Apothecary's stats good for PvE warrior?

Apothecary's stats good for PvE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: EpicHedgehog.1754


So, i’m using my warrior to gather resources (orichalcum, ancient wood etc) because he is very fast and i got an idea, what if i made my warrior with:

Apothecary’s stats armor/trinkets (healing power/toughness/condition damage)
Dolyak runes (toughness/vitality+hp regen)
Traits 0 | 30(1,3,8) | 30(3,9,11) | 10(1) | 0
5 signets for the crit chance
+ hp regen food
Weapons: sword/warhorn | GS

My idea is to have lots of armor+passive health regen, so i can farm nodes witouth to care about the mobs.

So what do you thing about it, will i be able to do dungeons with it, is there any more useful stat combo for my wish?

Please help me with this build with your opinion :)

Edit: Im using the GS because i can run fast between the nodes when im farming, ill change the weapons if im going to do dungeons, and im not going to do open world bosses with this build

Edit 2: this is the build
20k hp/3450 armor/571 hp regen per sec/1000 condi dmg/42% crit chance

Not good at english ^^

(edited by EpicHedgehog.1754)

Apothecary's stats good for PvE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: K U T M.4539

K U T M.4539

Using Sword/Sword + Longbow would be good much better because you have basically 0 power.

Could go with Clerics (Healing/tough/power), but you’ll still hit like a wet noodle.

Basic [BS] NSP/Mag

Apothecary's stats good for PvE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: EpicHedgehog.1754


Using Sword/Sword + Longbow would be good much better because you have basically 0 power.

Could go with Clerics (Healing/tough/power), but you’ll still hit like a wet noodle.

I’m using sword/warhorn | GS because i can run fast between the nodes when im farming, I can change them if i do dungeons and since i have no power with this build i focused on condition damage to compensate

Not good at english ^^

Apothecary's stats good for PvE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: K U T M.4539

K U T M.4539

You won’t be annoying any conditions with greatsword :s

Basic [BS] NSP/Mag

Apothecary's stats good for PvE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ahlen.7591


I want to like conditions, but on a LOT of content they’re just horrible. Too many condition immune things, or stacks maxing out because of other players.

Apothecary's stats good for PvE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: colesy.8490


Don’t run dungeons with apothecary. Get a full set of berserker, and use it in PvE too, you’ll kill mobs so fast they won’t even bother you.

Sanctum of Rall (NA) – [LOD] – PvE/Dungeon Phantasm Mesmer build
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“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj

Apothecary's stats good for PvE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: wildfang.9670


sadly no it’s not a good idea condition are not viable in dungeons simply put because of the perfect storm. bleeds max out at 25 extremely low 1 warrior can solo this. bleeds do not over ride each other coupled with minor traits that grant bleeds on crits plus damage bonus to bleeding foes meaning you get people not using bleeds for condition damage but getting them for direct damage and by accident. this means a zerker will have bleeds and your apoth will not override.

this is only a issue on legendary bosses and champs. with that said it’s not hta you can NOT do dungeon as a condi but not a lot of people are fans of condi’s because of the time it takes to do a dungeon.

mix that with some zerker egos and zerker weaknesses and it’s not going to be a good experience at points simply because the unbeatable zerker died because the boss didn’t die soon enough. you get the point

trash mobs will still fall like flies but bosses will take a rather long time to down if you have excessive condi’s. (relative to how long they normally do this annoying many a pve player) so in short you’ll have more trouble finding teams it will be slower and expect to have some bad experience if you do.

if you want apothecaries go cleric’s for pve.

with that said that only a recommendation to save yo ua headache.

I got my first ascended rabid sword and tested it out with a cof run and would had told off anyone who said anything. the team didn’t and their is a lot of people who are down right disgusted by elitism.

(possible yes good idea no)

(edited by wildfang.9670)

Apothecary's stats good for PvE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dolan.3071


I farm nodes with my DPS optimised, dungeon running build (full Berserker.)
With Healing Signet you can still ignore mobs for long enough to get your nodes, and if you wanted, you could always just kill the mob bothering in you in a few swings.
To keep it short, Warriors are only brought into dungeons for their damage, wear anything other than Berserker’s and you’re wasting your team’s time.

Uriel Asther ~ Warrior | Kaya Lereau ~ Elementalist | Natalie Fox ~ Thief
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]

Apothecary's stats good for PvE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


The 315 hp from a full apoth set only adds around 15 passive healing from hs, and another 15 or so (if I recall correctly) to adrenal health. So 30 more health per second.

If you want to just move fast trait into banners so they have no real cd. Then use the swiftness/charge on it to run between nodes. If you trait it you can also get perma regen on those that will stack with your hs/adrenal health. Nothing will be able to kill you, and you can ignore almost anything. I went afk by an ori node yesterday in orr. came back and I’m still standing there while a reason tirelessly pounds on me and I heal up more than it does in damage. Though I use a mix of gear so I have more condi damage/some power/ while still having high healing power.

No idea about dungeons, because they are as boring as the rest of pve.

An additional upside is you can face tank most champs you encounter. Except for certain “event” champs in orr of course.

Apothecary's stats good for PvE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dolan.3071


Warhorn + Sig of Rage gives you permanent Swiftness without the clunkiness of toting around a banner.

Uriel Asther ~ Warrior | Kaya Lereau ~ Elementalist | Natalie Fox ~ Thief
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]

Apothecary's stats good for PvE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


Warhorn + Sig of Rage gives you permanent Swiftness without the clunkiness of toting around a banner.

Not sure I would call it clunky, but whatever works. I prefer it because of the regen, short charge, and swiftness. If you don’t that’s cool.

Apothecary's stats good for PvE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

Anything except Berserker’s is a bad idea in pve except from isolated exceptions like Tequatl.

Seems like these type of threads happen a bunch where a guy buys a set of gear for WvW and then wants to do pve stuff and be effective without buying another set. Unfortunately, the playstyle of a warrior in pvp vs pve is drastically different so you’ll really never be competent in either realm with the same gearing.

Death and Taxes [DnT]
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Apothecary's stats good for PvE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: EpicHedgehog.1754


Anything except Berserker’s is a bad idea in pve except from isolated exceptions like Tequatl.

Seems like these type of threads happen a bunch where a guy buys a set of gear for WvW and then wants to do pve stuff and be effective without buying another set. Unfortunately, the playstyle of a warrior in pvp vs pve is drastically different so you’ll really never be competent in either realm with the same gearing.

umm… im just new with warrior, i have rare soldiers armor now and im looking to make a new set, i have never pvp/wvw(just a few times) with him (the warrior)

Not good at english ^^

Apothecary's stats good for PvE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

I apologize if you feel I was attacking you. Apothecary armor is a flavor of the month set for the WvW crowd on a warrior and has had little use before, and will little be seen again after it falls out of favor. I pretty much assumed anybody who had apothecary armor got it due to WvW.

Death and Taxes [DnT]
DnT is Recruiting – http://www.dtguilds.com/

Apothecary's stats good for PvE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: EpicHedgehog.1754


I apologize if you feel I was attacking you. Apothecary armor is a flavor of the month set for the WvW crowd on a warrior and has had little use before, and will little be seen again after it falls out of favor. I pretty much assumed anybody who had apothecary armor got it due to WvW.

No problem, thank you for the feedback, i didn’t know about that

Looks like this is one of the bad sides of this “no trinity” game → everything that is not pure DPS in not valuable at the moment, I hope thay will add new content that will need you to be more condi/tank/support

Not good at english ^^

Apothecary's stats good for PvE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dolan.3071


Warhorn + Sig of Rage gives you permanent Swiftness without the clunkiness of toting around a banner.

Not sure I would call it clunky, but whatever works. I prefer it because of the regen, short charge, and swiftness. If you don’t that’s cool.

Compare the mobility between Greatsword + Sword/Warhorn to carrying a banner and you’ll see what I mean by clunky :P

Uriel Asther ~ Warrior | Kaya Lereau ~ Elementalist | Natalie Fox ~ Thief
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]

Apothecary's stats good for PvE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Guyver.1426


If one goes for full Apothecary’ stats, he/she attaches a great deal of value to toughness. So it is gear of roamers and samll team fight.

(edited by Guyver.1426)

Apothecary's stats good for PvE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Sil.4560


Apothecary armor is a flavor of the month set for the WvW crowd on a warrior and has had little use before, and will little be seen again after it falls out of favor.

I see more people with that silly M+Sh/GS build. Anything is going to see little use after it falls out of favor – people use what works. I had no interest in what other people were using when I chose a large number of apothecary stats, it’s just effective for what I do in WvW.

Apothecary's stats good for PvE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Sil.4560


Apothecary armor is a flavor of the month set for the WvW crowd on a warrior and has had little use before, and will little be seen again after it falls out of favor.

I see more people with that silly M+Sh/GS build. Anything is going to see little use after it falls out of favor – people use what works. I had no interest in what other people were using when I chose a large number of apothecary stats, it’s just effective for what I do in WvW.

Why anyone would use it for PvE over Zerk/Knight is beyond me.

Apothecary's stats good for PvE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Guanglai Kangyi.4318

Guanglai Kangyi.4318

He’s not talking about fighting anything, he’s talking about building up healing power for Healing Signet and just ignoring everything while hitting nodes.

Ranger is probably better for that task though, you can just put on Signet of the Wild and Signet of the Hunt and just activate Zephyr’s Speed (3s quickness on 20s CD) for each node. Don’t even have to worry about getting hit cause you mine everything so fast.

Apothecary's stats good for PvE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: fey.5438


IMO waste of money. Zerk/knight warrior have enough armor/health to easily harvest nodes and still be useful in dungeons.

Apothecary's stats good for PvE warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Sil.4560


Do people seriously put together armor sets just to harvest nodes? You can ignore most PvE mobs and do that with full zerk…