Axemaster Hareth

Axemaster Hareth

in Warrior

Posted by: GenoGar.5497


Since we finally have some semblance of a greataxe in the game, do you think there’s any hope for a Warrior to get a greataxe?

Axemaster Hareth

in Warrior

Posted by: Azure.8670


I was half expecting warrior to get it as a Kit before berserker got torch.

Great Axe and land spears are a must

Axemaster Hareth

in Warrior

Posted by: Arewn.2368


For the love of all that is good in Tyria, please give me my land spear!
It has been there taunting me from beneath the water’s surface since beta…

Greataxe seems like a fairly likely choice for when they get to the batch of elite specs that will introduce new weapon types. No idea when that’ll be though.

Axemaster Hareth

in Warrior

Posted by: Henry.5713


Pretty sure revenants will get a greataxe and a spear next time. Warriors will get none.

Arenanet will justify it by saying warriors already have the most weapon types avaible and are meant to stay a simple beginner class.