Apr 30 Patch Notes

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: Weggie.3215


Well Guys here it is… Enjoy

- Arcing Arrow skill: Added a radius skill fact. Removed the burning skill fact on the traited version because it did not actually burn.

Fan of Fire skill:
- Updated the cast time and aftercast to match other fan skills.
- Reduced cast time by 0.5 seconds and aftercast by 0.5 seconds.

Earthshaker skill:
- Fixed the attack radius to correctly match the ground targeted decal radius.
- Added a radius skill fact.
- Fixed the damage displayed in the skill fact at zero adrenaline to be consistent with the skill at all adrenaline levels.

Throw Boulder skill: Added a knockdown skill fact.

Call to Arms skill:
- Now a blast finisher.
- Updated the radius skill fact to be consistent with the skill’s effects.
- Removed extraneous 500-millisecond aftercast.

Added new Adept major trait, Defense (II): Dogged March—Incoming immobilize, chill, and cripple conditions are reduced by 33%. Gain 3 seconds of regeneration when you are crippled, chilled, or immobilized. This effect can trigger only once every 10 seconds. This trait replaces Turtle’s Defense.

Quick Bursts and Adrenal Reserves traits: Combined into one trait, Burst Mastery (XI).

Added new Grandmaster major trait, Discipline (XII): Destruction of the Empowered Damage is increased by 3% per unique boon on the warrior’s target.

Endure Pain skill: Players can now capture points while under its effects.

Leg Specialist trait: No longer functions when controlling turrets such as the WvW Arrow Cart.

Brutal Shot (Rifle) skill: Increased vulnerability duration from 10 seconds to 12 seconds. Increased vulnerability stacks from 5 to 8.

Signet of Fury skill: Increased passive stat bonus by 100%.

Signet of Might skill: Increased passive stat bonus by 100%. The new active is the – player’s next 3 attacks are unblockable. This effect lasts for 10 seconds.

Dolyak Signet skill: Increased passive stat bonus by 100%.

“On My Mark!” skill: Now uses its actual range instead of infinite range. Increased the range of the shout from 900 to 1200.

Frenzy skill:
- Increased duration by 1 second.
- Players now take 25% more damage (reduced from 50%) when under the effects of this skill.

Edited with spacing

(edited by Weggie.3215)

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: Simon.3106


I won’t bring discipline to level 30 for I think its useless.

I like the fact that Frenzy takes 25% now. =) (thank you Albundy)

I like the SIgnet of Might unblockable attacks, though 3 is kind of petty. Should’ve made it 3 seconds, so I can use Frenzy + Hundred blade unblockable. Lol

~Way of the Ranger~
Legendary Ranger, Simon

(edited by Simon.3106)

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


you mean frenzy not endure pain right? Unless I’m reading it wrong

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


do me a favor and put spacing between each skill update? hard to read but thanks!

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: gfox.6501


Two things I really like, Dogged march, and a more accurate radius indication for Earthshaker.

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: Rez.2578


Time to watch all the fail warriors in spvp the next day or so until they realize warrior is still by far the worst spvp class and boon hate does nothing to help them since its 30 points in our discipline tree.


(edited by Rez.2578)

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


Sig of Might is the largest and most important change out of all of those.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


I was hoping for Healing Signet buff…….

But looks solid overall.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


maybe they changed it and didn’t include in patch notes?

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: Lord Titan.3791

Lord Titan.3791

Patch overview:

Arcing Shot: Bug Fix.

Fan of Fire: Minor buff/fix, won’t notice a difference.

Earthshaker: Bug fix/tooltip update.

Throw Boulder: Tooltip update (People use this?).

Call to Arms: Minor buff.

Dogged March: Possible pick up if you aren’t running condi./immob. cleanse. Further testing required to see if it stacks with food/runes. Regeneration seems very minimal.

Burst Mastery: Trait buff, could work very well for rifle warriors.

Desctruction of the Empowered: New trait, creates serious trait distribution problems in most builds. Damage bonus is spotty at best. Possibly not worth choosing over.
“Attack of Opportunity”(Arms:25).

Brutal Shot: Minor buff to rifle Warriors.

Endure Pain: Bug fix.

Leg Specialist: Bug fix/ large nerf to WvW tactics.

Signet of Fury: Minor buff to builds sch as Rifle Warrior.

Signet of Might: Skill rework, new active provides for more active rupt builds. Ex. Mace/Shield + GS and Hammer builds to hard counter blocks and set up Warrior’s burst. Causes difficult utility choices.

Dolyak Signet: Minor buff/skill still requires an updated active to pass Balanced Stance.

‘On my Mark’: Bug fix/nerf.

Frenzy: Major buff to various builds.

Titan/Mr Brains

(edited by Lord Titan.3791)

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


I was hoping for Healing Signet buff…….

But looks solid overall.

You’re not the only one…meh.


Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: graverr.6473


Call to arms became a blast finisher = Huge and by far the best improvement in this patch .

Boon hate = useless literally

Dogged march = Change.Idk,i liked the old trait better tbh.200 toughness was nice but i can see it’s usefulness.

Frenzy = Not a buff but a needed fix since it was overlooked at the quickness nerf

Mini Somales -Seven Instincts- [siN]

(edited by graverr.6473)

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


patch just went live start dling foolios

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: Sil.4560


I wasn’t expecting that warhorn buff. Pretty nice. Gotta go soon, but let’s see how all of this feels.

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: TexZero.7910


Mildly amused at the buffs to Rifle Warriors this patch.

Its going to be fun running and gunning again.

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: wllalele.9427


Move in the right direction, but still… Too small steps for a such big company.

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Rifle warriors look stroonk!
Destruction of the Empowered+Brutal Shot(buffed)+Signet of Might(new)*Killshot =

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: Weggie.3215


Edited original post

I like the changes so far, but im stuck at work =( I’ll test these out later. The Call to arms buff looks great! Blast Finisher on Demand FTW!

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: Zak.8274


Oh good, I was worried that Warrior might continue to maintain it’s vicegrip on PvE content. Continue with your “Hundred Blades” please.

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: Nugget.8031


Bowl of lemongrass soup + runes of Melendu + dogged march = Immune to imob chill and cripple?

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: stale.9785


Lol rifle warriors get another buff (Far superior to bow rangers, which is kinda sad) and Frenzy is losing it’s downside.

3 completely unblockable attacks.

Great day to be a warrior.

Also, I don’t think anyone’s gonna roll a boon hate build (I still hate the mechanic, but whatever.)

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: Big Fat Doba.1267

Big Fat Doba.1267

Wow really nice buffs all around. For PVE anyway. Very impressed!

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: oZii.2864


Yea going to have to give a day or so to see. I think boon hate is I don’t know yet as I am running around with my confusion mesmer to see if I can’t kill anything with it. So far no problems there same people pressing buttons so it still works just a bit slower.

The dogged march is lovely I like it alot so far. I think dueling etc gives you an idea but to really see the effectiveness gotta play well normal. I think boon hate will be more effective to say sPvP and tPvP since you know bunkers are all around so if you are the offensive roamer then why not take the trait? Have to see how it plays out still on the fence about that specific trait though.

I can see why they put it there because nobody really goes 30 points in there anyway. Its like dps warriors going deep into tactics which doesnt happen. Next stop is 30 points in strength cause that doesnt happen much either along with 30 points in arms.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


What other profession nerfs? Did you see the buffs to the rangers? Ele ride the lightening was the only thing that got nerfed. They still heal big and their cantrips are as powerful as ever. Unless they plan on nerfing them later.
Let us see the trait buffs:
Destruction of the Empowered: 3% extra damage per boon on target.
1.It is deep in the discipline tree. You will have to sacrifice going into the Arms tree for the attack of opportunity.
2.The other buffed talent (just a silly combination..doubt anybody bursts faster than 7 seconds except hammer warriors on hammer all the time) is on the same line so you can only choose one.
3.Protection offers 33% damage reduction. To overcome protection which is up a LOT of the time on bunker classes..they will have to have 11 boons on them to mitigate it..
4. Does that mean I will receive even more damage when someone has retaliation up a lot of the time?
Now.. the only advantage I see to it is if you pick a boon heavy target in a group of enemies..say a guardian..does it mean it will give you a lot of increased damage on the rest of your targets? In that case..yummy.
I would have been happy if they gave us boon stripping like necros, mesmers and thieves. Thieves actually got one of their WEAPON attacks -not 30 points into a skill line trait-buffed to STEAL two boons and not simply strip them.
Dogged March:
33% duration reduction on movement impairing effects. I dunno but I think this is countered by condition duration increase by the attacking player so..and gaining regeneration? What good is regeneration if i’m kited to my death?
Also, you sacrifice either Embrace the pain or last stand which are both big in gaining adrenaline for bursting with Axe/hammer or for standing up to a cc combo or heavy cc class. I wish they had placed this somewhere else.
Who knows. With the calculated movement impairment reduction it might be good.
Signet of might:
Useless. CCs that go through will not knock back or down the blocking target. 100b lands 1/3 of the way through, only. Only reason I see it being used is for a big hit like Evis but even then..I usually check if someone is blocking before dropping it. I dunno if its worth it occupying one of my valuable traits just to make sure an ability goes through which it usually does.
Burst Mastery:
This might be good in fast bursting if you have a build to fill up the adrenaline fast giving you two bursts. The longer warriors stay in a fight the less chance of a survival against classes with fewer cooldowns and good escape abilities.
But then..will you be blowing abilities needlessly to fill your bar for a 2nd burst? Maybe if you were a full time hammer warrior it would be good.
1.Boon hate sounds like its inferior to boon stripping. We are still falling behind other classes in dealing with boons.
2.Dogged mach is not that good. We sacrifice too much to get it. We are still being kited while other classes don’t have to be kited as much as us even with dogged march.
3.Signet of might is useless.
4. Burst mastery. Might be good,
I’m hoping they are keeping an eye on things and planing to intervene soon if possible and not wait several more months while working on PVE content.
Overall I think it is a good step forwards but we will see if it is enough. Got my doubts :o.

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: Windwalker.2047


Bug fixes are not nerfs.

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


To the people saying boon hate is useless: so much wtf.

You guys don’t understand how this is going to work with commander hunting killshot builds. Along with the [Signet of Might] buff that makes your next three attacks blockable, you simply pop [On My Mark], [For Great Justice], and F1 the guardian commander after he pops [Save Yourselves]. That’s like what, 40% more damage? Hoooly kitten, I cannot wait to test this out.

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


To the people saying boon hate is useless: so much wtf.

You guys don’t understand how this is going to work with commander hunting killshot builds. Along with the [Signet of Might] buff that makes your next three attacks blockable, you simply pop [On My Mark], [For Great Justice], and F1 the guardian commander after he pops [Save Yourselves]. That’s like what, 40% more damage? Hoooly kitten, I cannot wait to test this out.

Long animation and easy to dodge for the F1 rifle? Easy to knock you down while channeling? What level tourneys are you playing?

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


To the people saying boon hate is useless: so much wtf.

You guys don’t understand how this is going to work with commander hunting killshot builds. Along with the [Signet of Might] buff that makes your next three attacks blockable, you simply pop [On My Mark], [For Great Justice], and F1 the guardian commander after he pops [Save Yourselves]. That’s like what, 40% more damage? Hoooly kitten, I cannot wait to test this out.

Long animation and easy to dodge for the F1 rifle? Easy to knock you down while channeling? What level tourneys are you playing?

I don’t play tourneys. sPvP is garbage in my opinion. I was obviously talking about WvW since I mentioned commanders in my second sentence. :p

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


I’m wondering do you think there’s anything wrong with basing a build around one ability that has the damage to take most players from 100% to at least 25% and sometimes even to the downed state?

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Honestly it should be a ‘5’ point trait, not a 30 point grandmaster.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: TheMerc.4850


I don’t play tourneys. sPvP is garbage in my opinion. I was obviously talking about WvW since I mentioned commanders in my second sentence. :p

But no one cares about zerg mode seeing as people are complete morons there.

And you had to come up with a contrived situation to make it awesome, seeing as you need to use this during save yourselves, which gives protection anyhow and cancels out the 21% extra damage during Save Yourselves, maybe 27% if they have stability and aegis as well.

It’s not amazing.

Apr 30 Patch Notes

in Warrior

Posted by: Olba.5376


I don’t play tourneys. sPvP is garbage in my opinion. I was obviously talking about WvW since I mentioned commanders in my second sentence. :p

But no one cares about zerg mode seeing as people are complete morons there.

And you had to come up with a contrived situation to make it awesome, seeing as you need to use this during save yourselves, which gives protection anyhow and cancels out the 21% extra damage during Save Yourselves, maybe 27% if they have stability and aegis as well.

It’s not amazing.

Just because it doesn’t break through all of protection doesn’t mean it’s not doing something.

It’s still going to put out 21% extra damage.

Unless you’re saying that somehow not choosing this trait means everyone else stops running Protection.