Are warriors fun?

Are warriors fun?

in Warrior

Posted by: subpotent.7625


I’m a new player and I’m considering playing a warrior.

How are their ranged abilities and are they good in PvP?

(best looking race?)

Are warriors fun?

in Warrior

Posted by: subpotent.7625


Looking for any input

Are warriors fun?

in Warrior

Posted by: subpotent.7625


Anyone? Not sure who to pick

Are warriors fun?

in Warrior

Posted by: Reven.6750


My favorite class by far. They have a lot of potential for being really great and I see a lot of viable builds. I prefer Charr or Norn so you can see all of the really well done heavy armor. Leveling PVE is incredibly easy and in pvp wvw I’ve won countless 2v1 fights and plenty of 3v1 without speccing and gearing as a glass cannon.

80 Engineer, 80 Guardian, 80 Warrior, 80 Elementalist, 80 Mesmer – [Mach] on Tarnished Coast

Are warriors fun?

in Warrior

Posted by: Beefcake.9032


I play a glass ranged warrior for WvW, it’s good fun. The class is incredibly versatile and you can spec/gear for anything ranging from melee/ranged/tank/dps/healer/cc.

I personally picked Asura because I figured it’d be better for WvW (not so easy to get seen/tragetted) however I prefer the looks of Human/Large Humans The Manbearpigs & Elfs easily look the worst though (imo).

Wrainbash, Asura Warrior of Kodasch Allianz [KoA]
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Are warriors fun?

in Warrior

Posted by: Recently.1043


Depends on your purpose.

PvE mostly? Definitely a good/strong class
WvW mostly? Solid class, no major problems
sPvP mostly? Try somewhere else heh…..

If you do a mix of all 3, then feel free to roll it. You can always roll sPvP alts and not have to level them to enjoy them, so i’d choose what class you want to level based mostly on PvE and WvW. Really though it should come down to what you enjoy playing the most. I rolled a warrior as my first char cause i enjoy heavy armor melees (and my buddy rolled a guardian so i didn’t want to double-up with him). I basically stopped playing this game in PvE though so i don’t use my warrior that much recently.

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

Are warriors fun?

in Warrior

Posted by: binidj.5734


It rather depends on how you define “fun” … I really enjoy playing my Warrior but I don’t find it as complex as my Engineer, so for me it depends on mood and circumstance. The really nice thing about Warrior from reading this forum is the sheer adaptability it has. However unlike more obviously hybrid classes the adaptability comes with skills and traits, so it’s something you need to build in advance.

In terms of ranged abilities they’re ok, not outstanding by any means but pretty solid … I don’t feel that I’m letting the side down if I switch from melee to range if circumstances require it. Again though this is a function of build, had I traited differently it would probably be a different story.

ETA: Best looking is Charr, obviously; however there is the constant issue of the tail clipping through armour (there are some that are tail-friendly but not many) which is extremely irritating.

Glad to be [Grey] –
Piken Square

(edited by binidj.5734)

Are warriors fun?

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


If you don’t plan on playing any other professions in the game. Probably.

Are warriors fun?

in Warrior

Posted by: Karaad.7930


Like a boss man. Like a boss.

I’m in my own class and yes, I’m level 80.
“Holy hell, did that thing already die?”-Al
“Dude, wait like 5 seconds before you start attacking please”-Iri