A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Could you tell me if there is any balanced versatile WWW build for both roaming and zerging using SW/X or X/SW or SW/SW and any other weapon?
Possibly not too tanky since i like to kill stuff.
Also may i ask if there is any war build using celestial armor or part of it? (not trinkets just armor since i have lot of wupwup boxes).
A while back, someone posted a Celestial Perplexity build for warriors here. Mace/Shield+Hammer with Distracting Strikes, Death From above, and Merciless Hammer iirc. Don’t recall the full setup, but the idea was to mix sustained damage output with confusion stacking to lockdown and kill opponents, so that’s something you could try playing with.
-Sword/Sword+Longbow is a strong condi setup, running mostly Dire gear with enough Rampagers to hit a decent amount of crit for proccing additional bleeds.
-Sword/Shield+hammer gives you decent mobility with very strong CC, which would be strong both in a zerg or roaming in a small group.
-Sword/x+Greatsword grants you the most mobility (especially if you run sword/warhorn) but the least reliable burst (hundred blades and final thrust are both tricky to land, and need to be proceeded by skills/utilities to lock an opponent down.)
-Sword/Shield+Hammer can make for a decent interrupt-based condi build, similar to the one I mentioned first, but with more mobility and less CC than if you used a mace.
In terms of trait/utility setup… the typical trait build for pretty much every warrior is 0/4/4/0/3, with 3 points left over to move around as you see fit. If you use a greatsword, you almost always want to grab Forceful Greatsword in arms, and similar for Hammer with the Merciless Hammer trait in Defense.
For utilities… Personally I love stances, and always use Endure Pain, Balanced Stance and Berserker Stance. Bull’s charge is a good option if you’re using a Greatsword, and the perplexity-celestial build might have toyed with Bull’s Charge and Stomp. Dolyak Signet and Signet of Stamina are popular replacements to Blanced Stance and Berserker Stance… but if you go that route make sure you take the Signet Mastery trait in Discipline.
Healing Skill = Healing Signet. Ultimate Skill = Signet of Rage. Feel free to experiment with others, but those two are currently the most powerful.
You can try the healing shout condition war if you want to use celestial. Otherwise just dont use that gear. Its bad on warriors becasue they cant utilize the stat spread correctly. That one build is a healing condition build. Celestial make warrior damage weak. You say you want to kill stuff and not be tanky but they you say you want to wear celestial. Any tanky warrior could kill way better the a celestial warrior.
heres what im running for both solo and zerging with a longbow sword/warhorn
lots of might and and condition cleanse and 67% percent crit chance (I like that number knowing that 2/3 of my attacks should crit)
most of my fight ends with this same combo, pindown→combustive shot→arcing arrow for some might →swap→warhorn 5 for more might→leap for fire aura that gives might and to get in range for final thrust setup→SoM→final thrust
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