Banners. Lets talk about them

Banners. Lets talk about them

in Warrior

Posted by: Karma.1459


Who likes them, who doesn’t?

Personally, I don’t. I dislike the way they are stuck into the ground for ANYONE to grab and run off with. I dislike wasting my time picking them up and putting them down.

I really wish they were more like auras on the warrior. The banner could be an item that is located on the warrior. Let’s face it, when it comes to the abilities on the banners they aren’t good. So what’s the point in even having them?

They COULD be exactly like the new guild cosmetic banners that have been put into the game, they could be taller, longer, whatever.

This is only one of the MANY things I’ve thought of while playing my warrior. It seems that the general consensus about gw2 is that most of the players aren’t really happy with a lot of the abilities that different classes have. Cosmetics are great, but It’s not good for the game to just design classes and then not really give them enough attention. Especially when people are reaching out on the forums about it. That goes for all classes and not just warrior.


(edited by Karma.1459)

Banners. Lets talk about them

in Warrior

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


I don’t mind banners, but I am with you on always having to pick it up or someone takes it for their own fun while you’re looking for it and so much for your benefits =/. It should be on our backs giving us more F slots to use like engineers, mesmers or elementalists. Those were the ideas I said in some other thread a long time ago, but none thought it was decent.


Banners. Lets talk about them

in Warrior

Posted by: Karma.1459


The abilities can go as far as I’m concerned and should be in some part added to the passive bonus of using a banner.

Banners. Lets talk about them

in Warrior

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


The abilities can go as far as I’m concerned and should be in some part added to the passive bonus of using a banner.

I’m not sure how that would work out for banner of tactics due to the weak heal it gives when using compassionate banner skill. Every 10 second you receive a passive heal of whatever the warrior healing power is?


Banners. Lets talk about them

in Warrior

Posted by: Quetz.4389


I would disagree that there is a general consensus about players not being happy with abilities…

Banners are fine. They provide powerful buffs, are unique to the warrior class and have a lot of uses in pve and pvp.

Banners. Lets talk about them

in Warrior

Posted by: Karma.1459


The abilities can go as far as I’m concerned and should be in some part added to the passive bonus of using a banner.

I’m not sure how that would work out for banner of tactics due to the weak heal it gives when using compassionate banner skill. Every 10 second you receive a passive heal of whatever the warrior healing power is?

Honestly, I’m tired of our vitality/ healing tree. And the small traits. Warriors should be fighters, not res bots or healers in any form. SOME passive regen sure, and lifesteal, but why full out heals on a banner people HARDLY use.

I would say if you were to adapt that tactics banner heal into a passive aura it should just regen or health on hit. 3sec internal.

Banners. Lets talk about them

in Warrior

Posted by: Brutalistik.6473


The abilities can go as far as I’m concerned and should be in some part added to the passive bonus of using a banner.

I’m not sure how that would work out for banner of tactics due to the weak heal it gives when using compassionate banner skill. Every 10 second you receive a passive heal of whatever the warrior healing power is?

Honestly, I’m tired of our vitality/ healing tree. And the small traits. Warriors should be fighters, not res bots or healers in any form. SOME passive regen sure, and lifesteal, but why full out heals on a banner people HARDLY use.

I would say if you were to adapt that tactics banner heal into a passive aura it should just regen or health on hit. 3sec internal.

Not every warrior has the same mindset as you because while some are offensive, others are defensive keeping the troops rallying up. If you say go roll a guardian for that job then I’ll have to call you a classist hehe :P.

I would disagree that there is a general consensus about players not being happy with abilities…

Banners are fine. They provide powerful buffs, are unique to the warrior class and have a lot of uses in pve and pvp.

I can assure you that we aware that banners are fine and what it is for. however there are stuff that makes banners kind of mundane.
Warrior players probably don’t mind the abilities to a certain extent, but I am sure they’re tired of picking it up taking to different locations all the time not being able to summon to another location.


Banners. Lets talk about them

in Warrior

Posted by: sinzer.4018


I think banner 5 should be ground targettable and called ‘throw banner’.

I don’t have a problem with people being able to pick it up, it’s served my groups well. A ranger friend often uses my banner on their water field providing a little bit of extra healing.

Banners. Lets talk about them

in Warrior

Posted by: Dand.8231

^ My thoughts on a banner rework.

Short version?
-Sits on back when active, toggles on/off like engy kits
-Gives AOE bonus and F3 + F4 when “on” does not change weapon 1-5
-F3 is inspire (swiftness, banner 3 currently)
-F4 is banner specific ability (banner 2 currently)

No more clunky time wasting drops and pickups, leaving behind, stolen, etc