaway boots with loads of imaginary gold in your pockets from the server bank.

Are you saying that mesmer porting golems up a cliff is environment abuse? So in that case, all fights, solo, or zerg should take place on completely flat land? That sounds pretty boring don’t you think? where’s the dynamics then….