Battle standard broken

Battle standard broken

in Warrior

Posted by: Trayne.9168


Or the description is broken

Battle Standard description says:

Place a battle standard that revives fallen allies and grants fury, might, and swiftness to allies.

HOWEVER, the buffs listed below the description are fury, might, and STABILITY. I am not sure if battle standard always had stability until recently or if it was always like this?

When placing the banner down I receive a pulse of stability, fury, and might INITIALLY. Every pulse after the first only gives fury, might, and swiftness.

In summary, either the wording in the description is wrong or they changed something with warbanner and didn’t update the icon description.

As of right now banner is only good for the insta revive and not worth using imo.

Can anyone confirm if warbanner used to give stability while it was out?

NOTE: The screenshot shows I have swiftness, fury and might buffed from banner.


Battle standard broken

in Warrior

Posted by: GalacticBear.1578


The changed it. Group stability for that long a duration was too much. Now the stability lasts 3 seconds and turns to swiftness.

Battle standard broken

in Warrior

Posted by: mrhappyclam.2408


pick up the effing banner, skill 2 is a stability shout. im seriously tired of people saying its broken when in reality its not.


Battle standard broken

in Warrior

Posted by: Wiser with Age.3714

Wiser with Age.3714

The old +Stability buff which was a permanent buff on the Battle Standard was removed in the final days of Beta when they did their “beneficial AoE” revamp. (ArenaNet decreased the range of almost every beneficial AoE down to a 600 range. However during this process, the 240 range on Battle Standard was increased to a 600 range. If you have the T1 Tactics trait that augments Banners, the range is increased to 900.)

ArenaNet thought that a permanent 600 range +Stability buff was too over powered. For PvP (which is how this game is “balanced”), it probably is. As a result, the +Stability buff was removed and +Swiftness was added.

You’ll get a few seconds of AoE +Stability when you cast the Battle Standard and can use #2 on the Banner for a few seconds of AoE +Stability (with something like a 15 second recast). Beyond that, the Battle Standard no longer gives the +Stability that it did in Beta.

We are Test Group F. (Don’t ask about what happened to the previous Test Groups.)

Battle standard broken

in Warrior

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


pick up the effing banner, skill 2 is a stability shout. im seriously tired of people saying its broken when in reality its not.

The tooltip is legitimately confusing. Your anger is misplaced an unwarranted.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

Battle standard broken

in Warrior

Posted by: LoadedGamer.2398


While the stability is not broke the Revive fallen allies is… this is really lame, as I heard that other classes have a mass type revive and ours is broken?

Edit: I did notice it works with “downed” players that have not died yet. Helps them heal back to rally.

(edited by LoadedGamer.2398)

Battle standard broken

in Warrior

Posted by: Drunken Mad King.8193

Drunken Mad King.8193

Yes I too have seen this, if a player is not “fallen” but is “downed” they get back up, however if they have “fallen” meaning they are dead it doesn’t revive them. If this is it’s nature then it needs to be rewritten with proper wording.

Another fail on this is the summon speed as with the small circle it has on it and getting it aligned usually puts you in danger’s way having it take so long to summon you are usually being burned down before you can summon the standard.

Battle standard broken

in Warrior

Posted by: mrhappyclam.2408


pick up the effing banner, skill 2 is a stability shout. im seriously tired of people saying its broken when in reality its not.

The tooltip is legitimately confusing. Your anger is misplaced an unwarranted.

Nowhere is the tooltip confusing. Lol. And anger? Its just annoying to see multiple threads saying the exact same thing when picking up the banner is overlooked every time. Just saying. Also. I had legitimate input you sir said nothing other than false claims of anger. Lol. Good try.


Battle standard broken

in Warrior

Posted by: Jet Wave.6971

Jet Wave.6971

Yes I too have seen this, if a player is not “fallen” but is “downed” they get back up, however if they have “fallen” meaning they are dead it doesn’t revive them. If this is it’s nature then it needs to be rewritten with proper wording.

Another fail on this is the summon speed as with the small circle it has on it and getting it aligned usually puts you in danger’s way having it take so long to summon you are usually being burned down before you can summon the standard.

Reviving doesn’t work when I use it, doesn’t matter if they are downed or dead.

Battle standard broken

in Warrior

Posted by: Haette.2701


Yes I too have seen this, if a player is not “fallen” but is “downed” they get back up, however if they have “fallen” meaning they are dead it doesn’t revive them. If this is it’s nature then it needs to be rewritten with proper wording.

It says it “revives” allies, everything that revives people only works on -downed- players. Defeated people get to WP or wait for the slow revive.

Battle standard broken

in Warrior

Posted by: Mayam.8976


pick up the effing banner, skill 2 is a stability shout. im seriously tired of people saying its broken when in reality its not.

The tooltip is legitimately confusing. Your anger is misplaced an unwarranted.

Nowhere is the tooltip confusing. Lol. And anger? Its just annoying to see multiple threads saying the exact same thing when picking up the banner is overlooked every time. Just saying. Also. I had legitimate input you sir said nothing other than false claims of anger. Lol. Good try.

The OP raises a good point that reminded me of one of the many questions I accumulated waiting for site with a full listing of forums.

Angered, annoyed, whatevered. Definitely defensive though and none of it was necessary friend. It’s just a game bro, don’t let it get under your skin like that. I did find it confusing personally, having to pick up my banner mid battle, thus not being armed and attacking, seems a poor mechanic whether anyone found the tooltip clearly worded to do so or not. It seems pretty well counter to the whole idea of a banner. I always thought I stick it in the ground so it can buff all in it’s radius without me having to stop fighting, pull it out of the ground, and “activate” any of it’s described functions.

I had noticed that function is available if it’s withdrawn in battle but It just felt to me like that shouldn’t be the case and I hoped there was something I was missing / misunderstanding. To have to stop attacking in the middle of battle to get the banner to do what it claims in the tooltip is kinda meh in my opinion. Honestly, I never bother stopping to pick it up mid battle and hit #2, my focus is generally on several other things taking precedence if there’s enough going on for me to think I need my elite banner out. Generally I see it as a mass rez in an oh kitten situation with some nice bonus buffs after that fact but I don’t claim to be Tyria’s greatest warrior by longshot. Maybe there is a more effective way to use it.

If that is the case about the stability boon then I thank you for clarifying. Apologies if it “annoyed” you to share.

Battle standard broken

in Warrior

Posted by: Mayam.8976


Yes I too have seen this, if a player is not “fallen” but is “downed” they get back up, however if they have “fallen” meaning they are dead it doesn’t revive them. If this is it’s nature then it needs to be rewritten with proper wording.

It says it “revives” allies, everything that revives people only works on -downed- players. Defeated people get to WP or wait for the slow revive.

This is an important tip for up and coming warriors too. I’m not real big on reading “extra materials” when it comes to games heh. I didn’t figure this out right off the bat. God knows how many times I dropped this thing and thought, “kittenit, did those kittens go AFK?!?!” LOL

And there’s definitely been more than a couple threads posted about this point as well. I was so happy when the Warrior forums finally came up!

(edited by Mayam.8976)