Anyone else tired of being snared...

Anyone else tired of being snared...

in Warrior

Posted by: phaeris.7604


As in the title says…

So many snares…chill, snares, roots, immobilise to which stability has no effect. As a melee warrior this is just a kitten nightmare.

I’ll walk into a fight and i’m snared! I don’t even know what snared me most of the time. Aoe snares! Traps, necro marks, Downed thief spamming snares which hit 3 people, caltrop fields absolutely everywhere, ranger mud, engineer turrets/glue fields….it never ends!

It’s almost as if melee is frowned upon. I took the movement skills break immobilise trait, to see if that helps. Not really! Breaks root, but no effect on the other plethora of slows.

I took condition removal, as soon as you remove something, you get resnared again! I tried the horn, again, just resnared a second later.

I honestly think this is why the warrior underperforms, just to much kittened cc.

Anyone else tired of being snared...

in Warrior

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Soldier runes + Healing shout build = What snares?

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Anyone else tired of being snared...

in Warrior

Posted by: SAC.7862


Soldier runes + Healing shout build = What snares?

Yup but then you will hit like a sissy OR have crap mitigation besides your shouts might be down for being used in what they are for. Personally i prefer Mobile Strikes to counter snares.

Due to your post referring to an already deleted post, your post was deleted as well.

Anyone else tired of being snared...

in Warrior

Posted by: Loading.4503


Just do what I do, use a hammer and stun them next to u inside of their snares and traps then it wouldn’t matter anymore >.>

Anyone else tired of being snared...

in Warrior

Posted by: Krakah.3582


Should rename the title as War is OP at CC breaking. Of all the classes, war has the most CC breakers. Many cc breaking methods, no excuse to get hung out to dry.

“Shake It Off!”
Balanced Stance
Endure Pain
Signet of Stamina

Restorative Strength
Last Stand
Mobile Strikes <——-super op
Whirlwind Attack
Savage Leap
Shield Bash

Tsunami Slash

Bull’s Charge



(edited by Krakah.3582)

Anyone else tired of being snared...

in Warrior

Posted by: kolazonta.1683


Melee warrior without mobile strikes is not a warrior imo.

Solves so many problems…

Anyone else tired of being snared...

in Warrior

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


Movement skills breaks snares trait. That is sword 2, greatsword 5 and maybe 3, axe F1 I think, bulls charge etc etc.

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows

Anyone else tired of being snared...

in Warrior

Posted by: Gurubu.1693


I highly recommend the +200 toughness when you’re snared (trait). A warrior must have :P

I personally use the heal ability with condition removers, as well as shake it off (shout) with traits that reduce shouts CD by 20%. The cooldown reduction is also nice when using “For great justice”, you essentially get 10 seconds of fury every 20 seconds.

Anyone else tired of being snared...

in Warrior

Posted by: Edelweiss.9815


I highly recommend the +200 toughness when you’re snared (trait). A warrior must have :P

I personally use the heal ability with condition removers, as well as shake it off (shout) with traits that reduce shouts CD by 20%. The cooldown reduction is also nice when using “For great justice”, you essentially get 10 seconds of fury every 20 seconds.

Ah, that trait that makes you take 3% less damage from some attacks sometime.

2OP: Warrior is a PvE class. He has one role in PvP – glass cannon roamer, but he’s severely outclassed by the Thief in this role. The profession just lacks PvP skills, most abilities are very numeric and weak, and are intended to increase the performance of 5 people beating on a static NPC in the math contest of white numbers vs HP pool. 70 power for everyone, little buffs, little heals, a few percent of damage mitigation, a bit quicker rez etc. Add the fact that pure mitigation means nothing in this game, it’s all about avoidance, target cancel, stealth, blind spam etc. and Warrior has nothing of the sort and you have yourself quite a pathetic class. Don’t PvP on the Warrior, unless you have a team dedicated to building themselves around your one trick of Frenzy 100b.

Anyone else tired of being snared...

in Warrior

Posted by: Bug Spencer.7985

Bug Spencer.7985

Ah, that trait that makes you take 3% less damage from some attacks sometime.

2OP: Warrior is a PvE class. He has one role in PvP – glass cannon roamer, but he’s severely outclassed by the Thief in this role. The profession just lacks PvP skills, most abilities are very numeric and weak, and are intended to increase the performance of 5 people beating on a static NPC in the math contest of white numbers vs HP pool. 70 power for everyone, little buffs, little heals, a few percent of damage mitigation, a bit quicker rez etc. Add the fact that pure mitigation means nothing in this game, it’s all about avoidance, target cancel, stealth, blind spam etc. and Warrior has nothing of the sort and you have yourself quite a pathetic class. Don’t PvP on the Warrior, unless you have a team dedicated to building themselves around your one trick of Frenzy 100b.

This. Definitely this.

I am always shocked how I perform better in pvp when I don’t use my warrior (my main and the only class I play in pve/wvw, the only class I really know).

Anyone else tired of being snared...

in Warrior

Posted by: kawagaze.9214


2OP: Warrior is a PvE class. He has one role in PvP – glass cannon roamer, but he’s severely outclassed by the Thief in this role. The profession just lacks PvP skills, most abilities are very numeric and weak, and are intended to increase the performance of 5 people beating on a static NPC in the math contest of white numbers vs HP pool. 70 power for everyone, little buffs, little heals, a few percent of damage mitigation, a bit quicker rez etc. Add the fact that pure mitigation means nothing in this game, it’s all about avoidance, target cancel, stealth, blind spam etc. and Warrior has nothing of the sort and you have yourself quite a pathetic class. Don’t PvP on the Warrior, unless you have a team dedicated to building themselves around your one trick of Frenzy 100b.

Well I don’t really feel that warrior is too weak of a PvP class as of right now. I constantly rank on the top half of the sPvP matches and about one third of the time on the top three. This might be the cause of my low rank in sPvP as of right now, but I constantly wreck thieves with my skills. But I don’t play traditional gs war on sPvP, that’s for PvE. I play sPvP with axe/axe and hammer dps build with some toughness. This is fairly uncommon combo so people are not prepared to see me pull out my hammer after doing fast damage with my double axes and then stun them. Even when the moment of surprise is taken away the combo is pretty effective imo. axe/axe has some really good damage skills and they are not as predictable as GS and still deal tons of dmg and the hammer has some great skills to knock people down (pretty effective against thieves and other squishy classes). So I would argue that warrior is just as viable option as PvP class than any other. You just need to figure out how to play it to make it be effective. I’m still figuring out my build but as of right now it’s 30/10/15/0/15 and changes will most likely be made on it, hence I’m still figuring my kitten out.

Anyone else tired of being snared...

in Warrior

Posted by: phaeris.7604


Sorry to burst your bubble, but when you come across a bunker you will be wrecked. It’s not even a skill thing. It’s just mechanics.

Also why axe/axe? Axe 5 does so little damage on such a long cooldown. You’d be better off replacing it with mace or even better shield.

Also your build has no way to catch any other class who kites you. Spvp is sadly not a representation of pvp. It’s easy to kill if you run around with 5 other players and throw skills out, stomping nubs. It actually pays more to zerg in spvp rather than 1v1.

But play enough and you’ll find that one guy with a tpvp spec which will eat you alive, and no matter how you play it, you’ll lose. You will look at your traits and abilities and have no idea how to counter what he’s doing.

Btw, if you think GS is pve only, you’re probably using it wrong. It’s amazing for going up against alot of classes if you know how to use throw sword and whirlwind correctly (ie: mesmers, fastest way to clear clones/phantasms with one keypress).

Nothing personal mind you. Maybe i’m wrong.

Anyone else tired of being snared...

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


You can hit like a tactical nuke and a GS+Mobile Strikes with “Shake it Off”(As opposed to Sig of Str) and if that isn’t doing it for you Mending with the Restorative Strength perk if you REALLY have snare issues and you’ll have most of the burst damage (Tad less because no Sig) that the copy/paste GS wars have but have much more survivability. Bring an Axe/Shield alt set to counter enemy spikes. Honestly with all that cond removal you could possibly afford to bring the Healing Surge which heals for a good bit more. People in Pugs will still insult you for being a GS war but a bit of creativity will show them that you’re not just another chump. I like to throw 10 pts into tactics for some extra HP and grab Leg Specialist for both GS 4 and Axe 3 to snare. Also used on other melee bursters with leaps that 1 sec imob can totally ruin their combo or make retreat harder.

People are used to the same old GS war build so when you pullout a few different tricks it can throw them for a loop. Especially since so many have a offhand hammer which they waste a burst skill when a shield with a rune of hydromancy and a quick evis then a bash to stop a heal has the same effect but with the perk of Shield Stance. Just my personal experience because I ran a defensive heal shouts hammer build and in Pugs so few are willing to help take down the guy your CCing.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

(edited by BurrTheKing.8571)

Anyone else tired of being snared...

in Warrior

Posted by: Edelweiss.9815


The score in sPvP games doesn’t mean much, I’d even say that it means you’re underperforming if it’s too high.

To achieve the highest score you just need to circle-zerg with your team, killing outnumbered defenders and getting 20 points for every killed player plus 20 points for every capped point. That’s what all PuG sPvP teams are doing at the moment. Can’t blame people for doing that, that’s what the game rewards you for, a winning bonus is 25 point, it’s just not worth it.

There are different Thieves. The “experimental” types that run evasive SB, P/P, P/D and other unconventional builds and the cookie cutter Thieves that mastered the broken laggy Stealth and crazy scaling attacks. You won’t have much of a problem with the first ones, generally speaking, but it’s the second type that will destroy you. More and more people are learning correct rotations with their Thieves. Next time you’re in PvP try taking a mental note of what Thieves are you fighting against, see the death log and you will start noticing Backstab and Heartseeker numbers being on top quite often.

Axe/Axe is alright, but it offers a steady flow of damage, and being in melee doesn’t allow you to constantly stay on the target. OH Axe is also a bit weak in terms of the damage it provides, Dual Strike is quite weak and doesn’t deal a lot of damage, and we still have SoR and other sources of Fury, so the secondary effect isn’t good; Whirling Axe is a very low damaging ability, it’s main strength is combo triggering, which is difficult to use in disorganized PuG PvP. GS is so good because it doesn’t leave any room for defense or retaliation, you knockdown and execute 100b in 1.5 seconds, the target is now dead and a 3v3 became a sure-win 2v3.

Anyone else tired of being snared...

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


The score in sPvP games doesn’t mean much, I’d even say that it means you’re underperforming if it’s too high.

To achieve the highest score you just need to circle-zerg with your team, killing outnumbered defenders and getting 20 points for every killed player plus 20 points for every capped point. That’s what all PuG sPvP teams are doing at the moment. Can’t blame people for doing that, that’s what the game rewards you for, a winning bonus is 25 point, it’s just not worth it.

There are different Thieves. The “experimental” types that run evasive SB, P/P, P/D and other unconventional builds and the cookie cutter Thieves that mastered the broken laggy Stealth and crazy scaling attacks. You won’t have much of a problem with the first ones, generally speaking, but it’s the second type that will destroy you. More and more people are learning correct rotations with their Thieves. Next time you’re in PvP try taking a mental note of what Thieves are you fighting against, see the death log and you will start noticing Backstab and Heartseeker numbers being on top quite often.

Axe/Axe is alright, but it offers a steady flow of damage, and being in melee doesn’t allow you to constantly stay on the target. OH Axe is also a bit weak in terms of the damage it provides, Dual Strike is quite weak and doesn’t deal a lot of damage, and we still have SoR and other sources of Fury, so the secondary effect isn’t good; Whirling Axe is a very low damaging ability, it’s main strength is combo triggering, which is difficult to use in disorganized PuG PvP. GS is so good because it doesn’t leave any room for defense or retaliation, you knockdown and execute 100b in 1.5 seconds, the target is now dead and a 3v3 became a sure-win 2v3.

I’ve been having success with said cookie cutter thieves by listening for the BS/HS sounds that comes just before they strike or just seeing them stealth. The second I notice either I dodge then switch to Axe/Shield and pop shield stance. It’ll either force the guy to back off which means you hopefully catch them unstealthed, or they’ll attack and blow their combo. When they do this a shield bash followed by switching back to GS and doing your burst combo prob = dead thief. If it’s a smart thief it seems smarter to just Rush out of the area and again look for the unstealth or hope it goes for someone else at which point you can interrupt them.

SItuation permitting you could eat the backstab THEN shield stance for an almost guaranteed block of most of the combo and they’ll be left open for your burst, but that’s really risky but good thieves running the build just assume that they win when the first strike hits.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

(edited by BurrTheKing.8571)

Anyone else tired of being snared...

in Warrior

Posted by: Artaz.3819


The score in sPvP games doesn’t mean much, I’d even say that it means you’re underperforming if it’s too high.

To achieve the highest score you just need to circle-zerg with your team, killing outnumbered defenders and getting 20 points for every killed player plus 20 points for every capped point. That’s what all PuG sPvP teams are doing at the moment. Can’t blame people for doing that, that’s what the game rewards you for, a winning bonus is 25 point, it’s just not worth it.

There are different Thieves. The “experimental” types that run evasive SB, P/P, P/D and other unconventional builds and the cookie cutter Thieves that mastered the broken laggy Stealth and crazy scaling attacks. You won’t have much of a problem with the first ones, generally speaking, but it’s the second type that will destroy you. More and more people are learning correct rotations with their Thieves. Next time you’re in PvP try taking a mental note of what Thieves are you fighting against, see the death log and you will start noticing Backstab and Heartseeker numbers being on top quite often.

Axe/Axe is alright, but it offers a steady flow of damage, and being in melee doesn’t allow you to constantly stay on the target. OH Axe is also a bit weak in terms of the damage it provides, Dual Strike is quite weak and doesn’t deal a lot of damage, and we still have SoR and other sources of Fury, so the secondary effect isn’t good; Whirling Axe is a very low damaging ability, it’s main strength is combo triggering, which is difficult to use in disorganized PuG PvP. GS is so good because it doesn’t leave any room for defense or retaliation, you knockdown and execute 100b in 1.5 seconds, the target is now dead and a 3v3 became a sure-win 2v3.

I’ve been having success with said cookie cutter thieves by listening for the BS/HS sounds that comes just before they strike or just seeing them stealth. The second I notice either I dodge then switch to Axe/Shield and pop shield stance. It’ll either force the guy to back off which means you hopefully catch them unstealthed, or they’ll attack and blow their combo. When they do this a shield bash followed by switching back to GS and doing your burst combo prob = dead thief. If it’s a smart thief it seems smarter to just Rush out of the area and again look for the unstealth or hope it goes for someone else at which point you can interrupt them.

SItuation permitting you could eat the backstab THEN shield stance for an almost guaranteed block of most of the combo and they’ll be left open for your burst, but that’s really risky but good thieves running the build just assume that they win when the first strike hits.

Classic bunker warrior versus glass cannon thief meta. I agree that warriors are not all that bad but the cases where this works is because the thief player didn’t know what to do to counter (thief should restart the engagement when you have used up your shield block/Endure Pain and out-bunkered your bunker build).

Anyone else tired of being snared...

in Warrior

Posted by: Ath.2531


Commander Athrael ThunderBorn
GM of Crew of Misfits (CoM)
Piken Square, EU