Awkward mace block and sword block

Awkward mace block and sword block

in Warrior

Posted by: gwawer.9805


What is the justification for the second press of mace 2 ability canceling the block?

For me it just leads to situations where I unintentionally cancel my own block. If I only press the button once sometimes the game isn’t responsive enough to actually activate the ability. But if I Press it more than once I risk canceling the block.

This also holds true for sword number five ability.

In a fast paced spvp environment, I really don’t have time to second guess my key presses.

(edited by gwawer.9805)

Awkward mace block and sword block

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


From my understanding the 2nd ability will automatically activate if in melee range and you block a melee attack. Or it is supposed to when it works. So yeah I’m on board with this there is no reason for this. The sword number 4 works similarity, If you throw the sword I think its called Rip is does a bleeding, if you press it again it cancels the bleeding. Its pretty annoying. Offhand sword damage is already so pathetically weak that this makes it even worst It shouldn’t cancel the bleeding but apply an additional attack onto of the bleeding.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

Awkward mace block and sword block

in Warrior

Posted by: Akumu.7238


It’s another questionable design choice forced on the Warrior. While mesmers can decide to cancel their block/clone for a piercing daze blast. We cancel a block for about 3 srikes of adrenaline. The small adrenaline boost is not needed and offers nothing to think about.

Canceling a damage mitigation for this small, unneeded, gain is a terrible decision. We are not exactly lacking in Adrenaline+ abilities. Though we are severely lacking in proper damage mitigation.

I would love it if Anet examines the warrior, strip the class down, and then rebuild it with a more solid focus. They clearly learned a lot about class development when working on the other classes. Warrior just seemed to have missed that next stage of development.

I don’t wanna live a thousand years. If I just live through today, that’ll be enough.

(edited by Akumu.7238)

Awkward mace block and sword block

in Warrior

Posted by: Samulus.3025


I don’t see the adrenal reward as lackluster so much as I see it as a concession for not blocking. These abilities are meant to block, even considering your posited, comparable mesmer abilities. The warrior is meant to be less of a “blocker” than the guardian because of multiple factors, so as a result the abilities are made to be more skill-based to land a block. This issue is even more exacerbated by the blocking of a mesmer. I think these skills are just fine, I think they are able to be cancelled just in case a person doesn’t want to wait out the whole process, but the fact that it exists makes it an accessory feature, not useless, considering the fact that it is really only there to provide a benefit of not landing a block.

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn no other way. – Mark Twain

Awkward mace block and sword block

in Warrior

Posted by: Akumu.7238


It’s a pointless feature. Having options just to have them creates pointless options. So they aren’t really options. Why have an ability that saves you from not having to go through the full duration? It’s not like it lasts for 30 seconds.

How many battle situations, that you find yourself in, that makes you feel you should cancel a damage mitigation for 3 strikes of adrenaline? Being more or less of a blocker than guardian is irrelevant. There are plenty of abilities that can replace the current useless ones.

There should be no situation where you need 3 strikes of adrenaline over a damage mitigation. They need to remove them or replace them.

I don’t wanna live a thousand years. If I just live through today, that’ll be enough.

(edited by Akumu.7238)

Awkward mace block and sword block

in Warrior

Posted by: Samulus.3025


No, there is not a single situation I can think of in my play experience where I would NEED or feel like I NEEDED to cancel this ability for 3 strikes of adrenaline. Other than the fact that I was done blocking and wanted to continue an attack, that is. I’m happy I’m not forced to block the full duration in those instances.

The point that you seemed to have missed is that this ability is meant to be triggered to allow the player 1 second to block an attack. The fact that it gives you ANYTHING upon an unsuccessful block (i.e. you pushed it at the wrong time, mistyped/clicked, were just plain bad) is gravy.

Now, the fact that you are given the ability to cancel midway is irrelevant, because the warrior is given the same rewards whether he cancels immediately or waits the full duration and lets the ability expire. There is only one situation in which this is BAD, i.e. the player is experiencing lag (internal or external) and did not wish to cancel. This is an unfortunate side effect and is not the case for the majority of players.

Does this mean this ability is broken?
No. It gives an option, however useless or horribly situational 10% of the options for the abilities use may be.

Does this mean the ability, as a whole, needs to be buffed?
No. The ability is solid, especially considering the trait that can be specced into to improve it. Yes, this trait discourages the cancelling of this ability (the thing some people are saying is useless) but that doesn’t mean that every warrior needs to be adjusted to accommodate one trait.

I think some people here don’t have their priorities straight. Go check out the “Comprehensive List of Warrior Bugs” thread and choose a topic that wouldn’t mean a month’s worth of waiting for a bugfix that hardly improves anything (COUGH Harpoongun buffs.)

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn no other way. – Mark Twain

(edited by Samulus.3025)

Awkward mace block and sword block

in Warrior

Posted by: Baen.7591


Both of the Blocks will go off if a range attacks you. This doesn’t always happens, but if you have the reflect trait its quite annoying. They need to fix that as well as either get rid of the cancelling or make it that cancelling it will trigger the attack. A lot of the warriors weapon skills need tweaking. Especially traits since they are in a lot of random places.

[ALS] Anvils Last Stand – Baenius (80 Warrior)
Anvil Rock

Awkward mace block and sword block

in Warrior

Posted by: Samulus.3025


Both of the Blocks will go off if a range attacks you. This doesn’t always happens, but if you have the reflect trait its quite annoying. They need to fix that as well as either get rid of the cancelling or make it that cancelling it will trigger the attack. A lot of the warriors weapon skills need tweaking. Especially traits since they are in a lot of random places.

I agree many warrior abilities do need tweaking but I have never had the ability cancel from a ranged attack with the reflect trait. I do remember it cancelling on a range attack while NOT having the reflect trait, but it’s been so long since I didn’t have the trait that I can’t remember the conditions under which it happened. The idea that it randomly cancels in the middle of it’s duration to ranged attacks is completely false with the reflect ability, I use this ability MORE as a ranged block than anything else, and I’ve done that for months.

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn no other way. – Mark Twain

Awkward mace block and sword block

in Warrior

Posted by: Samulus.3025


This one doesn’t need tweaking is my point. Leave it alone and focus on abilities that are actually broken.

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn no other way. – Mark Twain

Awkward mace block and sword block

in Warrior

Posted by: Baen.7591


I have had it cancel mid way with the trait and without. Not always but sometimes

[ALS] Anvils Last Stand – Baenius (80 Warrior)
Anvil Rock

Awkward mace block and sword block

in Warrior

Posted by: gwawer.9805


Wow wow wow wow wow, did some of you guys even read the OP? Or do you just enjoy hearing yourself talk irrelevantly?

The point is that the abilities in this game don’t always activate when you press the corresponding button once. This is especially true in the middle of a fast paced PVP combat when you’re pressing many things in trying to activate many abilities. For example if I Press four and then two when I am using mace shield, I will shield bash, but the mace block doesn’t happen afterwards. I blame the game for not being responsive enough.

This means that I have to press a button more than once to make sure that the ability is activated. This button tapping or spamming if you would call it that, works for a block abilities like shield block, but not for mace block because if I Press the button more than once I risk canceling the block.

Guys please do the OP a favor and reread that until you understand. Otherwise you risk posting a response that is completely irrelevant.

Awkward mace block and sword block

in Warrior

Posted by: Dolan.3071


It only starts bugging if you activate it midway through another skill or dodging (I find that most annoying with dropping banners, you click the destination and everything expecting it to drop once you’re out of the roll, but nope nothing, one of my pet peeves anyway)

Uriel Asther ~ Warrior | Kaya Lereau ~ Elementalist | Natalie Fox ~ Thief
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]

Awkward mace block and sword block

in Warrior

Posted by: Recently.1043


I’m ok with it, just don’t mash 1 button repeatedly like a thief.

There are situations where you might want to break the block animation early.

For example, you start blocking, enemy blinks away and runs. Wouldn’t it be better to cancel the block animation early and then use a gap closer skill to catch up immediately?

Another situation: you start blocking, and enemy immediately becomes downed (maybe from a teammate, or due to conditions, whatever.) Wouldn’t it be better to cancel your block early so that you can either initiate a stomp or start damaging him? For certain classes (like say against another warrior) you will want/need to initiate that first stop before 2 seconds elapse, otherwise after he interrupts the first one, he will vengeance interrupt the 2nd.

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

Awkward mace block and sword block

in Warrior

Posted by: gwawer.9805


Like I said, if I don’t mash the button repeatedly, then some times the ability doesn’t activate. I don’t have time in a fast paced fight to press it once, and wonder whether it worked or not.

If you want to cancel the block, then just hit ur number 1 ability (auto attack) or any other ability you wish to use and it will break the block anyway. As for stomping, just press F and you will auto-matically cancel the block and proceed to stomping.

(edited by gwawer.9805)

Awkward mace block and sword block

in Warrior

Posted by: Dolan.3071


^Sigh yet another response that fails to understand the problem….I don’t know if you guys are bad at reading comphrehension or what.

Like I said, if I don’t mash the button repeatedly, then some times the ability doesn’t activate. I don’t have time in a fast paced fight to press it once, and wonder whether it worked or not.

If you want to cancel the block, then just hit ur number 1 ability (auto attack) or any other ability you wish to use and it will break the block anyway. As for stomping, just press F and you will auto-matically cancel the block and proceed to stomping.

Please read the comments before being condescending to those trying to help you. As it has already been said many a time, don’t mash the button. If the simple skill of pushing a button once at the right time, is too difficult for you, then you truly are a lost cause. Warrior is the simplest of all classes to play, enough said.

Uriel Asther ~ Warrior | Kaya Lereau ~ Elementalist | Natalie Fox ~ Thief
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]

Awkward mace block and sword block

in Warrior

Posted by: gwawer.9805


Learn to press the button at the right time? It is very frustrating to have to wait a second and then press the button just to make sure it goes off. When I’m in a situation where a thief is about to back stabbed me, I really don’t want to wait and second guess my key press. I needed that block to go off as soon as possible.

Secondly, how would it hurt you or anyone else if the developers listen to me and made the change? It would only make the ability more responsive, it would not affect any of your game play. And who knows maybe someday if you start to see the importance of what I’m asking for, you will thank me for taking the initiative to ask the developers to implement this change.

Awkward mace block and sword block

in Warrior

Posted by: Recently.1043


L2P, and don’t mash like a thief. Or roll a thief. Never experienced any problems with either of these block skills prematurely being canceled by my own ineptitude, and based on the responses in this thread, it seems to be fairly uncommon.

Perhaps the problem is you? Go check the thief forums, there’s a couple of builds that can get away with mashing either the 2 or 3 button.

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

Awkward mace block and sword block

in Warrior

Posted by: mangren.2931


Two things, one I thought (in my experience yesterday with both dual maces and dual swords, that using another attack cancels the block (without the adrenaline bump), so I’m not sure we need a second button hit to cancel the block. Please correct me if I’m wrong. This would make the argument that there is 0 value to the second button push except to generate a relatively small amount of adrenaline.

Personally getting adrenaline for an ability hasn’t been a problem. I almost always have at least stage 1 full by the time the cooldown wears off. I don’t find it useful to cancel a block for adrenaline.

On the other hand, I have the same button mashing issue but to me that has seemed like it’s a learning curve issue. Meaning you have to get a feel for the interface, and how the abilities chain as you hit buttons. I grew up button mashing as a kid in games like space invaders and then unlearning it in games like Tekken so that I could create the complex combos.

Any game I come to starts that way. I start off mashing a button that does something I like on a short cooldown. Then as I improve, I have to overcome that habit and begin to work out getting my sequences right both in order and timing, this double press doesn’t seem to be an issue for me.

If you want to give me a useful reason to cancel a block, reduce the cooldown if I don’t hold the block for the entire time and get rid of the adrenaline.