Balance patch 16 May
Bash and Headbut wont hit anyone with proper reaction time. While the rest can make more or less sense, those two skills casting time increase is W.T.F.
Powerful Synergy: This trait has been updated to double the effects of all combo finishers.
We have been asking for this for so long. I love the changes as a whole, but this makes me so happy.
Also, Headbutt, Skull grinder, Sheild bash, were OP as hell. I’m blad they got nerfed. especially Skull Grinder.
I have equipment for both zerk PS and condi PS warrior with zerk PS being my preferred choice
I have to say, until now, zerker GS warrior was more fun to play for me
but when I logged in today to do daily fractals I thought I was lagging all the way through 100 CM when I finally realized they must have nerfed Arc Divider (F1) and Headbutt….
Those cast times feel like you’re frequently playing with pingspikes and I DONT KNOW ANYONE who has fun playing with pingspikes.
Zerk PS is not only inferior to condi PS in terms of damage (and thats still inferior to real top notch dps classes), but its got nerfed in a way thats just not fun to play and its not fluent at all.
Condi PS also is able to provide significant Might to the party which is practically on par with zerk GS PS.
Literally the only good reason to play zerk PS actually is the CC which comes from the Mace/Shield as 2nd Weapon choices.
I wouldnt have increased the cast times of Head Butt and Arc Divider in particular because it`s just PAINFUL to play now. I`d rather have the old cast times back and reduced dmg.
I`ve been maining Warrior for some years now and never have I thought of dropping the class to play something else… until the 16th May 2017. RIP
Powerful Synergy: This trait has been updated to double the effects of all combo finishers.
We have been asking for this for so long. I love the changes as a whole, but this makes me so happy.
Also, Headbutt, Skull grinder, Sheild bash, were OP as hell. I’m blad they got nerfed. especially Skull Grinder.
how was shield bash and headbutt OP? both with 20+ sec cd,extremly ez to miss with MEGA OBVIOUS animation, even arc was hard to land vs competent players….,now with 1 sec precast and EP for 2 sec.. nerf heal again … season 1 warrior comming to pvp.
how was shield bash and headbutt OP?
both with 20+ sec cd,extremly ez to miss with MEGA OBVIOUS animation, even arc was hard to land vs competent players….,now with 1 sec precast and EP for 2 sec.. nerf heal again … season 1 warrior comming to pvp.
A half second cast time on a skill with that much stun, that much damage, a stun break , and full adrenaline gain on a 20s CD was stupidly broken. It’s still stronk.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
how was shield bash and headbutt OP?
both with 20+ sec cd,extremly ez to miss with MEGA OBVIOUS animation, even arc was hard to land vs competent players….,now with 1 sec precast and EP for 2 sec.. nerf heal again … season 1 warrior comming to pvp.
A half second cast time on a skill with that much stun, that much damage, a stun break , and full adrenaline gain on a 20s CD was stupidly broken. It’s still stronk.
25 Sec if we talk about PvP :-)
I havent been on in a while but after taking a quick peak at the possibility of running dual-axe, it seems at first glance it could easily replace GS for me.
With the axe-master trait you gain 20% crit damage, which unless youre at 100% crit, is not up to par with 20% damage increase after burst.
BUT with the 20% CDR on axe skills, you can have nearly 100% uptime on quickness just from your offhand axe 4 if there are at least 3 enemies. With the quickness and something like a sigil of strength + the new eviscerate might buff, I’d think axe/axe would now become an option in PS builds, if not outright being better than GS.
This goes along with the fact that GS just got a bit more sluggish in the same patch.
Warrior feels so slow now..
A good portion of these pvp nerfs followed them to PVE.. where that same stupid animation nerf makes them feel slow even with quickness.
So in total we get slow give-away animations, another 10% nerf to sustain.. previous nerfs we’re -10 one season and -10 the following to adrenal heal.. so we’re down to a 30% nerf to sustain.
Then they hit the offense pretty hard with the 33% to 20% nerf to primal.. making the damage even slower (pve) where you know.. people actually care the most. And the mace condi damage nerf? Sounds like who ever balanced this took all the complains witten and just went with it rather than make these rash decisions
All this and for what? So we can say.. axe got buffs.. Cool, still not using cause it sucks.
I don’t mind the nerfs to Headbutt, Arc Divider (Even though Power warrior is now truly dead in high-end content), and Skull Grinder, but the Shield Bash nerf is really soul-crushing to me. It’s a shield. It was telegraphed by the wielder carrying a huge chunk of metal on one arm and being a warrior. It’s either gonna try hitting you with it, or hiding behind it. The nerf was completely unnecessary.
What they really need to do is swap the Hammer and Axe trait’s lines. Axe Mastery should be a Grandmaster Discipline trait, and Merciless Hammer should be a Grandmaster Strength trait.
Alright, the Primal Bursts are OP, so we nerf them. But why nerf them twice (in case of Arc Divider)? First, the increase cast time, thus reducing DPS, second they reduce Primal Burst Frequency. What use does that adrenaline have if I can’t spend it? That makes the whole Berserk thing absurd. Especially, why apply all changes to PvE, when clearly most of the changes were demanded by PvP warrior victims?? I just don’t get it. Nerf damage or something, but these changes literally ruin the whole rhythm of Power Berserker DPS rotation. The buff to most axe attacks doesn’t change anything on the fact that you just totally broke berserker playability (which may include axe as well). Well done. Also, increasing the movement on Headbutt… now you totally led the whole idea of a headbutt (quick surprising attack with very limited range) into absurdity, when I think about my warrior craning his neck back for 0.75 seconds and then start flying 400 units to be dodged when he finally arrives. Has anyone at ANet ever seen a headbutt happen, I wonder?
What I understand the least: Why shield bash??? I can’t prevent myself from feeling somewhat forced to play dual axe. Shield: Nerfed. Mace: Nerfed. Axe: Buffed —> Dual Axe. Very subtle, ANet.
At least I can go back to core warrior and pick defense over berserker to use that shield mas… oh wait, you broke the shield, I forgot.
Edit: Funny how they changed exactly a rather feared PvP build into oblivion. GS/m+sh will be deader than dead soon. Finely tuning it down… with a sledge hammer. And as if that was not enough, PvE players get punished for the other classes’ inability to counter one build. No need to develop a counter for that particular build, just cry loud enough and it will get nerfed.
So, fellow warriors, which build of other classes irks you the most? If we cry loud enough, it will be nerfed to the ground. The louder we cry, the higher will the cast time increase to ALL thief attacks be
Edit²: ANet, sorry for my power rant here, but while some changes are nice and needed, others are just complete garbage. Looking at the changes the other classes have received it comes to my mind that you truly hate your Warrior class
(edited by Plautze.6290)
just shows if people cry enough about a class anet will indeed nerf it. everytime. bad players are what anet will listen to.
What really makes the Shield Bash nerf sting is that the skill’s been fine and understood for the entirety of the game’s run until now. Yes, it’s a powerful offensive ability – but it’s the ONLY offensive ability the Shield has, and its responsiveness was part of what made the shield so satisfying to use.
Headbutt is atrocious now. Feels like I’m chilled when I do it and it’s telegraphed from a mile away so anyone with a bit of sense will block/evade/whatver instantly.
Warriors are supposed to be tough, damage sponges and when they hit they hit hard. Just because people can’t kite in PvP doesn’t mean Warrior is the problem.
how was shield bash and headbutt OP?
both with 20+ sec cd,extremly ez to miss with MEGA OBVIOUS animation, even arc was hard to land vs competent players….,now with 1 sec precast and EP for 2 sec.. nerf heal again … season 1 warrior comming to pvp.
A half second cast time on a skill with that much stun, that much damage, a stun break , and full adrenaline gain on a 20s CD was stupidly broken. It’s still stronk.
Very stronk against total new players who can’t see the already telegraphed move now being telegraphed in slow-motion. :P
how was shield bash and headbutt OP?
both with 20+ sec cd,extremly ez to miss with MEGA OBVIOUS animation, even arc was hard to land vs competent players….,now with 1 sec precast and EP for 2 sec.. nerf heal again … season 1 warrior comming to pvp.
A half second cast time on a skill with that much stun, that much damage, a stun break , and full adrenaline gain on a 20s CD was stupidly broken. It’s still stronk.
Very stronk against total new players who can’t see the already telegraphed move now being telegraphed in slow-motion. :P
Next balance patch we will be given a huge exclamation mark above our heads before we use skills like headbut or a burst,i think we aren’t telegraphed enough yet.
since when had Headbutt had any real tell aside from “knowing” a warrior is going to do it? no, sorry but headbutt was op, and as a side note Berserker (and Elite Specializations as a whole" are OP as hell)
I have never been a fan of the way elite Specs work with the core mechanics of a class (which is part of the reason I have cut back on GW2 and started playing Overwatch. At least these changes lessen the impact of Berserker by cutting down on the insane power creep. The other Elites also too a hit while the Core mechanics of the classes got some decent buffs.
since when had Headbutt had any real tell aside from “knowing” a warrior is going to do it? no, sorry but headbutt was op, and as a side note Berserker (and Elite Specializations as a whole" are OP as hell)
I have never been a fan of the way elite Specs work with the core mechanics of a class (which is part of the reason I have cut back on GW2 and started playing Overwatch. At least these changes lessen the impact of Berserker by cutting down on the insane power creep. The other Elites also too a hit while the Core mechanics of the classes got some decent buffs.
Headbutt has a tell in the animation that was made just for it. Headbutt tracks your target but it’s also very easy to dodge it even without realizing you did so. Most of the whining were from people who went toe-to-toe with a Warrior and got a Headbutt to the face. “Waah he hit me, nerf nerf nerf”
since when had Headbutt had any real tell aside from “knowing” a warrior is going to do it? no, sorry but headbutt was op, and as a side note Berserker (and Elite Specializations as a whole" are OP as hell)
I have never been a fan of the way elite Specs work with the core mechanics of a class (which is part of the reason I have cut back on GW2 and started playing Overwatch. At least these changes lessen the impact of Berserker by cutting down on the insane power creep. The other Elites also too a hit while the Core mechanics of the classes got some decent buffs.
Headbutt has a tell in the animation that was made just for it. Headbutt tracks your target but it’s also very easy to dodge it even without realizing you did so. Most of the whining were from people who went toe-to-toe with a Warrior and got a Headbutt to the face. “Waah he hit me, nerf nerf nerf”
Honestly, by the time the headbutt’s animation started, it was too late to do anything about it.
Shield bash was supposed to be largely-untelegraphed, though, and worked fine as such (It countered telegraphed attacks, as a shield bash usually does in games.) – you knew the Shield Bash was a threat, though, because the Warrior had a shield out. It’s kind hard to miss such a large piece of equipment.
Headbutt being Shield Bash, But Without The Massive Chunk of Metal and with instant-full Adrenaline got them both nerfed
since when had Headbutt had any real tell aside from “knowing” a warrior is going to do it? no, sorry but headbutt was op, and as a side note Berserker (and Elite Specializations as a whole" are OP as hell)
I have never been a fan of the way elite Specs work with the core mechanics of a class (which is part of the reason I have cut back on GW2 and started playing Overwatch. At least these changes lessen the impact of Berserker by cutting down on the insane power creep. The other Elites also too a hit while the Core mechanics of the classes got some decent buffs.
Headbutt has a tell in the animation that was made just for it. Headbutt tracks your target but it’s also very easy to dodge it even without realizing you did so. Most of the whining were from people who went toe-to-toe with a Warrior and got a Headbutt to the face. “Waah he hit me, nerf nerf nerf”
Honestly, by the time the headbutt’s animation started, it was too late to do anything about it.
Shield bash was supposed to be largely-untelegraphed, though, and worked fine as such (It countered telegraphed attacks, as a shield bash usually does in games.) – you knew the Shield Bash was a threat, though, because the Warrior had a shield out. It’s kind hard to miss such a large piece of equipment.
Headbutt being Shield Bash, But Without The Massive Chunk of Metal and with instant-full Adrenaline got them both nerfed
Funny enough that headbutt had an in-built nerf by stunning the attacker as well for 1sec. It’s actually the only elite skill that has a real drawback. On the other hand, there seem to be classes that have only lackluster elite skills… okay, I get it
Most of the “whining” about headbutt come from players who got headbutted and watched themselves get perma stunned after wasting all of their stun breaks on all of the OTHER CC a warrior was throwing out constantly. you don’t even have to build your warrior specifically for CC’s in order to have tons of CC, and headbutts stun is absolutely insane. Listen, I say this as a warrior main, as someone who LOVES warrior. Berserker has always been overpowered even when warrior was woefully underpowered, berserker was obviously entirely overtuned. (the problem was with the core warrior). and this is not a problem with just warrior. ALL of the Elite specializations are Overtuned and generally poorly designed. They stack on top of core mechanics of a class instead of replacing them which is how they should have worked from the beginning. I’m not just ragging on warrior here. all classes have this problem right now, which to me just sucks the fun out of the game and makes many core trait lines useless.
You may not like the new warrior changes, but II think you players who feel like you are slower now are just too used to being WAY too fast. give it a few weeks of play and you’ll find the changes are fine.
My warrior is pretty much benched now. Power warrior’s dps was already pretty low, and now it’s not only worse, but feels worse to play. Might as well be perma chilled.
May as well park my warrior at a flax farm at this point.
Does anyone can clearly say , why power and not condi war needed to get nerf ? Raids dont take power wars, wvw is already quite condi meta, at lest for roamers.
Who’s idea was that making headbutt slugish was good idea ?
And shield bash , just, why ?
How did we come to this ?
I see some funny comments about how war had tons cc, great , lets look , thief burst es capability skills, interrupts , how about chrono almost perma inv, drud supercharged heals and kite , eles insane spike dmg with blinds and mid range kite, and so on.
How about raids, anyone seen power warrior in raids lately , maybe on KC ?
Im looking at this from perspective of wvw, pvp and raids part of game, that most care for , and honestly as person who does all that on multiclass i cant see where this came from. Even before this , my favorite pray with chrono or thief or druid, was slugish wars who u can just annoy a bit , waste their defenses and kill, ez.
Add to this insta kicks for pugs who come as power ps from raids , well u all know that …
So, why ?
since when had Headbutt had any real tell aside from “knowing” a warrior is going to do it? no, sorry but headbutt was op, and as a side note Berserker (and Elite Specializations as a whole" are OP as hell)
I have never been a fan of the way elite Specs work with the core mechanics of a class (which is part of the reason I have cut back on GW2 and started playing Overwatch. At least these changes lessen the impact of Berserker by cutting down on the insane power creep. The other Elites also too a hit while the Core mechanics of the classes got some decent buffs.
Oh my lord..
Watch this till 0:05 seconds..If you do not see headbutt having a tell than youre either lying to yourself or you’re plain blind.
Ive had dozens of situations (vs Proper players that is..) That know how to press their dodge button when they see headbutt starting.Pop a block,leap away,or break free when it does hit and staying out of range and kiting untill berserk has ended.Some people on the other hand just eat it all and then complain on the forum to nerf this and that cus its so op when i cant find my dodge button.
(edited by Caedmon.6798)
Headbutt was one of the easiest skills to dodge… period. Now its impossible to land a hit against any average joe..
Funny enough that headbutt had an in-built nerf by stunning the attacker as well for 1sec. It’s actually the only elite skill that has a real drawback. On the other hand, there seem to be classes that have only lackluster elite skills… okay, I get it
You’re kidding, right? It’s a non existent drawback if you trait to break stun on entering berserk, and it’s an opportunity to get a quick heal and 1k toughness if you trait it with RR. If you use it to break a stun too, there’s 5k healing, toughness bonus, a stunned target, and you ready to unleash holy hell.
The self stun is an opportunity, not a drawback.
While I’m not saying I necessary agree with all of the nerfs, the amount of QQ about them fits to show how little people realized they were crutching on cheese. It’s like when condi mesmers cried when PU was cut from +100% stealth to +50%.
(I saw what you did at the end of the quoted bit though, so I know you aren’t QQing yourself)
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
(edited by Choppy.4183)
I am QQing… about Shield Bash Q_Q
Apart from that, yeah, the self-stun is an opportunity. IF you hit. But the chance of actually hitting has drastically decreased thanks to future warriors flying headfirst for 400 units during 0.75 seconds of slow-mo.
But as emkelly said, perhaps in two weeks we are all gonna laugh about this… or all other players are gonna laugh about warriors, not quite sure.
(edited by Plautze.6290)
Does anyone can clearly say , why power and not condi war needed to get nerf ? Raids dont take power wars, wvw is already quite condi meta, at lest for roamers.
Who’s idea was that making headbutt slugish was good idea ?
And shield bash , just, why ?
How did we come to this ?
I see some funny comments about how war had tons cc, great , lets look , thief burst es capability skills, interrupts , how about chrono almost perma inv, drud supercharged heals and kite , eles insane spike dmg with blinds and mid range kite, and so on.
How about raids, anyone seen power warrior in raids lately , maybe on KC ?Im looking at this from perspective of wvw, pvp and raids part of game, that most care for , and honestly as person who does all that on multiclass i cant see where this came from. Even before this , my favorite pray with chrono or thief or druid, was slugish wars who u can just annoy a bit , waste their defenses and kill, ez.
Add to this insta kicks for pugs who come as power ps from raids , well u all know that …
So, why ?
Because noobs in PvP can’t not die to anything that hits faster than an Ettin in Queensdale.
It’s people that think they’re superman that take a warrior head on and get wrecked. Thieves thinking they can come in and kill warrior in a slug fest and take all the stuns and play carelessly rather than bait and wear them out.
Yes as a warrior I have been destroyed by good thieves, Guardians, hell even Necros that play smart, and absolutely get wrecked by Condi Mesmers moa champs.
Did I complain about them? Or came on here to demand their class nerf?
Nope, got around to countering them when ever I ran into said class
+1 … I got wrecked by thiefs on my ele and what i did is train and adapt build and train more … Now i am on the end of the food chain against thiefs … Needed a year (half to get decend) but that´s the way to go …
The nerf i hate on warrior is the bloody roar taunt reduction. This was what made it enjoyable for me pulling all to me….
(edited by Wolfric.9380)
Funny enough that headbutt had an in-built nerf by stunning the attacker as well for 1sec. It’s actually the only elite skill that has a real drawback. On the other hand, there seem to be classes that have only lackluster elite skills… okay, I get it
You’re kidding, right? It’s a non existent drawback if you trait to break stun on entering berserk, and it’s an opportunity to get a quick heal and 1k toughness if you trait it with RR. If you use it to break a stun too, there’s 5k healing, toughness bonus, a stunned target, and you ready to unleash holy hell.
(I saw what you did at the end of the quoted bit though, so I know you aren’t QQing yourself)
im curious how your supposed to survive. if you take that skill and drop unblockable signet your going to get rekt by dh and mesmers. if you get rid of your resistance your going to get rekt by every condi class. if you take it instead of endure pain you no longer have decent sustain against power. so im curious what your going to slot and why? everyone likes to complain as if warrior has all skills active at once.
im curious how your supposed to survive. if you take that skill and drop unblockable signet your going to get rekt by dh and mesmers. if you get rid of your resistance your going to get rekt by every condi class. if you take it instead of endure pain you no longer have decent sustain against power. so im curious what your going to slot and why? everyone likes to complain as if warrior has all skills active at once.
Which skill? The only one I mentioned was Headbutt plus two traits. Those don’t compete with utility skills
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
im curious how your supposed to survive. if you take that skill and drop unblockable signet your going to get rekt by dh and mesmers. if you get rid of your resistance your going to get rekt by every condi class. if you take it instead of endure pain you no longer have decent sustain against power. so im curious what your going to slot and why? everyone likes to complain as if warrior has all skills active at once.
Which skill? The only one I mentioned was Headbutt plus two traits. Those don’t compete with utility skills
im not in game but you mentioned the 1k toughness stun break skill as if every warrior slots it. so what do you get rid of and still survive in this meta to take that.
im not in game but you mentioned the 1k toughness stun break skill as if every warrior slots it. so what do you get rid of and still survive in this meta to take that.
Those are from two traits, not skills. Rousing Resilience for the heal and 1k toughness on stun break, and Savage Instinct for the stun break (and condi removal) on entering Berserk mode.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
It wouldn’t be so bad if quickness affected headbutt and arc divider. It doesn’t seem to work on either skill.
if quickness does nto work on a skill, then THAT is what you need to adress Anet about. also, it is very possible that there is an unintended delay on the new changes to the skill. if that is the case maybe they will fix it. (i only say this because people are telling me it seems MUCH, longer than 0.75sec)
Shield Bash, Arc Divider, Headbutt: changes apply to PvP only => problem solved
in PvE they are just fine and makes the warrior feel truly the “in your face” melee fighter
Due to slow cast time he now feels like Wolverine in the movie Logan: old, slow, out of breath, beaten up..
The warrior feels like he is on retirement
Hey, i just came back from a few months without GW2.
Since i only play Warrior (my only Level 80), what is possible in sPvP now? Stick to Macebow Condi? Not too bad, or is that not viable aswell?
Warrior Elite: Spellbreaker art
That’s Corsair concept art from 2007 Nightfall…
Warrior Elite: Spellbreaker art
Hey dude, that looks sweet! Is this OC?
Fort Aspenwood
Before I get torn to shreds: I refer only to PvE. And this is my opinion. You are entitled to your own opinion, which doesn’t mean that I’m interested in it, so no reason to verbally flail me. Read my post, agree or disagree with it, but don’t start any bullkitteny argument about it. I write this to give another perspective compared to my post from 5 days ago (please see above).
ANet, I have to make a concession. After playing 5 days post-patch, I think the increased cast time of Arc Divider is actually fine, as it makes the skill look more epic when the Warrior actually has to wind up his Arc… like he was actually carrying 2 meters of forged steel, you know, and not just 2 meters of card board or ply wood.
The rest of the nerfs are still so-so. Headbutt still looks ridiculous with its increased movement distance and the warrior winding up a skill for ages which is actually supposed to be a surprise attack.
One thing I’ll never forgive though is the nerf to shield bash… Why, Anet, why?!? This is like nuking a bad guy (the needed nerfs) and incidentally killing Timmy, the cutest, smartest and bestest toddler on earth. How can you look into the mirror, I ask thee? /mic drop
Bash and Headbut wont hit anyone with proper reaction time. While the rest can make more or less sense, those two skills casting time increase is W.T.F.
Powerful Synergy: This trait has been updated to double the effects of all combo finishers.
We have been asking for this for so long. I love the changes as a whole, but this makes me so happy.
Also, Headbutt, Skull grinder, Sheild bash, were OP as hell. I’m blad they got nerfed. especially Skull Grinder.
NOT headbutt casting time… it completly ruins combos even in raids, it feels so slow its pathetic, im ok with everything else tho.
Better nerf the dmg then the casting time kittenm it.
Funny enough that headbutt had an in-built nerf by stunning the attacker as well for 1sec. It’s actually the only elite skill that has a real drawback. On the other hand, there seem to be classes that have only lackluster elite skills… okay, I get it
You’re kidding, right? It’s a non existent drawback if you trait to break stun on entering berserk, and it’s an opportunity to get a quick heal and 1k toughness if you trait it with RR. If you use it to break a stun too, there’s 5k healing, toughness bonus, a stunned target, and you ready to unleash holy hell.
The self stun is an opportunity, not a drawback.
While I’m not saying I necessary agree with all of the nerfs, the amount of QQ about them fits to show how little people realized they were crutching on cheese. It’s like when condi mesmers cried when PU was cut from +100% stealth to +50%.
(I saw what you did at the end of the quoted bit though, so I know you aren’t QQing yourself)
My problem is headbutt, like i said before it ruins combos… nerf the dmg instead of casting time simple. i dont care if it is 20% or 33%.
My problem is headbutt, like i said before it ruins combos… nerf the dmg instead of casting time simple. i dont care if it is 20% or 33%.
Yes, I’d have preferred reduced damage and increased CD as well. The more ponderous we are the more easily we’re countered as a class, especially by thieves.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
I think the primary reason they did that was to add counterplay. Counterplay is good!
- Realistically, a player with average ping cannot dodge a 0.25s skill unless they happen to be predicting an attack and basically pre-dodge it.
- A player can dodge a 0.5s skill if they’re paying attention and watch for it, but this gets harder at close range, as the animations are difficult to see in melee and there’s less distance. I think this is fair for most attacks, but Headbutt is SO powerful (basically, if you land it and they don’t have a stun-break, they are dead to the follow-up combo) that they made it…
- 0.75s – dodgeable, interruptable. Feels slow if you’re used to 0.5s, but the skill still works.
I think the primary reason they did that was to add counterplay. Counterplay is good!
- Realistically, a player with average ping cannot dodge a 0.25s skill unless they happen to be predicting an attack and basically pre-dodge it.
- A player can dodge a 0.5s skill if they’re paying attention and watch for it, but this gets harder at close range, as the animations are difficult to see in melee and there’s less distance. I think this is fair for most attacks, but Headbutt is SO powerful (basically, if you land it and they don’t have a stun-break, they are dead to the follow-up combo) that they made it…
- 0.75s – dodgeable, interruptable. Feels slow if you’re used to 0.5s, but the skill still works.
Ok, but why would you pvp without a stun break in the first place ? If your stun-break is on cooldown, it’s your fault for not using it at the right time or normal… you can’t be perma immune to stuns, otherwise they should just delete all of those stun skills.
Right. This allows a bit of reaction time on the part of the defending player to use some defensive skill or dodge the head butt. That’s a good thing even though it feels slower now.
Consider: average ping is ~100ms. average human visual reaction time is ~250ms, and it takes a bit of time to see the incoming attack and process that it’s a head butt. That’s awfully close to 0.5ms. When you’re talking about a skill that results in a kill if it lands (and isn’t stun-broken), it should probably have a bit more time for the defender to play around it.
Re: Stun Breaks: They are mostly on long cooldowns – longer than Head Butt. Furthurmore, there are many skills that need to be stun-broken, and you can’t always have it up for Head Butt.
^^ That’s why they should have nerfed the damage and CD instead of lengthening the cast. People with bad ping will have to keep a stun bank in the tank for if they get caught, but as it stands, landing against people who don’t have bad ping AND have stun breaks can be a nightmare
Keep in mind that most of a warrior’s skills have big tells on them, which means warriors need viable setup skills to do much of anything. Nerfing the ability to land setup skills is especially painful for the warrior.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)