Are there any planned changes to the Warrior profession, or is it "Working as Intended"?

Are there any planned changes to the Warrior profession, or is it "Working as Intended"?

in Warrior

Posted by: Krono.2918



There seem to be far too many bugs with the Warrior.

You can throw a massive greatsword over your head and behind you at your enemy, and connect, but a much smaller Bola won’t effectively launch behind you and snare your enemy?

All combo: leap skills (aka gap closers) seem to have this idea that I want to attack that tiny pebble on the ground, and therefore I won’t connect with my targeted enemy…

Fast Hands…just fix it already, please.

I love the sPvP idea, everyone has equal gear and no one should have the upperhand…but Warriors just seem to be outmatched by most other classes.

You can play as hard as you want, and they use far less effort to take you down and don’t need to catch their breath afterwards.

Why doesn’t endure pain prevent application of all condition effects while active? It only lasts 5 seconds, surely that sounds fair.

Are there any systems in place for DR on necro fear spam or any limitations on how many phantoms a mesmer can spawn, these two classes are absurd with their abilities.

If warrior is the master of weapons, why do I feel like I’m swinging a wet noodle at every necro, ranger, mesmer, and guardian I encounter? Are they spamming Aegis and every possible defensive boon without CD the entire time I’m fighting them?

What am I doing wrong here? =(

(On a more serious note, is there ANY changes being discussed amongst DEVs for the WARRIOR class?)

Are there any planned changes to the Warrior profession, or is it "Working as Intended"?

in Warrior

Posted by: Sami.1560


any limitations on how many phantoms a mesmer can spawn

Yes, max of 3. Spawning more removes existing ones.

Are there any planned changes to the Warrior profession, or is it "Working as Intended"?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nanashi.5704


there are a lot of bugs/problems with the warriors kit atm. i see a lot of squishy classes with more “tanky” dmg mitigation then a warrior has. We need a serious look into the warrior because right now we’re ok when, compared to npc’s. most other classes just have a better kit.
but from what little i read on the forums there has been no word as to what the dev’s think about warriors recently.

Are there any planned changes to the Warrior profession, or is it "Working as Intended"?

in Warrior

Posted by: Bigperm.7586


Lower cooldowns on some utilities would be pretty nice. Namely banners and Elites

Are there any planned changes to the Warrior profession, or is it "Working as Intended"?

in Warrior

Posted by: dre.8973


Our heal needs to heal for more – it’s really our only safety skill apart from the immunity which i found out it can be simply removed by a mesmer…..

sees mesmer

pops bullcharge+signet or rage+frenzy

mesmer dissapears

3 clones appear

clones blow up i take 6k dmg

*3 more clones appear *

*mesmer pops out of stealth *

i go swing at mesmer, i hit him once for 2k

*mesmer blows all cds to unload on me *

i use 5 sec invuln

i die 2 seconds in

mesmer removed my invul


Are there any planned changes to the Warrior profession, or is it "Working as Intended"?

in Warrior

Posted by: Krono.2918


Our heal needs to heal for more – it’s really our only safety skill apart from the immunity which i found out it can be simply removed by a mesmer…..

sees mesmer

pops bullcharge+signet or rage+frenzy

mesmer dissapears

3 clones appear

clones blow up i take 6k dmg

*3 more clones appear *

*mesmer pops out of stealth *

i go swing at mesmer, i hit him once for 2k

*mesmer blows all cds to unload on me *

i use 5 sec invuln

i die 2 seconds in

mesmer removed my invul


Yeah, I’d like our heals to heal for more as well. Doesn’t seem right to need to build up alot of adrenaline to heal for half our health, when every other class can do so on a much simpler basis. Especially since we’re constantly dumping adrenaline into “burst” abilities to try and bring the opposing team down.

Healing and damage, should NOT rely on the same resource, just my honest opinion.

Would also like shorter CDs on several abilities. 40 seconds base on gap closers like Bull’s Charge seems too long. Need to be able to close that gap on ranged to make melee weaponry viable.

Are there any planned changes to the Warrior profession, or is it "Working as Intended"?

in Warrior

Posted by: GavinGoodrich.1382


Regarding adrenaline, the rage signet combined with the DPS bonus trait in strength (more adrenaline more damage) does create a nice combination of benefits. I.E. Leave adrenaline at full for bigger heals, and get more damage while you’re at it.

Rage signet’s real handy in building up level 3 adrenaline for the f1 fire aoe, which is also a nice chain-starter, lethal in sieges for WvW

Warrior is mainly a “get in, hold ’em down, take big hits while doing and live” while other classes that are more dps-focused and more squishy can take down the HP bar for ya.

I also highly reccomend the sword/warhorn combo for pvp, ESPECIALLY WvW. Being able to break the snares/immobs/etc for EVERYBODY around you AND give swiftness, plus moar endurance, makes fading in and out of the fight very easy with a war. Sword can get you in, horn + traits can get you out at least 2/3 of the time.

Also having high HP and safe fall makes for hilarity when you have the commander book and you take everyone off a steep cliff, then turn around and start reviving everyone…

Oh and regarding the above. What often happens is people “blow their load” right at the get-go, and mesmers seem to be all about countering said “blow”. Wars don’t die instantly, and are good at controlling enemy movement. Maybe let them blow their “load” first and then go in?

Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir

(edited by GavinGoodrich.1382)

Are there any planned changes to the Warrior profession, or is it "Working as Intended"?

in Warrior

Posted by: PanH.1957


When using invul, you mean endure pain, dre ? Because it has been stated that his duration wasn’t 5 sec, but more near 2-3 sec. Bugged.

Are there any planned changes to the Warrior profession, or is it "Working as Intended"?

in Warrior

Posted by: Lyonell.1753


Agree, banners need to get a lower cool down and their regeneration talent needs to heal a lot more. Cause honestly it feels worthless, also their range of effect should be increased as well as the range provided by the increase area of effect of banners talent which name I forgot, we really need more healing I agree on that. Also shake it off should remove at least 2 conditions instead of one, since it usually removes that one burning instead of the 12 stacks of bleeding you got on you.

Other than that I say some classes need their damage and buff cut down.