Battle Standard Revives

Battle Standard Revives

in Warrior

Posted by: Morrar.1764


Hello all,

Since the latest patch, Battle Standard revives seem a bit inconsistent. During the Karka event, many people died and I tried to revive them using the standard. However, only very few actually got up (even NPCs did not). Obviously, this could be due to lag or people not accepting the revive or whatnot…

Yesterday, however, I ran a few Fractals and also used the banner to revive fallen allies. It seemed that not everyone got the revive after I planted the banner near them. Sometimes only 1 out of 2 people got a revive.

Now, all these situations were quite hectic and placing the banner is somewhat of a hassle. So it could just be me, but I’m wondering whether other warriors also noticed a change in reviving with the Battle Standard. To me it seems a bit more inconsistent than it was before (to the point where it seems to revive only one person at maximum).

Any thoughts on this fellow warriors?

Battle Standard Revives

in Warrior

Posted by: Nonfat.8742



I’ve noticed that aswell. But I am not 100% sure because I used the banner maybe 3 times before the patch.
But yesterday I ran a couple of fractals and in one situation 2 of our groupmates died and when I used the banner only one acutaly got up, the other just stayed on the grown still fighting for his life. Not sure if that was because the boss just did a massive aoe or of the glitch. But I am 99% sure that if your ally dies (actually dies) then the banner doesnt work.

@Anet: In any case this “problem” should be looked at ASAP.

[Piken Square]

Battle Standard Revives

in Warrior

Posted by: Recently.1043


Are you using standard to get someone from downed state up? or from actual death?

Cause it only gets people up from downed state. I haven’t noticed any problems with it, but i only use this elite for very specific purposes.

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

Battle Standard Revives

in Warrior

Posted by: Morrar.1764


Thanks both for your input. During the event it was too messy and laggy to actually check whether people were dead or just downed. So there is no way of telling what happened there.

In the Fractal dungeon I thought some people were downed, but there was quite a bit of damage flying around. So yeah, it may have been that they died before I could plant the banner.

This is also the reason for me posting here; I’m just not sure whether something is wrong or whether I just had some weird cases where it did actually function correctly. It is also kinda hard to test thoroughly, because you can’t really ask people to die so you can test a skill :-) And once people start dying, it gets hectic and you don’t always have time to pay attention to everything (range, dead or downed, etc).

Battle Standard Revives

in Warrior

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Seems to work fine. Just remember it heals downed players,. Poisoned low health ones won’t rally (but almost).

Battle Standard Revives

in Warrior

Posted by: ogre.6790


The third post down says this: “Battle Standard: Tooltip says it revives allies, but it only revives downed allies, not defeated ones. Defeated NPCs are revived.”

I’m not sure if it’s supposed to revive defeated allies or not. Seems like if it did it’d be a little OP for PVP.