Ascended Accessories (Screenshot)

Ascended Accessories (Screenshot)

in Warrior

Posted by: CookMETEnder.7582


After close inspection of some of the posts, I realized half the people posting here are nothing more than theorycrafters that are pretending to actually run their builds. It’s extremely frustrating because they theory-craft and argue that they’re builds are better, but every other thread they are posting the build they are “currently using” changes. They have little to no experience with the builds.

So, what Ascended Trinket did you get and/or what are you planning to get?
If you are planning to get one, just state which one and why.
If you have gotten one, please post kitten and why so all the other warriors here and learn and understand your choices.

Hopefully the SS will guarantee that we have actual end-game warriors that are posting… and we won’t all be led astray by theory crafters that think everything is as it is on paper.
I’m not saying theory crafting is bad, but to give advice to someone based purely on theory crafting is pretty bad.

That being said, I was thinking of using my full Knight’s w/ ruby that I have and getting Berserker Ascended Accessories. Do you guys think that is a good choice?
Or do you think Cavalier is a better choice? If so, why??? Because there seems to be a huge trade-off in effective power.

Ascended Accessories (Screenshot)

in Warrior

Posted by: peter.9024


I would say stick with zerker trinkets as cavalier does have a huge trade off in both power and precision.


Ascended Accessories (Screenshot)

in Warrior

Posted by: CookMETEnder.7582


I would say stick with zerker trinkets as cavalier does have a huge trade off in both power and precision.

That’s what I’m thinking.
90% (Not all, mind you people that will flame saying “not me!”) of the people that say go for Cavaliers have been all talk and no screen shots or videos. They say that Cavalier is better overall and say the extra defense is worth it…. then in another thread they say to go berserker ascended and that glass cannon is best if you know how to play.

I’m sitting here thinking, “wtf?”

Thanks for the reply!

Ascended Accessories (Screenshot)

in Warrior

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

I would say stick with zerker trinkets as cavalier does have a huge trade off in both power and precision.

That’s what I’m thinking.
90% (Not all, mind you people that will flame saying “not me!”) of the people that say go for Cavaliers have been all talk and no screen shots or videos. They say that Cavalier is better overall and say the extra defense is worth it…. then in another thread they say to go berserker ascended and that glass cannon is best if you know how to play.

I’m sitting here thinking, “wtf?”

Thanks for the reply!

Why can’t both be true? Going Cavalier for your trinkets means you can either go full offense for the rest of your gear, have a bit of sturdiness to your bite and not sacrifice crit damage, or accent any other toughness/defensive traits with toughness while still improving your bursts. The other is just stronger for damage overall. The way you describe those posts, they’re just keeping in mind the advantages and disadvantages of being a hybrid and a offense focused build.

As for my plan, I keep the armor/weapons/trinkets berserker but I haven’t gotten the berserker amulet yet (dunno why I decided to get both my warriors ascended crap…) and haven’t gotten infused versions of their rings either. It’s still rather a hybrid though since the traits, runes and sigils will likely be defensive which is fine since they’re so easy to swap around.

(edited by Leo G.4501)

Ascended Accessories (Screenshot)

in Warrior

Posted by: Vradiqa.2765


Basically Berserk armor/weapons with Cavalier trinkets
Armor: Berserker with Ruby Orbs with the exception of 2x Rune of the Rage
Weapon: Berserker Axe and Mace with Force & Generosity Sigil
Trinkets: Ascended Cavalier with the exception of 2x Exotic Cavalier earrings with Ruby Orbs
Traits: 20/30/0/0/20
Boons: Discipline Banner, FGJ!, Signet of Rage


Ascended Accessories (Screenshot)

in Warrior

Posted by: Demosthene.2195


Cavalier is not a DPS set, it’s a burst set with a toughness buffer. If you setup your traits and boons properly for crit chance, then utilise chain-knockdown/stun combos it might have some limited use in WvW if you think you can manage acceptable damage output on live targets and could use that extra toughness buffer. For my PvE/WvW warrior I use knight armour/weapons and berserker trinkets, rune of the soldier for team utility. In your case I recommend sticking to zerker accessories and slotting armour either with ruby orbs or runes of the ogre for dps. A mix of cavalier and zerker offers no tangible benefits vs mix of knight and zerker in a PvE setting, so I’d recommend against it. Similarly, a mix of knights and cavaliers is generally pointless.

Ascended Accessories (Screenshot)

in Warrior

Posted by: CookMETEnder.7582


I would say stick with zerker trinkets as cavalier does have a huge trade off in both power and precision.

That’s what I’m thinking.
90% (Not all, mind you people that will flame saying “not me!”) of the people that say go for Cavaliers have been all talk and no screen shots or videos. They say that Cavalier is better overall and say the extra defense is worth it…. then in another thread they say to go berserker ascended and that glass cannon is best if you know how to play.

I’m sitting here thinking, “wtf?”

Thanks for the reply!

Why can’t both be true? Going Cavalier for your trinkets means you can either go full offense for the rest of your gear, have a bit of sturdiness to your bite and not sacrifice crit damage, or accent any other toughness/defensive traits with toughness while still improving your bursts. The other is just stronger for damage overall. The way you describe those posts, they’re just keeping in mind the advantages and disadvantages of being a hybrid and a offense focused build.

As for my plan, I keep the armor/weapons/trinkets berserker but I haven’t gotten the berserker amulet yet (dunno why I decided to get both my warriors ascended crap…) and haven’t gotten infused versions of their rings either. It’s still rather a hybrid though since the traits, runes and sigils will likely be defensive which is fine since they’re so easy to swap around.

Because I find going for Knights with Berserker trinket to be far more useful.
On top of that, since damage is the warriors role (and Berserker Trinket ascended are much harder to acquire than armor sets) I find it to be better to go berserker trinkets.

Basically Berserk armor/weapons with Cavalier trinkets
Armor: Berserker with Ruby Orbs with the exception of 2x Rune of the Rage
Weapon: Berserker Axe and Mace with Force & Generosity Sigil
Trinkets: Ascended Cavalier with the exception of 2x Exotic Cavalier earrings with Ruby Orbs
Traits: 20/30/0/0/20
Boons: Discipline Banner, FGJ!, Signet of Rage

Why take a screenshot of your stats after stating your trinkets…?
Can you take a shot of your trinkets instead? That would be far more useful to me for the purposes of this post.

Cavalier is not a DPS set, it’s a burst set with a toughness buffer. If you setup your traits and boons properly for crit chance, then utilise chain-knockdown/stun combos it might have some limited use in WvW if you think you can manage acceptable damage output on live targets and could use that extra toughness buffer. For my PvE/WvW warrior I use knight armour/weapons and berserker trinkets, rune of the soldier for team utility. In your case I recommend sticking to zerker accessories and slotting armour either with ruby orbs or runes of the ogre for dps. A mix of cavalier and zerker offers no tangible benefits vs mix of knight and zerker in a PvE setting, so I’d recommend against it. Similarly, a mix of knights and cavaliers is generally pointless.

Thank you, this was what I was thinking. Quite a few people have been talking about Berserker armor with Cavalier trinkets which makes absolutely no sense to me. The goal is to reach the highest possible DPS while being able to survive. Ascended accessories are so much harder to get (while full knight and berserker gear is only 22g) so I find it better to get full Knight armor (when toughness is necessary) and getting Berserker accessories.

Thanks for the reply. I have yet to see someone with a screenshot of an ascended cavalier trinket. All my guildies who are running high fractals and end-game instances are all going Berserker accessories.

Ascended Accessories (Screenshot)

in Warrior

Posted by: Vradiqa.2765


Is there anything more specific you’d like for me to capture? I’ll have some free time later. If you want a vid, please recommended a decent program for me and also suggest a mob and the spawn point. Thanks!

Ascended Accessories (Screenshot)

in Warrior

Posted by: Drawing Guy.3701

Drawing Guy.3701

I got zerkers for my own Warrior. I hold the point still that of all classes, Warrior needs defense stats the least. You get 20k HP and heavy armor for just being a Warrior. Anything more is because you have difficulty timing your dodges/blocks/evades or completely wasted DPS opportunities. If you think you need some extra toughness, slot some Soldier runes to get it and some extra condition removal (as you’ll inevitably always have at least FGJ on) or Divinity Runes before ever considering stepping away from berserkers on Warrior.

Ascended Accessories (Screenshot)

in Warrior

Posted by: CookMETEnder.7582


Is there anything more specific you’d like for me to capture? I’ll have some free time later. If you want a vid, please recommended a decent program for me and also suggest a mob and the spawn point. Thanks!

I guess you’re trinkets.
I know a few people use fraps.
I just kind of want to see that you actually have the ascended cavalier trinkets (I have become extremely suspicious of everyone lately haha)
and what build do you run?

Ascended Accessories (Screenshot)

in Warrior

Posted by: CookMETEnder.7582


I got zerkers for my own Warrior. I hold the point still that of all classes, Warrior needs defense stats the least. You get 20k HP and heavy armor for just being a Warrior. Anything more is because you have difficulty timing your dodges/blocks/evades or completely wasted DPS opportunities. If you think you need some extra toughness, slot some Soldier runes to get it and some extra condition removal (as you’ll inevitably always have at least FGJ on) or Divinity Runes before ever considering stepping away from berserkers on Warrior.

I think we actually need it more as heavy barely has more defense than medium and light… and warriors don’t have too much sustain options… but even with those problems, I think Anet needs to give us more tools and that we should be sticking with Berserker accessories like you say

Ascended Accessories (Screenshot)

in Warrior

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

Because I find going for Knights with Berserker trinket to be far more useful.
On top of that, since damage is the warriors role (and Berserker Trinket ascended are much harder to acquire than armor sets) I find it to be better to go berserker trinkets.

Maybe they want to keep crit damage up? I’m actually thinking of doing Cavaliers on my Elementalist just because of that. Since I keep 30 in Air (so 30% crit damage from traits), it still benefits me to improve that stat while splashing some toughness on the build (don’t need percision, wears Valkyrie armor and just whatever rings/trinkets I got as drops). Basically, I like having 95% crit damage and 14k(EDIT: 16.5k) HP and toughness would help more than precision to make better use of the HP.

Perhaps it’s just people value stats differently from build to build. You could say extra survival is only for if you can’t time your dodges right…but it also comes in handy when someone else has a bad run of luck and you want to help them out without fearing for you life in the process.

(edited by Leo G.4501)

Ascended Accessories (Screenshot)

in Warrior

Posted by: Alvik.4207


Since you’re obviously so interested in maximizing your gear, judging by all your posts asking for advice (and ignoring it), you should maybe learn some maths?

Ascended Accessories (Screenshot)

in Warrior

Posted by: Vradiqa.2765


I guess you’re trinkets.
I know a few people use fraps.
I just kind of want to see that you actually have the ascended cavalier trinkets (I have become extremely suspicious of everyone lately haha)
and what build do you run?


=P Vid link at Fireheart Rise:
I’m running Red Falcon’s Dual Axe build.


Ascended Accessories (Screenshot)

in Warrior

Posted by: Sanny.1270


runes are divinity, basically what my stats look like when i pve. refer to my yt chan for wvw videos.


Second To God ~ 80 Warrior

Ascended Accessories (Screenshot)

in Warrior

Posted by: HannaDeFreitas.4236


That’s what I’m thinking.
90% (Not all, mind you people that will flame saying “not me!”) of the people that say go for Cavaliers have been all talk and no screen shots or videos. They say that Cavalier is better overall and say the extra defense is worth it…. then in another thread they say to go berserker ascended and that glass cannon is best if you know how to play.

I’m sitting here thinking, “wtf?”

Thanks for the reply!

Both are true.
If you know how to play full zerk is acceptable but in case of inevitable damage you die.
Cavalier gives more failsafe when such inevitable damage happens, also gives you more staying power.

Also unbuffed stats:


Ascended Accessories (Screenshot)

in Warrior

Posted by: crawlerxp.1536


I’ll be going Knights when I get ascended pieces, guaranteed. I understand the damage output of berserker gear since I’ve run it before. When people say that you begin with toughness and graduate to glass cannon when you learn how to play, I think they forget the fact that toughness makes a person a higher target. That ‘inevitable damage’ happens a lot more than I think a lot of berserkers are giving it credit for; it just happens more often to the people with higher toughness, so they tend not to get it and not acknowledge it’s there. I can’t say how many times I’ve been in a dungeon or a big event, some guy flaunts the full berserker setup he’s using and how he didn’t die, and I’m saying to myself, “Yeah, because it targeted me the whole time.” Just my two cents on that one. Plus, with the right tweaking, damage output with Knight can still be acceptably high. If I have the GS out, I hit around 13-15k by the end of it because I run with high boon duration and keep high might stacks all the time.

Bottom line, I think if you want the toughness, it’s preference. You won’t get the highest damage; that’s fact. You will be a target more often, which gives the people who went full damage more opportunity to make use of it.

Ascended Accessories (Screenshot)

in Warrior

Posted by: HannaDeFreitas.4236


The problem, craw, is that Trinkets are the biggest source of crit dmg.
Trinkets give 44% crit damage, if you go with Knight trinkets you will be left with 50% crit dmg only, making your DPS as low as a shout healer.

Ascended Accessories (Screenshot)

in Warrior

Posted by: CookMETEnder.7582


I guess you’re trinkets.
I know a few people use fraps.
I just kind of want to see that you actually have the ascended cavalier trinkets (I have become extremely suspicious of everyone lately haha)
and what build do you run?


=P Vid link at Fireheart Rise:
I’m running Red Falcon’s Dual Axe build.

Thanks! How is it working for you?

runes are divinity, basically what my stats look like when i pve. refer to my yt chan for wvw videos.

Cool thank you for the pic!!!

Since you’re obviously so interested in maximizing your gear, judging by all your posts asking for advice (and ignoring it), you should maybe learn some maths?

You seem to be incapable of comprehending anything. I know math, and so does everyone else. I’m looking for people that are actually DOING what they are claiming. Theory crafting is great and all, but I’ve done and seen enough… I want to see actual results.

Judging by your idiotic comment, maybe you should learn to read?

That’s what I’m thinking.
90% (Not all, mind you people that will flame saying “not me!”) of the people that say go for Cavaliers have been all talk and no screen shots or videos. They say that Cavalier is better overall and say the extra defense is worth it…. then in another thread they say to go berserker ascended and that glass cannon is best if you know how to play.

I’m sitting here thinking, “wtf?”

Thanks for the reply!

Both are true.
If you know how to play full zerk is acceptable but in case of inevitable damage you die.
Cavalier gives more failsafe when such inevitable damage happens, also gives you more staying power.

Also unbuffed stats:

Cool thanks!

Ascended Accessories (Screenshot)

in Warrior

Posted by: CookMETEnder.7582


Because I find going for Knights with Berserker trinket to be far more useful.
On top of that, since damage is the warriors role (and Berserker Trinket ascended are much harder to acquire than armor sets) I find it to be better to go berserker trinkets.

Maybe they want to keep crit damage up? I’m actually thinking of doing Cavaliers on my Elementalist just because of that. Since I keep 30 in Air (so 30% crit damage from traits), it still benefits me to improve that stat while splashing some toughness on the build (don’t need percision, wears Valkyrie armor and just whatever rings/trinkets I got as drops). Basically, I like having 95% crit damage and 14k(EDIT: 16.5k) HP and toughness would help more than precision to make better use of the HP.

Perhaps it’s just people value stats differently from build to build. You could say extra survival is only for if you can’t time your dodges right…but it also comes in handy when someone else has a bad run of luck and you want to help them out without fearing for you life in the process.

Okay so I did some quick math and looked up the thing you said about more crit damage. Overall, these are the difference I found.

Knight Armor / Berserker Acc = 100 more power stat = 500 more effective power
Knight Armor / Berserker Acc = about 400 more precision (17.91% extra chance)
Berserker Armor / Cavalier Acc = about 250 more toughness = 7.1% mitigation more
Berserk Armor / Cavalier Acc = 16% more critical damage

So basically, it comes down to:
500 more effect power and 18% more crit chance
7.1% more damage mitigation and 16% more critical damage.

Overall, the Berserker/Cavalier Acc actually provides more beefiness while the Knight/Berserker Acc provides more DPS and still good survivability (about 25% mitigation).

What makes it a definite win for the Knight/Berserker Accessories is the price of replacement (including time). I have a full set of Berserker armor anyways, and it only costs about 22 gold where as changing trinkets takes… forever w/ dailies + farming… lol

Well, Knight/Berserker it is! Hope this math helps others~