Are rifles still good?

Are rifles still good?

in Warrior

Posted by: Azunai.5974


May be a stupid question but I’m genuinely curious. I havn’t played warriors at all except for a few rounds in sPvP. But that was moooonths ago.

Are rifles still good? What weapon(s) go along with it? Traits? Gears? Utilities? Can it roam or primarily zerg? Both?

Thanks in advance!

bonus question: what do you think are nice looking rifle skins (aside predator/hunter)?

Resident deaf elementalist – Tarnished Coast
Everyone needs a little optimism!

Are rifles still good?

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


Were rifles ever good?

It is great fun to go sniper in WvW though. Just max out crit damage, power and crit chance and have a ball. You will die, though.

Charrzooka ftw.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

Are rifles still good?

in Warrior

Posted by: Azunai.5974


Were rifles ever good?

It is great fun to go sniper in WvW though. Just max out crit damage, power and crit chance and have a ball. You will die, though.

Charrzooka ftw.

Exactly like that! Except I don’t wanna follow a zerg, just participate in small fights and solo roam. I guess not, sigh.

/waits for elementalists to get rifles


Resident deaf elementalist – Tarnished Coast
Everyone needs a little optimism!

Are rifles still good?

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


When you’re solo or in a small group, I guess something like 30/x/x/x/30. When in a Zerg, I’d make room for the piercing trait in Arms, so something like x/20/x/x/30. Always max out crit damage for those whopping 20k+ crits.

Oh, and use a GS secondary. To run.

There is a topic here with some guy who does sniper movies with a Charrzooka. Good vids, and I think he posted a build also.

Edit: It’s right here:

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

Are rifles still good?

in Warrior

Posted by: zone.1073


In terms of raw damage, rifle is the strongest single-target ranged weapon in the game.

Is it a PvP viable weapon, competitively? No. The reason is because it has no way of dealing with melee pressure from opponents. Its hardest hitting ability is very telegraphed and cannot be used while enemies are aware of your presence, which means you basically have no burst skill to use while fighting.

The longbow is far superior competitively because the longbow actually deals more damage in melee range, and its burst skill can be used anytime: both of these factors reduce melee pressure. All of its attacks are AoE, too, so overall the damage is greater than rifle just because multiple opponents can get cleaved by the longbow at once.

(edited by zone.1073)

Are rifles still good?

in Warrior

Posted by: Steelo.4597


his is GvG Showdown Episode 7

At the minute 17 mark you can see a Rifle Warrior as periphery guard in gvg, very interesting!

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

Are rifles still good?

in Warrior

Posted by: teg.1340


The damage of both Volley and Killshot is decent, but both are very easy to dodge. If you cannot land those skills, your damage output with Rifle will be subpar. So its all about timing those two skills. You definitely want to go 25 in arms for Crack Shot and +10% damage on bleeding targets and 30 in discipline for Burst Mastery and boon hate.

My favorite rifle build for WvW is 0/25/15/0/30, using sword/shield as second weapon set for mobility + block. With Sigil of Paralyzation, shield bash lasts 2 secs which is larger than the killshot casttime. Frenzy + Volley/Killshot is also great.

Volley is awesome for hunting thieves too, because you dont stop shooting when thief stealths during Volley.

The downside of Rifle is that your damage is extremely low if your targets manage to dodge all your Volleys and Killshots, which is quite easy no matter how good you are.

Longbow damage is great both for power and condition builds. Im currently running a power build with Longbow + Sword/Shield.

Longbow 1 and 2 does really great damage. Longbow 1 crits for 900 × 2 to me which is way higher than Rifle 1 + its double adrenaline gain. Longbow 2 can hit one target up to 3 times in melee range + burning. Arcing Arrow to me crits for 5.5k+ (AOE) though its easy to dodge. And Longbow Burst is decent in any way (multiple ticks of direct damage + burning + huge radius + great adrenaline gain). Longbow has also better synergy with Cleansing Ire because of decent adrenaline gain with longbow and longbow burst doesnt need a target, so its much easier to pull of for condition removal.

Are rifles still good?

in Warrior

Posted by: Juba.8406


Pop Gun is the skin you need

Are rifles still good?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ashes.9586


As a warrior who uses a hammer, I use a rifle for PvP/WvW to cripple people to catch up to them as well as when I need to run and get a bit of range. Probably not the best build and I’m sure many people would say I should use a longbow if I really want something ranged, but I’ve tried both and rifle worked much better for my needs. (My friend (an ele) and I have been dueling to test traits and attacks and I had a much easier time beating him with a rifle than a longbow.)

I’m no expert what so ever, but I would say that if you’re going 1v1 or maybe even 2v1 use a rifle, if you’re with a group use a longbow. Of course a longbow can work for 1v1 as well, but again personally rifle suits my needs.

(Just listen to the people giving you the intricate stats and stuff, they’re smarter than I am.)

The Legion Calls

Are rifles still good?

in Warrior

Posted by: CenterOfTheHive.2169


This is a build that I use for Rifle

I don’t get 20k crits but I’ve been able to do some pretty interesting things with it. I take sword warhorn for mobility. I took the leg specialist trait so that it makes it easier for me to land volley and opportunist makes it so that I pretty much always have fury combined with “For Great Justice” and signet of rage. I also take sigil of fire for some extra AOE. I use this in WvW a lot. Keeping in mind I am usually rolling around with a shout guardian. Hopefully this can be of some help for you

(edited by CenterOfTheHive.2169)

Are rifles still good?

in Warrior

Posted by: Faranox.4217


I run Rifle in WvW when I want to stack a bunch of Vulnerability between Rifle #4, On My Mark, Axe #2, and Rending Strikes.

Chops Mcgee, of Anvil Rock

Are rifles still good?

in Warrior

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


Only good against bad players or possibly in groups.

I always reflect all their rifle damage right back at them with the missile deflection trait. Nothing funnier than killing a rifle warrior with his own kill shot. Easiest class to duel right next to a hammer warrior.

In a group fight you can get away with doing big damage if no one pays attention to you. Whenever my group sees a rifle warrior we just focus and kill him instantly.

Are rifles still good?

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


Rifle is outclasses in every possible way by longbow unless u aim for high numbers in zerk fights. Yep, also range is worse than untrained lb (real value for lb is 1250 bc of bugged arrow mechanic)

Are rifles still good?

in Warrior

Posted by: Expiatus.4210


This is a WvW sniping build. I love sitting on the walls or at the flanks and try to near one-shot other players. Yes, I know about bow and I use it also, but it does not live up to the satisfaction of see an enemies health bar plummet with a Kill Shot. Okay moving on….
Build link –

Arms – III, VII, XI
Precise Strike and Deep Cuts help maintain a bleed on a target so as to benefit from Attack of Opportunity (10% damage to a bleeding target). Critical Burst increases burst crit chance by 10%. Crack Shot makes all shots pierce and lowers the skill cooldowns by 20%. Furious helps refund spent adrenaline for use in the next Kill Shot.

I left 10 points out on purpose because a player can put them wherever they want to fit their play style.
Strength – II, III, IV are all solid picks if you want more power.
Defense – II Dogged March is always good for mobility and a little bit of regen.
Tactics – VI Empowered would be great if it was not bugged right now. Instead of the extra 2% damage per boon on the warrior, we only get one. Pity since Signet of Rage (SoR) would increases damage by 6% and/or superior Runes of Lyssa would boost damage by 18% since the rune bonus provides nine boons on elite skill use. Rune of Lyssa link –

Discipline – IV, X or VIII, XI, XII
Inspiring Shouts enables all shouts to grant 8 strike of adrenaline. Popping “On My Mark” and “For Great Justice” coupled with a triple return on critical hits thanks to Furious and adrenaline fills rather quickly. Also, Kill Shot’s damage amount associated with adrenaline is calculated at the end of it’s cast; as a result, popping shouts while casting to fill all 3 bars is an excellent tactic in providing as many Kill Shots as possible. Essentially a player does not have to wait for the bar to fill, shouts help fill it.
Destruction of the Empowered can be selected if sniping a boon heavy target. This trait is entirely up taste and requires awareness of what boons are active on the target. Adding 21% more damage to a guardian when they pop “Save Yourselves” is sweet but realize retaliation will reflect back some of the damage.
Mobile Strikes allows for getting out of bad situations with sword #2. Add that with horn #4 and a tactical retreat is always available. Word to the wise though, disable auto-targeting. Versatile Rage/Power and Fast hands are great minor traits that allow swapping to the sword gaining might, leaping to a downed foe, hitting Final Thrust or just stomping them, then retreating back to a better to position to snipe.
Burst mastery – 10% more damage and cheaper burst skills=yes please.
Heighted Focus depends on how much crit you have versus how much you want. Not everyone runs zerk gear so you can easily swap around the traits and get a feel for what you like.

Skills – Mending for heals and some condition removal. For Great Justice, might and fury is always good. On My Mark provides a 10% damage increase on the target. SoR fits just perfect versus Juggernaut or Uber Banner . Third skill is up to choice. Fear Me offers a nice gap creator or stomp preventer for an ally. Signet of Might (SoM) is good against shield professions like guardians, engineers, or mesmers. Pop it before KS and KS becomes unblockable. Signet of Fury (SoF) is an on demand adrenaline provider. If using SoM and SoF players may want to select Signet Mastery in Discipline for the cooldown.

Armor & Trinkets – I run berserk for power/precision/critical damage increases with exquisite ruby jewels in the trinkets. This makes the build less hardy due to the lower toughness, so being aware of the situation is highly important. Know where you are and where the enemy is. However, sword and horn are both knight (power/toughness/vitality) since these are used to either attack a down player or retreat when needed.

Runes – Right now I’m still experimenting. I’ve experimented with Lyssa (but again Empowered is broken so it’s a lower % damage increase), Infiltrator for the +%damage when foe is under 50% health. Hoelbrak or Soldier runes for more condition removal options. Strength runes for the 5% damage increase under might affects (it was ok but not my favorite). Divinity runes are strong contenders as they provide a 12% increase in crit damage and +60 in all stats. Scholar are just nasty, they pack a nice punch.
Sigils – On the rifle Sigil of Fire, Superior Sigil of Force/Accuracy are all contenders. On the sword and warhorn, Sigils of Bloodlust on both so I can fast stack.
Food – Sweet and spicy butternut squash soup or plate of truffle steak. I’m still experimenting though.
Superior Sharpening Stone or Master Maintenance Oil to fill in any gaps in power or precision.

Anvil Rock – Out manned, out gunned and no repair costs, so Leeroy up and dive in.
See you in Tyria.

Are rifles still good?

in Warrior

Posted by: aeneq.1760


Using rifle/bow depending on the situation. In PvE pugs i find the cripple from rifle #2 sometimes essential to success (in high level fractals its nice to have that slowdown).

Are rifles still good?

in Warrior

Posted by: Azunai.5974


Thanks a lot for the help, guys!

Resident deaf elementalist – Tarnished Coast
Everyone needs a little optimism!