Any other warrior experienced this
I was backstabbed by a thief once, it hit me for 12k as i was 1v1ing someone else, and it dropped me as my health was already low. Then the thief did a dance on my corpse. The thief then proceeded to do it again and brag about their backstab damage in chat.
I then spent every round after that making sure i was on the opposing team and would go for that thief straight away. After destroying him repeatedly for 3 games in row as soon as I could find him he sent me a tell saying:
‘I am reporting you for child like behaviour, this isn’t fair.’
I must admit, after the 5th combo on him and the typing ‘Where is your dancing now!’ it probably was pretty immature…but it’s a video game. If I want maturity i’ll go to work.
I had a similiar thing happen to me on my ranger. I blew my quickness utility, burned him down instantly then staked him while still under quickness. He accused me of hacking because he hadnt seen a quickness staking.
lol some funny stories and @phaeris tbh mate ive had people put “;)” after 2v1 against me after that i decided it was my mission for the rest of every match to hunt this person down must admit probably childish revenge but then again funny as hell