Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: Loading.4503


I’m not a die hard vanilla or gtfo warrior, I just don’t like what berserkers have to offer, that’s why I just stick with vanilla for now, but for some reason if I see berserker warrior in wvw or pvp, I’ll chase em down to the ends of the earth for some reason like “ur not a better warrior than me cause ur running berserker!!!!”

Any other vanilla warriors have this same mentality also?

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: Steelo.4597


zerker or vanilla – im always happy when i see other warriors and immediately try to get in their face. most warriors seem to act similiar xD

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: Zeghart.9841


At the beginning I really disliked Berserker and its specialization weapon, but over time I really grew to appreciate it a lot more. Plus Headbutt is just amazing fun to use.

I switch between Berserker and standard PS frontliner Warrior quite a bit in WvW, so I have a pretty big appreciation of both.

I think the Warrior vs Warrior mentality is just because Warrior duels are probably the most enjoyable matchup in the game and I grab the opportunity to do one every chance I get

It has to start somewhere. It has to start sometime.
What better place than here? What better time than now?

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: Elegie.3620


Duels with the same class are more fun I think, both players are sure to know their opponent’s class (as this is their own), so the fight becomes fiercer, and the competitive spirit arises.

The berserker spec isn’t bad, but I don’t like it much – it’s just that I mostly play power warrior, that Discipline and Defense are mandatory, so when compared to the Strength spec, Berserker a bit lacking, despite the good utility. Were it not for rage skills coming with it, I wouldn’t bother playing it.

Plus the name “Berserker” is awful, as it collides with the berserker trait. I don’t even understand how they could go for it.

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


I feel this way as well on a daily asis in wvsw and I hope that this post actually posts. However I do feel berserker spec is better than vanilla when ur dueling one of them, they have more moves and more options and more burst damage.

Plus the name “Berserker” is awful, as it collides with the berserker trait. I don’t even understand how they could go for it.

“Revenant” woulda worked great….but ya they used that name for an entire new class.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: Hoaxintelligence.4628


arc divider pownes arcing slice.
headbutt pownes signet of rage.
Nuffsaid xd

Sît[MII]Ultimate Dominator
W v W-r o a m e r

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: Henry.5713


The recent change to AH has indirectly catapulted Beserk far ahead of Strength and it has already been the obvious choice for condition builds before. Landing your bursts has never been more important and the diffifulty to do so has never been lower than with most Berserker builds.
To me, base warrior can still work especially against other Warriors or Berserkers. It is simply less versatile and has less good matchups than the Berserker spec.

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


If i was to run base warrior it would be the classic Shoutbow. I have seen someone stream that a few days ago in ranked (Sapphire) and he was doing very well.

But berserker spec>vanillla spec

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: Rigante.2470


Your facing awful berzerker warriors if your beating them with Vanilla.

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


I’m definitely inclined to agree with those saying Berserker is stronger than Vanilla these days. I run vanilla myself, and berserkers are much harder to kill than they used to be.

Not sure if it’s just the adrenal health (which we all get) or people just learning to play Berserker. But that m+sh/lb build is a beast, as is standard a+sh/gs. I dueled someone running the latter in wvw, and I think he unleashed four full bursts in like 10s, of which I had to eat two for a crap tonne of damage.

Sure, I’m killing my fair share of Berserkers… but it generally seems to be me seriously outplaying them, or me taking advantage of surprise opportunities. Those bursts plus headbutt keep you on your toes more than you’d have to be otherwise.

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: Loading.4503


This thread just got so serious >.>

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: choovanski.5462


If i was to run base warrior it would be the classic Shoutbow. I have seen someone stream that a few days ago in ranked (Sapphire) and he was doing very well.

But berserker spec>vanillla spec

zerker shoutbow is beast af/ most easy mode OP build i have ever played

. Engi & Warr . Beta > 2017 Death of PvP
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: Rekt.5360


I’m definitely inclined to agree with those saying Berserker is stronger than Vanilla these days. I run vanilla myself, and berserkers are much harder to kill than they used to be.

Not sure if it’s just the adrenal health (which we all get) or people just learning to play Berserker. But that m+sh/lb build is a beast, as is standard a+sh/gs. I dueled someone running the latter in wvw, and I think he unleashed four full bursts in like 10s, of which I had to eat two for a crap tonne of damage.

Sure, I’m killing my fair share of Berserkers… but it generally seems to be me seriously outplaying them, or me taking advantage of surprise opportunities. Those bursts plus headbutt keep you on your toes more than you’d have to be otherwise.

I doubt people have learned how to play it rather than the fact that AH is a lot more accessible in berserker, coupled with the fact that berserker has easy access to stun breaks which can totally screw up a vanilla warr’s burst setup, and since more people are running berserker we get the impression they’ve become harder to kill.

Vanov {Warrior} ~ Still waiting for “Guide on Making Proper ||#1 Warr NA|| Sig”

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371


AH is not easier to come by in Berserker. yes you can burst more often but AH lasts long enough for both Vanilla and Berserker to keep it up indefinitely in a fight. But berserk has more access to Condi’s, quicker bursts that are generally more powerful, has the best Elite skill, and arguably the best utilities in the game. so i think that’s why it seams more powerful.

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: Rekt.5360


AH is not easier to come by in Berserker. yes you can burst more often but AH lasts long enough for both Vanilla and Berserker to keep it up indefinitely in a fight. But berserk has more access to Condi’s, quicker bursts that are generally more powerful, has the best Elite skill, and arguably the best utilities in the game. so i think that’s why it seams more powerful.

It is easier to come by, much easier, the duration of AH is irrelevant when the potential to gain it in a berserker warr is much greater than on vanilla. Vanilla can burst twice at most in 7.5sec, berserker could burst twice as more if needed and if smash brawler is taken. Vanilla requires 3 times more adrenaline for the same AH healing that berserker gets, not to mention that outside of bow, all berserker primal bursts are easier to land than vanilla bursts, skull grinder, arc divider, gunflame are all much easier to land than their vanilla counterparts. But more than the fact they’re easier to land it’s the fact that since they’re so spammable berserker gives you much more room for error an another shot at full AH stacks merely seconds after your previous attempt, something vanilla doesn’t.

I don’t know what power builds you play but especially when dueling there’s a gigantic difference in who will get their AH more easily between vanilla greataxe and berserker greataxe. And even outside of duels the often superior range on primal bursts make them much more reliable to obtain AH.

Vanov {Warrior} ~ Still waiting for “Guide on Making Proper ||#1 Warr NA|| Sig”

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

Berzerker warrior has no rotation speed. As vanilla warrior I just go to fights he is not in. You do so much more spike damage as vanilla.

1v1 just troll the guy. headbutt and skull grinder pretty obvious animations. And being in longbow without rage mode in that 1v1 will get them killed. they almost seem to have to camp mace shield.
Will you lose the 1v1 over time, probably. But again look at team comp, whether you own the node or not, and current splits, it may be beneficial to take the fight. And you can always run away if needed.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: Rekt.5360


Berzerker warrior has no rotation speed. As vanilla warrior I just go to fights he is not in. You do so much more spike damage as vanilla.

1v1 just troll the guy. headbutt and skull grinder pretty obvious animations. And being in longbow without rage mode in that 1v1 will get them killed. they almost seem to have to camp mace shield.
Will you lose the 1v1 over time, probably. But again look at team comp, whether you own the node or not, and current splits, it may be beneficial to take the fight. And you can always run away if needed.

Omg welcome back, haven’t seen u in a while! \o/

To be fair though, consider what will happen if the guy is running power berserker like I am, I can easily go toe to toe with a vanilla warr and completely disregard his CC due to braindead eternal champion. There’s also Outrage which is quite OP tbh. I do agree that vanilla has much higher spike and that’s the only reason I still play it. But the cleave damage berserker brings in axe and greatsword primal bursts is amazing.

Vanov {Warrior} ~ Still waiting for “Guide on Making Proper ||#1 Warr NA|| Sig”

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


Berzerker warrior has no rotation speed. As vanilla warrior I just go to fights he is not in. You do so much more spike damage as vanilla.

1v1 just troll the guy. headbutt and skull grinder pretty obvious animations. And being in longbow without rage mode in that 1v1 will get them killed. they almost seem to have to camp mace shield.
Will you lose the 1v1 over time, probably. But again look at team comp, whether you own the node or not, and current splits, it may be beneficial to take the fight. And you can always run away if needed.

Omg welcome back, haven’t seen u in a while! \o/

To be fair though, consider what will happen if the guy is running power berserker like I am, I can easily go toe to toe with a vanilla warr and completely disregard his CC due to braindead eternal champion. There’s also Outrage which is quite OP tbh. I do agree that vanilla has much higher spike and that’s the only reason I still play it. But the cleave damage berserker brings in axe and greatsword primal bursts is amazing.

What do you mean when you say vanilla has higher spike damage?

My general take on it is vanilla (str-def-dis) has higher overall damage vs a zerker zerker (def-dis-zerk) due to all the bonuses and might from the strength line, 100% of the time, but that the zerker will have (what I’d call) better spike.

The reason for my impression is I’ve been hit with 16k Arc Dividers and I’ve never churned out a 16k Arcing Slice against another warrior, despite all of the bonuses I get via Strength. That a zerker can put 2 dividers and up to two decapitates in 10s makes me think their spike (both on a single hit and over a short period) is higher. 2 4-5k headbutts and the greater capacity to deny my setups are icing on the cake.

What am I missing?

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

Arc slice is so good because it is full power with 1 adrenaline bar.
I am still hitting thing pretty hard in the few matches I have done. I am getting 2k crit auto attacks. I haven’t studied gw2 as much lately, but I am assuming its the amulet changes and the condi warrior. People so worried about condi, that my power damage is more effective.

@Rekt I pretty much quit the game. I was getting bored of the cycle and not being taken seriously. Plus I had no team.

@Choppy The shear numbers I am hitting as high. THat is what I mean by spike damage. Condi warrior still needs ticks for the condi to hurt. When I hit, the damage is done.

This 16k is in spvp? That is absurd. Again I have not been playing nearly as much as previous seasons, so I have no clue about this. But I am 100% sure gs damage is lower without strength line than it is with strength line.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


This 16k is in spvp? That is absurd. Again I have not been playing nearly as much as previous seasons, so I have no clue about this. But I am 100% sure gs damage is lower without strength line than it is with strength line.

No, wvw. I have the most tweaked out damage vanilla build I can run (full zerk, max stacks, str-def-dis, etc, etc) and I’ve never hit 16k with AS against a heavy armored opponent. But I’ve been hit for that amount by different berserkers.

Something about Arc Divider is spiking way harder than Arcing Slice (despite the str line) in wvw. Not always, but frequently enough (plus the spammability).

Edit: Having just looked on the wiki, that “something” is a 30% higher power co-efficient….

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

(edited by Choppy.4183)

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371


So, i now have this dream in my head now of a Warrior Commander with a large number of Berserker Warriors in his squad charging into a swarm.
“Arc Divider on 3, 2 1, Arc Divider”

And then crashing the server with wave after wave of Arc Dividers moving outwards, each one devastating hordes of enemies.

Thank for that,.

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: Loading.4503


So, i now have this dream in my head now of a Warrior Commander with a large number of Berserker Warriors in his squad charging into a swarm.
“Arc Divider on 3, 2 1, Arc Divider”

And then crashing the server with wave after wave of Arc Dividers moving outwards, each one devastating hordes of enemies.

Thank for that,.

Let’s make it happen, we can start a warrior guild and mess around, we can call it “WTFs”
Warrior -something for t- forum -something for s-

I can see it now , a Zerg of warriors bull rushing someone to death a Zerg of warriors kills shotting someone to death, a Zerg of warriors sending axe 5 into a Zerg just cause, everyone stomp that nub, no not stomp finisher, physical skill stomp> blob blob blob blob


(edited by Loading.4503)

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371


Warriors Trolling Forever?

Tactics (none of which are probably Viable)

  • Leap in with Earthshaker> Swap> Arc Divider
  • Back Line: Burn Bow> Frontline: Hammer>Mid Line: Greatsword/Axe+Sh>Midline and back line run Banner?

(edited by emkelly.2371)

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

This 16k is in spvp? That is absurd. Again I have not been playing nearly as much as previous seasons, so I have no clue about this. But I am 100% sure gs damage is lower without strength line than it is with strength line.

No, wvw. I have the most tweaked out damage vanilla build I can run (full zerk, max stacks, str-def-dis, etc, etc) and I’ve never hit 16k with AS against a heavy armored opponent. But I’ve been hit for that amount by different berserkers.

Something about Arc Divider is spiking way harder than Arcing Slice (despite the str line) in wvw. Not always, but frequently enough (plus the spammability).

Edit: Having just looked on the wiki, that “something” is a 30% higher power co-efficient….

Wouldn’t that be offset be the greatsword trait giving 20% damage and the 10% damage when endurance is not full in strength?

But then I have to account for the 7%, 7% berserker line trait. I am not saying I don’t believe you, I just find it odd is all.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


Wouldn’t that be offset be the greatsword trait giving 20% damage and the 10% damage when endurance is not full in strength?

But then I have to account for the 7%, 7% berserker line trait. I am not saying I don’t believe you, I just find it odd is all.

10% in the case of Forceful Greatsword, 10 % with Stick and Move, and 20% with Forceful Greatsword. Yeah, I would have thought so too, but apparently not.

I suppose to counter that on the Berserker side you can get 17% through Always Angry and Bloody Roar, and then you get another 20% or so added to your crit damage while in Primal state via Blood Reaction.

Yeah, that must be it. You only lose a net 3% in positive multipliers by taking Berzerker instead of Strength, but your power coefficient on Arc Divider is 30% higher. Based on the way the damage calc works, that’d be a straight +27% damage (approx) with Arc Divider on a crit.

I really should investigate these things before posting on the forums….

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: Elegie.3620


Maybe your opponent was using Strength + Discipline + Berserker? Damage-wise it’s devastating, I’ve had lots of double digits in PvP, so I guess it’d be terrifying in WvW

Obviously there are survivability issues with such a setup, one need to play a bit differently and abuse mobility / control, but it’s quite fun, especially when you’re with a friend.

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


Quite happy with defence/strength/zerker and i don´t use endure or defy pain ^^.
Kill or die :-). But i still need a lot training and build optimisation adapted to me. I don´t care about meta, i catch by surprise and play what i can master best.

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: Loading.4503


So I switched it up this week and ran my gs s/sh in wvw instead, just tearing a new one to the Warriors I’ve seen lol, had some duels and a couple of warriors actually recognized my act name from here and went wtf I thought u ran vanilla only, so just to clarify, I did say I’m not a vanilla die hard or anything, I just prefer it more. But playing mostly berserker the last week, it’s kinda rubbing in on me and I think I’m actually liking it more with the build I’m running, it seems to fit my play toe even more

Any vanilla warriors feel this way also?

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


Nope, I’ve been hit with 16k AD since AH was changed and I saw AH in action, and weapon swaps were every 5s or so. So it had to be Def-Dis-Zerk.

That’s my default build for roaming, and it works well. But both condi Berserker and power (gs/a+sh) Berserker are more powerful builds, so you’re almost certainly outplaying them. I did that to a power Berserker (who was no slouch) just yesterday by using mobility to limit the value of his primal state and invulns.

But the damage output on the power zerk build is greater than yours/mine, the zerk can deny your shield bash setup, and warrior sprint can deny your Flurry setup. You tearing through warriors running a+sh/gs, gs/h, and zerker condi is you playing better than them.

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)