Banner Warrior
How are you expected to use multiple banners when you can only move one banner at a time?
Allies can carry the banners you drop. If you’re with a group, ask others to pick up your banners.
How does one go Berserk is it an F key similar to a Reaper Shroud, then you spam F1 until you need to fill your adrenaline?
Berserk is activated by pressing the F2 key after all 3 adrenaline bars are full. Warrior’s gain adrenaline by striking enemies in combat. Once an enemy has been defeated or the warrior leaves combat, their adrenaline will begin to decay. Pressing the F1 key with at least 1 full adrenaline bar will activate the warrior’s Burst Skill. Burst Skill’s deal massive damage based on how much adrenaline is built up. All adrenaline is consumed upon use of a burst skill.
What gear should I use for armor if I need more durability in PVE Soldiers or Valk?
Soldiers is more tanky vs Valkyrie because of the toughness.
Can I use a Hammer for my second weapon for break bars, I only ask because other than my GS it’s one of two ascended weapons to my name?
Hammer is great for Break Bars. In fact, every skill except Hammer #1 will deplete a Defiance Bar. Skill #2 & #3 apply soft control effects (Weakness & Cripple) while skills #4, #5 & Burst apply hard control effects (Knockback, Knockdown and Stun).
I hope this helps and Good Luck with your Warrior.
(edited by Mighty Cole.7849)
Thank very much for your detailed reply that was extremely helpful. So basically just camp GS using 100 Blades off cd, then hit f2 when adrenaline is full and the. Spam f1 until empty.
Only swap to Hammer when there’s a break bar.
For utilities use the two DPS banners, Head But, a heal, and the precision signet?
Thank very much for your detailed reply that was extremely helpful. So basically just camp GS using 100 Blades off cd, then hit f2 when adrenaline is full and the. Spam f1 until empty.
Only swap to Hammer when there’s a break bar.
For utilities use the two DPS banners, Head But, a heal, and the precision signet?
If you’re using soldier or valkyrie gear you’re not gonna need precision signet for other purpose than filling your adrenaline because the crit chance will be null (in that case take Signet of Might instead of Fury).
For breaking bars Hammer is not that necessary since headbutt is a strong CC. Most people chose Axe/Mace for second weapon set because the dps, vulnerability and CC on Mace #5.
When you talk about power buffer I don’t get if you want to just want to bring banners to fights or to play the PS (Phalanx Strength) build to give constant might to yourself and your team. The second option requires to crit on the GS so Sold and Valk are out of the question, you should go with Berserker gear.
Heal should be Blood Reckoning so you cast when adrenaline is deplenished and use the primal burst again. Use Healing Signet only if you are having troubles surviving.