Arc Divider needs more telegraph

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Tomiyou.3790


Warrior has always had a very cool way of balancing. He had very good raw damage, but all of it was paragaphed in a proper way and you could dodge anything. Good warriors, were able to get past this by casting them after enemy was out of dodges or hiding cast times behind other skills.
Since Berserker was introduced, this has dramatically decreased. Mace, even tho the F1 in berserk mode is completely overloaded with effects, it has a CAST time, making you able to avoid it.
This is not the case with Arc Divider. Especially in WvW, this hurts bad, since warrior immediately gets 7k+ damage on you and gets massive healing with it due to Adrenal Health. I’d be even satisfied with the buffing the skill, just to have its cast time increased/a better paragraph that the skill is coming. Right now, there is no indicator.

(edited by Tomiyou.3790)

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


Ikr? Berzerkers are all about those walls of text! I’d like to see better punctuation added to the class as well. :P

(Sorry, couldn’t help myself)

On topic, consider yourself lucky in the damage department. I’ve been regularly eating 10-15k AD. In terms of telegraph,iirc it’s about the same as Arcing Slice, the difference is the quickness speeding up AS when someone first enters the primal state and, to a lesser extent, the range that allows you to be hit well outside of melee range.

I’m not sure what the proper fix is. Cutting down the range and power scaling a bit in recognition of the spammability, maybe, or just getting used to it as the new normal.

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Tomiyou.3790


Ikr? Berzerkers are all about those walls of text! I’d like to see better punctuation added to the class as well. :P

(Sorry, couldn’t help myself)

On topic, consider yourself lucky in the damage department. I’ve been regularly eating 10-15k AD. In terms of telegraph,iirc it’s about the same as Arcing Slice, the difference is the quickness speeding up AS when someone first enters the primal state and, to a lesser extent, the range that allows you to be hit well outside of melee range.

I’m not sure what the proper fix is. Cutting down the range and power scaling a bit in recognition of the spammability, maybe, or just getting used to it as the new normal.

I’m not sure I can get used to a animation that fast, as it is pretty much impossible. I bet it takes more time for my brain to actually process the animation when my eyes see it, than it takes for the animation to execute with quickness. Which means reacting with a dodge is impossible. Especially since you can execute a skill right after you enter Berserk.

Just increase the pre-cast time and keep it as it is. The problem with quickness is now fixed and the skill is still pretty good. Maybe something like Darius q since the rework.

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


How do you counter arc divider atm? I’m assuming blocks and hard invulerabilities work fine on it. Is there a way to time ur dodge to avoid it? With quickness on it is it a sure guess to dodge automatically when u see the warrior enter berserker stance? ANd if I do dodge should i double dodge if i start right after seeing him go berserker stance? or single should be good if he goes berserker straight to arcing slice?

This is something i need to learn to counter to fight the good berserker warriors, and right now im failing miserably. Getting out of 450 range when they hit berserkr mode seems to be really my most viable option atm…..but kinda hard when i run melee only.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Counter it by keeping your health above 50%, then stack up your protection and various other damage reduction abilities. It doesnt hit that hard (unless we’re gonna bring WvW into this, which with all the gear and food is redic anyway so who cares XD )

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Counter it by keeping your health above 50%, then stack up your protection and various other damage reduction abilities. It doesnt hit that hard (unless we’re gonna bring WvW into this, which with all the gear and food is redic anyway so who cares XD )


I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


Yeah, were talking about wvw here. Tbh, I just take extra care when they turn red. You know they’re going to try a burst almost as soon as they enter, and then they’re probably going to try and cram in as many bursts add they can while they’re in primal.

Be prepared to dodge (or just automatically dodge) a split second after they turn red, or use EP if the reason they’re in primal is because you didn’t dodge Headbutt. After they burn their initial burst, try to pay attention to their adren gain to get a sense of when that next one will come and pressure then until you think they’re going to do it again, then mitigate. Or change up your fight style and kite them more while they’re in primal… they’ll generally try to be more aggressive when they’re red in order to cram in the bursts, so give them fewer opportunities so you know when they’ll try to burst and otherwise deny them their precious adrenaline. Whirlwind through them when they get close, toss up shield block if you get cornered, etc. and you’ll find a lot of Berserkers start making mistakes as they get desperate to get some value out of primal.

If you’re not running a warrior, use blinds, aegis, stealth, and any opportunity to range pressure when he’s red.

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Yeah, were talking about wvw here. Tbh, I just take extra care when they turn red. You know they’re going to try a burst almost as soon as they enter, and then they’re probably going to try and cram in as many bursts add they can while they’re in primal.

Be prepared to dodge (or just automatically dodge) a split second after they turn red, or use EP if the reason they’re in primal is because you didn’t dodge Headbutt. After they burn their initial burst, try to pay attention to their adren gain to get a sense of when that next one will come and pressure then until you think they’re going to do it again, then mitigate. Or change up your fight style and kite them more while they’re in primal… they’ll generally try to be more aggressive when they’re red in order to cram in the bursts, so give them fewer opportunities so you know when they’ll try to burst and otherwise deny them their precious adrenaline. Whirlwind through them when they get close, toss up shield block if you get cornered, etc. and you’ll find a lot of Berserkers start making mistakes as they get desperate to get some value out of primal.

If you’re not running a warrior, use blinds, aegis, stealth, and any opportunity to range pressure when he’s red.

Does adrenal health and or berserker’s strength (20% extra damage on burst land) of arc divider proc if it lands on some1 with endure pain active?

Also I guess you would have to care not to fight the zerker near any buildings or siege or static objects or birds/rats/littleanimals lest their 360 aoe arc dividers be in range to proc them….

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


I believe it does. I mean, it’s still a hit, it just does zero damage. You can proc off of gates and siege, but I don’t think you can off of ambients like rats and cats (drakes, etc proc though).

It’s not really the principle concern though. They’ll have so many opportunities to land that having those buffs up almost all the time is almost a certainty. Your just trying to out trade their damage, so funneling their big hits to times when you can best mitigate, while landing your own when they can’t. They’re way more dangerous when they’re red (like a Hotsauce Hulk), so just be extra careful then.

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Fat Disgrace.4275

Fat Disgrace.4275

If anything, the range of this attack is to blame, keep it the same as arking slice.

Fat Disgrace (banned) Man Flu Survivor – war/The Cabbage -Thief (gunners hold / [TaG])

gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: cryorion.9532


If anything, the range of this attack is to blame, keep it the same as arking slice.

Uhm… no?

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Fat Disgrace.4275

Fat Disgrace.4275

Why should that hit harder, on a much less cd and a much bigger range then a normal f1 burst? (If you want to call arcing slice a burst tat is)

Fat Disgrace (banned) Man Flu Survivor – war/The Cabbage -Thief (gunners hold / [TaG])

gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: cryorion.9532


Why not? Gunflame is similar case. It does not root you + you usually cast it with quickness too = better than killshot. Arc divider just belongs into great skills category warrior has right now.

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Fat Disgrace.4275

Fat Disgrace.4275

I have neither a problem with it as I use it too, but for the sake of this discussion I thought I would add this in.

Fat Disgrace (banned) Man Flu Survivor – war/The Cabbage -Thief (gunners hold / [TaG])

gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: nicknamenick.2437


Why should that hit harder, on a much less cd and a much bigger range then a normal f1 burst? (If you want to call arcing slice a burst tat is)

-Because no fury

-And because your spend a whole traitline for better/more burst skills maby?

-You ppl act like its vanilla warrior + berserker..

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

Arcing slice is an aoe level 1 eviscerate below 50% hp and gives fury.
Arc divider is like 1.5x the range and stronger.

But as with ever berzerker skill it is rather predictable since the berzerker form wears off in a short time.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


Arc Divider is actually 3x the range of Arcing Slice.

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


The range, combined with the cast time and damage is way too much. It needs one of those things nerfed.

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

The range, combined with the cast time and damage is way too much. It needs one of those things nerfed.

Then we glance at Scrapper hammer and think “Oh yeah, actually arc divider could use a buff” XD

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Tomiyou.3790


Just fought another warrior. Got him to 20%, hit me with the instant Arc Divider. Bam, full HP. It’s kinda stupid really. I mean, I am all for warriors being meta, but the current Adrenal Health is just carrying bad warriors way too much. He didn’t dodge my Churning earth, Burning speed, … Nothing. But only because of that trait it was apparent that I was unable to kill him under any circumstance. Maybe it was only because I was using the poor, left in the dust d/d ele. It’s kinda the same with scrapper. The healing is constant and there is literally no way to prevent them from getting it.

Oh and by the way, I changed my mind. The current Adrenal Health is just stupid. Sword F1 doesn’t have a good way to dodge either. Warrior needs some other ACTIVE way to get healing, not just more passive bullkitten, while the current Adrenal Health should be nerfed.

(edited by Tomiyou.3790)

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Zagerus.8675


I think therein lies your problem. You’re trying to 1v1 and kill a Warrior on an Elementalist. Yet if you go into an organized PvP match, that same warrior would spend 15 minutes trying to kill you as a cleric’s d/f bunker. Arc Divider would probably hit you for ~2k despite the warrior being Berserker. Changing Arc Divider simply to facilitate an easier 1v1 in WvW seems like a wrong move, imo. DH’s and Rev’s both are still superb in the 1v1 departments and have great sustain, yet Warrior keeps getting called out because we aren’t push overs in 1v1’s anymore.

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371


Just fought another warrior. Got him to 20%, hit me with the instant Arc Divider. Bam, full HP. It’s kinda stupid really. I mean, I am all for warriors being meta, but the current Adrenal Health is just carrying bad warriors way too much. He didn’t dodge my Churning earth, Burning speed, … Nothing. But only because of that trait it was apparent that I was unable to kill him under any circumstance. Maybe it was only because I was using the poor, left in the dust d/d ele. It’s kinda the same with scrapper. The healing is constant and there is literally no way to prevent them from getting it.

Oh and by the way, I changed my mind. The current Adrenal Health is just stupid. Sword F1 doesn’t have a good way to dodge either. Warrior needs some other ACTIVE way to get healing, not just more passive bullkitten, while the current Adrenal Health should be nerfed.

Sword f1 Burst “Flury of blows” is easy to avoid, its also hard to hit with…period. F1 primal “Flaming Flurry” is super easy to dodge. just side step. no dodge required. it will miss

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Tomiyou.3790


Just fought another warrior. Got him to 20%, hit me with the instant Arc Divider. Bam, full HP. It’s kinda stupid really. I mean, I am all for warriors being meta, but the current Adrenal Health is just carrying bad warriors way too much. He didn’t dodge my Churning earth, Burning speed, … Nothing. But only because of that trait it was apparent that I was unable to kill him under any circumstance. Maybe it was only because I was using the poor, left in the dust d/d ele. It’s kinda the same with scrapper. The healing is constant and there is literally no way to prevent them from getting it.

Oh and by the way, I changed my mind. The current Adrenal Health is just stupid. Sword F1 doesn’t have a good way to dodge either. Warrior needs some other ACTIVE way to get healing, not just more passive bullkitten, while the current Adrenal Health should be nerfed.

Sword f1 Burst “Flury of blows” is easy to avoid, its also hard to hit with…period. F1 primal “Flaming Flurry” is super easy to dodge. just side step. no dodge required. it will miss

But when you HAVE to get into melee range, since you are playing d/d ele, then you have no choice. Also, side stepping is impossible when warrior has quickness. This leads back to my original point.

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371


How quick a warrior is has nothing to do with your ability to sidestep. As for DD/ELE, yeah, that sucks for you….except NOOOOO your a freaking ELE. you laugh at condi’s

Arc Divider, I can get down with, It’s AOE is pretty insane, and while i have never been hit with or delivered a 10k arc divider i can understand people not liking it due to it’s AOE effect. I mean, yeah it’s pretty epic. Personally i think Arcing Slice should be the one that hits for more damage, Arc Divider should hit for 33% less and hit multiple targets

But Flaming Flurry is fine. Also a reflected Flaming Flurry makes me cry.

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Tomiyou.3790


How quick a warrior is has nothing to do with your ability to sidestep. As for DD/ELE, yeah, that sucks for you….except NOOOOO your a freaking ELE. you laugh at condi’s

Arc Divider, I can get down with, It’s AOE is pretty insane, and while i have never been hit with or delivered a 10k arc divider i can understand people not liking it due to it’s AOE effect. I mean, yeah it’s pretty epic. Personally i think Arcing Slice should be the one that hits for more damage, Arc Divider should hit for 33% less and hit multiple targets

But Flaming Flurry is fine. Also a reflected Flaming Flurry makes me cry.

I’m not saying that Flaming Flurry is OP lel. It sucks, I played lots of condi warrior during the HoT beta and the sword was much worse than longbow/mace. The thing is that with quickness and the warrior literally standing on you when you fight him in melee, you have to be lucky to dodge the first Flaming Flurry. The rest of the channel, sure, sidesteping is way to easy (like guardian scepter aa), but the first one gives 3 stacks of AH.
Also, the dude was playing power warrior and d/d ele has no way to kill a warrior running Defense traitline, since you can’t even get him low. Sigh, the powercreep

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Ezrael.6859


The tooltip for Arc Divider says the range is 150.

But it actually hits at up to 450 range

(edited by Ezrael.6859)

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Asura.5301


The tooltip for Arc Divider says the range is 150.

But it actually hits at up to 450 range

no tooltip states 450….

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

So I ran into Tarcis and he was running carrion arc divider. And I definitely dodged 4 of 5 arc dividers. So you can predict the crap out of them.
Or see the tell, the wind the sword up a little bit before the strike.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Seis.4736


Since no one said it yet, i’ll go say it now… “git gud”

most of the time you cant dodge AD is because you got hit by A. Headbutt B. Shield bash C. Taunt.

On paper, AD hits less than AS but being a primal burst, warrs get the extra dmg bump from traits so there you go.

And as someone already mentioned, AD doesn’t give Fury which greatly affects its dmg esp on the succeeding ADs. Really, the 1st AD from a fresh berserk stance pop is the hardest hitting.

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


On paper, AD hits less than AS but being a primal burst, warrs get the extra dmg bump from traits so there you go.

Iirc, AD has something like 33% higher power scaling than kitten its damage on a high power build should be higher even before you start factoring in traits, etc.

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Cecilia.5179


In WvW, a power warrior that rotates through invulns and blocks correctly is like fighting a dire perplexity mesmer. Unpleasant. I roam with somebody who plays a/sh gs warrior, and it took a burst s/f ele and a thief 10 minutes to kill her in a 2v1. The ele, at least, was good as well, because it was also very hard to kill when it was outnumbered (I was playing a kiting ranger, so it countered me, but my thief and warrior allies still had some trouble bringing it down).

Necromancer Rights Advocate
Restart WvW:

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

Everytime I go into WvW I see the major skill gap. Maybe I need to find these t1 servers because I am always skeptical on non-PvP main players. But I have been proven wrong before.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Cecilia.5179


Everytime I go into WvW I see the major skill gap. Maybe I need to find these t1 servers because I am always skeptical on non-PvP main players. But I have been proven wrong before.

I just went from a t1 matchup to t4 because I moved to et. I can attest that there is a much larger number of players on the low end of quality in t4
Personally, I don’t like PvP because it revolves around fighting on a point.

Necromancer Rights Advocate
Restart WvW:

(edited by Cecilia.5179)

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Tomiyou.3790


Head butt also has a way too fast animation than it should, tho to a lesser degree than Arc Divider.

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: cryorion.9532


Head butt also has a way too fast animation than it should, tho to a lesser degree than Arc Divider.

Just stop…

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371


Head butt also has a way too fast animation than it should, tho to a lesser degree than Arc Divider.

And both Earth Shaker, and Stomp have overlong animations…but you players never seem to complain about them. look Arc devider’s problkem is not it’s animation, it’s it’s omni directional nature. Honestly it should just hit in a cone in front of the warrior. this would balance it nicely

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


And both Earth Shaker, and Stomp have overlong animations…but you players never seem to complain about them. look Arc devider’s problkem is not it’s animation, it’s it’s omni directional nature. Honestly it should just hit in a cone in front of the warrior. this would balance it nicely

That might step a little too close to Decapitate though. I actually like the 360 hit, and I’m not personally convinced AD is even that bad relative to the rest of the game.

I wouldn’t be upset if it took a bit of a hit though, and my vote would be for reduced power scaling or (as a second choice) range. The quickness is gone after the first 3s, so you know when the first one is coming and it’s not impossible to dodge it normally. You just have to pay extra close attention when your opponent looks like he’s covered in glowing ketchup.

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371


lol Glowing Ketchup

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Tomiyou.3790


Head butt also has a way too fast animation than it should, tho to a lesser degree than Arc Divider.

And both Earth Shaker, and Stomp have overlong animations…but you players never seem to complain about them. look Arc devider’s problkem is not it’s animation, it’s it’s omni directional nature. Honestly it should just hit in a cone in front of the warrior. this would balance it nicely

Still I disagree. As someone else pointed out, that would make it too similar to Decapitate.
I would prefer the animation gets a bigger precast delay, sort of like Darius q ability. Anet would then either buff the skill just by a marginal tiny amount, just to get the same DPS output out of it with the added delay. Or just split the balance between PvP/WvW and PvE, like they are promising.

About the overlong animations, that is a separate thing. I agree that they are stupidly overlong and due to their precast/aftercast delays, they feel clunky. Pointing out those skills is not an excuse to not add more telegraph/animation to Arc Divider.

(edited by Tomiyou.3790)

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


Pointing out those skills is not an excuse to not add more paragraph/animation to Arc Divider.

Telegraph is the word you’re looking for here.

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Tomiyou.3790


Pointing out those skills is not an excuse to not add more paragraph/animation to Arc Divider.

Telegraph is the word you’re looking for here.

Lol wat, I kittened up xD. Yes, telegraph is the word I am looking for. I had other things in mind while writing the text. Fixed it for ya.

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Kaizoku.1298


Considering berserkers can use their primal burst skills around 3-4 times in 10-15 seconds, I don’t think there is a real counter to them :/

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Zagerus.8675


There’s always not 1v1ing them on a profession that isn’t meant to push 1v1 match-ups. If Arc Divider needs a nerf because it’s very hard to dodge then so be it. Good warriors will adapt and the cycle will repeat.

Arc Divider needs more telegraph

in Warrior

Posted by: Konviction.6819


or go ahead Anet and kitten the warrior, everyone wants that it seems, my favorite and first lvl 80 will be getting nerfed to heall and kitten even more due to this bologna.

we actually need to try to help fix classes not put them all at a disadvantage by screaming to Anet “blah is to stronk, nerf or be punished”

(edited by Konviction.6819)