Been gone a long time....

Been gone a long time....

in Warrior

Posted by: Furajir.3815


Hey guys, not sure if any vets are still around or are familiar with me, but I used to play warrior and put out solo roaming warrior vids.

Can anyone inform me what the current state of the warrior is? I’ve been gone about 8 months, I was GS/Hammer.

Tupro-Ranger- “The Great White Hype”
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos:

Been gone a long time....

in Warrior

Posted by: Liege Tai.8249

Liege Tai.8249

Things have changed. Hard to summarize, recommend you log in and try out the new adrenalin system. It is taking some getting use to.

Been gone a long time....

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Lots of stuff have changed.

For one, warrior deals the absolute worst damage out of all classes aside from necro (mesmer is lower without its phantasms too, but with them it’s very high).

Also, you will find every movement skill completely unreliable now. In particular, it’s not possible to hit a target with Rush on greatsword unless you are standing directly in front of or under it and it is not moving. Savage leap, bull’s charge, and sometimes but not often earthshaker (hammer F1) will sometimes become “obstructed” mid animation and behave as if you’ve just hit a brick wall mid-air. This mostly happens with savage leap.

Signet of Rage and adrenaline changes nerfed warrior DPS significantly, as we have 5s less fury uptime per minute along with being incapable of ever beginning a fight with adrenaline ever. The trait Berserker’s Power was nerfed heavily from it.

Greatsword’s hundred blades and whirlwind attack were both nerfed by 5%, resulting in another DPS loss because reasons. ArenaNet has finally acknowledged the problem of hundred blades in PvP/WvW being so overpowered that it never hits anyone because it’s a rooted and channeled skill, so they acknowledged said problem by nerfing the damage. Because logic. As well as these two skills being nerfed, they changed Arcing Slice (GS F1) to do something else that’s better than before, but still terrible altogether and pretty much never worth using.

So, yeah.

Interns will be interns.

Been gone a long time....

in Warrior

Posted by: bigmonto.4215


So much negativity.

With GS and Hammer in pvp, you might feel more of a buff than a nerf. Just that you need to be more careful. If you are a good player to begin with it, you should have no problem.

There were no change on Rush, Savage leap, bull’s charge, if you can hit with them before, you can hit with them today.

Adrenaline lost on miss is a nerf. It just means you need to be more careful. But if you are in the thick of the battle, you shouldn’t have any Adrenaline problems. The only real nerf I felt is that it is impossible to start combat with full adrenaline.

GS f1 is a huge buff. Yes it is useless in pve, but in pvp it is used, and it is awesome. It only takes 1 bar to do full damage. Hammer f1 (or bull charge) -> 100b -> cancel into GS f1 works well.

Been gone a long time....

in Warrior

Posted by: Legionnaire.1586


So much negativity.

With GS and Hammer in pvp, you might feel more of a buff than a nerf. Just that you need to be more careful. If you are a good player to begin with it, you should have no problem.

There were no change on Rush, Savage leap, bull’s charge, if you can hit with them before, you can hit with them today.

Adrenaline lost on miss is a nerf. It just means you need to be more careful. But if you are in the thick of the battle, you shouldn’t have any Adrenaline problems. The only real nerf I felt is that it is impossible to start combat with full adrenaline.

GS f1 is a huge buff. Yes it is useless in pve, but in pvp it is used, and it is awesome. It only takes 1 bar to do full damage. Hammer f1 (or bull charge) -> 100b -> cancel into GS f1 works well.

Ignore this guy, he has no clue wth hes talking about. ANET has murdered this class to the point of leaving us with only hambow as the only viable option in PVP. GS f1 has been buffed SLIGHTLY.. where you’re getting this “Huge buff” is beyond me, it puts out horrible damage, you might as well switch to LB and use f1. Bulls charge, Bola’s and Rush all have bug/glitch problems, they are so severe, people can’t use their builds anymore.

Hambow is the only build i know of that is useful in pvp. The only thing we still have is our mobility, thank goodness for that.

Been gone a long time....

in Warrior

Posted by: Flitzie.6082


So much negative feedback.

>For one, warrior deals the absolute worst damage out of all classes aside from necro.
Hey miku. Do you have any new charts or dps-meters post patch? I mean, I’ve got no choice but to believe you because I simply dont care about PvE and have no clue about it, but the worst damage of all classes aside from necro is hard to believe for me.

I’ve always seen people throwing those claims here and there since the beginning of time. “Test have been run, and class XY is kitten/OP because of reasons.” I have never seen any of this though.

Sorry for my ignorance.

You touched the shiny, didn’t you?

Been gone a long time....

in Warrior

Posted by: Gamgee.8612


Idk, I still wreck faces in WvW no problemo. Then I know PvE took a hard blow from adrenaline nerf, and PvP got hit harder than WvW.

I’m guessing you’re looking into WvW now that you’re back, no? In WvW we have some new interesting traits and a new GS F1 skill that is quite good. Besides from that you loose your adrenaline every time you use your burst no matter if you land it or not. Warrs that allready knew not to spam F1 as soon as it’s up didn’t get hit by nerf at all basically, while all the spam Evi dudes are raging. Only real bad thing is movement skills are bugged out big time. There’s no reliable leaps or rushes at all basically. They keep overshooting and turn and twist in weird ways. Welcome back.

N I M S – Warrior of Judge Legends[JDGE]

Been gone a long time....

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

So much negative feedback.

>For one, warrior deals the absolute worst damage out of all classes aside from necro.
Hey miku. Do you have any new charts or dps-meters post patch? I mean, I’ve got no choice but to believe you because I simply dont care about PvE and have no clue about it, but the worst damage of all classes aside from necro is hard to believe for me.

I’ve always seen people throwing those claims here and there since the beginning of time. “Test have been run, and class XY is kitten/OP because of reasons.” I have never seen any of this though.

Sorry for my ignorance.

These links are outdated, but:

Keep in mind that these calculations do not consider the changes from the feature patch, which nerfed warriors harder than all of the damage nerfs since ferocity combined.

This is also a good reference to gauge the degree to which damage has been nerfed.
-Korga – 4:41 (post-ferocity, but before the bloodlust sigil nerf and the 2% strength runes nerf):
-Korga – 5:21 (around a month before the 9/9 patch):
-Korga – 6:06 (after 9/9 patch):

Small errors are taken into account, but less of them seem to have happened in the 6:06 than the first two. Damage has been nerfed on a solo warrior to a very significant degree, but what I mentioned in my post above was not actually referring to a solo situation.

Prior to these changes, warriors were already on the lower end of the spectrum when taking into consideration full party buffs— I don’t have the links on me for single target DPS, but necro isn’t that bad with 25 might/fury/banners for that. However they’re pretty kitten low when it comes to overall contribution in groups and will always remain lowest without drastic changes. We’ve always known this.

I had a really nice list (spreadsheet) of expected DPS from all classes last month but I didn’t bookmark it. Can’t find it on google. If I find it again/dig through my history I’ll edit it in here, but the only class that has lower DPS than warrior is necromancer in optimal group conditions, however mesmers are below warrior unless they have the appropriate amount of time for their wardens.

To be honest, that hasn’t changed much… but before the patch I’m quite certain warrior was ahead of ranger. :<

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Been gone a long time....

in Warrior

Posted by: bigmonto.4215


I am not going to argue about pve, since I no longer play that part of the game long before nerf.

But for PvP and WvW, I don’t feel any different. If anything, hammer GS is a buff. Shout-heal condition, pure condition, cele axe bow are all just as powerful as before. Ham bow is not even touched. I still rarely die in pvp, and win 1v1 fights against every profession I met. I am not sure what’s up with all the negativity. Ever think about maybe the problem is between the desk and the chair?

Been gone a long time....

in Warrior

Posted by: Agrik.7465


I am not going to argue about pve, since I no longer play that part of the game long before nerf.

But for PvP and WvW, I don’t feel any different. If anything, hammer GS is a buff. Shout-heal condition, pure condition, cele axe bow are all just as powerful as before. Ham bow is not even touched. I still rarely die in pvp, and win 1v1 fights against every profession I met. I am not sure what’s up with all the negativity. Ever think about maybe the problem is between the desk and the chair?

The “problem” (or the one that looms largest, IMO) is with the obliteration of Adrenaline (i.e., it disinitegrates once warriors are technically “out of combat”) other than in certain specific instances where you are “in combat” throughout whatever task you are working on. The problem is also with build diversity relatedly having been killed by Adrenaline changes (such that a multitude of traits & utilities do not function, save again in circumstances such as boss fights where characters are “in combat” for the duration). Ironically, yes “Hambow” -which was supposedly OP and the reason for the nerfs – seems hit much less than other weapon systems of warriors.

Other problems exist for warriors, but the biggest “new” problem is with the core warrior mechanic, Adrenaline having been gutted with practically instant decay.

Been gone a long time....

in Warrior

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Yes. They spent the last 2 years balancing warrior around adrenaline that didn’t decay completely 3 seconds after you exit combat and didn’t disappear into the void when you miss a burst skill.

And then in one single update they completely change how it functions without properly re-adjusting all the balancing changes they spent the last 2 years making.

It’s pure laziness and probably the worst so called balance change I’ve seen in my long history of playing mmo games.

Best case scenario warriors will be stuck in that position at least until early spring, when their next 6 month “balance” cycle comes around again.

The absolute worst part is that they have stated that they listened to feedback on the forums to make these changes. And when the average post on the forums is from some scrublord who refuses to adapt their game play and since they are obviously the best player in the game and got killed by a warrior then that means warriors are over powered. It’s easy to understand how they came to the conclusions they did when the feedback they’re taking ideas from is of that quality. And long story sort the warrior class gets thrown under the bus in the name of Balance.

Oh well. At least elementalist is a fun class. For now.

(edited by fellyn.5083)

Been gone a long time....

in Warrior

Posted by: Flitzie.6082



Thanks a lot. I’ve been looking at that for a couple of hours now and tried to reconstruct what has happnened to the warrior profession so far.
Its really kinda kittened, I had no idea.

You know, I am pretty heavy on WvW and I only do PvE very casually in order to buy me stuff for WvW. I am still hitting those 30k 100b so I did not really worry about things that much.
But yea, the Korga times speak for themselves.

If Anet would have just developed the game in a traditional way, where classes actually have a role or a character, the current state of the warrior as a tank/dps hybrid would be pretty nice and fair. I would never see the a warrior or guardian do as much damage as an elementalist or ranger. Thats just not how it should be!
Though, considering the fact that they try to make every class able to do everything (which i find pretty stupid btw) its quite sad seeing the warrior so far behind.

Also, its hard to compare your korga times to an elementalist for example. They just bug him into the wall and are able to keep dps’ing the entire time while you actually have dps-downtimes because of dodging him or chasing him.

Well well, in the end it is pretty clear why the only game mode I still play is WvW. The classes are balanced around WvW the most if you’d ask me.
PvE Is only about DPS and who does the most. There is no soul in it, no balance, no real character. Its all the same.

PvP is broken beyond the horizon. Its all about stationary fights, capturing points and all maps kind of look the same in terms of gameplay. Thus it allows for meta-play. Every game that allows for meta-play within an environment where lots of customization is possible and encouraged is poorly designed and not ready for launch.
Whats even the point in having options if they are inferior AND there is no way to make them shine in even one aspect of a gamemode.

Now, WvW where no meta exists imo. Of course people are trying to enforce it with this GS/Axe+shield thing for roaming warrios for example. Its a decent build sure. But GS/Hammer whether tanky or dps orientated, condition bunker or full mobility builds work just as well because you can actually avoid combat! And avoiding combat is still one of the best defense a warrior has and is typcial for a warrior.
But thats not it, there is more beyond roaming. Organized group play, zerging, speed-capping, flanking groups etc. Incredible build diversity for every class and most work quite well if played effectively.

Now tell me the classes are not balanced around that… Most classes actually go back to their roots in WvW where they fullfill their role like it should be. A tank, a healer its all possible and required.
Some are going to tell me that Its my fault for buying the game because it was clear they would not follow the traditional route. In return they promised us another trinity, Damage, support and crowd control. Outside of WvW I dont see any of this.

Sorry for the textwall and lots of offtopic. Maybe it was interesting for some people.

Tl:dr – I am still having fun with this game because of WvW.
I could write a book with me comparing this game to the traditional MMO or even culturally different ones like the asian games and telling you why I think this game is wasted potential, and I will do so in a spereate topic someday eventaully. But does anyone actually care?

You touched the shiny, didn’t you?

(edited by Flitzie.6082)