Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: gwawer.9805


First, I don’t use frenzy because I don’t like to contribute further to a problem. The problem is the extreme bursts damage in this game that certain builds allow while being exacerbated by frenzy. I would rather see frenzy taken out of this game. Or at least given a major nerf.

I also dislike abilities that don’t have a physicality to them. By that I mean I enjoyed abilities such as throw bolas or bulls rush. Abilities like a frenzy or activating some signet give me a sense of disconnection with my character. The only ones I use are the elite signet and balanced stance because I find in too useful

Second, I don’t use hundred blades because I hate the abilities that root the cast are in place. There’s just so awkward to use and ruin the pace of combat for me.

But if I don’t spec into these two abilities nobody wants me for tournaments. They always ask if I am frenzy 100 blades because they want of glass cannon for really high dps thief or warrior.

PVE players don’t get your pennies in a bunch, because if they change frenzy it would only be on the PVP side. The skill would be unchanged in PVE.

(edited by gwawer.9805)

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


Did you by chance watch the state of the game interview video? Have you kept up on the forums, streams and current meta along with the class overview by the top players? If not then here’s a few things:

  • Warriors are barely desirable at all in competitive teams aiming for top tier play.
  • Wars were practically giggled at and mocked as a class by the dev and pro players in the state of the game interview.
  • Said dev also said that they’re not quite sure how to fix them or make them desirable in a TPvP setting.
  • The only thing currently that gives warriors semi-viable status is GS>HB warriors gibbing a target as a roamer when set up.
  • Even then teams would rather have a thief.
  • Many of us are stubborn and try to use different specs
  • Stubborness =/= viable
Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: LameFox.6349


Nerfing that skill wouldn’t get you into tournaments, they’d just stop asking if you used it before rejecting you.

If you want to be a warrior and fight players, go to WvW. I find it’s much more fun anyway. The PvP people are like a lab experiment to see what works under strict conditions, then the results filter through to the rest of us with some real-world adjustments. ;P

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Edelweiss.9815


Did you by chance watch the state of the game interview video? Have you kept up on the forums, streams and current meta along with the class overview by the top players? If not then here’s a few things:

  • Warriors are barely desirable at all in competitive teams aiming for top tier play.
  • Wars were practically giggled at and mocked as a class by the dev and pro players in the state of the game interview.
  • Said dev also said that they’re not quite sure how to fix them or make them desirable in a TPvP setting.
  • The only thing currently that gives warriors semi-viable status is GS>HB warriors gibbing a target as a roamer when set up.
  • Even then teams would rather have a thief.
  • Many of us are stubborn and try to use different specs
  • Stubborness =/= viable


Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


But Frenzy with the auto attack on the axe will do so much more damage.

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Wooyadeen.6491


But Frenzy with the auto attack on the axe will do so much more damage.

And most important, you can move at same time.

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Recently.1043


If you don’t want to use greatsword, thats one thing.

You should still bring frenzy though, its a pretty important tool to secure kills.

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


But Frenzy with the auto attack on the axe will do so much more damage.

Doesn’t mean Axe + Mace is more viable though… you won’t get baby-sat properly all the time. And the only time that build ever carries is if people immobilize for you (depending on the class that was immobilized) OR you and your team mates somehow baited out the target’s stun breaks.

Much easier to pull it off with a GS thanks to Whirlwind attack and Rush..

But yeah if you’re a Roamer and you don’t have Frenzy at this game’s current state, you’re a waste of space. EVERY warrior in paids have Frenzy, no question.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Adwila.1392


Why people keep saying Warriors aren’t viable in Paid TPvP?

My team runs two Warriors and I think we’re one of the few teams that play Warrior and I’m 100% sure the only one who plays two, so the question is…

Why do we win with two Warriors in Paid TPvP against top-tier teams?

This means Warriors are fine and 80% of the population doesn’t actually know how to play them properly at a competitive level.

Guardianella – Guardian – Team Hyperactive [HYPE]

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: xiv.7136


Why people keep saying Warriors aren’t viable in Paid TPvP?

My team runs two Warriors and I think we’re one of the few teams that play Warrior and I’m 100% sure the only one who plays two, so the question is…

Why do we win with two Warriors in Paid TPvP against top-tier teams?

This means Warriors are fine and 80% of the population doesn’t actually know how to play them properly at a competitive level.

I’ll bite

what specs do your two warriors run and why are they better than 2 of other classes

I like pizza

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Adwila.1392


They are running GS obviously, full dps traits, and we’re running 2 Warriors simply because we found this is the best setup for us, and because it works against current meta.
Also we prefer them to Thieves simply because they have more AoE dmg and still similiar burst as to a Backstab Thief.

Guardianella – Guardian – Team Hyperactive [HYPE]

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Jsx.6057


They are running GS obviously, full dps traits, and we’re running 2 Warriors simply because we found this is the best setup for us, and because it works against current meta.
Also we prefer them to Thieves simply because they have more AoE dmg and still similiar burst as to a Backstab Thief.

So you’re saying “top teams” in paid tPvP are being gibbing by 2 GS glass cannon warriors? They’re a counter against the current meta?

Yea…I would have believed you until you said they’re both GS glass cannons.
Stop lying.

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Adwila.1392


I’m sorry to disappoint you but I’m not lying at all, you can check saved streams from Onibawan, Paradigm and other teams, and you’ll see for yourself, also if that’s not enough you can ask the players yourself, like Naito or others.

This is just to show how Warriors are underestimated and they’re 100% viable at a competitive level.

Guardianella – Guardian – Team Hyperactive [HYPE]

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


I’m sorry to disappoint you but I’m not lying at all, you can check saved streams from Onibawan, Paradigm and other teams, and you’ll see for yourself, also if that’s not enough you can ask the players yourself, like Naito or others.

This is just to show how Warriors are underestimated and they’re 100% viable at a competitive level.

K, checked and checking.

Hmm, nope.

Never heard of you. Never seen you. Don’t believe you.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Adwila.1392


Ok, you are free to believe what you want, we will provide proof soon enough anyway, also I doubt you asked any player as we’re well known among the top teams but not in the forums/community side of the game, you can just keep on being delusional over the fact that Warriors suck.

Also I have ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to come here and lie about the state of Warrior in TPvP.

Guardianella – Guardian – Team Hyperactive [HYPE]

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Khayn.6475


I’m sorry to disappoint you but I’m not lying at all, you can check saved streams from Onibawan, Paradigm and other teams, and you’ll see for yourself, also if that’s not enough you can ask the players yourself, like Naito or others.

This is just to show how Warriors are underestimated and they’re 100% viable at a competitive level.

K, checked and checking.

Hmm, nope.

Never heard of you. Never seen you. Don’t believe you.

Apparently u did’nt check at all.. or well.. here’s a few from those who streams

Tbh is sad that ppl needs stupid things like this to give you some credit, what he says here is the truth:

This means Warriors are fine and 80% of the population doesn’t actually know how to play them properly at a competitive level.

This is just to show how Warriors are underestimated and they’re 100% viable at a competitive level.

The point is that we want to make understand that Warriors are viable 100%, they are so amazing if played correctly.

Kitiara – Warrior – Team Hyperactive [HYPE]

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ace of Spades.6325

Ace of Spades.6325

Warriors are viable, we often play with fred on warrior, not having problems against anyone because of that.

Adwilla’s team is one of the best 4/5 teams out there, he’s not lying.

Master of Disaster, team Super Squad

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Going to pay a visit to EU just for this one..

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


Did you by chance watch the state of the game interview video? Have you kept up on the forums, streams and current meta along with the class overview by the top players? If not then here’s a few things:

  • Warriors are barely desirable at all in competitive teams aiming for top tier play.
  • Wars were practically giggled at and mocked as a class by the dev and pro players in the state of the game interview.
  • Said dev also said that they’re not quite sure how to fix them or make them desirable in a TPvP setting.
  • The only thing currently that gives warriors semi-viable status is GS>HB warriors gibbing a target as a roamer when set up.
  • Even then teams would rather have a thief.
  • Many of us are stubborn and try to use different specs
  • Stubborness =/= viable

Pretty much this and warriors always get mocked at because they’re nothing but soldiers going into battle without a braincell as the memo says. I thought they were suppose to be the masters of arms on the battlefields.

Due to how they are designed they always lack something that every other class excels at. One of them is mainly survivability and yes warriors have mobility…..depending what weapon they use it is at a limit.

Overall results
Warriors excel at Pve while suffer in PvP. You’re either going to be Glass cannon, hybrid glass cannon or shout spec. Condition warriors are a myth from what I can tell.

Warriors only play well in groups, but not alone.


Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

Why people keep saying Warriors aren’t viable in Paid TPvP?

My team runs two Warriors and I think we’re one of the few teams that play Warrior and I’m 100% sure the only one who plays two, so the question is…

Why do we win with two Warriors in Paid TPvP against top-tier teams?

This means Warriors are fine and 80% of the population doesn’t actually know how to play them properly at a competitive level.

^^ This. Nobody believes me when I tell them that warriors are better in groups.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


I also hate the fact that EVERY top team has a Warrior and people deny that Warriors are viable because of their lack of skill.

TL;DR Don’t blame the class because you’re bad.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


I also hate the fact that EVERY top team has a Warrior and people deny that Warriors are viable because of their lack of skill.

TL;DR Don’t blame the class because you’re bad.

Yeah, but what spec are they? They all the same spec?


Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


I also hate the fact that EVERY top team has a Warrior and people deny that Warriors are viable because of their lack of skill.

TL;DR Don’t blame the class because you’re bad.

Yeah, but what spec are they? They all the same spec?

Yep. Point is just because one spec is viable, doesn’t mean the whole class isn’t viable. Of course there are MORE viable specs than Axe + Shield and GS.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


I also hate the fact that EVERY top team has a Warrior and people deny that Warriors are viable because of their lack of skill.

TL;DR Don’t blame the class because you’re bad.

Yeah, but what spec are they? They all the same spec?

Yep. Point is just because one spec is viable, doesn’t mean the whole class isn’t viable. Of course there are MORE viable specs than Axe + Shield and GS.

The point is…is it significant as Axe + shield and GS? Yes you can spec into other spec, but is it really useful in pvp? You either have to be burst spec, hybrid burst or shout spec to be viable in pvp. Condition spec gets overrun by other classes that does better condition plus bleeds gets removed easily even with vulnerable condition. Not everyone will have the confusion trait condition because it only last for a few seconds.


Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


You’re going to tell me that Mace + Shield and GS burst juggle isn’t viable? Please don’t give me that garbage. You’re not the only one who can make use of chain stun/CC in your team.

Even worse if there is TWO Warriors who know how to juggle.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

(edited by Schwahrheit.4203)

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


You’re going to tell me that Mace + Shield and GS isn’t viable? Please don’t give me that garbage. You’re not the only one who can make use of chain stun in your team.

I ask if they were significant as other the ones you’ve just mention. I know mace + shield is viable to a certain extent and what it does. It’s purpose is to control an opponent while the team gangs up on the opponent. If solo the warrior might win depends on the opponent and mostly loses. Nevertheless the warriors spec will still remain as hybrid burst, burst or support which still leaves out condition as the back burner spec no one will spec into deeply.


Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


So you’re telling me, Mace + Shield and GS can’t carry? Wow. If anything Axe + Shield and GS has a harder time doing that.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


So you’re telling me, Mace + Shield and GS can’t carry? Wow. If anything Axe + Shield and GS has a harder time doing that.

So pretty much most of the top rank warriors are kind of all the same spec whether it’s burst, hybrid burst or support. Not many condition warriors right?


Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Adwila.1392


Our Warriors use Sword Shield / GS.

Guardianella – Guardian – Team Hyperactive [HYPE]

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Don’t need conditions when their too situation and other builds carry better.

Sword + Shield and GS on a point with flurry and double HB, now that is crazy AoE damage right there.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Krilce.7864


Point is, GS is pretty much a must on competitive level. I tried it with sword+shield/mace+mace, hammer/mace+shield, sword+shield/axe+mace, and, while these can be quite good, most of them are nowhere near effectiveness of GS plus other weapon set (my favorite would be mace+shield, and perhaps sword+shield to take advantage of opportunist and mobility). Perhaps sword+shield/axe+mace offers almost the same amount of damage, but GS gives you a lot more roaming potential.

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Excidium.6712


Well, you’ll find it’s the same for other professions. On the mesmer, for instance, shatter builds just trump everything.

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Khayn.6475


Unfortunatly you need the mobility that the sword provides in order to stay alive in a teamfight, or at least to get in a safe spot before you go down to be ressed quickly.. i would love to play mace shield or even axe shield but the fact is that you can afford that only in certain situations.. where you are sure that u will not be the main target.

Another thing, Warriors can actually 1v1 pretty well, is situational but is not something you can’t do at all.

Kitiara – Warrior – Team Hyperactive [HYPE]

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: gwawer.9805


Regarding the two warriors in a high level tournament PVP, it really isn’t relevant to the OP. The point was that the only viable specs, the only spec in demand, it is the great sword frenzy build. The fact that the two warriors are both great sword warriors only further proves the OP.

I wish warriors could do well with say a one handed sword plus war horn and axe shield build. Furthermore, I wish frenzy wasn’t such a necessity to bring into the game.

I know arena net stated in their PVP discussion that they would like to see each class have more builds available to them, and right now I think the warrior is a great example of a class that really needs to be diversified

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Hey I never said Sword was bad though. I like sword too but I like to juggle more.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Scrabbles.7645


I’d like to note it’s great to see warriors playing at a high level in TPvP! I just went to Teldo and Magz streams and watched both games where team hyperactive honestly trounced both teams(hyper’s high burst comp seemed to totally counter the tanky/condition damage comps). From a new warrior, please please please please please make videos or proof of high level warrior pvp available to the public for the overall health of the class. If you read any public boards regarding warrior tpvp in general, it’s pretty much a “fact” that warriors are #1 unplayable and #2 if you have one on your team, you lose at a high level(thus scaring off new warriors in a pvp oriented game). The only way this attitude changes is through proof of high level warrior pvp and not hearsay from random guy that the trolls are unaware of on the forums.

Not wishing to hijack this thread, so if you do reply to me, I would do so in another thread. Thanks again and keep it up!

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851







Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Akumu.7238


The problem I’m seeing in this thread is this viable/unviable debate. Warriors have ALWAYS been viable. Being a GS glass cannon still makes you a thief without stealth. Your team still have to make up for the hassle you bring to each match.

If a warrior just catches you with a GS rush(while you’re aware of him) then that means you need to brush up on your skills. I don’t care how “pro” your guild is supposed to be. Your accomplishments from a previous game(s) does not carry over to the next.

Can a dedicated team win games, if they work hard enough to counter a Warrior’s negatives? Yes

That dedication still doesn’t wash away 2/3 bad traits, lack of effective self support, bad tree traits/design, terrible burst skills, and clear advantages a few weapons have over the majority.

I would love to see such dedication put into a mesmer or thief. You would bring more flexibility to your team with less hassle.


That’s because the longer a warrior stays in a fight, the more he increases his chances of death. We are too flawed to fill the other roles. We just don’t have the tools at our disposal to be effective. Pure damage is the only thing we are truly good at.

I don’t wanna live a thousand years. If I just live through today, that’ll be enough.

(edited by Akumu.7238)

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Dedication with a Thief when random crowd control is annoying to deal with.. you honestly think its that easy to play Thief? Try paids and come back to the Thief population imo.

I can see Mesmer when its a no-brainer class but yeah their going to get nerfed if ANET cares.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


God give me a warrior roamed over anyone other class and I’m happy, bull rush frenzy 100B doesn’t have to insta gib a target/bunker just get them to panic, and 95% of the time if your team knows what it’s doing with calling targets and cc’ing it will

Seriously I love bunkering mid on my ele knowing I have a warrior roamed to get my back when kitten gets too deep. The dps we can output (I play warrior a lot) is amazingly useful.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Akumu.7238


Dedication with a Thief when random crowd control is annoying to deal with.. you honestly think its that easy to play Thief? Try paids and come back to the Thief population imo.

That easy? no

Thieves/Warriors are about the same when it comes to their burst builds. However there is a difference.

The ability to reset.

^The above is something a Warrior can not do as easily. Once a warrior enters a fight he is there to live or die. There is no resetting a fight. You don’t own a shortbow that teleports you out of a red zone. You don’t have stealth to attempt to avoid direct damage. You’re best shot is a 5 second duration ability on a 90 second cooldown.

This is why the thief still outshines the warrior in equally skilled/dedicated hands. They fair about the same yet one still brings more. They bring more chances of survival for a glass cannon.

I don’t wanna live a thousand years. If I just live through today, that’ll be enough.

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


A D/D backstab thief, is just single target damage, where as warrior can bring high burst, that’s also AOE, as well a a good amount of CC. Cc is a huge game changed.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


The ability to reset isn’t even that hard. You can use Bulls Charge to escape if you aren’t bad. Only time you ever use Bulls Charge + Frenzy is if you’re sure you’re going to get a kill. And I like to wear people down with Mace + Shield and GS which is why I have no problem with resetting the fight.

Only thing viable that CAN’T reset is Axe + Mace and Mace + Shield. Rifle + GS has a very easy time doing that too, just that the only time you ever do Rifle + GS is if you’re up against squishies with high DPS.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


untraited Bull’s Charge – 40 second cooldown =/= being able to reset the fight if your not bad.

also Endure Pain – 3 seconds of invulnerability to non condition damage

Defy Pain(grandmaster trait) – also 3 seconds

Frontal Cone Arc damage is not AOE

Warriors are not played as CC in paid structured pvp tournaments.

Please lock this thread the level of stupidity is staggering.

(edited by AlBundy.7851)

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Akumu.7238


The ability to reset isn’t even that hard. You can use Bulls Charge to escape if you aren’t bad. Only time you ever use Bulls Charge + Frenzy is if you’re sure you’re going to get a kill. And I like to wear people down with Mace + Shield and GS which is why I have no problem with resetting the fight. Lower damage when wielding mace is counter productive to a glass cannon.

Only thing viable that CAN’T reset is Axe + Mace and Mace + Shield. Rifle + GS has a very easy time doing that too, just that the only time you ever do Rifle + GS is if you’re up against squishies with high DPS.

It may not be hard to reset that way for you. However, you increase the variables against you. Using bulls charge lessens your ability to kill. This forces you to rely on your team even more. Mace + Shield gives you more CC but you lessen your damage output considerably. You can dodge mace attacks by regular movement.

Also, a warriors way of resetting hurts the party more. Why? again, you can’t teleport back(quick reset) or even stealth for the surprise attack. You have to run all the way back to them and hope they are foolish enough to be re-attacked by you. At less strength due to long cds. That’s if some of the better roamers don’t catch and kill you. Not having a sword lowers your chances for a successful escape.

Being a warrior glass cannon isn’t the best choice in a 1v1, especially while lacking key abilities. Using utilities hurt warriors more than any other class due to high cd and bad self support.

I don’t wanna live a thousand years. If I just live through today, that’ll be enough.

(edited by Akumu.7238)

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


You don’t need a Sword if you know how to use Blade Trail in aiding your escape. And its just as bad if a Thief has no Shadow Step (which can be god easy to force out) because their incentive to kill is even lower since no shadow-step = random CC kittens you over. Not to mention you become even easier to focus with NO shadow step.

Mace doesn’t “lessen” your DPS at all. Did you want me to show you how DPS is still stupidly high in-game even if I went Mace? Add me in-game, unless you’re scared to be proven wrong then don’t add me. I’ll say it again, you’re not the only one who can make use of stuns because OTHER characters can make hella use of stuns too. Also.. ever heard of catching people in the end of the dodge with Shield Bash? It isn’t exactly hard.

And whoever said chain stunning was stupid on Warrior is legitimately simple-minded as hell and his post should be deleted simply because its just as bad as “he thinks chain stun” is bad. Probably got rocked 24/7 in fighting games cause he can’t juggle.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


Is Hundred Blades a Greatsword ability? Is HB short for Hundred Blades? Is this the Thief forums? Is Blade Trail a Greatsword ability?

Don’t wanna keep ppl in the dark. How to use Blade Trail in aiding your escape – Turn away from opponent use Blade Trail. Now this next part is very tricky and lots of attention needs to be used. Run away from opponent or use bull’s charge or Rush or Whirlwind Attack.

Knowledge is Power!!! The more you know!!! Stay in School!!! Drugs are bad MMMKay!!!

(edited by AlBundy.7851)

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Example of a garbage player who thinks Bulls Charge is the only way to land HB. Go do paids and come back to me. If you’re on crack then I’m sorry, but go see a doctor. Its not hard to press F1 and HB with Mace and GS.

If I don’t get a pm in-game I’ll assume you’re going to back down because you’re afraid to be proven wrong. I’m waiting bro, I’m sick of using words to prove jack.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


What does the title of this post say?

I mean thread. Hmm or even better. When you clicked on the words to come here what did they mean to you? Try to be speicfic if you can.

(edited by AlBundy.7851)

Any spvp players who refuse frenzy and HB?

in Warrior

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


It really doesn’t matter the point is that warriors pvp specs are pretty limited. You’re either burst, hybrid burst, or support. It needs to get work on so there can be more than just these primarily 3.
