Berserker Rifle Burst seems broken.

Berserker Rifle Burst seems broken.

in Warrior

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


Coated bullets, a trait on engineer got removed with the reasoning that I’d do too much dmg into groups.
Pistol #1 has a similar mechanic to the berserker rifle F1, in that it spawns secondary aoe-dmg upon impact & with the trait “coated bullets”, it could pierce up to 5 targets. However, even in zerker gear, it was never exceeding numbers of 900-1000. On five targets, that would have been 4.5k – 5k AA dmg.

Now berserker receives the option to pump out 30k-40k into WvW groups, on a burst skill that is on a very low cd.

How does this make sense & more importantly, why is it not considered OP in itself?

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

Berserker Rifle Burst seems broken.

in Warrior

Posted by: Helicity.3416


1) it needs adrenaline to fire, preferably three bars
2) it is a thin narrow line which pierces with a very long cast, making it difficult to hit where you like, or at all.
3) it’s not even close to the damage output of a well placed necro well.

Nemain/Kali Darru [FUN]

Berserker Rifle Burst seems broken.

in Warrior

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


I’m not speaking about warris rifle F1, I’m speaking about Berserkers rifle F1.
-It only requires 10 adrenalin, which is achievable permanently by traiting for burst mastery, which will always refill your adrenalin to 10 (which is “full” when in berserker mode)
- It does not only hit a single target, it has a 180 impact aoe-radius, proccing every time it pierces a target. Projectiles can not pierce more than 5 times (thank god), so this is 5 times the displayed dmg (which was already 6-8k on a single golem, seen in the stream)
- It has a 1.5k range
- It has a aoe-interrupt, so it does not only do 5 times the displayed dmg, it ripps 5 times the stability
- It has doubled projectile velocity (+100%)
And the worst of all: it’s on a 4sec cd.
Please elaborate how necro does more dmg to 5 targets. Yes, necro is strong, but nowhere near the destructive potential of this skill, if fired into a zerg.

I’m not questioning the skill itself, I’m questioning if it is wise to let a high dmg skill have all 3 of the following traits on the same time:
piercing, aoe-hitting & aoe-cc’ing

Something really went out of proportion when designing this skill.

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

Berserker Rifle Burst seems broken.

in Warrior

Posted by: Khristophoros.7194


Well maybe people in zergs should spread out.

Berserker Rifle Burst seems broken.

in Warrior

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


Well maybe people in zergs should spread out.


Giant stacks of people clustered together is what makes wvw boring in its current implementation. Since they’ve said they can’t add player collision, spreading more hard hitting but narrow AoE around to all classes is the next best thing.

I’d like to actually want to play WvW on high tier servers again without being instantly bored to death by all battles being a contest of who can stand the most people inside a fire or water field.

The current “STACK STACK STACK” WvW meta needs to die.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

Berserker Rifle Burst seems broken.

in Warrior

Posted by: Serdoc.7261


I think the new Rage Burst for Rifle and Longbow will be great for WvW. They both work better on stacked groups, thus discouraging people from bunching up too much.

I’m not sure, can you, umm…. do that again? ROM – 2015

Berserker Rifle Burst seems broken.

in Warrior

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


It’s nice that most of you want the stack meta to be gone, but please keep in mind that the changes to the Wvw maps will encourage blobbing even more, since defenders already received really powerful buffs. So your opinion on how people should like to play is rather unimportant.

In a likely future, where havoc groups will be seen less & less, it is not a smart move to implement a skill like this. Sure, running this build sounds fun & I’m up for all kinds of zerg-busting shenanigans, but since you’re required to blob up eventually anyways, you’ll see the issues with this skill as soon as you sit on the receiving end.

Remember when Engi nades were buged & pierced all targets? The few weeks where engis could 1-shot zergs?
This is an even worse, intentional revival of exactly this bug.

Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

Berserker Rifle Burst seems broken.

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


Few things:

  • The damage on the explosion will probably be toned down.
  • The skill was used on stationary golems, we have no idea how it’ll work on a moving group.
  • The skill is a projectile and can be reflected.
  • The skill is highly telegraphed.
  • The skills needs Adrenaline to be used, this means you have to get into combat, get full adren to go Berserk, then take aim.
Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Berserker Rifle Burst seems broken.

in Warrior

Posted by: Arantheal.7396


  • The damage on the explosion will probably be toned down.
    this is why I started the thread, to make A-net & the playerbase aware of the issue. But rather than toning down the dmg, I’d prefer it to either loose its piercing (impossible to trait for it) or impact-AoE component
  • The skill was used on stationary golems, we have no idea how it’ll work on a moving group.
    with such high projectile velocity & range, not any different
  • The skill is a projectile and can be reflected.
    true, so your warris now can kill your own group if they don’t position themselves properly & are unlucky. 1 reason more why you wouldn’t like people with the current iteration of this skill running around.
  • The skill is highly telegraphed.
    It is telegraphed like most other skills, so completely invisible in zerg vs zerg scenarios, especially since the cast time already got reduced previously
  • The skills needs Adrenaline to be used, this means you have to get into combat, get full adren to go Berserk, then take aim.
    Hit once → “to the limit” → switch to Berserker (insta-cast) / rifle F1
    less than 3 seconds from combat-begin to landing this shot & from then on you can cast it freely(Burst Mastery) every 4sec, so 3 times in total before berserker runs out after 15sec. That are potentially 90k-120k dmg in 15sec, on top of everything else you might use during that time. This is way beyond any meteor shower & much more frequently available.
Engineer is love, Engineer is life.

Berserker Rifle Burst seems broken.

in Warrior

Posted by: lighter.2708


explain how PTV engi can output almost the same cleave damage as a marauder warrior.

Berserker Rifle Burst seems broken.

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


Seems unlikely to see non-shout Berserkers using “To The Limit!” Also, they would be using their heal for just adrenaline and to get decent damage they would need to be glass. If they’re willing to dedicate that much of their build to ONE attack, it deservers to be good.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Berserker Rifle Burst seems broken.

in Warrior

Posted by: Envy.1679


1) it needs adrenaline to fire, preferably three bars
2) it is a thin narrow line which pierces with a very long cast, making it difficult to hit where you like, or at all.
3) it’s not even close to the damage output of a well placed necro well.

Pretty sure youre talking about the standard f1 burst and not the berserker f1 burst.

They used it in the play video showing the berserker elite spec and you know that group of golems in heart of the mists to test aoe? It just about one shot that entire group.


Berserker Rifle Burst seems broken.

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


Watch it again and take note of the health of those golems before the shot.

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

Berserker Rifle Burst seems broken.

in Warrior

Posted by: Envy.1679


Watch it again and take note of the health of those golems before the shot.

Hes still not talking about the berserker f1. As berserkers only has 1 bar of adrenaline and he says it takes 3.


Berserker Rifle Burst seems broken.

in Warrior

Posted by: Harper.4173


Are we forgetting berserker mode lasts for 15 seconds? That’s not a lot of time to do that much. It’s mostly a one and done deal.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

Berserker Rifle Burst seems broken.

in Warrior

Posted by: Envy.1679


Are we forgetting berserker mode lasts for 15 seconds? That’s not a lot of time to do that much. It’s mostly a one and done deal.

Its on 5 second recharge. You can reduce recharge with burst mastery as well as a trait in the berserker line that recharges it instantly on kill. Plenty of skills to build adrelaine back up to use it repeatedly.


Berserker Rifle Burst seems broken.

in Warrior

Posted by: Rivindor.7258


Good, I hope they add more zerg-busting tools so that the meta can finally change.

Berserker Rifle Burst seems broken.

in Warrior

Posted by: Spurrlock.3219


Ultimate zergbusting team – 4 warriors 1 mes.

Step 1: Head butt ambient mob, go berserk.
Step 2: Stealth port to enemy zerg.
Step 3: Gun flame zerg. maths: 6.6k dmg * 5 targets * 4 shots = 132k over potential 20 targets. PLUS splash 700 * 5 targets * 5 people pierced by shot * 4 shots = 70k over potential 100 targets.
Step 4: ???
Step 5: Profit.

Berserker Rifle Burst seems broken.

in Warrior

Posted by: Khristophoros.7194


Well maybe people in zergs should spread out.


Giant stacks of people clustered together is what makes wvw boring in its current implementation. Since they’ve said they can’t add player collision, spreading more hard hitting but narrow AoE around to all classes is the next best thing.

I’d like to actually want to play WvW on high tier servers again without being instantly bored to death by all battles being a contest of who can stand the most people inside a fire or water field.

The current “STACK STACK STACK” WvW meta needs to die.

I’m in T1 and when I go to WvW I see zergs spread out enough that I can’t see Gunflame being an issue anyway. People do stack to buff but they spread out before getting into range of enemy zergs. I mean I guess you could stealth a few warriors and use them to ambush the stack. That would be pretty cool actually and should totally be a thing.

Berserker Rifle Burst seems broken.

in Warrior

Posted by: Torqiseknite.1380


From this thread:

The intent on Burst Mastery is to restore 30% of the adrenaline spent when you use a burst skill, so it will restore 3 adrenaline when you use a primal burst. Sorry, no free lunch with this trait

Berserker Rifle Burst seems broken.

in Warrior

Posted by: ShakeyStorm.7180


Coated bullets, a trait on engineer got removed with the reasoning that I’d do too much dmg into groups.
Pistol #1 has a similar mechanic to the berserker rifle F1, in that it spawns secondary aoe-dmg upon impact & with the trait “coated bullets”, it could pierce up to 5 targets. However, even in zerker gear, it was never exceeding numbers of 900-1000. On five targets, that would have been 4.5k – 5k AA dmg.

Now berserker receives the option to pump out 30k-40k into WvW groups, on a burst skill that is on a very low cd.

How does this make sense & more importantly, why is it not considered OP in itself?

Don’t worry. ANet will nerf Berserker back to the ground where it belongs after they get all the money they can squeeze from the HoT hype. Hope that things will change for the better brings in real world money.