Back to GW2. Looking for some pvp videos

Back to GW2. Looking for some pvp videos

in Warrior

Posted by: wllalele.9427


Hello guys! I didn’t play GW2 for a long time and i saw that warrior is finally buffed so i’m here.

I’m looking for some really good wvw/spvp warrior videos to hype me up.

Also i’d like to ask you one simple question. Why is warrior fun for you right now?

Back to GW2. Looking for some pvp videos

in Warrior

Posted by: Super Wilson.7408

Super Wilson.7408

Not to toot my own horn.. but TOOT TOOT… I just started making videos last month you can check out my channel for some fun WvW warrior action.

I love warrior for its mobility, crowd control, and high burst damage.