Are you kidding right now?
They are really trying to get their classes buffed, the best way is to take attention there to here.
People likes warrior to be the freekill class.
what are you talking about, you people are nuts. A 3.75 sec stun on a 7sec cd is in no world balanced; not only that but given the fact you have heavy armor, high hp, high damage output, and high mobility you shouldn’t be complaining at all. Warriors literally are the one of the most overpowered things in this game and if you don’t think so you’re lying to yourself big time.
No, were just not bad players who complain about a gimmick build being OP, because we know how to adjust our builds to compensate for the tricks that people use, and I am talking about my Engineer and Necromancer, for when I encounter the stun build lol Warriors. So easy to kill they are, players are just stupid and would rather QQ and have everything nerfed rather than actually learn how to play the game.
what are you talking about, you people are nuts. A 3.75 sec stun on a 7sec cd is in no world balanced; not only that but given the fact you have heavy armor, high hp, high damage output, and high mobility you shouldn’t be complaining at all. Warriors literally are the one of the most overpowered things in this game and if you don’t think so you’re lying to yourself big time.
People like you are turning the word ‘thief’ into a curse in this game.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
what are you talking about, you people are nuts. A 3.75 sec stun on a 7sec cd is in no world balanced; not only that but given the fact you have heavy armor, high hp, high damage output, and high mobility you shouldn’t be complaining at all. Warriors literally are the one of the most overpowered things in this game and if you don’t think so you’re lying to yourself big time.
Apply the same logic to a single 5 point trait for Guardians/Mesmer and then a adept tier trait for Elementalists… How in the world is it balanced that for almost 0 investment they have permanent vigor? (a dodge every 5 seconds!!! but wait… that is shorter than the cool down on the warrior stun…..).
Also note, it is hardly a 4 seconds stun every 7 seconds because the warrior has to gain 30 adrenaline before it can hit max stun duration. For those who don’t know, mainly the one I quoted I assume, one strike of adrenaline is equal to 1 hit that landed (not evaded, on invulnerable target, etc). So if you have been paying attention, that means the warrior would have to hit you 30 times in less than 7 seconds to stun you again for the full duration, unless he has traited one of the following: Inspiring Shouts (8 strikes), Furious (which is currently bugged to only grant double adrenaline instead of triple), or Berserker Might (gain 2 strikes every 3 seconds while in combat).
Assuming you are bad and eat the full 100 blades that is 9 hits. By the end of this the Warrior has recouped 9 strikes of adrenaline out of 30 needed. So lets be nice and say he has Furious, that makes 18 (if he got the critical hit every single time). Say he has Berserker Might, the channel is only 3 1/2 seconds so that makes it 20 strikes. Now lets say he also has the Shouts traited and has at least one shout and that makes it 28 strikes. Even with all of that, the Warrior still only has 28 out of 30 needed.
So even given the above…. yes it is possible to get a 30 adrenaline for a Warrior in 7 seconds and some, but highly unlikely every single time. The shout will have a cool down of at least 25 with the above set up, which that alone will only allow the warrior to chain it once back to back.
Now back to the first thing I typed: The majority of other classes can recoup enough endurance to dodge a attack at least every 7 seconds. There is no problem here.
Moral of the story, stop whining and bring a stun breaker.
what are you talking about, you people are nuts. A 3.75 sec stun on a 7sec cd is in no world balanced; not only that but given the fact you have heavy armor, high hp, high damage output, and high mobility you shouldn’t be complaining at all. Warriors literally are the one of the most overpowered things in this game and if you don’t think so you’re lying to yourself big time.
People never get tired talking half-truth.
1.) Warrior is high armor + hp BUT no protection, blind, aegis, evade, pitiful regen and no special escape abilities like blinks, stealth and stuff like that. Warriors have to eat all that damage. Do you really think that 3k more hp + 7% more damage recude compensates for the lack of all those abilities? The past has shown not and Anet agrees as you can see in the latest patch notes.
2.) You obviously dont know the basic warriors mechanics. You need full adrenaline for the full stun duration on Skull Crack. So you dont have another 3s stun after cooldown unless you manage to build your adrenaline insanely fast. This is only achievable by other sacrificing utility slots (which makes the warrior weaker in other areas) or if you use another weapon set like axe (which doesnt match the cookie cutter M/Sh/GS build).
This is my last post on all those whine threads. People should just stop replying to those threads to not dump this nonsense to the top. Nobody cares about unanswered threads…
Apply the same logic to a single 5 point trait for Guardians/Mesmer and then a adept tier trait for Elementalists… How in the world is it balanced that for almost 0 investment they have permanent vigor? (a dodge every 5 seconds!!! but wait… that is shorter than the cool down on the warrior stun…..).
Also note, it is hardly a 4 seconds stun every 7 seconds because the warrior has to gain 30 adrenaline before it can hit max stun duration. For those who don’t know, mainly the one I quoted I assume, one strike of adrenaline is equal to 1 hit that landed (not evaded, on invulnerable target, etc). So if you have been paying attention, that means the warrior would have to hit you 30 times in less than 7 seconds to stun you again for the full duration, unless he has traited one of the following: Inspiring Shouts (8 strikes), Furious (which is currently bugged to only grant double adrenaline instead of triple), or Berserker Might (gain 2 strikes every 3 seconds while in combat).
Assuming you are bad and eat the full 100 blades that is 9 hits. By the end of this the Warrior has recouped 9 strikes of adrenaline out of 30 needed. So lets be nice and say he has Furious, that makes 18 (if he got the critical hit every single time). Say he has Berserker Might, the channel is only 3 1/2 seconds so that makes it 20 strikes. Now lets say he also has the Shouts traited and has at least one shout and that makes it 28 strikes. Even with all of that, the Warrior still only has 28 out of 30 needed.
So even given the above…. yes it is possible to get a 30 adrenaline for a Warrior in 7 seconds and some, but highly unlikely every single time. The shout will have a cool down of at least 25 with the above set up, which that alone will only allow the warrior to chain it once back to back.
Now back to the first thing I typed: The majority of other classes can recoup enough endurance to dodge a attack at least every 7 seconds. There is no problem here.
Moral of the story, stop whining and bring a stun breaker.
Have to disagree somewhat. I run cleansing ire only, not even furious, and I usually find myself being able to use skullcrack with full adrenaline every 7 3/4 seconds. Don’t forget the 5 free strikes when swapping back to mace due to Discipline adept minor. Along with a full HB, and Discipline XI, you’re back at 24 strikes immediately.
However, you do need to reposition yourself. Mace is a 130 RANGE ATTACK PEOPLE. If you backtrack me, I will noobstomp you.
Moral of the story, stop whining and bring some sense.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
Have to disagree somewhat. I run cleansing ire only, not even furious, and I usually find myself being able to use skullcrack with full adrenaline every 7 3/4 seconds. Don’t forget the 5 free strikes when swapping back to mace due to Discipline adept minor. Along with a full HB, and Discipline XI, you’re back at 24 strikes immediately.
However, you do need to reposition yourself. Mace is a 130 RANGE ATTACK PEOPLE. If you backtrack me, I will noobstomp you.
Moral of the story, stop whining and bring some sense.
I didn’t say everyone ran furious. I merely laid out the highest adrenaline gain. You should take your own advice on bringing sense and read some. What I wrote was a simple and quick summary to a person who is whining about something that is not even remotely a problem given the other classes can regen dodges faster than that stun comes off of cool down. Go try and be a alpha male somewhere else.
I didn’t say everyone ran furious. I merely laid out the highest adrenaline gain. You should take your own advice on bringing sense and read some. What I wrote was a simple and quick summary to a person who is whining about something that is not even remotely a problem given the other classes can regen dodges faster than that stun comes off of cool down. Go try and be a alpha male somewhere else.
Righty bru, no need for all the hostilities, we are on the same team here. Second part of my post was not aimed at you, obviously.
I just disagree with you’re statement that regaining 30 strikes of adrenaline during SC cooldown is ‘highly unlikely every time’. I only slot Cleansing Ire, Burst Mastery and the Discipline adept minor, and I regain the adrenaline during the skullcrack CD with ease. BM leaves you with 10 strikes after skullcrack, +9 from HB, +5 from weapon swap is 24 strikes without taking hits from Cleansing Ire or dishing them out yourself. No need for furious or adrenaline shouts at all.
Again, I completely agree with the other stuff you said, so let’s have a beer.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
what are you talking about, you people are nuts. A 3.75 sec stun on a 7sec cd is in no world balanced; not only that but given the fact you have heavy armor, high hp, high damage output, and high mobility you shouldn’t be complaining at all. Warriors literally are the one of the most overpowered things in this game and if you don’t think so you’re lying to yourself big time.
literally one of the most op things in the game right now? Please answer me this ONE question then, WHY do you ZERO warriors at high level tpvp? Why? Please, PLEASE tell me why? It would only be LOGICAL that if they WERE OP then we would see at least one per team. Necros and rangers have been the latest…LEGITIMATE topic of discussion when it comes to OP…why is it a legit discussion? Well, the fact that EVERY SINGLE top team rolls at least one each helps the argument. Bottom line, the best teams in this game would all have one if it was OP (even then, it still could not be OP)
Also…please understand that the mace burst skill, along with the solid facts about adrenaline requirement my fellow gw2 peers have provided, is NOT a locked-on skill and has absolutely not range. What does this mean? It means it can be EASILY dodged…i mean kitten, you can dodge it without even actually dodging. If you DO get caught with it, stun break….if you don’t have any left, your teammates should be able to interrupt the 30 minute animation of 100blades. If you AND your team has downs, then well, unless your built extremely squishy, you’ll still be alive….which means that this whole process I just explained, must happen TWICE for you to actually go down. I don’t know about you, but having TWO chances at something is PLENTY in my book when it comes to player vs player in ANYTHING.
Wanna avoid being stuned for 4 seconds? Stay at 130+ range. Can’t stay at 130+ range? Get to 0 range/behind him/beside him. You’re bad with movement and you can’t seem to NOT stand RIGHT in front of him from 1-130 range? Use a stunbreak. Don’t have stunbreaks (for some kittened reason)? Ask teammate to interrupt.
it’s sooo easy to miss the mace burst skill, aegis, blocks, blinds, stealth, evades….kitten simply being smart with wasd you can avoid the shot. If he misses, it’s on CD again.
I’m not saying you can NOT be stunlocked, because any good player playing a stun lock build WILL try and juggle you…in fact they WILL juggle you if you let them/suck/or get outplayed. My point is, even if you get locked and juggled, it’s not insta-death, they have to land that sequence again to actually kill you (unless they are rolling zerker gear…which certainly is not OP b/c he will probably go down when you do). When players who think they are good but actually aren’t, fight someone with this build that is actually GOOD at it, they get juggled multiple times (keyword, multiple) and end up dying. If the warrior could literally stunlock everyclass and once the opponent get’s stunned, it’s gameover, THEN it’s OP.
Once the warrior goes thru his sequence…land it or not, the skills are on cooldown. The only one that’s most frequently available is the mace burst skill which is the hardest to land. Bulls rush, kick, stomp, shield bash, tremor, all these skills are 25-45 second cooldown. What does this mean? This means if you can succesfully negate the first stun sequence the warrior is trying to put on you, you can kitten his entire chain up. He can NOT lock/juggle you anymore. For the next half minute the only thing he’s got is a very very short, non-lockable stun skill.
I’m pretty sure i just stated like 500 ways to actually counter this build, how is it OP? In my eyes, it’s quite the opposite, to compete with the higher end class/builds, this warrior class needs some more buffs.
You think the stunlocking is OP? Why not talk about us mesmers then? You do realize we can stunlock you as well right? not only that, we can do it from 1200 range. We dont have 100 blades? we have phantasms that have fury. Signet of domination + pistol 5 = 5 seconds of stun traited. Then we can trait so that our dazes have 50% chance to stun so we can shatter….you know what, nevermind.
Wow pretty much the longest post I’ve written in my life
Have to disagree somewhat. I run cleansing ire only, not even furious, and I usually find myself being able to use skullcrack with full adrenaline every 7 3/4 seconds. Don’t forget the 5 free strikes when swapping back to mace due to Discipline adept minor. Along with a full HB, and Discipline XI, you’re back at 24 strikes immediately.
So, you need a target who doesnt use stun breaker, dodge, evade, block, blind, aegis, teleport or stealth, because for building adrenaline you have to actually hit a target. I dont use cleansing ire but I doubt cleansing ire alone is enough to build up the 2 bars of adrenaline in 7 secs.
If your opponent doesnt use any of those mentioned abilities, so you can easily build up adrenaline for another full skull crack in 7s, he must be a really bad player and deserves to die.
@ jaykayy:
You have a beer also bru.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
Have to disagree somewhat. I run cleansing ire only, not even furious, and I usually find myself being able to use skullcrack with full adrenaline every 7 3/4 seconds. Don’t forget the 5 free strikes when swapping back to mace due to Discipline adept minor. Along with a full HB, and Discipline XI, you’re back at 24 strikes immediately.
So, you need a target who doesnt use stun breaker, dodge, evade, block, blind, aegis, teleport or stealth, because for building adrenaline you have to actually hit a target. I dont use cleansing ire but I doubt cleansing ire alone is enough to build up the 2 bars of adrenaline in 7 secs.
If your opponent doesnt use any of those mentioned abilities, so you can easily build up adrenaline for another full skull crack in 7s, he must be a really bad player and deserves to die.
That’s a fair point, although you still don’t need to build up 2 bars, just 1.5… You get 10 strikes from BM, and another 5 from swapping back to Mace. Come to think of it, you get another 5 strikes from the initial swap from Mace to GS after using skullcrack.
So you would have to get hit+dish out a total of 10 hits to get back up to full. This does not seem hard at all (and it isn’t) in those remaining, say, 5 seconds after your opponent used his stunbreak to get out of your stun until your CD is back up.
And this is talking 1v1 only. If two people are hitting you, you WILL have full adrenaline every time with this set up, using ire.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
BM leaves you with 10 strikes after skullcrack, +9 from HB, +5 from weapon swap is 24 strikes without taking hits from Cleansing Ire or dishing them out yourself. No need for furious or adrenaline shouts at all.
Every half-decent player uses stun break to avoid at least the first 100b. So you end up at 15 strikes. WW can easily be dodged so you end up hitting your target with GS1 which is horrible for adrenaline gaining.
BM leaves you with 10 strikes after skullcrack, +9 from HB, +5 from weapon swap is 24 strikes without taking hits from Cleansing Ire or dishing them out yourself. No need for furious or adrenaline shouts at all.
Every half-decent player uses stun break to avoid at least the first 100b. So you end up at 15 strikes. WW can easily be dodged so you end up hitting your target with GS1 which is horrible for adrenaline gaining.
Make it 20 strikes, you need to swap back to mace again, grantign you another 5.
The remaining 10 strikes of adrenaline are easily gained in those 7 seconds you are talking about with opponents who more or less immediately break the first stun. Again, you’re getting hit, right?
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
10 strikes in 7s can be easy in skirmishes, but it can be very hard in 1vs1 against decent opponents who know how to dodge and use the tools.
Don’t get me wrong, adrenaline gain sure is not a big deal. But it’s not that easy as a few pretend.
Even if you are at full adrenaline every time, you will likely not use Skull Crack -> 100b more frequently than every 10s, because at least you have to wait 5s after switching to mace. Thats 5s without actual damage + mobility.
And thats the unrealistic scenario where you never have to dodge or block or kite yourself. So either you’re fighting noobs or outnumber your opponents.
(edited by teg.1340)
what are you talking about, you people are nuts. A 3.75 sec stun on a 7sec cd is in no world balanced; not only that but given the fact you have heavy armor, high hp, high damage output, and high mobility you shouldn’t be complaining at all. Warriors literally are the one of the most overpowered things in this game and if you don’t think so you’re lying to yourself big time.
You show your ignorance by putting 3.75.
Stuns round up to the nearest full second. It’s 4 seconds with sigil of para
10 strikes in 7s can be easy in skirmishes, but it can be very hard in 1vs1 against decent opponents who know how to dodge and use the tools.
Don’t get me wrong, adrenaline gain sure is not a big deal. But it’s not that easy as a few pretend.
Even if you are at full adrenaline every time, you will likely not use Skull Crack -> 100b more frequently than every 10s, because at least you have to wait 5s after switching to mace. Thats 5s without actual damage + mobility.
And thats the unrealistic scenario where you never have to dodge or block or kite yourself. So either you’re fighting noobs or outnumber your opponents.
Valid points, I wouldn’t use skullcrack every 7 3/4 seconds either. Again, you have to reposition yourself every time. But you CAN get the needed adrenaline for a full strike pretty easily, with just 2 traits and the adept minor from disc.
Let me point out that I do not use this build in pvp much. In higher lvl pvp it does not bring enough to the table, IMO.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
You show your ignorance by putting 3.75.
Stuns round up to the nearest full second. It’s 4 seconds with sigil of para
This is ignorant also, because with Melandru Runes it’s again 3 seconds.
Most of the stun lock warriors dont run 30 points in dscipline so its not every 7 seconds, and like others said already, its not like every time the mace is off cooldown you can re use it, skull crack is not even a spammable ability because it has a very short range it can be missed so easy, and when you do you know that you are sitting other 8 seconds before you can try again and that is a very bad possition for the warrior , sitting there doing nothing trying to survive…
If someone is stunning you with skull crack constantly it means that person knows how to play the warrior or you are not a very good player because you are allowing him to land such a difficult ability.
what are you talking about, you people are nuts. A 3.75 sec stun on a 7sec cd is in no world balanced; not only that but given the fact you have heavy armor, high hp, high damage output, and high mobility you shouldn’t be complaining at all. Warriors literally are the one of the most overpowered things in this game and if you don’t think so you’re lying to yourself big time.
You show your ignorance by putting 3.75.
Stuns round up to the nearest full second. It’s 4 seconds with sigil of para
What about immobilize? Does that round up to the nearest full second as well?
Honestly if anything is patched, it should be the sigil. Whether it no longer rounds up to the next full second or it is intentionally changed to add +1s of stun. At least this way people will shut up about it.
-I’ll agree that warrior is very effective in melee combat vs someone unprepared for close-quarters.
- Warriors aren’t OP in any way at all. It’s just the dumb player way in over his head vs the warrior who just happens to get stunned and burst to death.
- The problem with most warrior players in pvp is the AoE cond burst they accidentally walk in on.
- berserker stance shouldn’t be used at start of combat. never use it just to gain adrenaline :/ it should be saved for more of a last resort, or for re-applied blinds/nasty condition situations.
- don’t use ms/gs… ms/hammer is much more effective with frenzy. But still has the same function as ms/gs
- Only way I can see warriors being a little OP is in teamfights.
- Warrior is a good class to play. But at this point in the game, it’s almost entirely predictable as to how your opponent will attempt to counter you. Being predictable isn’t bad though. Find out how to throw your opponent off-guard if you can.
- as a warrior, don’t expect to pull a Leroy Jenkins and come out #1 :P
- No class in the game is “unkillable” or “undefeatable.”
- 90% of a build relies solely on player skill/effectiveness.
- Warriors vs thieves…yeah stealth on another melee class is cheap at times, but don’t just complain cuz thieves are OP. They aren’t. Stealth and dodge/evade are their defensive/survival capability just like warriors have a ton of stability and endure pain/zerker stance vs conditions.
- When it comes to effectiveness with warrior, timing is crucial to survival/winning.
- There’s always a counter to every build, and not just with warriors. There’s always going to be someone that does something better than you. Accept the fact that no one can always be #1, although we’d all like to be there.
best advice is to just practice against nasty cond classes with friends until something clicks, then try it in spvp matches, adjust the build and see how you do in tpvp or WvW.
what are you talking about, you people are nuts. A 3.75 sec stun on a 7sec cd is in no world balanced; not only that but given the fact you have heavy armor, high hp, high damage output, and high mobility you shouldn’t be complaining at all. Warriors literally are the one of the most overpowered things in this game and if you don’t think so you’re lying to yourself big time.
You show your ignorance by putting 3.75.
Stuns round up to the nearest full second. It’s 4 seconds with sigil of para
What about immobilize? Does that round up to the nearest full second as well?
It’s hilarious that in this age ANet can’t do fractional seconds of duration. It’s as if time doesn’t exist between the ticks of each second.
what are you talking about, you people are nuts. A 3.75 sec stun on a 7sec cd is in no world balanced; not only that but given the fact you have heavy armor, high hp, high damage output, and high mobility you shouldn’t be complaining at all. Warriors literally are the one of the most overpowered things in this game and if you don’t think so you’re lying to yourself big time.
You show your ignorance by putting 3.75.
Stuns round up to the nearest full second. It’s 4 seconds with sigil of para
What about immobilize? Does that round up to the nearest full second as well?
It’s hilarious that in this age ANet can’t do fractional seconds of duration. It’s as if time doesn’t exist between the ticks of each second.
Agreed! The recent buff to skullcrack actually ends up being a 100% buff (not just 50%) b/c people discovered that just 1 sigil of paralyzation on the MH increases the duration to 4s. Likewise, shield bash gets increased to 2s, which is a likewise buff. Maybe if we get those things fixed it might help. The inability to handle fractional seconds is just dreadful.
Also, the -40% food makes warriors invincible/unkillable in wvw when combined with melandru runes and dogged march as well as knights armor. I don’t think its intended to be able to ignore what your opponents do and just try to smash them into the ground. I’d expect the food to get nerfed a bit, eventually, which would go a long way to fixing this (i.e. its not class-specific)
(edited by BlackBeard.2873)
what are you talking about, you people are nuts. A 3.75 sec stun on a 7sec cd is in no world balanced; not only that but given the fact you have heavy armor, high hp, high damage output, and high mobility you shouldn’t be complaining at all. Warriors literally are the one of the most overpowered things in this game and if you don’t think so you’re lying to yourself big time.
You show your ignorance by putting 3.75.
Stuns round up to the nearest full second. It’s 4 seconds with sigil of para
What about immobilize? Does that round up to the nearest full second as well?
It’s hilarious that in this age ANet can’t do fractional seconds of duration. It’s as if time doesn’t exist between the ticks of each second.
Agreed! The recent buff to skullcrack actually ends up being a 100% buff (not just 50%) b/c people discovered that just 1 sigil of paralyzation on the MH increases the duration to 4s. Likewise, shield bash gets increased to 2s, which is a likewise buff. Maybe if we get those things fixed it might help. The inability to handle fractional seconds is just dreadful.
Also, the -40% food makes warriors invincible/unkillable in wvw when combined with melandru runes and dogged march as well as knights armor. I don’t think its intended to be able to ignore what your opponents do and just try to smash them into the ground. I’d expect the food to get nerfed a bit, eventually, which would go a long way to fixing this (i.e. its not class-specific)
I can do the same on my thief and teleport around
Also, the -40% food makes warriors invincible/unkillable in wvw when combined with melandru runes and dogged march as well as knights armor. I don’t think its intended to be able to ignore what your opponents do and just try to smash them into the ground. I’d expect the food to get nerfed a bit, eventually, which would go a long way to fixing this (i.e. its not class-specific)
lol, Knight? You should see Apothecary.
Skipping all the stuff ahead so I can make an unbiased reply, I think warriors should be buffed, but not too much. They are, after all, known for having high dps and mobility in PvE. Therefore, a class should have some disadvantages in PvP to avoid slaughtering everyone. But in PvP, I agree, it’s far too easy to lock down a warrior, and then even a tank build warrior is almost laughably vulnerable.
The GS/Mace is not even viable in top tier pvp… only bad warriors run it in PvP. Have you seem a real strongest warrior build called Longbow/Hammer?
Mace is fun to use..when it works,but most of the time it just doesnt…Miss/evade/block/blind/invulnerable/teleport/stealth..This happens way more then an actual stun hit from mace,not saying it never lands..but you will be so busy focusing on that stun hit that you will mess up the rest of the fight if they will fail probably.Having way more fun with other builds then this one atm.
Also, the -40% food makes warriors invincible/unkillable in wvw when combined with melandru runes and dogged march as well as knights armor. I don’t think its intended to be able to ignore what your opponents do and just try to smash them into the ground. I’d expect the food to get nerfed a bit, eventually, which would go a long way to fixing this (i.e. its not class-specific)
It’s not the food, it’s ANet’s bad game mechanics. You don’t add percent durations, you multiply them. If it worked properly, the food + runes + march would only be a 70% reduction rather than a 98% reduction, something that could be countered by the appropriate +duration runes/food/traits.
Also, the -40% food makes warriors invincible/unkillable in wvw when combined with melandru runes and dogged march as well as knights armor. I don’t think its intended to be able to ignore what your opponents do and just try to smash them into the ground. I’d expect the food to get nerfed a bit, eventually, which would go a long way to fixing this (i.e. its not class-specific)
It’s not the food, it’s ANet’s bad game mechanics. You don’t add percent durations, you multiply them. If it worked properly, the food + runes + march would only be a 70% reduction rather than a 98% reduction, something that could be countered by the appropriate +duration runes/food/traits.
But it can be countered. When traited and with pizza, people can get +70% Condi duration. An immobilize from that lasts almost as long as a normal one when not running -condi duration traits/runes/food.
What? All i see is Warriors here and there in the game, seriously, doing insane amount of dmg and a lot , a LOT of people playing Warriors, what are you talking about?
All i see is people asking for warriors, and they do a great job.
I don’t understand all this QQ with warriors.
what are you talking about, you people are nuts. A 3.75 sec stun on a 7sec cd is in no world balanced; not only that but given the fact you have heavy armor, high hp, high damage output, and high mobility you shouldn’t be complaining at all. Warriors literally are the one of the most overpowered things in this game and if you don’t think so you’re lying to yourself big time.
You show your ignorance by putting 3.75.
Stuns round up to the nearest full second. It’s 4 seconds with sigil of para
What about immobilize? Does that round up to the nearest full second as well?
It’s hilarious that in this age ANet can’t do fractional seconds of duration. It’s as if time doesn’t exist between the ticks of each second.
Agreed! The recent buff to skullcrack actually ends up being a 100% buff (not just 50%) b/c people discovered that just 1 sigil of paralyzation on the MH increases the duration to 4s. Likewise, shield bash gets increased to 2s, which is a likewise buff. Maybe if we get those things fixed it might help. The inability to handle fractional seconds is just dreadful.
Also, the -40% food makes warriors invincible/unkillable in wvw when combined with melandru runes and dogged march as well as knights armor. I don’t think its intended to be able to ignore what your opponents do and just try to smash them into the ground. I’d expect the food to get nerfed a bit, eventually, which would go a long way to fixing this (i.e. its not class-specific)
I swear people get dumber every day…
Melandru runes are not WARRIOR SPECIFIC..
so that is one -15% stun duration EVERYONE has access to..
Guess what those two in combination do to a warrior stun spec…
that’s right..
Add a little burst and viola…you just beat the easiest and most counterable spec in the game..
There was already a thread with different builds that countered this..
Now I am providing runes AND food that shut stuns down…
This epidemic of noob QQ needs to end.
I swear people get dumber every day…
Melandru runes are not WARRIOR SPECIFIC..
so that is one -15% stun duration EVERYONE has access to..
Guess what those two in combination do to a warrior stun spec…
that’s right..
Add a little burst and viola…you just beat the easiest and most counterable spec in the game..
There was already a thread with different builds that countered this..
Now I am providing runes AND food that shut stuns down…
This epidemic of noob QQ needs to end.
Wow…don’t insult me when you clearly didn’t even understand what I said. You really need to learn some manners or I doubt you will get anywhere in life. I wasn’t even complaining that warriors are too much, simply saying that they received a HUGE buff to their stun build. Maybe you should learn to read.
Anyway, the build I was talking about has -98% reduction in movement impairing conditions (33% from dogged march + 25% from melandru + 40% from food), and enough toughness/stunbreaks to deal with stuns. The -stun duration isn’t even the important part, its the -condi duration, and the real issue is the food. Combine that with the inherent tankiness/passive regen of the warrior, and you have more than enough sustain to casually walk towards the nearest structure you control, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop you alone. It is unkillable in the same way that perma-stealth thieves only die when they over-extend. The “little burst” you speak of is actually a lot of burst with the toughness.
Also, the fact that their math isn’t working with the sigils doesn’t mean the current state should be defended. It is broken, not intended, and should be fixed.
(edited by BlackBeard.2873)
This class needs BUFFS not NERFS. How many top players do you see running warriors?
How does a class go from zero to hero because of ONE extra second of stun on mace and higher passive heal that not everyone even uses.
I mean how do you NOT counter one. MS/GS? He is OBVIOUSLY going to be constantly trying to set up his 100 blades. You have stun breaks….use them when he uses 100blades,dont use it when he shield bashes you and follows it up with auto attack. You guys do know that shield bash and mace auto attack will deal all of 5 damage right? Wait what? You have no stun breaks? Why are you 1v1ing a STUNto100blades warrior without stun breaks? Oh your not specced to counter a warrior because it’s tpvp? Then what are your teammates doing while the warrior is doing a 1hour dance recital in your face….rooted? No one wants to interrupt him? Then your team is bad.
Even then….EVEN THEN, you can not be “locked” and die without being able to use a single skill. There are small breaks in between for you to counter/escape. After the mace stun, it takes another almost8 seconds to use again. Let’s say you eat the 100blades, you have a 4 second window before the only cc skill he has available to him now is…well available, oh and did I mention that that stun skill he has is also the hardest to land? It doesn’t lock nor have range.
Anything that is NOT GS lacks burst and you can afford to be “locked” and still win. Tpvp? One word…Teammates.
Don’t get me wrong, stunnlock build isn’t bad, but if it were truly op why wouldn’t the top tier teams ALL be running them? In fact none to one are.
This class needs BUFFS not NERFS. If you takeaway the only potentially viable build they have, you truly are making this class worthless. Why nerf a class that’s already on the bottom of the food chain?
Note: I mained a ranger and main a mesmer right now.
I agree with you that Warriors need a buff, because Warriors aren’t Op and the most of them are freekills when I play with Mesmer or Engineer. Don’t undsrstand me wrong, they aren’t Underpowered. When you can play warrior, Warrior is a big deal to kill. But that like all other professions.
Warrior Mace/gs build is op, not warriors themselves. Mace/gs build can play every noob, and every noobcan kill you with it. Because if you have no stunbreaker or cannot evade, you get the 100b. So, if you fight a 1vs2 you will lose. Thats the problem. And thats why this BUILD needs a nerf. Not warrior.
Momekas Namu
I think you guys are missing the point where the mace shield combo has a ton of stuns, plus other things. Waste up their stun breaks with those, use one to get him to sit still, then pop Skull and 100b. Yeah, the other person would have to be just a little newer… but lets face it. 80% of people are going to eat that 100b. Not everyone on here is just that good.
Does this mean it should be nerfed? Idk, I think this is just a build that people should expect and be prepared to deal with. Like spirit ranger is… wait. Like spirit ranger was. That got a little nerf to it.
What irks me is that as soon as a build comes out, it gets nerfed. People need to learn to counter instead of just QQ until big daddy Anet nerfs the hell out of people. Ranger is a good example of this.
We need BERFS.
I don’t know.
because he doesn’t know it himself
I’m a scepter/focus ele and let me tell you as a profession with absolutely no poison at my disposal, low condition durations/damage and only 1-2 reliable big bursts per fight, a MS/GS warrior can shrug off all damage i have to throw at him with healing signet.
You can tell me to use any fancy tricks, any sort of tactic but you’re talking out of your bum. I have no problem dealing with other professions on fair grounds in fights, win some lose some sort of thing but up against any build of warrior using healing signet and it’s impossible for me to win. That’s unfair even if the game isn’t intently balanced around 1v1.
I can dodge 6 of your bullrushes and escape the first 4 times you stun and try to 100b me down. But eventualy, my cooldowns being so long and yours being so short i will die and sadly i will die hardly leaving a scratch on the warrior.
IMO MS/GS stun isn’t the problem, it’s the fact that while you can spam stuns on your oponnent every single second you are healing back any damage they’ve done to you if they don’t have 100% poison uptime. Healing signet is what truely needs to be looked at.
Bottom line, I’ve fought cookie cutting stunlock wars 1v1 who don’t use healing signet and i’ve come out on top, when i fight one whos using healing signet im lucky if i can keep him below 80% hp for half the fight. If that isn’t solid evidence for what’s truely the problem here then I don’t know what is.
MS/GS cookie cutting build is a very high pressure combination, possibly the best single target pressure ingame as far as pvp goes. But when you also give that 400+ hp per second then things get out of hand.
(edited by Senjun.8149)
I’d gladly give up all my stuns or take a 1/2 cut in duration if I could get some protection/vigor/blinds, hell anything that helps me deal with EVERY other class that has access to them.
It’s a 1v1-2 build, if you can’t beat it, bring a friend.
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/ElmoezHerra?feature=watch
what are you talking about, you people are nuts. A 3.75 sec stun on a 7sec cd is in no world balanced; not only that but given the fact you have heavy armor, high hp, high damage output, and high mobility you shouldn’t be complaining at all. Warriors literally are the one of the most overpowered things in this game and if you don’t think so you’re lying to yourself big time.
all I read was you describe a Guardian…
This class needs BUFFS not NERFS. How many top players do you see running warriors?
How does a class go from zero to hero because of ONE extra second of stun on mace and higher passive heal that not everyone even uses.
I mean how do you NOT counter one. MS/GS? He is OBVIOUSLY going to be constantly trying to set up his 100 blades. You have stun breaks….use them when he uses 100blades,dont use it when he shield bashes you and follows it up with auto attack. You guys do know that shield bash and mace auto attack will deal all of 5 damage right? Wait what? You have no stun breaks? Why are you 1v1ing a STUNto100blades warrior without stun breaks? Oh your not specced to counter a warrior because it’s tpvp? Then what are your teammates doing while the warrior is doing a 1hour dance recital in your face….rooted? No one wants to interrupt him? Then your team is bad.
Even then….EVEN THEN, you can not be “locked” and die without being able to use a single skill. There are small breaks in between for you to counter/escape. After the mace stun, it takes another almost8 seconds to use again. Let’s say you eat the 100blades, you have a 4 second window before the only cc skill he has available to him now is…well available, oh and did I mention that that stun skill he has is also the hardest to land? It doesn’t lock nor have range.
Anything that is NOT GS lacks burst and you can afford to be “locked” and still win. Tpvp? One word…Teammates.
Don’t get me wrong, stunnlock build isn’t bad, but if it were truly op why wouldn’t the top tier teams ALL be running them? In fact none to one are.
This class needs BUFFS not NERFS. If you takeaway the only potentially viable build they have, you truly are making this class worthless. Why nerf a class that’s already on the bottom of the food chain?
Note: I mained a ranger and main a mesmer right now.
Thanks. You made me laugh. I appreciate that.
Buffs for the class that is already OP in PvE and WvW zerging?
Anyway, warrior, AOE necro and S/D thieves are the problems right now. You guys need to be objective with your classes.
Don’t worry, the developers have a better grasp of how the game plays then most. They know that most classes have an upper hand over warrior and they know that Warrior’s lack anything like the other classes have as well.
No, were just not bad players who complain about a gimmick build being OP, because we know how to adjust our builds to compensate for the tricks that people use, and I am talking about my Engineer and Necromancer, for when I encounter the stun build lol Warriors. So easy to kill they are, players are just stupid and would rather QQ and have everything nerfed rather than actually learn how to play the game.
I can only agree. I am thief and i was sort of qq all the time. But i try to overcome it and finally try to learn something instead of whining like little w….. I have found some streamers and vids on internet about roaming and I rly need to say these ppl know what to do no matter what class they play. And we – whining w….s just cry 80 percent of time. THIS IS all only about l2p issue. The issue is right here: I think i am good enough. Somebody kills me 1v1- what i say to myself to satisfie my ego? He is OP class but noob. Easy to say and lie to myself instead notice we are just a noobs. Rly good players take time to learn the class to perfection. Some players play like 2000 hours on their class. What you want if you are casual player and play 2 hours per day doing daily? Meh. Problem is not in class but inside of player himself.
what are you talking about, you people are nuts. A 3.75 sec stun on a 7sec cd is in no world balanced; not only that but given the fact you have heavy armor, high hp, high damage output, and high mobility you shouldn’t be complaining at all. Warriors literally are the one of the most overpowered things in this game and if you don’t think so you’re lying to yourself big time.
forgot the world single target and uselss in team enviroments.
not really the war fault but the sigil